All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 270: The body of the holy devil! (four in one)

  Chapter 270 The Body of the Holy Demon! (four in one)

   Seeing that the skeleton monsters are so powerful, there are not many houses that have not been checked. Chen Mo simply uses perception and flashing ability to prepare to clean up the remaining rooms without skeleton monsters.

   As a result, he didn't know why his flickering just now didn't work until he used the god's flickering ability to teleport again.

  Because no matter how he flickers, the rooms of the surrounding skeleton monsters will move according to the room he flickers to, enclosing the room he is in at the very center.

   "It seems that the teleportation ability will trigger a counter effect in this lair."

   Seeing this, Chen Mo tried to walk to a next room.

   This time, there was no weird movement in the surrounding rooms.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo understood that there was a strange mechanism in this lair, and it was impossible to use the blinking ability to steal chickens.

  Once you use this ability, the counter condition will be triggered, and you will be forced to move to the most central room, flashing in vain.

  Understanding this truth, Chen Mo no longer used the blinking ability to fly around, but continued to explore with the skeleton monster, occupying all the empty spaces, and violently cracked the hive maze.

   Just as Chen Mo walked out of the beehive maze and entered the final huge room, he saw a huge BOSS appearing out of thin air in the center of the room.

  It is tens of meters high, and its body is like a huge dark fortress, exuding an evil and fierce aura.

  Its black carapace is hard and thick, like indestructible armor, covering the entire body.

  The carapace is engraved with mysterious runes and evil lines, shining with dark light, each line is full of surges of dark energy, exuding a majestic and terrifying aura.

  Its body presents a typical spider shape, and it has eight huge eyes, shining with blood-red light.

  These eyes revealed endless ferocity and cruelty, as if they could see the movements of all enemies. Each eye is a black hole-like abyss that seems capable of swallowing all light and hope.

   It looks like a huge spider monster!

   The spider monster's huge legs are eye-catching.

  They are thick and powerful, like solid pillars, shining with a cold light like black iron.

There are many joints on each leg, supporting the whole body flexibly and precisely. The legs are covered with a hard black shell, which seems to be able to easily resist all attacks. Each claw is sharp and sharp, shining with a piercing cold light, It seems to be able to tear apart everything that dares to challenge its existence.

  The body of the spider monster exudes dark energy, which is full of destructive power.

  It can summon evil forces from the darkness and cast deadly dark magic.

  These magical attacks are powerful and can quickly weaken or even wipe out enemies.

  Spider monsters are good at using the power of darkness to ambush and attack, making them extremely threatening enemies.

  In addition to powerful strength and dark magic, spider monsters also possess swift agility and keen perception.

  It can move anywhere in an instant. Just a few seconds after Chen Mo entered the room, it has already changed several directions in the room instantly.

   "Fancy show."

  Although the spider monster's ability is very powerful, it can move instantly, has high offensive and defensive attributes, and is also a dual cultivation of material and law, and has a deep-rooted grasp of dark magic.

  But it is facing such an unreasonable enemy as Chen Mo.

   No matter how fast it moved, it was useless. With Chen Mo's thought, he summoned tens of millions of skeleton monsters back to his side.

  The huge spider monster flew back in fright.

  Perhaps it is because it has a high level of research on dark energy. Only in this way can it feel what kind of terrifying dark energy exists around Chen Mo.

   However, it is impossible to run.

  With a thought in Chen Mo's mind, the time-space orb was activated, and it was fixed in place, and then it was greeted by a round of activation of the skeleton monster.

Originally, the attributes of the current skeleton monsters are no longer comparable to the previous skeleton monsters. As a result, the current skeleton monsters still have their own skills. pressure gesture.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Mo instantly killed the boss of this legendary monster [Shadow Demon Spider], which was comparable to a giant dragon. Since this boss didn't have any special features worth keeping, Chen Mo didn't leave it alone. undead.

  With the death of the Shadow Demon Spider, the strange beehive maze made of dark energy collapsed and disappeared.

  Chen Mo reached out to touch the Shadow Demon Spider and put it in his backpack, then turned and left the lair.

  The nest this time took a little longer than the previous nests.

   After all, a lot of time was spent in the maze.

  After coming out, Chen Mo saw that Hanyu Liuyin hadn't come back yet, thinking that her luck was not so good this time, and she didn't get the holy demon body yet, so Chen Mo continued to turn around and entered the next lair.

  Chen Mo flew over the wild forest and arrived at the lair known as the [Ghost Tomb].

  He entered the entrance of the lair, and a desolate and dead air greeted him. The walls in the lair were made of thick rocks, which looked vicissitudes and dignified.

   These rocks are full of fissures and depressions, badly eroded by the passage of time.

  The inner cave of the lair is dark and cold, filled with a suffocating dead air.

  The walls are filled with the atmosphere of the tomb, exuding a faint smell of decay, which makes people shudder.

  The light in the lair was dim, and only faint fluorescent lights flickered in the blurred shadows.

   There is a strong smell of corruption in the air, like the breath of death. This breath makes people feel depressed and uneasy, as if every breath is stained with the shadow of death.

   There is no breath of life in the lair, only silence and death.

The ground in the lair is covered by spreading yellow vines. These vines look dry and withered, without a trace of life. They are tangled together, forming a twisted and weird network structure, as if imprisoning an ancient and evil force. .

  There is no water source in the lair, the air is full of dryness and dullness, and the dust is filled in the air, as if the sand of death enveloped the body.

  Chen Mo could feel an endless chill gushing out from this lair, as if this lair was the destination of death and despair.

  The entire lair exudes a terrifying and eerie atmosphere, and every step is full of danger and uncertainty.

  This is the realm of death, the forgotten corner, where people feel the oppression of despair and fear.

  Chen Mo stared at this withered land, and flew into the dark depths of the Nether Ghost Tomb.

  As Chen Mo continued to go deep into the dark depths of the Nether Ghost Tomb without hesitation, the breath of death permeating the silent air became more and more intense.

  His eyes gradually adapted to the dark environment, and his eyes fell on the huge tombstone in front of him that he had sensed for a long time.

  The tombstone is tall and heavy, carved from eerie black stone.

  It is engraved with ancient characters and patterns, deeply engraved with the weight of history.

  The handwriting on the tombstone has been blurred and seems to have been eroded by the baptism of the years, but it still reveals a mysterious and old atmosphere.

  Chen Mo approached the tombstone, feeling those nameless existences, as if calling him to enter the depths of the tomb together.

  He saw an ancient coat of arms engraved on the top of the tombstone. It was a distorted face, full of pain and fear.

  This coat of arms exudes a strange and terrifying power, which makes people shudder.

  Chen Mo's eyes followed the bottom of the tombstone, staring at a huge stone door.

  The door was carved with ancient runes, emitting a faint glow.

  This stone door looks heavy and solid, like a door leading to the unknown shadow.

  When Chen Mo pushed open the stone door, he entered the real ghost tomb.

  The smell of the tomb is even stronger, the walls are smooth and damp, exuding a rotten smell.

   Deep darkness enveloped the entire tomb, only the faint blue light from a few will-o'-the-wisps passed through the top of the tomb, casting mottled shadows.

  The ground of the tomb was covered with thick dust, and with the strange weak cold wind in the tomb, the dust flew up for a while, spreading like a mist.

  Chen Mo held his breath and stepped into it slowly, every step made a dull sound, as if breaking the eternal silence.

   There are some moss and vines growing on the walls of the tomb, and they are entangled on the wall like snakes, forming twisted lines.

  These vines are dry and fragile, revealing an aura of withering and decay.

  They cover the entire tomb, as if silently telling stories of death and despair.

  The interior of the ghost tomb is full of eerie atmosphere, which makes people feel suffocated and frightened.

  Chen Mo stood in the darkness, feeling the breath of death permeating the air, implying that he would face the demons from the abyss.

   Not long after Chen Mo entered the tomb, he sensed that in the deepest part of the Nether Ghost Tomb, the dark aura condensed into a huge figure. It was [Ghost Reaper], the master of this lair!

  The body of the Nether Death God is composed of various ghosts and spirits, like a dense black mist, covering the entire tomb.

   Its body is twisted and deformed, as if from the abyss of a nightmare.

  The face of the Nether Reaper is a deformed skull, and the eyes are burning with cold blue fire, emitting a terrifying light.

   Its skull is full of cracks and depressions, as if it has experienced endless torture.

  The vicious and cruel aura exuded from his whole body made people feel the breath of death.

  Ghost Reaper holds a huge sickle in his left hand, and the blade is filled with icy chill.

  Every time the sickle is swung, it will bring a wind of death, and the icy energy will spread, causing icy damage to those who approach.

  The power of the sickle is terrifying, enough to tear the body and soul.

  The right hand of the Nether Reaper tightly held a soul shield that shone with icy light.

  This shield is condensed from dark souls, full of evil power.

  It can absorb the enemy's attack and reflect part of the damage back, allowing the attacker to suffer the consequences.

  In addition, the Nether Reaper also has a special skill, that is, the ability to summon the soul army.

  It can use the power of darkness to awaken countless undead from the abyss, form a terrifying army, and launch a group attack on the enemy.

  These soul legions are both offensive and terrifying, capable of making any enemy feel the shadow of death.

  〖Ghost Reaper〗With its huge body, icy energy and endless malice, it has become the ultimate guardian of the ghost tomb.

  It is the Lord of Death, destroying the hope and life of all brave men.

   After reading the introduction about the Nether Reaper that he perceived, Chen Mo smiled immediately. It is also the summoning of the undead, so let's see who is more powerful.

  At this time, the Nether Death God had already sensed that Chen Mo had stepped into the tomb, and it flew to Chen Mo in a nihility, and wanted to give him a few warnings before doing anything.

   As a result, I never thought about it. Young people don't talk about martial arts. As soon as they met, Chen Mo used the Void Orb to escape into the void space and attacked him, an old comrade who was six or seven hundred thousand years old.


  Before it finished speaking, Chen Mo had activated the Almighty Converter to convert all the attacks of the skeleton monster into real injuries, and then gave the ghost death who has a special body that is immune to both physical and magical damage directly.

  Because this time the lair is very ordinary and there are not so many twists and turns, it took Chen Mo no more than three minutes from entering to solving the boss.

   It can be said to be a quick decision.

   "Is this also a legendary creature?"

  Looking at the huge body of the ghost death in front of him, Chen Mo had a little consideration in his heart.

  He glanced at the items he needed to synthesize. Aren't two of them related to Nether?

   Among them, the legendary material Nether Soul Dew required for the synthesis of Undead Worship, and the legendary material Nether Soul Liquid required for the synthesis of Infinite Healing Wave are all related to the netherworld.

  Chen Mo immediately sensed the information about the corpse of the Nether Death God.

   "It's really good luck. If I really decompose these two materials, then my two skill materials will be considered complete, and I can synthesize them directly after returning."

  Chen Mo put away the corpse of Nether Death with satisfaction, and left the lair again.

   Now there are only the last two lairs left in the outside world.

  Chen Mo glanced at the lair that was completely opposite to the final boss, and flew directly into it.

  However, this lair is not ordinary. Just after flying in, Chen Mo suffered a head-on blow.

  A thick thunderbolt came from his face, and it was too late to hide.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo is tough enough, and he won't die if he strikes casually.

  After being attacked, Chen Mo finally saw this lair world clearly. It was actually a world surrounded by lightning, which really gave people a sense of shock of destruction.

  Just being deep in it, the scalp was a little numb from the rumbling and crackling sounds of various thunder and lightning.

  This so-called Thunder Cave, just as Chen Mo flew into it, he was immediately enveloped by a powerful lightning force.

  Countless lightning bolts roared down from the top of the nest, cutting through the dark space, forming a dazzling scene.

  The air in the lair is filled with the smell of electricity, as if every breath is filled with electrified energy.

  Lightning energy churns in the air in a form visible to the naked eye, forming swirling arc vortices one after another. These vortexes hover in the air, releasing intense electrical energy, forming colorful lightning bolts.

  In the Cave of Thunder, the power of thunder and lightning is immeasurable. Some lightning is small and short, like a flash of lightning; while some are huge and blazing, like a divine blade of punishment between heaven and earth.

  They bring strong destructive power, capable of instantly reducing everything to ashes.

  Lightning with different intensities exhibits different characteristics.

  Some lightning bolts are hot enough to boil the air and ignite a sea of ​​flames; others are accompanied by a cold chill that freezes all life around them. Sometimes, the lightning appears dazzling white; other times, the lightning takes on an eerie purple or emerald green color, adding a mysterious and terrifying atmosphere.

  In the Cave of Thunder, the thunder and lightning released a terrifying sound. The sound of thunder was like the roar of a giant beast, deafening and resounding through the dome. Every sound of thunder brings a strong sense of oppression, as if the world is trembling.

  The buzzing sound of the arc is like a piece of music composed of billions of electric currents, which makes people tremble.

  Chen Mo felt the energy of thunder and lightning gathering around him, and he saw thunder and lightning flickering wildly in the maze-like lair, as if waiting for his arrival.

  As he went deeper into the lair, the energy of the thunder and lightning became stronger and stronger, forming a frenzy of thunderstorms.

  He saw a huge lightning chain forming in the air, criss-crossing, like a giant dragon hovering upwards.

  The light of thunder and lightning flickered, releasing a dazzling white light, illuminating the entire lair.

  In the depths of Thunder Cave, Chen Mo sensed the existence of BOSS.

  It is a huge thunder element, composed of pure lightning energy, exuding strong arcs and energy fluctuations.

  Its body seems to be the condensation of thunder and lightning, shining bright and dazzling blue light.

  The shape of the lightning element is constantly changing, sometimes appearing as a rotating cloud of thunder and lightning, and sometimes turning into a huge lightning rune.

  The body of the thunder and lightning element is constantly surging with lightning energy, making buzzing sounds and explosions of electric arcs, as if the sky is being torn apart. The current jumps around it, forming shocking chains of arcs, like mysterious rune lines blooming with magical power. These chains of arcs coiled around the elemental lightning like snakes, flashing a blinding blue light.

  Elemental Thunder possesses the power of lightning and can unleash devastating lightning attacks. When it gathers enough lightning energy, its attack can instantly reduce everything to ashes. The electric current burst out from its body, forming a series of powerful thunder and lightning, dancing in the air like a giant dragon, tearing the air, filling the space in the lair with the power of thunder and lightning.

  In the environment of the Thunder Lair, the power of the lightning element has been greatly increased. The space surrounded by lightning makes its skills more powerful. It can summon a thunderstorm, flooding the entire lair with the power of lightning, forming a field of electric current. The energy of thunder and lightning is like a violent storm, hitting all living things hard, leaving the enemy nowhere to escape.

  Chen Mo sensed its attributes, and found that this boss is actually quite difficult to deal with.

   Mainly because of the surrounding environment, it is very difficult for other people to deal with it.

When fighting the BOSS, the prepared lightning environment will strengthen all the skills of the BOSS. At the same time, when the BOSS is injured, the surrounding lightning energy can also provide it with the energy needed for recovery. During the battle, the surrounding lightning will also help the battle from time to time. , under the superposition of triple disadvantages, a normal person entering this space would probably just activate the Escape Talisman and escape.

   But in front of Chen Mo's army of undead, all beings are equal.

  With the appearance of tens of millions of skeleton monsters, it was just a simple round of combined attacks, and the lightning element was directly bombarded and killed.

   But after all, he is playing thunder and lightning, so the attack speed is fast.

  The other bosses were defeated and did not touch Chen Mo, but this lightning elemental launched an attack and hit Chen Mo.

   This kind of unit that has extremely fast attack ability and can also paralyze the opponent can actually always have one.

  It can be used to break the single invincible shield of some targets and deal with some extremely fast and difficult enemies. If a rapid attack paralyzes him, it will be much easier to deal with.

   But it is a pity that this thunder element, like the ghost death above, does not belong to the type of flesh and blood life, so naturally it cannot obtain the corresponding undead.

  Chen Mo didn't pay much attention to this. Although the function is not bad, it's not that important.

   Putting away the energy corpse of the lightning element, Chen Mo returned to the central area with a flash of a god.

   Seeing that Hanyu Liuyin hadn't come back, Chen Mo glanced at the remaining time of the dungeon.

It takes time to soak the body of the holy demon, every second of soaking, one more chance to produce the body of the holy demon, and it will take a little time to deal with the final boss, although it is somewhat embarrassing to bathe with the senior sister I just met, but In order to benefit others, there is no embarrassment, and such things as being a boy are not trivial.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo returned to the source of the Holy Demon with a flicker of a god.

  At this time, Hanyu Yanaone was lying comfortably by the spring pool of the holy magic source, closing his eyes and enjoying the soaking of the holy magic source.

   "Chen Mo, you came back so soon."

  Seeing Chen Mo coming back here, Hanyu Liuyin closed his eyes and said.

   "Well, the three bosses have been dealt with, and they are not any troublesome lairs, so come and go clubbing, and it will be a loss if you waste time waiting until you can't get the holy demon body."

  Hearing what she said, Chen Mo nodded, and with a thought, he put away the Glory Hero suit and other equipment on his body, and went directly into the source of holy magic.

  In the package of the source of holy magic, I can't see anything.

  As soon as Chen Mo entered the source of holy magic, the hint of heaven sounded immediately.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations, because you have the "Super God Body", when soaking in the source of the Holy Demon, the Super God Body took the initiative to help you obtain the "Holy Demon Body"! 】

   "It's okay to be a meow!"

  Chen Mo was stunned immediately, let's just put the hairy belly, just dip it and it's over?

   Chen Mo will not be able to fix it all at once, and if this continues, get up and leave, won't it seem somewhat inappropriate?

  He simply continued soaking, and at the same time checked the effect of the Holy Demon Body.

[Holy Demon Body·SS-level Physique]: Units with this physique will increase all attributes by 20%, and at the same time gain 10% life and energy recovery effects per second. When you receive damage, 50% of the damage will be deducted from the energy value .

   "Good guy! Is this the so-called physique? It's too abnormal, the attribute points are actually added by percentage!"

  Chen Mo couldn't help imagining that if he added a few more physiques, wouldn't the attributes directly skyrocket?

  In fact, he can think so, because only the super **** body can be compatible with all physiques in one body, and let them all work.

  Even if ordinary people encounter multiple physiques at the same time, they still cannot have them at the same time.

  In the case of already having a physique, when they acquire a new physique, they will receive a reminder from Heaven that they need to abandon one physique and keep the other.

  You can only have one kind of physique forever.

  But ordinary people will not encounter this kind of trouble.

  Because physique is an extremely rare reward, it is an existence that cannot be met.

  Yanagi Hanyu had never had a chance to acquire physical fitness before, so she cherished it very much.

  The shared bathing custom she mentioned does exist, but there is only a small part of their Sakura Village that has this custom, and most of them are separated by men and women. She said this just to cover up her embarrassment.

   Of course, there is also the reason why she doesn't hate this junior.

  Not so much that she doesn't hate her, she even wants to get close to him after getting along for a long time, and the reason why she has a good impression of Chen Mo is because after getting along for a long time, she finds that he is a powerful and gentle junior.

   This kind of boy is still very lethal to girls.

  He is tall and handsome, has a good figure, a good temper, and is invincible in strength.

   It is both ornamental and practical, and it is difficult to like it or not.

  At this moment, she also understood why that girl Elena kept telling herself not to have bad ideas about this junior over and over again.

  She couldn't help showing a wry smile, she seemed to have promised too much before.

   Soon, she heard the sound of water coming out of the pool, and she looked up, only to see that Chen Mo had left the source of holy magic. This was the first time she saw a boy naked.

  When Chen Mo walked out of the source of holy magic, water dripped down his perfectly sculpted skin.

  Chen Mo's collarbone is clearly visible, like a delicate work of art, outlining his perfect chest and neck lines.

  His body lines are smooth and powerful, and every muscle shows health and vitality.

  The fake lair is under the sun, and the sun shines on his body, reflecting his healthy complexion and charming light.

  His body shape is just right, with firm muscle lines, yet delicate and soft.

When he bends down slightly, the solid abdominal muscles are clearly visible. Every muscle is uneven and exudes a healthy luster. His abdominal muscles are tight and strong, giving people a strong sense of strength and leanness. beauty.

   And he that as male.

   Hanyu Liuyin couldn't help but marvel at Chen Mo's perfect figure.

   She looked at his bare upper body, and a secret pulsating feeling surged in her heart.

  She swallowed unconsciously, her eyes fixed on him a little dullly.

  At that moment, she felt a strange attraction, and an indescribable desire welled up in her heart.

  Liu Yin's face gradually turned red, she tried hard to control her emotions, but the excitement in her heart was still uncontrollable.

  Her heart beat faster, her lips trembled slightly, and she wanted to say something, but she couldn't make a sound.

  Chen Mo didn't notice Liu Yin's reaction at this time. After he landed, he immediately wiped off the moisture on his body and put on his equipment again.

  At this time, he smiled and looked at Hanyu Liuyin, who had pretended to close his eyes again, and said, "Senior sister, I have already developed my physique. I will go back to the central area and wait for you."

Hearing what Chen Mo said, Hanyu Liuyin, whose skin was slightly flushed at this time, didn't notice that Chen Mo's physique broke out after a quick rinse, his mind was full of Chen Mo's body full of masculine charm just now, and he responded indiscriminately. Sentence, no longer speak.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo returned to the central area with a flicker of a god.

  After reaching the central area, Chen Mo took out the three boss corpses he had just obtained.

   Two of them can be separated from Hanyu Liu, but some untradable materials can be decomposed from the body of the Nether Reaper.

   This is not easy to divide, Chen Mo decided to break it down by himself, and then allow more tradable materials to the senior sister.

  He mainly wants two key non-tradable materials for the Nether Death.

   Following Chen Mo's temporary god-level decomposition technique, he began to decompose the Nether Reaper.

   As expected of the god-level disintegration technique given away, the disassembly is extremely efficient and the benefits are good. The decomposition of the corpse is basically a perfect decomposition without any loss.

  At this time, Chen Mo finally understood why Gao Xing disassembler is more profitable than ordinary life occupations.

  It can be seen from the fact that the same corpse can be stripped out by using different decomposition techniques. The difference in income is huge.

  Since the corpse took away the most critical binding materials, Chen Mo left the remaining tradable materials to Hanyu Liuyin.

  As for the remaining two corpses, one half of them can be decomposed and divided equally.

   After Chen Mo waited for about an hour, Hanyu Liuyin finally reappeared in front of Chen Mo, but her complexion was a little crimson, which seemed to be because she had just finished soaking in the holy magic fountain.

  Yanagi Hanyu arranged her clothes,

  Her breathing was a little short, and the slightly trembling corners of her lips revealed a soft feeling.

  Despite her best efforts to conceal her status, the subtle blush still gave away.

  The eyes she watched Chen Mo revealed a kind of affectionate and indescribable desire, as if she had an irresistible attraction to him.

  Although she tried her best to keep calm, her body still revealed a soft and sensitive breath.

  Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then noticed Hanyu Liuyin's slightly unusual expression.

  He asked with concern: "Sister, what's wrong with you? Do you feel unwell?"

  Yanagi Hanyu shook his head lightly, and replied in a weak voice: "No... no, it's just that it's a little hot after soaking in the holy magic source..."

  Her voice gradually lowered, unconsciously avoiding Chen Mo's gaze.

  An inexplicable shyness surged in her heart. She didn't know why she had such a reaction. Not long ago, she just saw Chen Mo's naked body, and her heart was occupied by an inexplicable desire.

  (end of this chapter)

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