Chapter 269 The Light of God! (four in one)

  Seeing that the skeleton monsters have been destroyed by the sculptures twice in a row, it is obvious that these sculptures should all wake up and attack.

   And let the dead object wake up and attack, there must be a corresponding energy transfer.

  Otherwise, it is impossible for dead things to revive out of thin air.

   "If the energy source comes from the sphere, then there should be a transmission path in the middle. Does finding this transmission path mean finding the solution?

  When my skeleton monster caused the sculpture to change twice before, there was a strange tremor in the temple. There is definitely something weird about this. "

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo decided to try again, but this time he didn't just send one skeleton monster in, but sent a lot of skeleton monsters into the temple, and he wanted to observe every inch of the temple's details.

  Seeing that Chen Mo sent a lot of skeleton monsters into the temple, Hanyu Liuyin immediately asked curiously: "Is there any boss in this temple?"

  Chen Mo shook his head and said: "No, it's very strange, it doesn't feel like something that can be encountered in SS-level dungeons."

   "Oh? Is it a treasure secret realm?"

   "It may be, but I haven't figured it out yet, but my skeleton monster triggered the mechanism twice, and died miserably. The damage was at the annihilation level. My skeleton monster died without any ability."

   "Destroyer level?" To Chen Mo's words, Hanyu Liuyin's big beautiful eyes suddenly lit up and said, "Chen Mo, we may have encountered a big opportunity."

   "Great opportunity?" Chen Mo was a little confused, "What else is there besides the treasure secret realm?"

   "It's true that it's a treasure secret realm, but there is a very special branch in the treasure secret realm, and that is the land of the gods!

   This is an extremely special secret place that can only be spawned from treasure secrets encountered in dungeons above S level. "

   "Oh? I've never heard of this before. Is there anything special about this magical place?" Chen Mo immediately asked curiously.

   "The biggest difference between the land of the gods and the ordinary treasure secret realm is that the ordinary treasure secret realm may give rewards directly, there may be a locked treasure chest, and there may be a secret realm guardian BOSS blocking it.

  But the land of the gods will not. The land of the gods is more of a test. Once you pass the test, you can get part of the inheritance left by the gods.

  Those who pass can gain divine power in it. Of course, we haven't reached rank five yet, and we can't get divine power if we give it to us, but besides divine power, we can also get a divinity! "

  After hearing what Hanyu Liuyin said, it was Chen Mo's turn to shine.

   I didn't expect that I just came to collect experience points, and I actually gave myself such a big gift.

After Hanyu Liuyin finished talking about the benefits of the Divine Land, his expression darkened and he said: "It's just a pity that the inheritance of the Divine Land is very difficult to obtain. So far, I have only heard of less than three people who have obtained the Divine Land." Land inheritance reward."

   "That's quite a lot."

   "This is the data of many talented masters who have experienced countless places of the gods. Among them, the number of people who died in the process of exploring the lands of the gods is even more unknown."

   "That's true. This land of the gods is indeed not a place for people to play. They will be killed directly at every turn. Fortunately, it is still friendly. There will be such a momentary reminder before each attack."

  Although the test and punishment in the land of the gods are extremely perverted, basically you will die if you get hit.

  But before he gets hit, he will obviously feel an early tremor.

  After the tremor, the attack will appear. At this point in time, if someone else has the flashing ability similar to Chen Mo, or has something like an instant teleportation talisman, they can escape the first time they notice the abnormality.

   It is not necessarily fatal.

  But the threat of punishment is indeed extremely terrifying. If you accidentally get caught, you will definitely die.

   Knowing that this may be a specially classified magical land of the treasure secret realm, Chen Mo suddenly became more energetic.

   Soon, his skeleton monsters covered all the places in the temple.

  At this moment, Chen Mo ordered one of the skeleton monsters to walk slowly towards the towering bird sculpture behind the lion, his eyes full of anticipation.

   “Hope to catch the problem once.”

   The moment Chen Mo's skeleton monster touched the bird sculpture, the familiar tremor reappeared.

  The deep purple light around the bird sculpture became more and more obvious, and the red light in its eyes seemed to become the focus of the temple, and a sense of oppression approached my heart.

  When the skeleton monster touched the bird sculpture, suddenly, a tremor spread throughout the entire temple. The ground began to tremble slightly, as if responding to the touch of the skeleton monster.

  The body of the bird sculpture began to change, and its feathers shone deep purple, like stars twinkling in the night sky. Its eyes shone fiercely with red light, emitting a powerful wave of energy.

  Red rays of light burst out from the eyes of the bird sculpture, straight into the sky, as if trying to tear the sky apart, both Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin outside the temple saw the light penetrating the temple.

  At this moment, it seems that the whole world has become static under this red light.

  Then, the feathers of the bird sculpture suddenly emitted a deep light of the stars, and the light spread, forming a bright net of light that enveloped the entire temple.

   At this moment, the bird sculpture opened its purple beak, and let out a loud cry that seemed to come from the depths of the universe.

   The chirping sound was like thunder piercing through the ears, causing a strong sonic shock.

  The impact was so fierce that the air in the temple seemed to be twisted.

  The surrounding skeleton monsters felt as if they had been hit by a sledgehammer in the face of this impact, their bones scattered and dust flew up.

   At the same time, the bright light net also shrank towards all the skeleton monsters in the temple along with the singing of the bird sculpture.

  Their skeletons were tightly entwined by the optical net. As the optical net shrank, all the skeleton monsters were crushed and exploded. The next moment, they suddenly turned into countless dust and dissipated with the wind.

  After all the attacks were over, the temple returned to silence again, the red light of the bird sculpture gradually disappeared, and it returned to its previous static state, as if everything that had just happened was just an illusion.

   Sure enough, this time when the bird sculpture consumed energy to attack the skeleton monster, there was a weak tremor in the temple again, as if it was a trace of energy flowing on a specific path.

  At this time, outside the temple, Chen Mo stood in place, recalling the changes in the temple just now, but unfortunately he did not capture any obvious changes this time, which made Chen Mo have to try again.

   Next, Chen Mo began to send a large number of skeleton monsters in again and again, and spent a lot of time observing different locations in the temple, trying to find structures or devices related to energy transmission.

  Finally, during his observation, he noticed that a mural on the wall of the temple was different from other areas.

  There are weak energy fluctuations on this mural, which match the frequency and rhythm of the ground tremor.

  After sending the skeleton monster in this time, Chen Mo immediately focused on the mural.

  He observed the mural carefully and found that it was composed of many tiny lines and patterns.

  When he ordered the skeleton monster to touch the sculpture to trigger another attack on the sculpture, Chen Mo found that these lines would vibrate strangely when the skeleton monster touched the sculpture, and he could feel the weak energy flow when he approached the sculpture.

   Obviously, there are oddities!

  Chen Mo immediately began to study the arrangement and connection of these lines.

  He thinks the lines might be part of an energy pathway, and the mural itself might be a trigger or control device.

  He ordered the skeleton monster to use his fingers to move and press along the lines, trying to find possible connection points and intersection points.

  After some groping, he suddenly felt a weak energy flow.

  He noticed that when the skeletal monsters pressed on specific grain intersections, the energy flow was more pronounced.

  Chen Mo was very excited, he realized that this mural was part of the energy transmission pathway.

  By pressing on the correct lines and intersections, he managed to activate the pathways, allowing the energy to be transferred from the ball to the sculpture.

With a click on a specific position on the dragon pattern, this energy was immediately transmitted to the dragon sculpture. Under Chen Mo's shared perception with the help of the skeleton monster, he saw the dragon sculpture come alive again, but this time it did not attack the skeleton monster .

   Instead, it seems to convey a friendly vibe.

  Chen Mo immediately showed a hint of joy on his face, finally found the hidden energy transmission path, and established some kind of connection with the dragon sculpture.

  By analogy, Chen Mo ordered the skeleton monster to activate all other sculptures.

   But just as he was doing this, the second sculpture suddenly exploded with hostility, directly killing all the skeleton monsters in the temple.

   "It's okay to activate the dragon sculpture, but it's okay to activate the second sculpture. Could it be that there is an activation sequence between these sculptures?"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately sent the skeleton monster into it again.

   After some observation, Chen Mo found that the eyes of the sculptures in the middle two rows were a little different.

  The target of the dragon sculpture's gaze is the bird sculpture.

   "Could it be that the next dragon is a bird?"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately ordered the skeleton monster to activate the dragon sculpture and then activate the bird sculpture.

   This time there was no problem at all, the two sculptures were friendly and did not attack.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo immediately ordered the skeleton monster to continue.

  According to the sight of the bird sculpture, Chen Mo activated the lion sculpture again.

  The lion sculpture is still in a friendly state and has not launched an attack. It is completely certain now.

  By analogy, all eight sculptures were finally activated by Chen Mo.

   At the moment when all sculptures are activated.

  Chen Mo felt the powerful and mysterious energy fluctuations in the entire temple.

  Every sculpture began to emit bright light, as if glowing with new vitality.

  With the transmission of energy, the atmosphere in the temple became more magical and solemn.

  Chen Mo can feel the power and wisdom hidden in each sculpture, and they seem to communicate with him in some form.

  Suddenly, the small ball in the center of the temple emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the entire space, and an extremely terrifying attraction erupted.

  Sucked Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin outside the temple directly into the temple.

   But this time the attraction was very gentle, Chen Mo felt that there was no danger, and he did not run away.

   "What's going on?" Hanyu Liuyin, who didn't know what happened at this time, immediately looked at Chen Mo curiously and asked.

   "It's okay, it should be the reason for the cracking success."

When the two were drawn by an invisible force and flew into the temple, the eight sculptures in the temple had all actively moved around the small ball in the central room, and placed the small ball in an octagonal corner. surrounded in the middle.

  I saw a red light shining from the eyes of all the sculptures towards the small ball in the center.

   Soon these sculptures were torn apart inch by inch, and small **** flew out of them and poured into the small ball in the center.

  Wait until all eight **** fly into the center ball.

  The energy of the small ball in the center suddenly increased, and it directly turned into a big ball.

  As the big ball continued to rotate, the entire temple began to shake violently.

   While Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin were being attracted, they saw that the entire temple began to tear apart inch by inch, and all the debris was continuously poured into the big ball due to the suction force of the big ball.

  The big ball emitted a dazzling light, which filled the entire temple like a tide, making the originally dark space brighten up instantly.

  The rays of light contain endless energy and mysterious power, which makes people palpitate.

  With the rotation of the big ball, the energy fluctuations formed a rotating vortex, and the attraction like a black hole ruthlessly devoured the temple.

  The walls began to shatter, the pillars quickly collapsed, the floor cracked, and everything became fragile under the force of the big ball.

  The huge energy vortex expanded rapidly, devouring everything in the temple.

  The fragments and wreckage were pulled by the endless suction, and were torn into countless tiny fragments, which were ruthlessly sucked into the big ball along with the vortex of energy.

  In this magnificent and violent process, the structure of the temple began to crumble, rock fragments flew everywhere, and dust billowed.

  The shattered wreckage was completely torn apart with the rotation of the energy vortex, turned into a pitch-black shadow, and was completely swallowed by the big ball.

   As time goes by, the suction of the big ball gradually weakens and finally stabilizes.

  The entire temple has completely disappeared, leaving only a piece of bare ground.

  The big ball is suspended in the air, emitting a faint and mysterious light. In this ruins, there is no trace of the previous temple. All that can be seen is the big ball existing alone, floating quietly in the air.

  The energy fluctuations it emitted gradually subsided, and the surrounding air returned to calm.

  The whole scene is filled with a solemn and solemn atmosphere, as if witnessing the end of a grand and mysterious ceremony.

   At this time, Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin have also been sucked to the front of the big ball.

  The two of them looked at each other until the hint from Heaven sounded.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations on cracking the divine land left by the God of Nature. You will get part of her inheritance. If you are ready, please reach out and touch the light of God in front of you! 】

"It turns out that this thing is called the Light of God." Chen Mo felt it for a while, and only felt that the big ball in front of him contained extremely terrifying divine power. This divine power was even stronger than the real gods he had encountered before. If he could Absorbed it all, simply incredible.

   But obviously, what has been said is part of it, and it is naturally impossible to get rid of all of it.

  Since Tian Dao reminded me to endorse, there would naturally be no danger. Chen Mo immediately reached out and touched the divine source of light that contained extremely terrifying energy in front of him!

   The moment his palm touched the light of the source of God, he felt a surge of energy pouring into his body.

  The Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded immediately.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations, because you have a super **** body, although it has not been fully activated, it still exerts its effect. You have absorbed 10 points of divine power from the light of the source of God this time! 】

   "So many!?" Chen Mo couldn't help being stunned when he received Tiandao's prompt.

  After all, it is not easy for a Rank 5 powerhouse in the Tower of Eternity to gain 1 point of divine power. He directly obtained a divine power reward comparable to participating in a super **** trial just by chance, so he was naturally excited.

   "Why are there so many?" Hanyu Liuyin looked at Chen Mo curiously and said, "Have you obtained any powerful divinity?"

  At this time, Chen Mo noticed the second reminder from Heaven.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations, you have obtained the divinity "Natural God's Blessing" from the light of the God of Nature! 】

  [Natural Divine Blessing·Divinity]: You release any ability, there is a 50% chance to directly refresh the cooldown time (including abilities that do not enjoy cooling reduction).

   "As expected of a divinity, it's really abnormal!"

  Chen Mo immediately looked at Hanyu Liuyin and said, "It's a divinity that can directly reduce the cooldown of skills."

   "I really envy you. I also want your divinity. Although the divinity I just obtained is useful, it is much worse than yours." Hanyu Liuyin said with a regretful face.

  At this time, Chen Mo sensed the divinity of Hanyu Liuyin. It turned out to be a divinity that increases survivability. With Hanyu Liuyin's own survivability, the effect of this divinity does not seem to be so obvious.

   But it's not a bad thing to have one more life-saving means.

   "Whoring a **** for nothing, no matter what." Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "That's true." Hanyu Yanaone also quickly changed his mood.

   After all, it is a good thing, and you cannot be unhappy because it is not good enough.

  Compared to Hanyu Liuyin, Chen Mo is more profitable, both divine and powerful.

   Besides that, Chen Mo has not forgotten the source of the Holy Demon Spring that was shrouded in a barrier and failed to go.

  The previous enchantment was caused by the temple. When the temple was broken, the natural enchantment would no longer exist.

  Although the lair did not earn eternal gold coins this time, Chen Mo made a lot of money in other aspects.

  After both of them received the rewards, the light of the source of God flickered directly, and the next moment they didn't know where the flickering went.

  At this time, Hanyu Liuyin looked curiously at Chen Mo and said: "It is said that even if you encounter the land of the gods, it is more difficult to obtain the inheritance than ascending to the sky. How did you send a few batches of skeleton monsters to solve it easily?"

"Simplicity is actually not easy. The main reason is that this divine place is more friendly. We can interview outside. If we have to enter the temple, then we may have to be killed eighteen times before we can find the way to crack it. The degree of danger is still It's very high." Chen Mo recalled the annihilation-level power that erupted in the temple again and again. Ordinary people went in, even if they were a Rank 5 powerhouse, they would be hard to resist.

"Since the temple has been destroyed, the surrounding barriers have also disappeared. Let's continue to find the holy magic spring." Hanyu Liuyin didn't worry about how Chen Mo cracked it. She just earned credits and then enjoyed the benefits. up.

   After being watered by the powerful energy of the light of the source of light, Hanyu Liuyin's state at this time also returned to normal, and the two immediately flew side by side towards the source of the previous holy magic spring.

   A few minutes later, Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin flew to the source of the Holy Demon Spring.

  The cave where the source of the Holy Demon Spring is located is like a magnificent temple, majestic and majestic, exuding an extremely strong magical power and holy atmosphere.

  The spring water gushes out from the source, forming a surging waterfall. The water flow is as soft as silver silk, shining with colorful light, just like a flowing rainbow. The water droplets roll and jump in the air, exuding fresh breath and crisp sound.

  The source is surrounded by mysterious runes and ancient carvings, these lines and carvings exude mysterious and sacred power.

  The light flickers between the lines, forming a beautiful picture, as if telling the mysterious secret of the source.

  The source of the holy magic spring exudes a serene and solemn atmosphere, as if it is a hub connecting the sacred and the power. Here, the magic power and the holy power merge with each other to create a strange and unique energy field.

  The magic power and holy power in the spring water form a swirl-like pattern, like thousands of filaments intertwined together, forming a colorful scene.

  The light penetrates the water surface, casting a colorful halo, reflecting the whole source like a dream.

   There is a mysterious aroma in the air, which makes people feel a kind of otherworldly existence.

  Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin stood in front of the source, feeling the strong energy fluctuations emanating from the source, as if they were in a sacred and mysterious place.

   "As expected of the holy devil spring, just standing in the environment of this source, our recovery ability has been directly improved by a large amount."

   At this time, Chen Mo received a reminder from Heaven, because he was in an environment where the holy magic spring was atomized, and both his life recovery ability and energy recovery effect had been greatly improved.

   "The spring water here can be taken away." Chen Mo said to Hanyu Liuyin who was beside him.

   "Well, the spring water here can be filled as you like, but if you want to bring out the dungeon, you can only keep a maximum of one liter. The heavenly reminder will remind you when the time comes, so it's useless to bring too much."

  After hearing this, Chen Mo was a little speechless: "Is there another way?"

  But I also need a small bottle of God's Heart to wash away the turbidity, so it's not a big problem.

   Soon, Chen Mo filled a bottle of Holy Demon Spring.

   Now, there are nine kinds of holy water that are needed. You only need to gather the last kind of holy water, and you can purify the muddy heart of God quickly, and then you can get another divinity, so happy!

Chen Mo put away the holy water in satisfaction, but at this time Hanyu Liuyin suddenly looked at Chen Mo, her expression became subtle and interesting, her eyes flashed with a mischievous and funny look: "Chen Mo, if such a pure source of holy magic Entering it for a dip, there is a chance to obtain the special physique of the "Holy Demon Body", I want to go in and take a dip, do you want to try it too."

  She said this in a brisk tone, with a hint of teasing and joking.

   "Holy Demon Body? What effect?"

   "It can increase some attribute points and increase survivability." Hanyu Liuyin said with a smile.

   "Then how do you soak it?" Chen Mo couldn't help but glanced Hanyu Liuyin up and down.

   "Of course I took off my clothes and soaked in the spring water. Have you never soaked in a hot spring?"

   "Cough, soaked... how long will it take?"

"It depends on your luck. After soaking in the source of holy magic, within 24 hours, there is a chance to get the body of the holy magic, but it is not clear when you will get it. If you haven’t obtained it within 24 hours, then this source of holy magic can be concluded that you can’t get the body of holy magic, and you can only find this kind of adventure in the dungeon later.” Hanyu Liuyin patiently explained.

   "So that's the way it is. Senior sister, go clubbing first. I'll take the time to visit other lairs. If I encounter a boss, I'll kill it first. Then we'll distribute it slowly."

   "Shouldn't you take a bath together? This holy magic source is quite spacious. I can rub your back for you. My back rubbing technique is very strong." Hanyu Liuyin was inexplicably a little proud.

  Chen Mo couldn't help laughing after hearing Hanyu Liuyin's words, he said to Hanyu Liuyin: "Sister, men and women are different, it's not appropriate to do this."

   "In our Cherry Blossom Village, if the people who come here are not very annoying, it is normal for men and women to bathe together. You don't hate me, do you?"

   "Where is it, my sister misunderstood, it's just that in our culture, it might be embarrassing to do so."

"Well, I won't be embarrassed. You shouldn't be shy, right? Boys should be more daring. It's boring to take a bath alone, and it would be a waste of time if you take a bath after I'm done." There is a hint of playfulness and mischief in her eyes, while maintaining a friendly and close vibe.

   "That's it, you wait for a while, I'll kill the bosses in the other lairs, if you haven't awakened the Holy Demon Body by the time I come back, I'll go down so as not to waste time." Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "Alright, then you go and come back quickly." Hanyu Yanaone didn't force it, and said goodbye with a smile.

  Chen Mo nodded, left Hanyu Liuyin behind and flew away.

  When he flew away from the source of the Holy Demon, Hanyu Yanaone had already started to take off his clothes.

  Chen Mo's pioneer perception ability took everything into his mind.

   Hanyu Yanaone took off her clothes, showing the curves and graceful posture of her body naturally.

Her skin is as white as jade, exuding a healthy and charming luster, her shoulders are graceful, slender and soft, exuding a feminine beauty, her slender neck is gently curved, like an elegant swan neck , added a nobility and elegance to her.

  Her arms were soft and strong, she took some spring water and sprinkled it on her body, tried the temperature, and her movements were filled with an elegant and unique rhythm.

  Feeling that the water temperature is good, Hanyu Yanaone took off his apron, stepped into the source of holy magic with slender legs.

Her slightly protruding **** show gentle and plump curves, like a perfect sculpture like a work of art. Her slender and soft waist sets off her perfect body proportions. Her hips are plump and round, with smooth and graceful lines. Exudes an intoxicating charm.

  As the warm water of the holy magic spring completely covered her body, Chen Mo gradually went beyond the range of perception and witnessed this beautiful and unique scene.

  Leaving this lair, there are only four lairs left.

   One of them is where the main boss is located, so Chen Mo's goal is naturally the other three.

  He turned around and entered one of the lairs.

  The environment of the nest this time is completely different from the environment of the previous nest.

   There is a gloomy atmosphere in this lair, and the surrounding air seems to be condensed.

  The moment Chen Mo stepped into the lair, a chill hit his heart, making one shudder.

   This is not the physical coldness in the Frost Cave before, but a mental coldness.

  The lair is filled with darkness, and the entire lair is like a beehive maze. Once you enter it, you can't find your way at all.

  Even if Chen Mo has a super-sensing ability, all he can perceive is the same room as a hexagonal honeycomb.

  Once it goes deep, I am afraid that it will soon be difficult to distinguish east, west, north and south.

  The ground is covered with uneven stones and broken bones, exuding an aura of decay and death.

   Soon Chen Mo noticed strange lines on the walls of the lair. Chen Mo carefully followed these lines, trying to find a way to the depths of the lair.

  As he got deeper into the lair, strange sounds began to echo around. These voices are sometimes low growls and sometimes sharp screams, which are creepy.

   Gradually, he felt an increasingly intense dark aura, like an invisible shadow shrouded the lair. He could feel that the dark power here was extremely powerful, as if there was an evil force waiting for him in the depths of the lair.

   Just as he continued to go deeper, the lines he saw just now suddenly broke, and the surrounding ground started to rotate crazily, but the rotation stopped soon.

   At this time, Chen Mo has been lured to the center of the lair. He tried to perceive other rooms within a certain range, and found that as long as everything within the range of perception is almost the same hexagonal room.

  Chen Mo tried to leave by flashing to the hexagonal room farthest from him by relying on the ability of the gods to flash.

   But no matter how he flickered, he was surrounded by densely packed and endless hexagonal rooms.

   "Playing maze with me?" Chen Mo smiled immediately, "I want to see if you have more rooms or I have more people."

  With his thoughts, tens of millions of skeleton monsters gathered around him in an instant.

  Chen Mo gave an order, and all the skeleton monsters dispersed and explored the rooms in all directions one by one.

   Leave a skeleton monster in every room.

   When the skeleton monsters set off, Chen Mo didn't bother to move around, and waited leisurely for the results of the skeleton monsters' exploration.

   Sure enough, more people means more strength.

  Following Chen Mo's tens of millions of skeleton monsters occupying the house, it didn't take long for these hive-like rooms to be checked by Chen Mo. At this time, the skeleton monsters were still moving forward.

  (end of this chapter)

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