All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 272: Accidental duplication, the heart of the holy beast! (triple)

  Chapter 272 Accidental duplication, the heart of the holy beast! (triple)

  After listening to what the giant beast king said, Chen Mo asked curiously: "This is a dungeon with SS level difficulty, will it become SSS level if you challenge five of you at the same time?"

   "No, it's just that all of our attributes will reach the SS-level limit attributes, including all ability strengths."

Hearing this, Hanyu Liuyin said speechlessly: "All SS-level ultimate strength, then this is not much better than SSS-level, and even the actual combat ability may be stronger than ordinary SSS-level bosses, isn't this equivalent to Challenge five bosses with SSS difficulty at once?"

  Written as SS level, it is actually SSS level. Facing these five bosses, Hanyu Liuyin still feels quite stressed, even though Chen Mo has such a group of skeleton monsters.

  But the abilities of these five bosses are too comprehensive.

   In terms of defense, there is Xuanwu with extremely abnormal survivability. It can provide damage reduction aura, control-free aura, immune abnormality aura and various defense supports to all other beast incarnations.

   In terms of control, there are white tiger's extreme freezing, unicorn's space confinement, and Qinglong's thunder paralysis.

   In terms of output, each has unique skills.

   "You can say that too." The Giant Beast King did not deny what Hanyu Yanaone said.

  Obviously, if you challenge any of them alone, or even if you don’t choose a few who are bound to challenge together, the difficulty will be much less difficult.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo casually put a shield on himself and Hanyu Liuyin and said with a smile, "I want to fight five, so there's no need to say more."


  Seeing that this human adventurer really dared to challenge five, the giant beast king was also interested.

  I saw a strange light suddenly lit up between its brows, and at the same time, the brows of the other four divine beast incarnations also lit up with this light.

  As the five rays of light rose and converged at the same time, all the crystals in the entire area began to emit intense holy light.

   This light gushed out from the spar and penetrated into the bodies of the king of giant beasts and the other four incarnations of divine beasts, making them feel a powerful injection of energy.

  With the powerful energy released by the spar, the changes of the five gods and beasts' incarnations are even more astonishing.

   Qinglong's body glowed with bright blue light, and its body was even more majestic and majestic. Its scales shone with ancient runes, exuding powerful wind and thunder power. The horns on the dragon's head shone with lightning, as if to pierce the sky. Qinglong flies freely in the air with its own strength. Every time it swings its body, it will cause a gust of wind and rain in the entire cave, thunder and lightning, and the sky and the earth will change color.

  The body of the white tiger is even bigger, and its hair is shining with silvery white light. Its eyes are full of fierceness and coldness, as if it can freeze everything. The white tiger has the power of extreme cold, its body exudes a frosty chill, and the ice and snow condense into icicles around it. Every time it opened its mouth, a powerful icy breath spewed out from the mouth, condensing into ice and snow blades, freezing everything that melted into ice cubes.

   Suzaku's wings are burning with raging flames, which are scorching flames emanating from its body. Its feathers are brilliant red, as if it is the embodiment of fire. Suzaku has the power of fire, every time it **** its wings, the flames splash and burn all obstacles around it. It opened its beak, and a powerful flame spurted out, instantly turning the surroundings into ashes.

   Xuanwu's tortoise body is shrouded under the hard tortoise shell, and the snake tail exudes a gloomy poisonous mist. Its tortoise shell is engraved with mysterious runes, exuding a powerful defense. Xuanwu has the dual characteristics of defensive power and poisonous snake. When it swung its tail, the poisonous fangs on the top of the snake's head shone with evil light, and the poisonous mist filled the air, enough to make all enemies who approached fell into pain and poison.

  The body of the giant beast king is even bigger, like a moving mountain. Its scales shone with various colors, and each scale was engraved with mysterious lines and runes. The Behemoth King wields the power of destruction, the power of space, and pure power. It swung its huge claws, the ground trembled, and the roof of the cave shattered.

  As it opened its huge jaws, it released an astonishingly powerful energy shock wave, instantly destroying all the soil on the top of the cave.

  The original cave itself has become an open-air environment.

  The changes of the incarnations of the five gods and beasts are amazing, and they exude unparalleled majesty and strength.

   Together, they are definitely qualified to guard the birthplace of the gods.

   Just the fact that these five guys can't restrain the explosive power after absorbing the energy is enough to see how strong their fighting power is.

   "Human, are you... ready!"

  The huge eyes of the giant beast king turned to Chen Mo and said.

  Chen Mo immediately smiled and said: "I want to ask you this, but it seems that you have already absorbed the energy, so I will start."

  The moment Chen Mo's voice fell, the five avatars of the beasts were all shocked for no reason, because their blood volume began to drop suddenly.

   But why it fell, they have no idea.

  But after all, it is the combination of the incarnations of the five great beasts, plus the blessing of the Xuanwu halo, they were not easily killed by Chen Mo like the previous lair master.

   They even have the energy to talk to Chen Mo.

   "What's going on? Human, what have you done to us?"

  Seeing that the five incarnations of divine beasts didn't find his own skeleton monster at all, Chen Mo understood that SS level is SS level, and it can't be compared with SSS level.

  SSS-level bosses basically have hidden powers, and they can easily see through Chen Mo's hidden ability.

  But in the SS-level dungeon, even the incarnations of these beasts do not have such a strong hidden divine power.

  Now Chen Mo has a full 40 points of divine power, and because of the effect of the title Super SSS Title—Super God Challenger, Chen Mo also added an additional 100 points of hidden divine power.

In other words, if you want to see through his hidden ability, you must have more than 140 points of divine power. A normal SS level dungeon monster cannot even have divine power or hidden divine power, let alone 140 points so high Amount of divine power.

  Even though these five incarnations of divine beasts are special than normal monsters and have certain hidden powers, they cannot exceed Chen Mo's comprehensive requirements for divine power, so naturally they cannot see through his hidden magic.

  At this time, they only had to be beaten with question marks in their minds.

   Seeing that they couldn't find a target to hit them, the five incarnations of divine beasts immediately aimed at Chen Mo and the two of them.

   The giant beast king headed by suddenly surged with a force of space, sealing the surroundings completely.

   Chen Mo couldn't help liking this skill.

  After using this skill, the caster must be killed before it can be broken. This is definitely a very powerful means of trapping people.

  Chen Mo immediately glanced at his copying **** seal, wanting to see if the copying **** seal has recorded this move.

  The result is unclear, the Copy God Seal not only recorded this move, but even recorded an additional skill that surprised Chen Mo even more.

   "My God! Can you even record the god-level harvesting technique?"

  Chen Mo was overjoyed immediately.

  This is a skill temporarily given to him by Heavenly Dao, but this skill is so easy to use that it explodes.

  If there is no god-level harvesting technique, Chen Mo will have to spend money to find someone to dismantle the corpses of the bosses that Chen Mo hit in this wave. At that time, all the binding materials will be theirs, and they will have to pay them an additional disassembly fee.

   This tandem gain gap is simply impossible to assess.

  Seeing that even the god-level collection technique can be copied, Chen Mona spent a little money without saying a word, and directly forgot the two relatively useless skills of investment and marching speed that were originally copied.

  Then copied all the god-level collection technique and the space banning skill released by the giant beast king just now.

  Because of all this, Chen Mo can be said to be in a good mood at this time.

  Looking at the five bosses in front of me, they are much more pleasing to the eye.

  If it wasn't for the dungeon clearance, he might even consider letting these five guys go.

   Just when the giant beast king closed the space and was about to close the door and beat the dog against Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin, he found that Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin also disappeared all of a sudden.

   Now the five incarnations of divine beasts were beaten all over their heads, while their scalps were numb.

Just when the giant beast king revoked the space ban and was about to run away to look again, he found that a layer of abilities similar to his space ban had risen around him, completely sealing them in this area unable to leave.

  Run but can't run, hit but have no target.

   Not long after, the five incarnations of divine beasts were beaten by an unknown attack, and a large piece of runes appeared on their bodies.

  With the appearance of the rune, the incarnation of the divine beast was in a state where it could not be attacked. Seeing this, Chen Mo immediately shifted the target.

   After a little effort, the five incarnations of the beasts were all knocked out of the rune state, and then the power of the five beasts began to restrain themselves, and finally returned to their original positions.

  At this moment, Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin showed their figures.

   "Is this a pass?" Chen Mo said with a smile, looking at the giant beast king.

  As soon as the words came out, the giant beast king looked at Chen Mo with an extremely contemptuous expression.

   Obviously, he was very displeased with Chen Mo's hideous behavior just now.

  After all, they are the incarnations of the five great beasts, so they have to be given a chance to perform.

   As a result, none of them had time to show it, and the opponents disappeared without leaving, which is too cheating.

  Although the five incarnations of the beasts are not the real ones, they are at least the incarnations of the beasts. They were defeated inexplicably. Don't they want to lose face?

At this time, Hanyu Liuyin didn't care about the conversation between Chen Mo and the giant beast king. She looked at Chen Mo with a shocked expression. Although she was shocked by Chen Mo's ability to summon so many perverted skeleton monsters, she had Elena laid the groundwork in advance, and she was more or less confident in advance.

  But the strange invisibility ability that Chen Mo showed just now was completely unexpected to her.

  These five incarnations of divine beasts clearly possessed a strong ability to break through the invisible, but they couldn't see a single skeleton monster, which really surprised Hanyu Liuyin.

  She really couldn't imagine why a person of the Skeleton Mage family would have the invisibility ability that is even more perverted than the Stealth class, and even the ability to be invisible in groups.

  【Reminder from Heaven: You have successfully defeated the five incarnations of the guardian beasts in the birthplace of the gods. Since you are the five incarnations of the guardian beasts in one challenge, the final reward of your copy settlement rewards will be increased by five times! 】

  The prompt this time is obviously different from the previous promotion for killing other nest bosses.

   The prompt for killing other nest bosses is to increase the settlement income reward by 100%, and this time the final reward is increased by five times.

   Isn't that equivalent to increasing the promotion rewards obtained from killing other nest bosses before?

  Then the settlement reward is very high.

  Chen Mo couldn't help looking forward to it.

   "Congratulations to you human, you have successfully defeated us. According to your challenge level, I can give you a legendary treasure that is rarer than god-level treasures—"Holy Beast Heart"!

  But there is only one baby, how the two of you want to distribute it is up to you. "

   After finishing speaking with a neutral expression, the giant beast king opened his mouth and spit out a heart shining with sacred light towards Chen Mo.

   "Heart of the Holy Beast!!"

   Hanyu Yanaone, who was still in a daze, immediately exclaimed when he heard this.

  Seeing that Hanyu Liuyin reacted so strongly, Chen Mo immediately checked the effect of the Holy Beast Heart.

  [Heart of the Holy Beast]: After using it on a pet, it can unconditionally promote the pet to the SS rank!

   "It's really rare that there is something that can directly upgrade a pet's rank to a certain rank."

   This kind of thing is absolutely priceless in the outside world. No matter how many people want a high-star pet, they can't ask for it.

  Pets are generally only available in A-level and above pet dungeons.

  The pet eggs that can be obtained from A-level pet dungeons usually have a three-star birth stage.

  From the nascent stage, through the juvenile stage, the growth stage, the mature stage, and the full body stage, each of these four stages can increase the pet to three stars at most.

  S-level pet dungeons have pet eggs that can be obtained with a low probability, and the general birth stage is five-star.

  From the initial period, each period can increase the pet to five stars at most.

  SS-level pet dungeons have a low probability of getting pet eggs, usually seven stars.

  From the initial period, each period can increase the pet's seven stars at most.

  SSS-level pet dungeon has a very low chance of getting a pet egg, usually ten stars.

  From the initial period, each period can increase the pet's maximum ten stars.

   It can be seen that the grades are different, and the final pet star rating is still quite large.

  A-level pets only have fifteen stars at most, while SS-level pets have thirty-five stars.

  The reason why there is such a big gap is that there is too much difference in the difficulty of obtaining.

  Even if you enter the corresponding pet dungeon, the probability of getting the corresponding pet egg is very low.

   It is difficult to enter the corresponding pet dungeon.

  Because you want to enter the corresponding pet dungeon, you must obtain the pet dungeon invitation letter in advance.

   Open the corresponding pet copy through the invitation letter to enter it.

  Under normal circumstances, the chance of getting an invitation letter for a pet instance is already very low.

  Because pet dungeon invitations are generally only available after opening the special treasure chest encountered in the dungeon.

Encountering a special treasure chest in a dungeon is a low-probability thing. In addition to this low-probability thing, you have to open a pet dungeon invitation letter from the treasure chest's many reward pools, which is even less likely. something happened.

In this situation of probability plus probability, even if you get the pet dungeon invitation letter, it is very difficult to pass the pet dungeon perfectly. Even if you pass, you will usually only get some pet supplies in the end, but if you want The probability of obtaining pet eggs is low to medium.

  Under the pressure of triple probability, the difficulty for normal people to obtain a pet can be imagined.

   Fortunately, ordinary pet eggs can be traded. Some people who already own pets are lucky enough to get them again, so they can choose to trade them to others.

   Of course, apart from obtaining pet eggs in this conventional way, various events held by Tiandao are opportunities to obtain rare rewards.

  As long as it is an event held by Tiandao, it is not surprising that any type of reward can be obtained.

   This is also one of the few opportunities to obtain high-level pet eggs without the need for superposition of chances.

   Just like Chen Mo, he directly caught three SSS-level pet eggs in a wave of activities.

  Under normal circumstances, for a galaxy like Earth, a living planet, if it does not go through the activities of the heavens, it may not be possible to get an SSS-level pet egg for hundreds of years.

  So, the effect of the heart of the holy beast, which can directly make a pet grow into an SS grade, is quite heaven-defying.

   It can almost further enhance the strength of most of the world's third-rank powerhouses with pets.

  Yanagi Hanyu is a rank-three powerhouse, so she naturally needs this kind of treasure.

  But she still said: "This time the dungeon is all your contribution, and the last five bosses were defeated entirely by you, so you should take this thing."

  Although the baby is loved by everyone, Hanyu Yanan is still very restrained.

   Although she needs this kind of treasure very much, but it is others who contribute, and this kind of thing should be taken by others.

  Chen Mo immediately evaded with a smile and said, "I've only turned around now, and I won't need it if I take it, so you should take it."

"It will be useful in the future, Junior Chen Mo, I'm afraid you don't know how hard it is to get these pet eggs, wait until you reach the third turn to get them, but some of them will give you a headache, the fastest way Just buy one, and most of the ones sold are A-level, the upgrade is not very good, and it is enough for ordinary people to use, but with your strength, only pets with SS level and above can be worthy. on you.

  With this heart of the holy beast, even if you directly buy an A-level pet in the future, it is equivalent to owning an SS-level pet. "

Seeing that Hanyu Liuyin was not polite to shirk, but really considered from his own point of view before giving it to him, Chen Mo smiled and said: "Senior sister, don't worry about me, I have already planned in advance about the pet egg , definitely no worse than an SS-level pet, you just feel free to accept this heart of a holy beast."

   "Really?" Hanyu Liuyin looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.

   "It must be true. As you said, the improvement of this SS-level pet is so great, who can't be tempted after seeing it. If I really need it, I will definitely not refuse."

   "Then...then I will accept it?" Hanyu Yanaone said tentatively again.

   "Take it with confidence." Chen Mo directly put the heart of the holy beast into Hanyu Liuyin's hands.

   This made Hanyu Yanaone very embarrassed.

  She thought for a while and said: "Well, how about this, since you gave me such a precious heart of the holy beast, then all the harvest of this dungeon will belong to you."

   Saying that, Hanyu Yanaone poured out all the tradable materials.

   After finishing all this, she also took out 1,000 eternal gold coins that she inherited.

"Just give me the materials, and it's not appropriate to collect money. I won't come to this dungeon without the credits you provided this time, and I won't encounter the legendary treasure secret realm. I haven't entered the land of the gods. This time, I didn't get that much, I really can't ask for this money."

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

  Although Chen Mo is short of money, he is still very measured.

  It’s okay for the other party to transfer the materials of this dungeon, and it’s not appropriate to collect money.

   After all, it is the entrance fee paid by others anyway.

  Seeing what Chen Mo said, Hanyu Liuyin admired and liked Chen Mo more and more.

   "Alright then." Hanyu Yanaone put away the eternal gold coins and nodded.

  Chen Mo smiled and put away all the materials. This wave can be said to be a lot of money.

   These materials alone are worth thousands of eternal gold coins.

  The only pity is that the five incarnations of beasts in front of them seem to be guarded by hidden powers, and they cannot be killed at all, otherwise the materials on them will definitely be more valuable.

   "The reward has also been given, you can leave."

   After the giant beast king finished speaking, a ray of light shrouded Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin from his body, and he was about to send them out of the dungeon.

   As a result, the ray of light sent Hanyu Liuyin away directly, but it did not send Chen Mo away.

  I saw the air in the surrounding space distorted for a while, and then an illusory figure descended out of thin air among the five incarnations of the beasts.

   Seeing her coming, the five incarnations of the beasts all respectfully called out: "Master!"

   "Don't be too polite, I'm just here this time to see this handsome man."

  Chen Mo looked at the **** in front of him who was called the master by the five great beasts.

   "Since this place is called the birthplace of gods, then this **** is probably the real master of this area."

  Chen Mo looked him up and down.

  Chen Mo's eyes fell on the illusory figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, and he could feel the solemn and mysterious aura emanating from this god.

  This **** has a beautiful appearance, with wisdom shining in his eyes, exuding endless divine power.

  Her hair was as black as night, falling down her shoulders, fluttering gently with the breeze. Her eyes are as deep as an abyss, exuding an otherworldly aura, as if she can understand all mysteries.

  Her figure is tall and straight, and her robes are flowing. The patterns of stars flow faintly in the robes on her body, just like the Milky Way crossing the sky, as if she is wearing the clothes of stars.

  Every detail shows incomparable delicacy and nobility, demonstrating her majesty and status as a god.

  Chen Mo could feel the divine power emanating from her body, an unspeakable powerful force, which made him feel awed and shocked.

  The appearance of this **** made the whole space seem to be quiet and extremely solemn.

   "I've heard of your name a long time ago, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

   "Have you heard my name?" Chen Mo glanced at the **** in front of him unexpectedly.

   "There are not many people with a super-divine body." The beautiful **** said with a bright smile, shining on Chen Mo's heart like the sun.

  (end of this chapter)

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