Chapter 265 Copy of Conscience! (two in one)

  【Tiandao Tip: There are multiple side quests in this dungeon, three known side quests are announced now, please find the remaining side quests by yourself.

  『Sub-quest 1』: Hunting the evil dragon

  The Adventurers Guild announced Mission 1, requiring adventurers to go to the Flame Abyss area of ​​the lair to track down and defeat a powerful fire dragon. With its fiery breath of fire and fierce attacks, this dragon is a serious threat to the lair.

  『Sub-task 2』: Conquer the Ice Behemoth

  The Adventurer's Guild announced Mission 2, requiring adventurers to go to the Frost Peak area of ​​the lair to face a huge ice behemoth. This behemoth possesses frigid frost abilities and a freezing attack that turns the surrounding area into a frozen ground.

  『Sub-quest 3』: Challenge of the Broken King

  The Adventurers Guild announced Mission 3, requiring adventurers to go to the Broken Domain area of ​​the lair to face a Broken King. This monster has powerful destructive power and domain control ability, capable of tearing apart the earth and collapsing mountains. 】

   After reading the tips from Heaven, Chen Mo immediately glanced at the passages around him.

   Only three of the lair passages are clear about what monsters will be encountered.

  The other five lair pathways are completely unknown.

   "Let's go and kill these three clear side-line monsters first. They are all here. Naturally, you have to kill all the side-line monsters to get higher returns." Chen Mo said after reading the tips from Tiandao.

   "I'm just paying credits to earn income, you can decide." Hanyu Yanaone said with a red lips and a smile.

  Hearing what Hanyu Liuyin said, Chen Mo immediately smiled and said: "Then let's go to the lair of the first branch line first."

  Yanagi Hanyu nodded, and the two immediately flew side by side towards the fire dragon's lair.

  Deep into the cave space of the fire dragon's lair, Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin felt a strong heat wave blowing towards their faces.

  They are suspended in the air, overlooking the magnificent scene in the center of the nest.

  The magma pool exudes a scorching red light, and the lava surges like the pulse of a giant beast.

  The temperature of the magma distorted the air, and the flames danced, forming a shocking scene.

  The cave wall of the lair is like the skin of a giant beast, full of cracks and traces of magma splashes.

  Under the light of the lava, the lines and textures on the cave wall are more clearly visible, like a huge rock painting.

  The flow trajectory of the magma forms a peculiar pattern, just like a giant dragon traces and twists and turns on the rock wall.

  The sound of magma flowing is like the roar of a giant dragon, echoing in every corner of the cave, which makes people feel awe.

   At the top of the cave, a huge magma waterfall poured down from a high place, like a waterfall of flames, emitting dazzling light.

  The magma of the waterfall flows like the blood of a fire dragon, with blazing rays of light, accompanied by heat waves and whistling sounds, which make people's hearts flutter.

   The magma pool in the center of the dragon's lair is the habitat of the dragon. A huge magma lake is burning in the center of the cave.

  When the magma erupted, the fire dragon lay in the magma like a sleeping monster.

  The fire dragon's body is huge, and its scales are shining with orange-red light, exuding an aura of majesty and strength.

  The eruption of magma illuminates the cave space red, and huge magma columns rise from the ground, forming a series of spectacular magma columns, as if connecting the deep underground and the cave roof.

  Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin stared at this magnificent map of magma, and they felt the power and beauty of flames and magma personally.

  As Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin flew into the fire dragon's lair, the huge fire dragon's ears in the center of the magma map suddenly moved, as if aware of it.

It lies majestically in the magma pool, its body is eye-catching and huge, like a living volcano, its dragon body is tens of meters long, covered with strong scales, each scale is shining with fiery red light, the body of the giant dragon The muscles are bursting, full of strength and majesty, and every breath drives the ups and downs of the flame.

  The fire dragon's head is huge, with sharp horns and sharp teeth. It slowly opened its eyes when it heard the movement. Its eyes were deep and fiery, exuding majesty and ferocity.

  In the dragon's mouth, the fiery flames continued to burn, forming powerful breaths one after another.

  The fire dragon's breath far surpasses the blazing heat of lava, and can instantly burn everything into ashes.

  Seeing that two humans, Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin, actually broke into its lair in the forbidden area, its wings spread out violently, and the wings were so big that they covered the sky and the sun.

  The scales on the wings shone with orange-red light, giving people a sense of oppression and insurmountable power. Every flap of the wings aroused strong winds and heat waves, and rolled up the magma in the magma pool, forming a tumbling sea of ​​fire.

The fire dragon's tail is like a huge flaming snake, flexible and dangerous. The scales on the tail are shining with fiery red light. Every swing brings great power and destructive power. With the power of the tail, the fire dragon can blow the entire magma pool Stirring and tumbling, the temperature of the entire cave suddenly increased by a bit.

   Every movement of the fire dragon is full of majesty and oppression. It is the master of this cave, and it is proud of everything.

  He glared at Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin, and even said something out of his mouth.

   "Humans, this is not the place for you to come, you dare to offend the great Erebus! Get ready for the destruction of the power of fire!"

   Erebus' deep and majestic voice echoed in the cave, full of coercion and terror.

The fire dragon Erebus opened its huge dragon mouth, burning hot flames inside, scorching the air, it absorbed the energy in the lair, and the flames brewed in its mouth into a huge and terrifying energy ball, terrifying The dazzling red light emitted by the flame energy ball instantly illuminated the entire lair, and the terrible temperature caused the surrounding magma to churn and blaze.

Time seemed to freeze. Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin witnessed all this and felt the heat in the air. The dragon's thunderous inhalation sound echoed in the cave, and then it spit out the scorching flame energy at an astonishing speed ball.

  The energy ball is composed of countless flames, burning blazingly, emitting suffocating heat, it is like a sun, dazzling.

  Following the breath of the fire dragon, the energy ball flew towards Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin violently like the sun falling.

  The fire dragon's breath was unstoppable, instantly changing the temperature and light of the cave.

  Chen Mo didn't act in a hurry, but was going to see if he could copy some powerful moves from the fire dragon.

  He was just attracted by the beauty of the magma cave, but he hasn't had time to check the fire dragon's attributes.

  The moment the fire dragon breathed out, Chen Mo condensed a solid shield to cover himself and Hanyu Liuyin.

  With his current attributes, the shield is as thick as more than 900 million. Such a thick shield is like an indestructible barrier, which directly blocks the impact of the violent flame energy ball.

  Hanyu Liuyin originally planned to use Yin Yang to lead Chen Mo into the void to avoid damage, but after feeling the powerful shield on her body, she stopped moving.

   At this time, she looked at Chen Mo with shock in her eyes, her face full of disbelief.

  Although she had heard about Chen Mo's power before.

  But right now is the first time she really feels Chen Mo's ability personally. He just showed this simple skill, and it has already shocked her.

  A shield with a thickness of nearly 1 billion, which can be displayed by a first-time professional?

   What's even more perverted is that this shield is not an ordinary shield, but a shield that can resist any damage, no matter it is real damage or what kind of damage.

   This is the power of this shield.

  No matter how thick the general shield is, it will have to stop when it encounters real injuries.

   But Chen Mo's shield is thick and reassuring.

As the flame energy ball touched the shield, it exploded with a bang, and there was a huge explosion sound in an instant. For a while, the flames splashed and the energy flew, and the whole space shook. The rock walls of the cave trembled, and the magma Rolled over, but the two figures under the shield still stood firm, never taking a step back.

  At the same time, two lightning chains suddenly appeared on the shields of the two of them and flew directly towards the opposite fire dragon.

   But it's not very useful. Although Chen Mo's current spell attack is as high as more than 300,000, he is now a three-turn 80 level copy with Hanyu Liuyin. This fire dragon is a three-turn 80-level powerful boss.

  The attributes are very high, and the defense alone is as high as more than 1.5 million. In addition, the fire dragon has absolute defense and is not afraid of any type of damage. Except for real injuries, all other injuries need to be settled on him.

  More than 300,000 Chaos Damage Electrons used to be no different from ordinary attacks. After the attack and defense were settled, it would not break the defense at all, just like without electricity.

   Soon the power of the energy ball was exhausted, and the cave returned to tranquility.

   It was a simple round of confrontation between the two sides.

  No one did anyone any harm.

  Sufficiently withstood the fire dragon's damage, Chen Mo sensed the attributes of the fire dragon.

  I found that most of its abilities are related to the abilities of the dragon itself, so the reproducibility is not so high.

   Originally, Chen Mo wanted to see if this guy could do dragon language magic.

  If it can be copied to a dragon language magic, that guy can be compared to a real forbidden spell.

  Unfortunately, this guy is not very good.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't bother to play with it anymore, and directly summoned a large number of skeleton monsters out of his mind.

  Just now Hanyu Liuyin was still thinking that Elena didn’t mean that Chen Mo was a class of skeleton mage, why didn’t he summon a single summoner, he used a shield and used chain lightning, and the damage wasn’t that high.

   As a result, in the blink of an eye, he sensed tens of millions of superimposed skeleton monsters appearing around Chen Mo, and the attributes of these skeleton monsters were frighteningly high.

   "Impossible! Is this the strength of summons that can be summoned at level 40? The attack power is as high as tens of millions!?"

   Hanyu Yanaone wondered if he was delusional.

  Chen Mo's current attributes.

  【Level】: Level 40

  [Experience]: 20664699/4645300 (eighth-order bottleneck)


  Physique 66792=life 2553760, physical defense 388960, life recovery 66792 points/10 seconds (100% per second)

  Power 66792=Physical Attack 200376

  Agility 66792=Blast damage+66792%

  Intelligence 122392=Act Attack 377175

  Spirit 122392=energy 6119575, magic defense 666958, energy recovery 127392 points/10 seconds (200% per second)

  Skeleton monster attributes that can be summoned by such attributes are: blood volume 10403278, object 3120983, law attack 3120983, physical defense 0, law defense 0, characteristics - explosive bomb, resurrection, corpse poison, assembly, sacred, concentric, continuous, symbiotic

  With his current attributes, the attack attributes of the skeleton monsters that can be summoned are as high as more than three million.

  With the blessing of the assembly feature, the attributes of the skeleton monster will be further improved, so that it will have the tens of millions of attack power seen now.

  Before, Chen Mo's attack was only more than 300,000, which may not break the defense, but his skeleton monsters are not so easy to deal with.

   And at this time, Chen Mo's skeleton monsters all have low-level professional skills.

  As Chen Mo summoned more than 50 million skeleton shooters out, all the skeleton shooters flashed red in an instant, and activated the basic skills of the shooters to shoot rapidly!

  Their attack speed was doubled in an instant, and within a second, each skeleton monster fired at least four arrows in succession.

It's just that the blood volume of the level 80 boss fire dragon in three turns is only more than 180 billion, and more than 50 million skeleton shooters with tens of millions of attack power can kill it in a round of basic attacks, and it is said that it is still alive. After activating the skills to increase the attack speed, each skeleton shooter fired several arrows in a row. How could the fire dragon, which has been huddled in the lair all year round, have seen such a perverted battle.

  He had no chance of resisting, and in the blink of an eye, he was covered in arrows and fell to the ground with a bang.

  Watching this scene, Hanyu Yanaone froze in place.

  She heard about Chen Mo's horror, and imagined and considered how strong Chen Mo is in her mind, but she never expected that he could be so strong.

  With such attributes, who can compete with him if he can't turn five times?

  Anyone who comes over is almost instantly killed.

   "No wonder Elena said that it doesn't matter how many levels he is, he can fly any difficult copy of any level!"

  Actually Hanyu Liuyin didn’t know, the version that Elena knew was only Chen Mo’s version at level 35.

   And now Chen Mo's strength is not comparable to the level 35 before.

   After the dungeon came out, he was fully enhanced.

   Let alone rank four, even if it is rank five, as long as the divine power is not very high, Chen Mo dares to show her in seconds.

[Heavenly reminder: You have successfully killed the fire dragon Erebus, and the current dungeon settlement reward has been increased by 100%. The fire dragon Erebus is a legendary creature, and it contains a lot of legendary materials. "Top collection technique", please collect as much as you want! 】

   "This dungeon is too conscientious, and it also gives a harvesting technique!"

  Chen Mo was obviously a little surprised, he was still thinking about whether to put this dragon into a space backpack and take it back.

  When the reminder of the Dao of Heaven sounded, a burst of black air suddenly emerged from the body of the fire dragon Erebus, and a fire dragon Erebus in an undead state reappeared in front of Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin.

  Chen Mo considered the strength of the fire dragon Erebus. He wanted special abilities but no special abilities, and his strength was not as good as his own skeleton monster. He directly dispersed the opponent without any intention of keeping it.

  (end of this chapter)

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