Chapter 266 Excellent income! (two in one)

  Seeing the undead fire dragon appearing and then dissipating, Hanyu Liuyin looked at Chen Mo quite unexpectedly.

   "The fire dragon undead just now couldn't be summoned by you."

   "Probably." Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "The fire dragon undead is completely no different from the normal fire dragon boss. This ability is too strong."

   This is a gold-level BOSS monster. If you kill it, you can directly summon the corresponding undead. Isn't this equivalent to directly owning a gold-level BOSS?

  But thinking of the skeleton monster beside Chen Mo, Hanyu Liuyin fell silent.

   In addition to having more powerful skills and higher blood volume, this BOSS is even inferior to the skeleton monsters around Chen Mo in terms of attack power.

   "It's okay, the undead summoned like this won't last long."

  Chen Mo didn't lie, as long as the special undead is not included in the special undead space, the special undead will die automatically soon.

   After finishing speaking, Chen Mo looked at the fire dragon in front of him and said, "Let's start collecting. They are all legendary materials. You can sell them for a lot of money when you take them back."

   Most of the legendary materials that can be collected like this can be sold. Chen Mo is short of money now, so naturally he is very happy to collect them.

   Of course, legendary materials are also divided into rare and popular types.

   Legendary creatures like fire dragons appear frequently, and a lot of related materials are produced, so the price will be relatively cheap.

   However, no matter how cheap it is, it is still legendary, and it can still sell for a lot of money.

   Soon he and Hanyu Liuyin collected all the fire dragons in front of them.

   A huge fire dragon, under the joint collection of the two, not even a single bone residue was left.

   After all, a fire dragon is full of treasures.

  Whether it is dragon scales, dragon bones, dragon horns, dragon teeth, dragon meat...

   One counts as one, and they are all good things.

   Naturally, everything was dismantled.

   "Finally the collection is clean, senior sister, how much do you think the collected materials can be sold for?"

  Chen Mo seldom has access to legendary materials, so he is not very clear.

  Yanagi Hanyu reckoned and said: "The materials produced by dismantling this fire dragon can be sold for 1,000 eternal gold coins. It is not a big problem for us to earn 500 eternal gold coins each."

   "It's not bad. It's enough to buy a bottle by removing the two ends."

  Super God fusion potion costs 1,000 eternal gold coins, and two fire dragons are worth one bottle. It seems that this money is not difficult to earn.

  Chen Mo thought simply.

   In fact, it is not so profitable under normal circumstances.

  He directly gave the fire dragon a second, which allowed most of the parts on the fire dragon to maintain normal quality and be usable.

If someone else fights the fire dragon, it is easy to destroy the valuable components on the fire dragon, and at the same time consumes a lot of energy of the fire dragon, causing it to consume too much blood, and most of the components in its body will be degraded because of this, but there are not so many legendary ones. Materials can be collected.

   After collecting fire dragons and harvesting almost 500 eternal gold coins, Chen Mo was very satisfied and immediately prepared to go to the next lair.

  Now these lair bosses are living eternal gold coins in his eyes.

  The next target, he locked on to the Ice Lair.

   Immediately, the two flew out of the scorching lava lair, turned around and flew into the ice lair next to them.

   I have to say that there are two heavens of ice and fire.

   This sudden change from an extremely hot environment to an extremely cold environment really makes people shiver.

  In the Frost Lair, Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin got closer unconsciously. The two of them were in a world full of ice, snow and cold. It was too cold to fly in the air with the cold wind like a knife, so they fell directly to the ground.

  The two of them stepped onto the ground paved with ice crystals, making crisp footsteps on the ice chips.

  The air in this ice lair condenses into small flakes of frost, and every breath brings a burst of icy chill.

  The icicles in the lair stood tall, like the statues of giants, shining with crystal light, and ice crystal patterns formed on the ice wall, shining brightly and reflecting brilliant colored light beams.

  The interior of the lair is filled with a bitter atmosphere, and everything is covered with ice and snow.

  The ground is covered with a thick layer of ice, and the crystal clear ice crystals reflect a faint light.

  The inner wall of the nest is smooth and white, like a mirror, on which frost condenses into various beautiful patterns.

  Slender icicles hang down from the top, forming an ice sculpture-like landscape.

  The top of the lair is hung with stalactites surrounded by ice and snow, just like a picture scroll of a snow and ice wonderland.

  In this piece of cold air, there is a faint mist, like a veil formed by ice and snow.

  A breeze blowing from nowhere in the lair blows, and the ice and snow drift away like silver petals.

   Chen Mo has never seen such a beautiful ice and snow environment before, and he can't help feeling that there are so many beautiful places in the world.

   Every thing will have a different kind of beauty when it reaches its extreme.

As the two continued to go deeper, the lair was filled with an atmosphere of ice and snow, icicles stood tall, and the ice wall was densely covered. Through the transparency of the ice layer, one could see a scene covered in frost. cold breath.

  In the depths of the lair, the giant ice beast appeared in the sight of Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin. Its huge body towered into the sky, standing upright like this, and its whole body was covered with hard ice armor.

  Its body is huge and mighty, like a colossus frozen in ice. Frost shone on its body, exuding a cold and piercing aura. The giant beast's eyes were shining with ice blue light, and seemed to contain endless cold energy.

  The whole body was covered in frost, exuding a biting chill.

  As it noticed that Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin had entered here, the ice behemoth roared fiercely, and the sound was like a cold wind, shaking the entire lair.

  It opened its huge mouth, and ejected a cold breath from the mouth, forming a brilliant freezing ray.

  The freezing ray instantly froze everything around it, covering the ground and walls in the lair with a thicker layer of ice.

   "This **** place is really cold."

  Compared to the heat, the cold environment is more unbearable. The key point is that this guy is yelling. Chen Mo is really worried that the ice cave will collapse.

  He immediately decided to make a quick decision. After sensing the opponent's ability, he directly ordered the skeleton monster to kill him in seconds.

   Whoosh whoosh!

  Following countless arrows flying out, the frost behemoth that had just given Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin a little disarm by roaring, was instantly killed on the spot before it had time to attack them.

  Hanyu Yanaone said nothing while watching from the side.

  In the past, she formed a team with others. Although she said that she would not encounter any danger in killing a boss of this level, she had never killed it so quickly and easily.

  Where is this killing the boss? Faster than killing mobs, this is simply here to ravage and slaughter!

   It takes a second to meet, the boss can't even last a second!

   This is a super boss with 80-level strength in three turns, and a 40-level one in one turn can be killed in seconds.

  Yanagi Hanyu finally understood what it meant to compare people to others.

  Compared with this junior, I seem to be lonely three times.

[Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully killed the Frost Behemoth Reinstrua, and the rewards for the current dungeon settlement have been increased by 100%. The Frost Behemoth Reinstrua is a legendary creature, and it contains a lot of legendary materials. Now give you a temporary "Top Gathering Technique", please gather as much as you want! 】

   "Mining Mining!"

   After killing the Frost Behemoth, Chen Mo smiled and called Hanyu Liuyin to start collecting.

  At the same time, Chen Mo directly brought the special undead of the frost giant into the special undead space.

  Because this frost behemoth has a good area freezing skill, it is a good powerful control skill, and Chen Mo likes this functional skill very much.

   This frost giant is bigger than the previous fire dragon, and the two of them collected it for a long time.

  However, the legendary material collected is not as much as that of the fire dragon.

  But Hanyu Liuyin said with a smile: "This legendary creature is valuable. We have collected materials for almost 1,500 eternal gold coins."

   "So valuable?"

"Because this kind of legendary creature is rare. You can only encounter this kind of legendary creature in an extremely cold environment, but dragons are different. There are many living environments for dragons. Sometimes a certain seat in a SS-level difficulty dungeon It will be encountered on the mountain.

  With more output, the price will naturally come down. "

"I see."

  Chen Mo nodded, this is indeed the reason!

   Another 750 Eternal Gold Coins were harvested. It is quite cool to earn more than 1,000 Eternal Gold Coins directly after entering the dungeon.

   Moreover, legendary grade materials are different from other materials, so there is no need to worry about selling them.

  Because the headquarters of the Academy Alliance is directly recycled.

   Just go back and sell it to the headquarters of the Academy Alliance.

  The demand for such materials is very large.

  Others are different from Chen Mo. They often need to be equipped with a lot of advanced medicine and advanced props to ensure safety.

  Legendary grade materials are the manufacturing materials of most advanced medicines and props, so the demand is naturally extremely high.

   After all, these gadgets are consumables and they are used quickly.

   "School Chen Mo, if you have free time in the future, make an appointment to book with you. It's too easy to book with you." Hanyu Liuyin said with a smile, "I will cover all your credits."

   "There are credits for whoring for free, and the relationship is good. In the future, I will come to my senior when I lack experience." Chen Mo joked with a smile.

   "That's the first thing to do, pull the hook." Saying that, Hanyu Liuyin gracefully stretched out her slender fingers. Her little finger was as delicate and smooth as white jade. Her finger movements were light and elegant, exuding a gentle breath.

  Chen Mo smiled, he stretched out his finger lightly, and touched Hanyu Liuyin's finger, and the **** intertwined gently.

  The moment he hooked his fingers, Hanyu Yanaone recited the oath of swallowing a thousand needles unique to their small country.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo smiled and said, "Does it have to be so heavy?"

  Yanagi Hanyu stuck out his tongue and said, "I'm just kidding, it didn't work anyway."

  Chen Mo shook his head with a smile, and then began to go to the third legendary boss lair that had been identified—the lair of the Broken King.

  The first two bosses are quite clear, what kind of lair this boss will be in, Chen Mo is really curious.

  Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin flew out of the frozen cave, turned around and entered the lair where the Broken King was.

  This lair is dark and can only move by perception.

  The walls of the cave are covered with cracks and signs of fractures, and the entire cave exudes a broken and collapsing atmosphere.

   On the walls and ground of the cave, various space-time cracks can be seen.

  These cracks exude distorted energy fluctuations, sometimes flashing a faint blue light, and sometimes releasing terrifying tearing sounds.

   "Cracks in time and space? Looks like you have to be careful. If you accidentally touch it, no matter how high your defense is, you will be killed instantly." Sensing the cracks in time and space around, Hanyu Liuyin immediately said vigilantly.

Chen Mo nodded. He had also learned the danger of this space-time rift before. It is definitely not comparable to ordinary attacks. No matter how high the defense is, no matter how thick the blood is, it is difficult to resist. At least it must reach the fifth rank and control a certain space-time force can be avoided.

  Of course, there are ways before the fifth rank, but you need to have the corresponding high-end abilities.

   It’s just that at least currently, neither Chen Mo nor Hanyu Liuyin have such ability.

  After discovering these space-time rifts, the two immediately shuttled carefully between these rifts, keeping vigilance at all times.

  These cracks in time and space are signs of danger in the cave. Anyone who accidentally touches them may be torn and swallowed by the powerful force of space.

  It’s better that you will be resurrected. Wait for the space-time rift to swallow you to the back, and then resurrect, you can temporarily escape the catastrophe.

   There were bursts of chaotic breath from the cracks, which made people feel frightened. Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin felt the power fluctuations emitted by the cracks, and understood that they represented great danger and unknown.

   They carefully avoided these cracks in time and space, always on guard against the sudden changes they might bring.

  Compared with the previous two lairs, the environment of this cave is obviously more dangerous. The two people flying in it is full of tense atmosphere. Every step must be cautious, so as not to be swallowed by the crack of time and space.

   Soon the two entered the depths of the cave and came to the place where the Broken King was.

   They stared at the darkness ahead, and a huge and terrifying figure gradually appeared.

The Broken King, with a tall and majestic body, seems to be made of broken rocks and distorted energy. His body is shrouded in darkness, shining with deep purple light, and his demon-like wings spread out and roll up a wave of chaos. energy of.

  Its skin showed a broken pattern, as if it had been eroded by endless time and power, and its fiery red eyes revealed ruthlessness and coldness, as if it was a demon from the abyss.

   The Broken King's tentacles are as sharp as a blade, stretching out from the top of its head, emitting dark energy fluctuations. Its claws are strong enough to tear mountains and shatter earth.

   Each breath of the Broken King was accompanied by a terrifying surge of energy.

   Chen Mo sensed that all the damage types of this guy's skills are chaotic types, and he has almost no defensive abilities. It can be seen that he is a purely output-type BOSS.

  This kind of boss has no intention of subduing, Chen Mo is slightly disappointed.

   Originally thought that in this environment, it would be somewhat useful to meet a BOSS that could create space-time rifts.

  (end of this chapter)

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