Chapter 268 Strange Temple!

  With Hanyu Liuyin on his back, Chen Mo flew forward quickly, and the Phantom Feather Boots gave off a faint light under his feet, accelerating his speed.

  They shuttled in the lair, flew over the beautiful sea of ​​flowers and dense forests, and followed the guidance of the compass to the location that might be the core of the array.

  During the flight, the two felt increasingly intense energy fluctuations, which indicated that they were getting closer to their target.

   Soon, Chen Mo's powerful perception sensed the situation ahead.


   As the rapid flight landed, they came to a wide and spectacular clearing.

  In the center of the open space, stands a huge temple, emitting a bright light.

  This temple is full of ancient and mysterious atmosphere, like a portal to the unknown world.

  Chen Mo put down Hanyu Liuyin lightly, and the two quietly stared at this strange temple together.

  They could feel that there was an unusual energy in the temple.

   "There is actually a temple in the lair of this monster."

   Both Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin tried to perceive the interior of the temple, but unfortunately, they could not perceive anything.

  The interior of the temple seems to be blocked by some force, and it is impossible to directly perceive it.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't care, he directly ordered his skeleton monster to enter it.

   After all, he is now sharing vision with the skeleton monster.

  As the skeleton monster entered, Chen Mo finally had a clear view of the situation in the temple.

   There is a strange sculpture in the middle of the aisle of this temple, which seems to be sculptures of various legendary monsters.

   Walking all the way inside, you can feel that the energy is getting stronger and stronger, as if there is some secret treasure in the center of the temple.

   "It's just an SS level dungeon, how can there be such a rich temple?"

  Chen Mo felt that the energy fluctuations in this temple were no better than the god-level units he encountered in the SSS-level dungeons.

Soon, the skeleton monster had entered the center of the temple. There was a strange room in the center of the temple. There were many strange mural patterns carved in the room, and a strange monster was floating on the high platform in the center of the room. round ball.

   And there are no other creatures around.

  Chen Mo immediately tried to let the skeleton monster touch the floating ball.

   Just when the skeleton monster's fingers touched the surface of the ball, a burst of powerful energy fluctuations gushed out from the center of the ball.

  Chen Mo felt that the atmosphere around him became tense instantly, and a mysterious force began to emerge.

  The light in the temple also became more dazzling, and a huge energy column rose from the center of the sphere, like a passage connecting heaven and earth.

  Suddenly, a powerful attraction emanated from the ball, and Chen Mo felt that the body of the skeleton monster seemed to be drawn by an invisible force, and it was rapidly approaching the ball.

  The next moment, Chen Mo lost contact with this skeleton monster. Obviously, the skeleton monster was either dispelled directly, or pulled into a strange space.

   "This temple is very weird."

   Seeing that there was something wrong with the ball, Chen Mo sent a skeleton monster into the temple again.

   This time, Chen Mo didn't let the skeleton monster touch the ball directly, but checked the surrounding sculptures.

  He always felt that the sculptures of these legendary creatures in the middle of the aisle might hide the secrets about the temple.

  As the skeleton monster bravely stepped into the temple again, it walked towards the sculpture of a legendary creature under Chen Mo's order.

  The lone skeleton monster walked in the empty passageway of the temple, and its sound was extraordinarily loud. Even if its bones only made a faint clicking sound, it echoed in this silent space.

  The temple exudes a mysterious atmosphere, and the sculptures in it are even more eye-catching.

   Soon the first sculpture appeared in the sight of the skeleton monster, it was tall and majestic.

   This is a huge dragon sculpture, it is entrenched on a stone platform, its eyes are like torches, and it exudes a piercing aura.

  Each scale is carefully carved, as if it is about to jump out, and the dragon's wings spread out, like a shadow in the dark night.

  Chen Mo controlled the skeleton monster to stare at the dragon sculpture with a small fire ball in his eyes, feeling a powerful energy fluctuation.

   "Sure enough, there is a problem with the sculpture!"

Chen Mo immediately ordered the skeleton monster to approach the sculpture. As the skeleton monster approached the sculpture calmly, it carefully bypassed the traps visible to the naked eye in the temple. When it got close to the sculpture, suddenly, a tremor came from the temple, and the ground began to tremble. , sending out bursts of low rumbling sounds.

  Chen Mo immediately ordered the skeleton monster to stop, sensing the danger coming.

The eyes of the dragon sculpture flickered with a cold red light, and in the next moment it seemed to come alive, and a raging flame spewed out from its mouth, the flame spread rapidly like a violent dragon's breath, engulfing the whole The hallway space of the temple is completely shrouded in it.

  The flames spread at an astonishing speed, and as the flames danced, the entire temple was filled with suffocating heat waves.

  The flames were dazzling red and shone with scorching light, as if a legendary dragon was breathing furiously.

  With the help of the skeleton monster's perception, Chen Mo could feel that the flames ejected from this strange sculpture contained the power of destruction. Wherever the flames went, the air was instantly distorted, the surrounding objects began to melt, and even cracks appeared on the ground.

  The high temperature formed by the flame burned the surrounding air, forming a twisted sea of ​​fire.

  Chen Mo could feel the terrifying energy emanating from the flames, as if it could turn everything into ashes.

  However, this temple is also extremely weird. No matter how it is damaged, it will instantly return to normal. The flames are burning and destroying, but the temple is constantly repairing itself quickly.

Seeing the weirdness of the fire, Chen Mo, who shared consciousness with the skeleton monster, subconsciously controlled the skeleton monster to stay away, but the skeleton monster could not escape the envelope of the flames at all. In a blink of an eye, its bones began to melt, making a sharp crackling sound of being grilled, and the burning flame Keep suppressing it, gradually devouring its existence.

  The flames were blazing, and the berserk energy was raging in the temple, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

  Chen Mo couldn't help feeling a sense of awe in his heart. He realized that this kind of power surpassed ordinary threats, and this was a flame with super-annihilation energy.

  The temperature continued to rise, and the power of the flames became more and more terrifying. Soon, the skeleton monster was burned into nothingness.

  The annihilation-level flame directly suppressed the characteristics of the skeleton monster completely, and directly burned it completely.

  As the burning of the flame gradually weakened, it finally subsided to reveal the true appearance of the dragon sculpture. At this time, this lifelike dragon sculpture lost its luster just now, and turned into an ordinary stone sculpture again.

  As if it wasn't the one that was breathing fire just now.

  However, although the giant dragon sculpture is no longer alive, the delicate texture of this sculpture seems to be lifelike, still showing the majesty and terrifying aura of the giant dragon.

   "It's actually the power of the annihilating level that kills my skeleton monster instantly? The danger level of this SS-level dungeon is not covered, no wonder the death rate is not much worse than the SSS-level dungeon."

   Seeing Chen Mo's expression surprised, Hanyu Liuyin immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

   "It's nothing, it's just a little troublesome. The temple needs to work hard to figure out what's going on." After Chen Mo finished speaking, he sent out the next skeleton monster again.

   This time, he made the skeleton walk towards a weird lion next to the dragon.

  The legendary lion sculpture is tall and majestic, standing in the center of the temple, exuding an unparalleled solemn atmosphere.

  It has a slender body with protruding muscles. Every inch of the sculpture reveals the beauty of strength and strength. The eyes of the sculpture are carved lifelike, revealing a fierce and wild light, just like the real eyes of a living lion.

  When the skeleton monster approached the lion sculpture, suddenly, the entire temple trembled strangely again, as if a giant sleeping beast had woken up deep underground. The ground trembled, the walls rumbled, and the atmosphere in the temple became tense.

  The next moment, the red light in the eyes of the lion sculpture lit up, and then became more intense, exuding a fierce power that could not be ignored.

  Suddenly, the lion sculpture opened its mighty lion mouth and let out a deafening roar. The roar echoed in every corner of the temple, making people's hearts tremble.

  As the roar reverberated, the air around the lion sculpture began to annihilate, forming a dark vortex, and within a few breaths the dark vortex expanded, releasing a terrifying force.

  Chen Mo's skeleton has just been torn apart by the dark vortex, and the bones are beginning to tear apart.

The lion sculpture still didn't feel that it was enough. Suddenly, the lion sculpture opened its huge mouth and spewed out a violent energy shock wave. This terrifying energy shock wave directly swept across the temple, smashing everything it touched in an instant. The huge impact The force twisted the air, and the walls trembled.

  The skeleton monster was pulled by the dark vortex, unable to move. Naturally, it was the first to bear the brunt of this terrible energy shock wave. Its body was completely torn apart instantly, turning into a pile of broken bones and dust.

   In the face of this powerful force that also has the power of annihilation level, it can't resist at all.

  After the energy shock wave, the lion sculpture also restored its static state just like the previous dragon sculpture. It still stood tall in the middle of the temple aisle, as if nothing had happened.

  Chen Mo's eyes became heavy, and he had a deeper understanding of the danger of this temple.

  Here is full of unimaginable power, and every legendary creature sculpture hides infinite threats.

   "What's going on? Why are the traps in the SS level dungeon so perverted? Could this be the treasure space?"

   Suddenly Chen Mo thought of a possibility.

  Treasure space has also been mentioned before, in this world, Chen Mo's parents were suspected of being killed by someone who opened a treasure space that was far more difficult than a dungeon.

   Treasure space has a chance to appear in any copy.

  The difficulty of the treasure space is not completely linked to the difficulty of the original dungeon.

  Some treasure spaces will be less difficult than the original copy.

   And some will be higher.

  Generally speaking, low is at most one difficulty lower.

   But if it is high, you may only enter the A-level difficulty, but the difficulty of the treasure space may be SSS-level.

  Under normal circumstances, you can judge the difficulty of the treasure space by initially perceiving the energy fluctuations in the treasure space.

   But sometimes the energy fluctuations in the treasure space are not so obvious, making it much more difficult to judge.

  At this moment, in this strange lair where Chen Mo is, there is a strange energy constantly changing.

  When I first entered, I saw a world of singing birds and fragrant flowers, and the energy fluctuations were small.

  But now that I am going deeper, I feel more and more huge energy.

  Now this temple is even more powerful.

  That's why Chen Mo had such doubts.

  [PS]: Set a goal, the 12th update tomorrow, 24,000 words will be updated!

  (end of this chapter)

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