Chapter 263 Shared memory! (two in one)

  After hearing this, Chen Mo really couldn't sit still.

   This is too perverted.

   Originally, Chen Mo thought that the avatar outside his body could only enter the dungeon with him to improve his combat effectiveness, or stay outside to protect the people he needed to protect.

   I didn't expect that the incarnation outside the body could still make money.

  This is really outrageous.

   Then if I want to collect materials in the future, wouldn't the efficiency be doubled directly?

   What's more, the avatar might be able to get some SSS rewards for itself.

  Chen Mo was still checking his rewards when he suddenly received a message.

   It was sent by the leader Jiang Yun.

  【Leader Jiang】: You can always come up with new tricks for us! You did it again this time.

   Chen Mo replied with a smile.

  [Chen Mo]: Well, I was also doing an experiment, but I didn’t expect this to happen.

[Leader Jiang]: I wonder if your kid is in the same world as us. How come you can always come up with something beyond our knowledge, even the super SSS-level breakthrough assessment was made by you? .

  【Chen Mo】: Purely by chance.

[Leader Jiang]: Alright, I won’t say much else. The influence of your Voice of the Great Dao this time is unprecedented. I just heard that you spent a lot of meritorious service. I will discuss it with the other two leaders. However, this time you have made a lot of contributions in triggering the super SSS-level breakthrough assessment, and the headquarters decided to reward you with another 200 million merits.

  As soon as he heard that there would be meritorious service rewards, Chen Mo immediately responded with joy.

[Chen Mo]: Then thank you, leader, but leader, this SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment is already extremely difficult and the death rate is extremely high. Now that the super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment is opened, I am afraid that only a few people have tried it Maybe, will it be self-defeating this time, causing many people to blindly challenge this difficulty, and causing a lot of damage to the strong on our earth?

  Happy is happy, but what Chen Mo thinks about the core 3 questions is quite clear.

   Indeed, this is the case at the moment.

  Although it is a good thing to start the super SSS level breaking test, it is equivalent to opening an abyss of temptation.

   Regarding Chen Mo's concerns, Jiang Yun immediately responded to the message.

  [Leader Jiang]: Chen Mo, I fully understand your concerns. Opening the super SSS level breakthrough assessment does bring huge challenges and risks. We have to take this seriously so as not to cause a lot of damage to the Earth powerhouses.

  【Chen Mo】: Then what are your thoughts on this aspect?

  [Leader Jiang]: Regarding the opening of the super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment, we will immediately spread the announcement and take strict management and control measures for everyone. First of all, we will strictly limit the number of people participating in the assessment to ensure that only a few well-prepared and powerful players have the opportunity to try. At the same time, we will provide sufficient preparation resources and guidance so that they can rely on them.

  [Chen Mo]: This is a feasible strategy. Doing so can at least prevent most people from acting recklessly. If someone insists on going his own way, there is no way.

[Leader Jiang]: Well, we will also strengthen monitoring and evaluation. When talented children appear, we will give priority to communicating with them. Even if there are reckless people, we never want to see the strong on the earth suffer in this assessment. Excessive casualties.

  [Chen Mo]: Indeed, those who dare to participate in the super-SSS-level breakthrough assessment are basically people who have absolute confidence in their own strength. It can be said that they are all the pillars of our earth, and even sacrificing one is a huge loss.

[Leader Jiang]: At the same time, we will strengthen publicity and education, try our best to clarify the difficulty and risks of the SSS-level breakthrough assessment, and discourage them from blindly challenging them. We all hope that the strong on the earth can treat it rationally, weigh the pros and cons, and make wise decisions. choose.

   Chen Mo felt a little comforted when he saw Jiang Yun's reply.

  He felt reassured by the attention and countermeasures taken by the leader and other leaders on this issue.

  [Chen Mo]: Lord Leader, since you have been so thoughtful in such a short period of time, I can rest assured.

   After finishing the call with Jiang Yun, Chen Mo immediately considered the next action.

  Right now there is a great demand for experience points, if possible, it is best to mix a dungeon with high-level seniors and sisters.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately called Elena.

  She entered school earlier than herself, maybe she will meet some seniors and sisters.

"Chen, how are you? Did you miss me after leaving for a while? If necessary, I can move in with you~" Elena teased happily. When she answered Chen Mo's phone, Chen Mo hadn't had time Opening her mouth, her excited voice came over.

  Hearing Elena's ridicule, Chen Mo smiled wryly and said, "I have something to ask you."

   "What is it?" Elena immediately became serious.

   "Do you know any seniors in school? I'm a little lacking in experience recently, and I want to get a high-level dungeon." Chen Mo asked.

   "Are you still lacking in experience? You should have gained hundreds of millions of experience points in the dungeon just now." Elena said, suddenly remembering the reminder from Heaven just now.

   "By the way, Chen, did you trigger the super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment just now?" Elena asked.

   "Yes." Chen Mo replied.

   "God, how on earth did you do it?" Elena said in surprise.

   "It's not important, it's my special ability. But the most important thing now is, do you know any seniors?" Chen Mo changed the subject and continued to ask.

   "It's good to know each other, but I don't really want to introduce it to you." Elena's tone was tinged with teasing.

   "Why?" Chen Mo froze for a moment.

   "Because this senior has a beautiful body and strong key support ability, I'm afraid she will kidnap you." Elena replied jokingly.

  Chen Mo smiled wryly and said, "Tell me, what level is she?"

"She has just turned three cards and four turns 80. She is short of experience points to open a high-difficulty breakthrough assessment. It is the time when she is short of experience points. Recently, she has been frantically brushing the book. Now she is still in the dungeon. When she comes out, we will I will tell her about you." Elena explained.

   "Then thank you very much." Chen Mo expressed his gratitude.

   "If you want to thank me, you can call me more and chat." Elena said mischievously.

   "Definitely next time." Chen Mo also jokingly replied.

   After finishing talking, he hung up the phone.

   It made Elena poot her lips angrily.

   After finishing the matter of going to the advanced dungeon, Chen Mo glanced at the other self beside him.

  How should I arrange my avatar?

   It is obviously unnecessary to enter the dungeon with yourself, and it is somewhat overkill.

  But let him enter the dungeon by himself, currently there are not many credits, and the dungeon cannot be opened without credits.

  I just used Elena's contacts to help the deity make a copy, and there is nothing to find for the avatar for the time being, so it's better to let the avatar earn credits for me.

  Suddenly, Chen Mo thought of a question. He looked at the avatar outside his body and asked, "If you have learned the relevant knowledge, can you pass it on to me?"

The avatar smiled and replied: "Of course. As your clone, I share memories and experiences with you. If I leave your side temporarily, all my individual experiences and memories will return to you Time to share with you.

  I learn any useful knowledge, I can transfer it to you to help you improve your strength.

  Similarly, if your strength improves, I will follow you to improve your strength simultaneously.

  We are growing together. "

   "Then you won't fall in love with the same person as me, will you?" Chen Mo suddenly thought of a key question.

   This is his own problem. If he can, will he dare to leave him outside alone in the future?

"My lord, please don't worry. Although I have wisdom, I can only express emotions simply, and I don't have the complex emotions between human beings like loving each other. If I have to talk about the person I love, then I will only be loyal. I love you alone, my lord." The avatar replied sincerely.

  Chen Mo listened quietly to his avatar's sincere confession, and couldn't help but feel that something was weird.

   "Cough, that's good, then you can help me go to class in the next few days, try your best to perform the best, and help me earn credits back."

   "Yes, don't worry, my lord, I will do my best to carry out your orders!"

   "Okay, let's rest tonight."

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "My lord, go to sleep. As an incarnation outside my body, I don't need to sleep. When you sleep, I can always stand by your side to protect your safety."

   "Then you won't be sleepy, tired, or need to eat at all?"

   "Yes, my lord, as long as you are still alive, I don't need to do this. I am not a real living body, but your incarnation."

  Hearing this ability, Chen Mo couldn't help feeling a little speechless, good guy, this avatar is even more powerful than himself.

  I am still sleepy, tired and need to eat.

   The avatar doesn't have to do anything, it shouldn't be too strong.

  If it wasn't for the avatar not being able to gain experience points, Chen Mo would have asked him to go to the wild to farm monsters while he was sleeping.

   Mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are.

   But right now, forget it.

  But it is a bit too shocking to see someone who is exactly like me around me all the time.

  Chen Mo immediately said: "Did you even inherit my equipment?"

   "As long as it is the ability that you can use, I have inherited all of them." The avatar outside the body nodded.

   "Then use the ability of the Phantom Spirit Feather Boots, you can change your appearance." It's a bit unbearable to always be accompanied by a person who looks exactly like yourself, and when you turn your head, it will be your face.

   "Okay, do I change to my liking or do you define?"

   "Change according to your own preferences."

  Chen Mo suddenly became curious.

  According to the incarnation outside the body, his thinking logic is completely consistent with his own deity.

   As for what I like subconsciously, sometimes I don’t even know it.

   Soon the transformation of the external avatar was completed.

   Seeing the appearance of the avatar outside his body, Chen Mo was stunned for a moment.

   "Yan Yingyue? Why did you become her?"

   "I change according to your preferences."

   "No way, do I like her?" Chen Mo was also in a daze for a while.

   If you want to say that you like it, you really feel very comfortable when you are with her.

   If you say you don’t like her, you haven’t missed her much since you left her?

  Chen Mo himself is not quite clear about his thoughts.

   "Become a boy, or turn into a girl in your own bedroom, others will think I'm a pervert." Chen Mo smiled wryly and said immediately.

   "No problem." After the avatar outside the body finished speaking, it immediately changed into another appearance.

   This time he turned into a little boy.

"This is?"

  Chen Mo almost had no memory of this little boy. This was his childhood playmate in his previous life, but later died of an incurable disease.

  At the beginning, he was still crying because of this.

   Now that I think about it, this is my best friend when I was young.

  I thought I had forgotten it, but I didn’t expect to remember it so clearly deep in my heart.

"So be it."

   Seeing this playmate who died young again, Chen Mo sighed with complicated emotions.

   "My lord, do you want to name me?"

  After turning into a little boy outside the body, his voice became cute and soft.

  Chen Mo thought about it quietly, and then said with a smile: "You were my closest friend when I was young, but it's not good to use his name. I think of a special name called 'Reminiscence'."

  The little boy avatar nodded happily, accepting the new name.

  Chen Mo stared at Remembrance, his heart filled with emotion.

  Although their reunion is only in the form of incarnation outside the body, for Chen Mo, this is also a continuation of the friendship with the past.

   After naming the avatar outside of his body, Chen Mo went to the bathroom to wash up in satisfaction.

   Only memories are left standing at the window, staring blankly at the outside, admiring the scenery outside.

  As an incarnation outside the body, even if he has wisdom, his wisdom will only be used to help the deity improve his strength as much as possible.

   As for the others, he has no other ideas.

At night, Chen Mo was sleeping on the bed, and felt that the memory beside him was standing upright by the bed and looking at him. He always felt that this scene was somewhat intrusive and weird, but in the end he let the memory lie beside him, which was better than standing still. It is more acceptable to look at yourself next to you.

   Soon, the next day has arrived.

  Chen Mo got up in the morning and had just finished washing when he received a call from Elena.

"Chen, I have already made an agreement with my senior sister. She said that you are welcome to participate in her dungeon. She will help you pay for the credits. She has a new dungeon to download this morning. As for the difficulty, she said that she will wait until I see you. Discussion, what do you think? You seem to have a vocational class in the morning."

   "It's okay, don't delay the class, please give me the contact information of the senior sister, and I will contact her."


  Eileenna didn't say no naughty today, and directly sent the contact information to Chen Mo happily.

  But I didn’t forget to add a sentence at the end, "Don’t be seduced by the senior sister."

   Seeing this, Chen Mo replied with a smile: "Of course not."

   Having obtained the contact information of the senior, Chen Mo immediately contacted her.

   "Sister, I'm Chen Mo, and I was introduced by Elena."

   "Oh, I've heard of your name for a long time, Junior Chen Mo, you can go to the next dungeon after breakfast in the morning, what do you say? That girl Elena said that you have a professional class in the morning."

   "It's okay, I've already made some arrangements for the professional courses, or it's more important to download the dungeon, then we'll contact you after you finish breakfast?"

"OK, no problem."

  (end of this chapter)

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