Chapter 271 Five Divine Beasts! (2 in 1, 1010)

Chen Mo noticed Liu Yin's emotional changes, he patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said warmly: "It's okay, the energy of the holy magic source does make people feel hot, and I have the same experience, as long as you take a short rest, you will soon be warm." It will get better."

  Liuyin raised her head, nodded slightly, trying to control her emotions.

  She knew that her behavior at the moment was inappropriate, but she couldn't restrain the excitement in her heart. She smiled shyly and said softly, "Thank you for your concern, Junior Chen Mo."

   At this time, Hanyu Liuyin also came back to his senses and asked about Chen Mo's messy belly.

   "By the way, have you soaked in the body of the holy demon? If I remember correctly, you came out immediately after entering the water for a while."

  Chen Mo said with a smile: "It's soaked, I didn't expect to soak it after just dipping in the water. I'm really surprised."

   "As expected of you, your luck is really extraordinary." Hanyu Liuyin said enviously.

"so far so good."

   What kind of luck is there this time, it is purely because of the super **** body that it can be so fierce.

   But Chen Mo will not say much about these things.

  Super God Body is his extremely powerful trump card.

   No matter whether there is any harm after others find out, they cannot disclose it.

   Seeing Hanyu Liuyin's return, Chen Mo and her immediately disassembled all the remaining boss corpses.

   "Sister, I dismantled this boss just now, because I need its two binding materials. As compensation, I will give you all the tradable materials of this boss."

  Chen Mo pointed to a pile of dark materials and said.

Hanyu Liuyin glanced at a large pile of materials on the ground, immediately smiled and shook his head and said: "I was joking with you before, with such a small amount of credits, I will let you do everything, and with so many things, I won't be a black-hearted boss anymore , the two bound ones will be considered extra rewards, and we will share the rest equally."

   After Hanyu Yanaone finished speaking, Chen Mo could not refuse, and distributed all the materials.

   "It's not bad. All the tradable materials of these three bosses are worth a lot. This time we enter the dungeon, and the income of all tradable materials is added up. One person can earn almost 4,000 eternal gold coins."

  Yanagi Hanyu was already completely satisfied with such an explosive profit, so it was naturally impossible to take advantage of Chen Mo.

  Seeing that the senior sister persisted, Chen Mo had nothing to say. After putting away all the materials, they looked towards the direction of the final nest.

   After packing up, the two of them flew into it side by side.

  When the two of them flew into the giant beast king's lair, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded related introductions.

   According to legend, this lair is the birthplace of ancient gods, and its interior is full of mysterious powers and ancient ritual relics.

  Following the reminder of the Dao of Heaven, Chen Mo and the two saw a brand new world unfolding in front of them.

   They are placed in a mysterious and strange environment, surrounded by a huge and magnificent spar forest.

  These crystals exude a faint sacred light, shining with colorful light, like the stars in the universe dotted in the forest.

  This spar forest is not exposed to sunlight, but exudes a soft and mysterious light, illuminating the entire lair brightly and magically.

  Spar trees soar into the sky, their branches and leaves are made of crystal clear spar, blooming with beautiful light.

  Walking through the stone forest, Chen Mo and Liu Yin seemed to be in a labyrinth of light, and every step reflected the glow of the spar.

  In the spar forest, they felt a mysterious energy surrounding them, as if these spar contained ancient and powerful power.

Sometimes, some crystals will emit warm light, providing guidance and shelter for adventurers; sometimes, some crystals will release mysterious energy, which will enhance the strength of Chen Mo and Liu Yin, allowing them to better deal with the coming challenge.

   When the two of them flew through the stone forest, they both obtained a special spar BUFF, which increased their damage and defense.

  Discovering this effect, they couldn't help slowing down their flight speed, preparing to see if there was anything special about the spar forest.

  When the two were flying slowly in the spar forest, there were no other creatures beside the spar trees.

  This forest is full of mystery and tranquility, only weak energy fluctuations echo in the air.

  After flying for a long distance, the two of them didn't find anything more strange happening.

  Finally, they came to the entrance of a cave deep in the stone forest.

  The walls of the cave are made of smooth rock, without any protrusions or unevenness.

   After Chen Mo and Liu Yin entered the cave, their eyes suddenly opened up.

  The interior of the cave is wide and tall, with mysterious lines shining on the walls, like sacred runes.

   There is an ancient smell in the air, and the lair exudes a mysterious and solemn atmosphere.

  The channel is not an ordinary rock, but is made of strange crystals. These crystals are very similar to the previous crystals outside, and they all emit charming light.

  Each spar is like a star in the universe, making the whole lair look like a fairyland.

  Through the passage of the lair, Chen Mo and Liu Yin were attracted by the spar on the wall that was similar to the stone forest before.

  These spars are not just for decoration, they contain mystical powers.

  The color of the spar in the stone forest is relatively light, but the color of the spar here is much deeper. It can be seen that the intensity of the energy contained is not of the same level.

  Unknowingly, the two of them had reached the depths of the lair.

   What appeared before their eyes was a mysterious altar.

  The altar is engraved with ancient runes, exuding powerful divine power.

   In the center of the altar, the giant beast king stands, its body is huge!

  Its shape is like a moving mountain, standing in the center of the altar.

  The skin of this giant beast king is covered with scales that are as hard as steel, and each scale that undulates like mountains shines with mysterious light, like the stars in the sky, both beautiful and unreachable. These scales are engraved with mysterious patterns, as if telling a fairy tale from ancient times, full of endless wisdom and mysterious power. The colors of these scales are different, some are shining with silver-white light, some are showing deep blue-black, each scale is engraved with rune-like lines, complex and deep, rotating and staggered, as if it contains ancient mystery strength.

  The head of the giant beast king is dignified and majestic, and a pair of piercing eyes are like a deep starry sky, filled with the light of wisdom. Those eyes seem to be able to penetrate all falsehoods.

  The single horn on the top of the head is like an upright pagoda, with purple-gold light flowing in it, as if connecting the mysterious power between heaven and earth.

  Its mouth is half-opened, and the exposed teeth are tough and sharp, like finely carved jade, giving people an endless shock.

  Its limbs are strong and powerful, and each hoof is engraved with complex textures, as if the traces left on it by the laws of nature. When the four feet step on the ground, the heaven and the earth will shake, and all things will surrender to it.

The tail of the giant beast king is like a vigorous dragon, with dense scales and metallic luster, which looks tough and powerful. The tip of its tail is shaped like a spike, shining sharp light, like a military flag waving on the battlefield, showing its majesty Incomparable dominance.

  In addition to the domineering physique, the giant beast king is surrounded by a sacred aura, which is the deepest awe for life and the purest respect for power.

  This sacred aura, like an invisible storm, swept across the entire lair, filling every corner with a mysterious and solemn atmosphere.

  The Beast King's Lair is not only the giant beast king, but also some guardian beasts.

  These mythical beasts are the guardians of the ancient gods, possessing ancient wisdom and great power.

  They have different shapes, some soar in the sky like flying dragons, and some burst into flames like phoenixes. They fight side by side with the king of giant beasts to protect the birthplace of the gods.

  Their existence adds to the mysterious and solemn atmosphere of the nest.

   "So many monsters in the last level?"

  Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin both looked quite surprised.

   Never thought that there are a total of five legendary creatures in this last place.

   Chen Mo felt very familiar with these five monsters.

  Like the five mythical beasts in the myths and legends of Huaguo, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Qilin.

   Qinglong displays a solemn and mighty temperament.

  Its body is tens of meters long, with turquoise dragon scales covering its whole body, and silver-white rays of light shone between the dragon scales, like stars in the starry sky. The dragon's claws are strong and powerful, and the claws are shining with sharp light, enough to tear apart mountains. The dragon's horn is towering, like a huge sword, revealing infinite majesty and strength. The blue dragon's wings are wide and gorgeous, covered with a transparent water-like film, when it spreads its wings, it brings a gust of wind and lightning, controlling the power of the storm.

  The white tiger is elegant and mighty.

  It is tens of meters long, and its snow-white tiger fur exudes a chill like ice and snow. Baihu's body is strong and powerful, with clearly visible muscle lines, revealing great strength. Its eyes were like two ice crystals, shining with a sharp and cold light. The white tiger's teeth are as sharp as knives and can easily tear apart the armor of the enemy. Its claws are strong enough to tear rocks apart. The white tiger's tail is huge and powerful, like a huge war hammer, it can easily smash the enemy's defense.

  Suzaku shows a fiery and magnificent temperament.

  It is tens of meters long and is covered with gorgeous fiery red feathers, each feather exuding burning flames. Suzaku's eyes were like two rubies, shining with fiery and dazzling light. Its mouth is slender and sharp, and it can shoot out scorching flames. Suzaku's wings are broad and beautiful, and its feathers are in various colors such as gold, red, and orange. Every time it soars, it will leave a gorgeous trail of flames in the air. Its tail blooms like a ball of flame, like the tail of a flame, making it more flexible and ferocious in battle.

   Xuanwu exudes a mysterious and solid atmosphere.

  It has a huge body, with a hard turtle shell on its back, and the turtle shell is inlaid with gems shining with mysterious light. Xuanwu's head is round and steady, his eyes are deep and calm, revealing endless wisdom. Its limbs are strong and its claws are as hard as steel, strong enough to withstand all attacks. Xuanwu's turtle tail is strong and powerful, like a war hammer, it can easily smash the enemy's defense. Xuanwu's tortoise shell is like an indestructible fortress, able to resist attacks from any direction.

  These four mythical beasts each showed their unique appearance and power. After perceiving the attributes of these five legendary monsters, Chen Mo found that none of them were the real body.

   "Fake ones? No, they all have the aura of divine power on them, so they are not pure fakes. Could it be that they are just a weak incarnation of these divine beasts?"

   Just as Chen Mo muttered in a low voice, the giant beast king in the middle spoke.

   "Strange adventurer, your insight is good." The giant beast king's voice was dignified and solemn, as if echoing throughout the lair, its voice carried a sacred and majestic aura.

"We are the guardians of the birthplace of the gods, endowed with the power and form of the beasts, but we are not the real body." The giant beast king continued to explain, "We are in this world in the form of the incarnation of the gods and beasts, protecting this lair and The birthplace of the gods, since you have come here, I will follow the instructions of the gods, and I will not let you come in vain, and we will give you corresponding tests."

   "What test?"

"Now I give you the chance to choose to challenge any one of our five. Of course, if you are confident in yourself, you can challenge more than one at the same time. You only have one chance to choose. After you choose, according to the number of us you defeated when you succeeded in the challenge, Come to give different evaluations and rewards from yours." The voice of the giant beast king echoed in the lair, its language was extremely solemn, full of supreme majesty.

  Hearing what the other party said, Chen Mo laughed immediately.

  Although these five legendary monsters are powerful, they are just clones of divine beasts, and they exist to protect the birthplace of the gods.

  Although their strength is powerful, compared with the real beasts, they are only a few streets behind, and they are just five insignificant existences.

   "Then we choose to challenge five." Chen Mo said calmly.

   "Brave, I advise you to think clearly before answering. I haven't finished my sentence yet." The giant beast king's deep eyes fell on Chen Mo, and he took a deep look at him.

   Immediately, the king of giant beasts spoke again: "Our five incarnations of divine beasts are connected with each other. If you choose to challenge four of them at the same time, the bonds of the four sacred beasts will be activated!"

Speaking of which, the giant beast king raised his paw and pointed to the surroundings, "You have also seen the crystals around you. Once the fetters of the four holy beasts are triggered, the surrounding crystals will transmit a large amount of energy into their bodies, greatly increasing their combat effectiveness." promote.

   Originally, it was already very difficult for you to challenge four at the same time, but now you have to challenge four extremely strengthened opponents, I am afraid that you will not be able to bear it at all.

   And if you choose five of us, it will trigger our five sacred beast fetters, and our five combat effectiveness will be stronger than the four sacred beast fetters mentioned before! "

   At the end, the Giant Beast King looked at Chen Mo with great interest and continued to ask: "So, are you sure you want to choose to challenge five of us at once?"

  [PS]: It’s 20,000 more, and it’s 4,000 short of the goal. I’ve tried my best, and the goal is still 24,000 tomorrow, not too much.

It will be next month soon, and the monthly ticket is only two hundred short, so you can make up a thousand monthly tickets and have a chance to draw a lottery. The difference is not too much. If you don’t make up the previous monthly tickets, it will be a waste. If you still have monthly tickets at the end of the month, you will have more trouble, thank you very much Everyone.

  (end of this chapter)

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