Chapter 264 Joint plan! (2 in 1, 66)

  Eternal Star Galaxy…

  Many people also raised the difficulty of Chen Mo's voice of the Great Dao this time.

   "The emergence of super SSS level difficulty is indeed a huge improvement, but it is very difficult to obtain this improvement.

   Few people are able to complete the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment alone, and most people just pass the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment.

   And the super SSS level breakthrough assessment is even more difficult. "

   "Considering this level, it is debatable whether the voice of the avenue triggered by the solar system this time really has such a terrible impact."

"It is true that the SSS level has a very high mortality rate. Even if they are really talented to challenge the super SSS level difficulty, wouldn't they die faster? Although we have not been exposed to this difficulty, many people have been exposed to SSS level difficulty Well, you can see the whole leopard from a glance."

"It is true that task difficulty and death rate are a problem. Even if a genius child wants to pass this difficulty, it is very difficult, but an ordinary genius child is easy to come by. This kind of genius child who can break through the difficulty of super SSS level is rare. One of them is an incredible existence.

  Even if you can’t clear the level perfectly, you can’t get extra income rewards, but as long as you can clear the level normally, the income you can get is not comparable to the ordinary SSS-level difficulty of breaking the boundary! "

   "The solar system is already like this, how can we suppress them?"

   "Look for SSS-level natural disasters. If you can find SSS-level natural disasters in the Tower of Aion and trigger them, it will definitely cause a devastating blow to the solar system!"

   "Useless advice, how long did it take us to encounter the SS-level natural disaster before, and want to find the SSS-level natural disaster? What is the difference between finding a needle in the universe?"

   "Difficulties are difficulties, but now this is the only way to contain the solar system, or we will forcefully break the base of the solar system in the Tower of Eternity regardless of the cost, and directly fight to the detriment of both sides.

  But if we really try our best with the solar system, we will be annexed by the Sanyang system, the Kaiyang system, and the fairy system. "

"But we can't let the solar system develop indefinitely! We can't find SSS-level natural disasters, and we can't attack by force. If we want to mess in to deal with that evildoer, it is difficult to gather a hundred five-stars. We are now in a state of helplessness against the solar system!" Someone said with a headache.

   "Maybe we should unite with other galaxies to fight against the solar system." Someone suggested.

   "United with other galaxies? Will they be willing?" Some people expressed doubts.

"We can explain the potential threat of the solar system to other galaxies and let them realize the urgency of this issue. Whether it is the Sanyang system, the Kaiyang system, or the fairy system, they may not have heard of the only five-star initial hidden occupation. And the matter of the super SSS level breakthrough assessment.

  Just exaggerating and spreading these two things is enough to attract their attention. "Someone came up with a solution.

   "Yes, maybe we can have a meeting with other galaxies to discuss countermeasures." Another person suggested.

   "There is no other way, now I can only try this method first, and at the same time try my best to send people to search for the whereabouts of SSS-level natural disasters, and find a way to gather a hundred five-stars."

   "Regarding the issue of a hundred five-stars, it is very difficult for one galaxy to provide so many five-stars. If we can unite several other galaxies and let them provide them together, there may be a way to achieve it."

   "Thanks to your thinking, finding them to cooperate is already a question mark. You still want to ask them to contribute five-star careers to sacrifice?"

   "Don't look at the solar system as just such a planet of life. Now it has an unstoppable rising momentum, and its potential is already against the sky. If it grows up, who among us neighbors counts as one and who can get benefits?

  They don't work hard now, and they may not be able to solve the solar system in the future. If they clarify the relationship between them, they may not think clearly about the pros and cons. "

   "It makes sense, let's try it first."

  Eternal Star Galaxy has already considered the matter of uniting with other galaxies to deal with the solar system.

   But the fact is that the solar system is currently the weakest of all surrounding galaxies.

  There is no way, whoever said that the solar system has only one living planet like the earth is really at a disadvantage.

  A powerful Eternal Star galaxy wants to unite with several other powerful galaxies to eradicate a weak galaxy. Maybe this deal will really work.

   I just want to find someone to send out a five-star professional to deal with a potential candidate in the weak solar system by sending him to death. I don’t know if he can be persuaded.


  Now on the earth, although no one can threaten him anymore, Chen Mo is still eager for his own growth.

   Just experienced the assassination of a 100-member curse demonization team in the Yongxing system, he knows very well that the Yongxing system is not willing to die.

   They're definitely still figuring out what to do with the solar system.

  The sooner you grow up, the sooner you can enter the Tower of Eternity, the sooner you can give these bad guys good fruit.

   After taking a nap, Chen Mo himself was a little hungry. After explaining that recalling that when he entered the dungeon, he changed back to his own appearance to take his place in class, he came to the cafeteria with a flash of spirit.

   While still eating breakfast, he received a call from a senior recommended by Elena.

   "Hey, Junior Brother Chen Mo, my side is ready. If you are ready, come directly to the copy office."

   "Okay, I'll be there right away."

   After eating breakfast quickly, Chen Mo came to the copy office with a flicker of spirit.

  At the gate of the copy office, Chen Mo caught a glimpse of a well-mannered girl floating there as if waiting for someone.

  She was wearing a white dress and red dress matching Japanese maiden costume, with loose sleeves and drooping sleeves, showing elegant lines.

  Wearing a thin golden hair ornament on her head, shimmering in the morning light, her long black straight hair **** by a red string, reflecting her smooth and shiny hair.

  Her face is peerless and beautiful, her skin is as soft and smooth as snow, like a jade carving.

  Her eyes are bright and energetic, revealing a sense of confidence and wisdom in her eyes. Her slender eyebrows are slightly raised, outlining a delicate face. Her high nose bridge and pink lips add to her charming charm.

Her figure is perfect, the skirt of the priestess costume outlines her plump and proud bust, the slightly raised curve makes it impossible to look away, the slender waist is smooth and graceful, and the perfect proportions like a sculpture show her elegance and charm.

  Under the long red clusters, you can see her bare feet hanging in the air, swinging slightly, exuding an elegant and agile aura.

And when the eyes moved to her jade feet, it was enough to make people unable to look away for a while. Her jade feet were white and slender, smooth and flawless like a work of art, and the delicate skin of the feet exuded a charming luster, which perfectly set off Her graceful posture.

This girl is undoubtedly a woman with a beautiful appearance and a perfect figure. Her charm and oriental charm exudes people's fascination. Her naked feet add a temptation to her, making her whole image more attractive Perfect and irresistible.

  When Chen Mo observed her, she also saw Chen Mo.

  I saw her floating over lightly, her figure was elegant and light, floating like a goddess. I saw her gently lift up the cuffs of the priestess clothes with both hands, and looked at Chen Mo with a slight smile, revealing a trace of tenderness and kindness.

  When her gaze met Chen Mo's, there was a bright light in her eyes, as if she could see everything in his heart. There was a hint of curiosity on her brows, as if she had developed a certain interest in Chen Mo.

   "Is that you, Chen Mo's younger brother?" The senior sister slightly parted her red lips and asked with a blue breath.

  Chen Mo politely replied: "Yes, I am Chen Mo, are you the senior sister introduced by Elena?"

The senior sister nodded with a smile, a gleam of approval flashed in her eyes, she smiled sweetly and said: "Eileen introduced you, said you are a potential rookie, and said that you are very handsome, you are really good, no wonder That girl is so afraid that I will take you away."

   "Senior sister knows my name, I don't know how to call you yet."

   "My name is Hanyu Yanaone, you can call me Yanagi."

   "Hello, Senior Sister Liuyin." Chen Mo added with a smile.

   "Chen Mo junior, Elena said that you are very strong, you can challenge on any difficulty level, what advice do you have for the next dungeon?" Hanyu Liuyin asked Chen Mo with her beautiful eyes.

"I haven't really tried this kind of high-level difficulty dungeon. In fact, I participate in high-level dungeons mainly to gain experience points. I don't care much about item rewards. Senior sister, what kind of dungeon can you gain more experience? Value, whichever one we go to."

   "That's it, that's just right, it really is the same as my needs, I also need a lot of experience points now.

I happen to have a dungeon of SS level difficulty with high experience value gains that can be opened. The fewer people who enter that dungeon, the more experience points can be distributed. If only two people enter, the experience value gains are also very considerable, which is very suitable for you and my needs

   But the dungeon is quite difficult, and it is difficult to pass the level with few people.

  I don't know if Junior Chen Mo has the confidence to lead Senior Sister me? "

  If in the past, there was a third-rank 80, and someone who had a first-rank 40 took her to play a difficult dungeon, some people would think that the third-rank was either crazy or mocking the first-rank.

  But after experiencing the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds event, everyone now knows that there is such a pervert who can kill high-level players and turn them into high-star powerhouses.

   And to say such a thing to such a pervert, it is obviously not the slightest irony.

   "Since senior sister has confidence in me, naturally I can't let senior sister down." Chen Mo replied with a smile.

  Senior Liuyin smiled sweetly, her eyes shone with anticipation: "Then let's start, your credits, my sister will help you out."

   "Then thank senior sister first."

   "You're welcome, after all, it's equivalent to my employment fee for you."

  Yanagi Hanyu covered his mouth and smiled.

  As Hanyu Liuyin led Chen Mo into the dungeon department, the SS level dungeon portal on the first floor has been opened.

  When they approached the dungeon opener, the person took the dungeon manual from the two, and noticed the level gap between Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin.

  He asked with some surprise: "You two, the difficulty of this dungeon is a very high SS-level dungeon. If only two people enter, it may not be much more difficult than the SSS-level dungeon.

  What I mean by "not giving up too much" refers to the difficulty of level 80 for three turns. Are you sure only two people entered? "

  Yanagi Hanyu replied with a smile: "Of course, you should take a closer look at this junior's name."

   She pointed to Chen Mo's dungeon manual and said.

  The dungeon opener glanced at the name on Chen Mo's manual, and relevant information suddenly flashed in his mind.

   "Is this the classmate Chen Mo who saved a large number of seniors who died in battle under the SS class natural disaster?" He asked excitedly and curiously.

  Yanagi Hanyu smiled and nodded: "That's right, it's him."

   "I heard that you were the one who participated in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds event before. I don't know if it's true?" The dungeon opener looked at Chen Mo excitedly and curiously, as if a fan had seen his idol.

  Chen Mo did not hide anything, and replied with a smile: "Yes, I participated in that event."

The dungeon opener looked at Chen Mo with admiration, and said passionately: "It's amazing! You are the pride of our earthlings. With your strength, there should be no problem entering this dungeon, but please be careful. If you make a mistake, it will be a huge loss to our planet."

   "Thank you for your concern." Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

   After confirming the existence of Chen Mo, a person who can leapfrog and kill randomly, the other party didn't try to dissuade them too much. After deducting the double credits of Hanyu Liuyin, they let them enter this SS-level experience book.

  Although it is an experience book and the income from items is not very good, it is an SS-level copy after all, and you can still get some legendary-level materials.

  Chen Mo thought that he might be able to gather the materials for synthesis while gaining experience points this time.

  As the two entered the center of the teleportation array, Hanyu Yanaone turned the ball on the high platform in the center of the array, and the dungeon teleportation array was activated in an instant.

  The next moment, the scene in front of Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin changed dramatically.

   A large cave mouth emits a glimmer of light, illuminating the surrounding environment.

   They are in a spacious and mysterious underground space.

   Huge stalactites hang from the walls of the cave, forming spectacular stalagmites and stone mantles, like a huge art gallery.

  The interior of the cave is filled with faint fluorescent lights, making the surrounding scenery appear hazy and mysterious.

  The ground is made of smooth stone slabs, shimmering like stars.

  The two looked at each other, stepped into it slowly, and felt the mysterious power of the cave, as if the whole space was breathing and moving.

  In the depths of the cave, the two can see a dark passage leading to an unknown place.

   At this time, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded.

  [Heavenly Reminder]: The SS level dungeon "Nest of the Legendary Behemoth" has been opened.

  [Introduction to the copy]:

  The Lair of Legendary Behemoths is a huge cave located deep in a remote mountain range. It is rumored that several powerful and ferocious legendary monsters live there.

  Brave adventurers are invited to enter the lair, accept quests and challenge these terrifying monsters.

  The missions in this dungeon revolve around defeating these legendary monsters. Please be careful that they are extremely ferocious, and each of them is deadly. The adventurers who died here are enough to circle the entire world five times.

  『Main Quest』: End the Behemoth King

"Main quest requirements": Adventurers, please find and defeat the legendary monster king deep in the lair. This huge monster is the ruler of the lair. It is rumored that it has a deep friendship with the gods. When you encounter him, you must be careful. up.

  (end of this chapter)

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