All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 273: Mo Luo Brain, the second turn challenge! (five in one, 88

  Chapter 273 Moluo Brain, the second turn challenge! (five in one, 88)

   "It turns out that senior is also a member of the organization that organizes the Super God Trial Tower." Chen Mo said clearly.

   "Since we meet each other by fate, I will give you the remaining divine power here."

   "Residual divine power?" Chen Mo immediately sensed his surroundings, and there was indeed a faint divine power permeating the surroundings, "Isn't divine power a key power for gods? Why don't seniors take it back by themselves?"

   "I left this divine power to maintain this memorable place, but now that the God Realm has changed drastically, every ounce of combat power is important, and I can't always allocate divine power to maintain this place.

  Since you are able to reach this place, it is considered fate, and I will give you all the remaining divine power here, and I will not need to think about maintaining this place in the future. "

   "The God Realm has changed a lot? Is the God Realm chaotic now?"

   "Since the turmoil in Dao that year, the entire world of gods and demons has never been peaceful. How can there be chaos." The other party said with a helpless smile.

   Speaking of the turmoil on the avenue, Chen Mo immediately remembered the description on his super artifact component.

  These super artifact components were shattered and split into a bunch of god-level props because of the turmoil in the avenue.

  I can't get in touch with this kind of ultra-high-strength class for the time being, so Chen Mo is too lazy to ask.

   "I don't know the senior's name yet, so I accept the gift from the senior for nothing, and I ask the senior to leave his name and thank you if there is a chance in the future."

   "Just call me Miao Si." Goddess Miao Si said with a smile.

  Whilst she was speaking, she had already begun to induce the entire land where the gods were born, absorbing the divine power back into her own hands.

  Following her movements, the incarnations of the five great beasts also became unreal.

   "You have worked hard guarding this place for so long, go rest."

  Following Miao Si's words, five rays of light burst out from the five incarnations of the beasts and returned to Miao Si's palm, and then all the incarnations of the five great beasts turned into phantoms and disappeared in place.

   After finishing all this, Miao Si gently pressed her palm to the center of Chen Mo's eyebrows.

  In an instant, Chen Mo only felt an incomparably surging energy pouring into his body continuously.

   "So much divine power!?"

   I have received divine power several times, and I have never felt such a surge of divine power before.

  Following Miao Si withdrew his palm, Chen Mo immediately exhaled his attributes to check.

  Suddenly, he saw that his divine power, which was only 40 points, had soared to 100 points.

  Chen Mo looked at Miao Si in shock and said, "This is too much."

   "Originally, the divine power recovered here was only 40 points, but seeing that your divine power is approaching 100 points, I simply made it up for you."

   "As expected of you, you know how to round up." Chen Mo smiled, and 80 directly collected a full 20 points of divine power for him, which is too cruel.

Even if you pass through the ten-story Super God Trial Tower, you can only get 10 points of divine power. This wave directly increased 60 points for yourself, and 20 points were given away as a whole. This Miao Sishen is too generous up.

"Okay, I can send you away. I hope you can continue to grow and live up to our expectations of you. There are only a few people who participated in the Super God Trial. You are the most optimistic one among most of us now. .”

   After finishing speaking, Miao Si gave Chen Mo a copy.

   At this time, Chen Mo and Elena came to the dungeon settlement interface.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Your dungeon is over. If you pass the evaluation as perfect, you can get an 80-level SS level experience dungeon. The basic reward is 32.15 million experience points. 】

  【Prompt from heaven: Since you killed the nest boss seven times this time and received a reward of 700% increase in income, the experience value income of this dungeon has increased to 257.2 million.

  Because you challenge the incarnation of the five gods and beasts, the final income you get is five times the original, and the final experience value you get is 1.286 billion. 】

[Tiandao Tip: Because the effect of your super SSS-level title Limit Transcendor has taken effect, your dungeon experience value gain has been increased. Since the level difference between you and the dungeon is 40 levels, you have gained an additional 40 times the normal experience value of the dungeon. , you get an additional 1.286 billion.

  Because the effect of your Super SSS Title Limit Transcendor has taken effect, the final income of your dungeon has increased by 100%, and you have gained 5.144 billion experience points! 】

  After listening to Tiandao's prompt, Chen Mo was overjoyed.

  Go beyond level 40 and challenge the level 80 experience dungeon. Although it is only SS level, it is a level 80 experience dungeon after all, and the experience value is still a lot.

  Combined with the extra income increase obtained in the dungeon and the perverted effect of my super SSS title, this wave can be said to be a direct wave of full profits!

  The only pity is that there is no monetary reward for the final settlement of the experience dungeon. Otherwise, it is not known how much money can be obtained based on so many times of improvement.

  After the experience points were settled, Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin returned to school together.

   "Senior sister, I will contact you next time when I have a chance, so I will go back first."

   "It's already afternoon, let's go have lunch together before going out." Hanyu Liuyin was obviously nostalgic.

   "No, there is almost no consumption in the copy, and I am not hungry." Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "That's the only thing you can say. It's so easy to make a level 80 dungeon at level 40." Hanyu Liuyin smiled helplessly, but he didn't force it.

   After bidding farewell to Hanyu Liuyin, Chen Mo immediately teleported back to his room.

  The dungeon time of the experience dungeon is synchronized with the outside world. It took Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin a half a day to go in. When he came out, it was already afternoon.

  At this time, his avatar Remembrance has already finished the morning class and returned to the room to wait.

  As soon as Chen Mo came back, he immediately felt a link from the soul, instantly incarnated and recalled all the memories he experienced in the morning, and all the memories were passed to Chen Mo and engraved into his soul.

  It was the first time for Chen Mo to experience such a wonderful feeling. He easily recalled everything he had experienced in the morning.

  It is so clear that it is comparable to personal experience.

  Including all the knowledge learned by the avatar recollection, Chen Mo also directly mastered all of it as if he had learned it himself.

   "It's so cool to have an avatar!"

  The feeling that I can easily learn what I want to learn without having to work hard is really comfortable!

  If I had such an incarnation in my previous life who was obedient, not afraid of suffering, not afraid of tiredness, and dedicated to doing things, then I would not just lie flat and take off.

  Chen Mo obtained memory and knowledge from the avatar, and the avatar also obtained a stronger improvement from Chen Mo's body.

   This time, all the ability enhancements that Chen Mo obtained in the dungeon, the incarnations can all be obtained simultaneously.

   "Reminiscence is doing very well." Chen Mo looked at his avatar, and didn't know how to praise him.

   "It's a great honor to be recognized by my lord. It is what I should do to serve my lord wholeheartedly. My lord can continue to order me to carry out any orders I have."

  Chen Mo nodded with a smile, and began to check his several challenge tasks.

   Now that the experience points have been accumulated enough, it's time to prepare for the second round challenge.

  However, before taking on the challenge of the second turn, Chen Moxian teleported to the academy alliance with a flickering spirit.

He wants to deal with the materials obtained in the dungeon, and buy all the tradable materials needed for Undead Worship and Infinite Healing Wave. He just got the non-tradable materials needed for their synthesis in the dungeon. Improve two abilities.

   Coming out of the Material Bureau of the Academy Alliance Headquarters, the eternal gold coins held by Chen Mo have reached more than 9,000 eternal gold coins.

   Returning to his home again, Chen Mo immediately started to synthesize.

The first thing to synthesize is Undead Worship. This skill brings stronger additional combat power to the skeleton monster. Chen Mo thought about it. The current combat power of the skeleton monster is basically very comprehensive. If we want to improve it, it means attack speed or abnormal attack. It is more appropriate to do some improvement.

   Throw all materials into the crafting bar.

  As the synthesis result popped up, Chen Mo glanced at the ten synthesis result options.

  But there is no target that is fancy.

   They are all effects that improve without pain or itching, and Chen Mo directly refreshed them.

  After swiping three times, Chen Mo finally saw two fair improvements.


  [Worship of Speed]: Increase movement speed by 100%.


  [Worship of Destruction]: The damage dealt to enemies whose health is below 50% is increased by 100%.

  Before, Chen Mo copied the rapid marching skill in order to increase the movement speed of the skeleton monster. Usually the movement speed of the skeleton monster is not important, but sometimes it is very important, so there must be nothing wrong with this ability.

  Worship of Destruction can greatly increase the attack power. There are many skills in this world that require a certain percentage of blood volume to be triggered.

  Having the ability to strengthen the suppression of low blood volume units, there is a good chance that when the opponent triggers the ability, it will still give a strong suppression force.

   But after all, it was still not enough, so Chen Mo refreshed it.

   After swiping three more times, Chen Mo suddenly saw a very strong characteristic.

  [Shield Worship]: When you have a shield on your body, your attack speed and movement speed increase by 100%, and at the same time, all damage you cause will add 1% of your shield value.

   Seeing this feature, Chen Mo was immediately happy. Isn't this giving him all the abilities he wants?

   Not only the movement speed, but also the attack speed and damage increase.

  Based on the thickness of my current shield, even 1% of the shield value is unbelievable damage.

   This wave of improvement is simply huge.

  Chen Mo immediately locked the shield worship feature without hesitation.

  【Shield Cult·Black】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  [Level Requirement]: Level 5

  【Cooldown】: 60 seconds

[Effect]: Consume 100 points of energy to launch Shield Worship to all summoned objects within the range of "professional star rating × 200 meters", increasing their attack speed and attack power by 200%, and causing them to add inaction and inaction to the target when they attack. Desperate, stackable.

  If they have a shield on them, their movement speed and attack speed will be increased by 100%, and an additional damage equal to 1% of their current shield value will be added when attacking.

   And gain the ability of "immortality" and "flying" within the duration.

   If you die within the duration, the killer will be cursed with death, increasing all damage received by the killer by 5%, which can be superimposed

   The duration of Cult of Undead is permanent, but the effect does not stack when applied repeatedly to the same unit.

  Select special effects: death, despair, flying, inaction, immortality, shield

   After finishing the Shield Worship, Chen Mo immediately threw the three copies of Infinite Healing Wave into the synthesis column.

  About this skill, since it can bounce infinitely, it is better to give some ability that lasts multiple times.

  But before this, there is still a huge problem with this skill, that is, when someone else suddenly dodges when it rebounds, it will automatically break when it can't hit anyone.

  Although the bouncing speed of the healing wave is very fast, it is not easy to hide, but it may be faster if it does not hinder others.

   So this is also a problem that needs to be solved.

  Chen Mo also considered these two aspects when synthesizing this skill.

  He is going to tackle these two issues.

  As the synthesis ended, Chen Mo immediately glanced at the ten synthesis effects.

  On the first page, Chen Mo saw a pretty good composite effect.

  [Amplified Healing Wave]: Each bounce of the healing wave increases the damage and healing effect by 1%.

  The healing wave's bouncing speed is very fast, as long as it doesn't get lost and bounces wildly, the damage will also be very fast.

   This feature is definitely nice.

  Chen Mo was a little hesitant. The current pain point of Healing Wave is still being avoided by people, and the effect improvement is second.

  After thinking about it, Chen Mo still brushed off this feature.

   Next, he focused on finding features that would prevent Healing Wave from being dodged.

  However, he used up dozens of free times and still didn't see the features he needed.

   Now Chen Mo couldn't help thinking that it might be because he didn't have such a characteristic.

   "Spend money to swipe three more times, and if you can't swipe it out, just choose another one that can be used."

   I don’t know if it’s because I’ve brushed the base ten times before, or because spending money seems to really increase the European spirit, so Chen Mo only spent money to refresh for the first time, and the features he wanted were created.

  [Returning Healing Wave]: If the target is lost, it will return to the previous target to take effect again. If the target continues to be lost, it will continue to return until all previous targets are lost.

"This is it!"

  Chen Mo brushed for a long time what he wanted was this skill, and he immediately locked it excitedly.

  【Returning Healing Wave · Black】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  [Level Requirement]: Level 15

  【Cooldown】: 10 seconds

[Effect]: Consume 500 energy points to apply an infinite healing wave to all units within the range of "Professional Star × 2000 meters" around you (jump to unaffected units first, if there are enemies around, they must be Jump back and forth between the enemy and the enemy.) The healing wave jumps every 0.005, and every time it touches a unit during the jump, it will cause a healing/damage to the jumping target unit.

   Causes a healing amount equal to your 『Own Law Attack×Professional Star×200 Points』to the friendly target, and the healing effect will also expand and affect all friendly units within 200 meters around the unit.

  If the HP of the target being healed is full, it will cause a fixed range of damage equal to the maximum HP of the target being healed, and the damage range of the range of damage is 200 meters around the target unit.

   Deal damage to the enemy target equal to your "law attack × professional star rating × 200 points", and the damage effect will also expand and affect all enemy units within 200 meters around the unit.

   If the HP of the damaged target is emptied, it will cause a fixed range damage equal to the maximum HP of the damaged target, and the range of the range of damage is 200 meters around the target unit.

  If the target is lost, it will return to the previous target to take effect again. If the target continues to be lost, it will continue to return until all previous targets are lost.

  Select special effects: wide, haste, diffusion, spill damage, infinite, reentry

After the quality of the healing wave is upgraded to black, the effect can be said to be greatly enhanced. Not only the range is doubled, but almost all effects are doubled, and even the bounce speed has been further improved, which is directly doubled. .

   Now it can bounce 200 times in one second.

   This is a very fast speed, and it is even more difficult to avoid the healing wave than before.

  Of course, now that there is a reentry feature, it doesn’t matter if others dodge it. Healing Wave will go forward to find someone to continue playing.

   Now it can be combined with the Amplified Healing Wave that I have seen before. Chen Mo has already considered it. When synthesizing the golden skills later, he will find an effect similar to the Amplified Healing Wave.

  The abilities that need to be improved have been completely settled, and Chen Mo is ready to open the copy immediately.

  Before opening the dungeon, Chen Mo glanced at his memories eagerly. This guy seemed to want to be with him very much.

   "The reincarnation challenge is to fix the outside world for six hours. It will be fine from this afternoon to evening. You don't need to stay here, just enter the copy with me."

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, Recalling immediately smiled.

   It can be seen that although this guy does not have such advanced emotions as human beings love each other, he can still express ordinary emotions.

  Because the avatar outside the body will be regarded as an independent unit after use, Chen Mo has to recycle him into an item state before bringing him into the dungeon.

   Putting it away, Chen Mo remembered that he still had one thing to do.

  He took out three SSS-level gift bags, and then spent a full 1,000 eternal gold coins to buy the Super God fusion agent, and synthesized them.

   There is a 50% chance of synthesizing an SSS-level gift package to be a super-SSS-level gift package, but there is also a 50% chance to be a designated SSS-level gift package.

  Twice before, Chen Mo had co-produced a super SSS-level gift package. This time, Chen Mo reckoned that he would almost produce an ordinary SSS-level gift package.

   But this time he came here for that.

  Because he had seen Hanyu Yanaone's compass ability in the dungeon, he also wanted to get a similar one, so that it would be very convenient to do some tasks in the future.

  As Chen Mo started to synthesize, indeed, the result was as he expected. After two consecutive SSS-level gift packs, this time finally a normal SSS-level gift pack was produced.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The synthesis is successful, and you have obtained a designated SSS-level gift package. 】

  Chen Mo immediately took out the SSS-level gift bag, and as he chose to use it, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded again.

  【Heavenly reminder: You are opening a designated SSS-level gift package, please select the reward requirements you want to obtain. 】

  Chen Mo immediately had a thought, and submitted his request for a reward that would allow him to directly know the location of the mission target.

  【Tiandao reminder: The rewards opened according to your requirements will be bound by default. Are you sure? 】

  Chen Mo immediately chose OK.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully opened the designated SSS-level gift package. Congratulations on obtaining the binding item "Mola Brain·Myth"! 】

  【Mara Brain】: This is the brain of the **** of adventure, Mara, and it will be integrated into your brain after use.

  Maro Brain will give you a detailed understanding of each dungeon, and easily analyze the related tasks and completion methods of the dungeon, and you will be able to obtain the perfect strategy, key task information and task target location, etc.

  At the same time, Moro Brain will improve your observation and thinking skills, making you sharper and smarter. It will be easier for you to discover hidden clues and solve complex puzzles, providing all-round support for your adventure.

  【Special Solemn Reminder】: Please be careful, if you don’t have a physique that exceeds the level of Mara’s brain, please don’t use it excessively, otherwise it will cause permanent damage to your brain. The recommended frequency of use is once every seven days.

   "So perverted!?" After seeing the effects of Mo Luo's brain, Chen Mo was stunned.

  He originally just designated a reward that would allow him to know the target of the dungeon mission, but this big gift package gave him a more comprehensive and explosive ability.

   It can be seen from the following warning introduction that this thing is not so easy to use. If a normal person is not fit enough to use this frequently, I am afraid that the brain will be directly damaged and become dementia.

   "It's good to hang, I have a super **** body, which is definitely higher than the level of Mara's brain. It's just that my super **** body hasn't been fully activated and I don't know if I can withstand it."

  Chen Mo immediately tried to use Mo Luo's brain.

  The moment Mo Luo's brain was used, Mo Luo's brain flew directly into Chen Mo's body and merged with him.

Chen Mo only felt that the whole world became clearer than before, and his mind became more active than before. Some forgotten memories that he hadn't remembered a long time ago became extremely clear in an instant, even so clear that he was in his mother's womb. I can recall what it was like.

   This really made Chen Mo feel inexplicable fear.

   "This brain is too perverted. The loss of brain power is absolutely terrifying. No wonder if it is not used properly, it will cause permanent damage to the brain. This is simply a cursed item!"

  But if a normal person uses this brain, it will definitely be as unforgettable as being poisoned. This kind of brain is super flexible, can easily analyze memories, and has a super clear feeling of perceiving and understanding everything.

  After experiencing this feeling, once you withdraw from this feeling, you will instantly have the illusion that you have become stupid, dull, and demented.

   This is pretty scary!

   It’s fine that Mara Brain has no side effects, but it has extremely terrible side effects. Once people fall into enjoying the feeling of surpassing the original brain brought by Mara Brain, they will inevitably use it frequently.

   It's hard to think that the brain is not bad!

   I don’t know if the brain has become better. Chen Mo almost immediately figured out the hidden danger of Mo Luo’s brain.

  He didn't even consider this level before using it.

   But even thinking of this level, he still feels that it is difficult for him to exit this state all at once, this state is really wonderful.

  This state where the brain can run at a high speed, this state where you don't need to rely on the ability to perceive, but purely rely on your five senses to be able to perceive the surrounding environment in detail, is really wonderful and hard to extricate yourself from.

[Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, because you have the "Super God Body". When you fuse Mo Luo's brain, the Super God Body will take the initiative to help you lock Mo Luo Brain into your inherent physique, and it will permanently become a part of your body For your use, and no harm to you. 】

   "That's okay too!"

  Chen Mo found that he had made a lot of money by obtaining the super **** body before, and the effect of the super **** body was far beyond his imagination.

  At first, I thought that it was just a physique that could allow people to obtain divine power in advance, so there was nothing special about it, but I never thought that before it was fully activated, it would be able to exert such abnormal effects.

  At this moment, Chen Mo was stunned.

  You can permanently retain the current extremely clear state of the brain, and there are no side effects, which is worth more than most rewards!

  This feeling of raising the brain to a higher level makes Chen Mo feel that his whole state has become completely new.

  He couldn't wait to start the challenge of the second job, wanting to verify the effectiveness of Mo Luo's brain in the instance.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You are about to receive the task of reincarnation with a professional 15-star star. Whether you succeed or fail to receive this task, it will cost you 232.265 million experience points. Are you sure? 】

  With a talent of just over 200 million, Chen Mo now has more than 5 billion experience points. Deducting this amount of experience points is nothing to him.

  He immediately said: "Sure!"

  【Prompt from Heaven: It is detected that you are a five-star initial hidden occupation, your fifteen-star reincarnation mission will be a fifteen-star hidden reincarnation mission, and the difficulty will be far greater than the normal fifteen-star reincarnation mission. Do you want to continue to accept it! 】

   "It feels really cool to have to hide the reincarnation mission. Every time I upgrade all skills."

  Chen Mo chose to accept without saying a word.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The experience points have been deducted successfully. The 15-star hidden reincarnation mission is officially released. You need to enter a special challenge space to challenge the 15-star hidden reincarnation mission. Would you like to go now? 】

  【Heavenly reminder: You are about to start the 15-star hidden reincarnation mission. The time consumed during the mission process is out of sync with the outside world. No matter how long the mission time passes, it is equivalent to six hours outside. Please be prepared. 】

  Chen Mo already understood this point, so he ignored it and chose to continue.

  【Heavenly reminder: I will send you to the copy of this mission soon...】

  【Heavenly reminder: The second mission of the master of the undead is officially launched. After you successfully revitalized the land of the dead, your ability has been significantly improved. However, as the master of the undead, your journey is far from over.

   Following the guidance of the old master of the undead, you have come to a land of the dead that has been destroyed on a new continent.

  Your next task is to enter the most mysterious area of ​​the Land of the Dead—"Forgotten Tombs".

   This tomb is the center of the Land of the Undead, and it is also a holy place for the Lord of the Undead.

   According to legend, in the forgotten tomb, there is a mysterious power called "Undead Heart", which can greatly increase the power of the undead ruler.

  However, the Forgotten Tomb is not so easy to access. It is protected by powerful mysterious energy. You need to find a special magic weapon to break the mysterious energy and enter the tomb.

  Special reminder: The total time limit for this dungeon is 60 days, you need to hurry up to complete the task.

  Every time you complete a mission, your power will be significantly improved, paving the way for your path to master the undead. 】

  As soon as the second job prompt appeared, a lot of information instantly appeared in Chen Mo's mind.

   This is the dungeon task information actively analyzed by Mo Luo's brain.

  【Analysis Task 1】: Unlock the seal of the Forgotten Tomb. According to legend, this seal was set by the ancient Church of Light, and the seal can only be broken by obtaining three sacred relics of the Church of Light: the Eye of the Holy Spirit, the Feather of Light, and the Hammer of Destiny.

  You need to **** these sacred objects in different temple areas of the Church of Light in this continent, and you may encounter the Guardians of the Holy Light left by the Church of Light, who will prevent you from obtaining the holy objects. It is rumored that every holy relic has artifact clues, you need to find and analyze them carefully.

  [Analysis Task 2]: Obtain the heart of the dead. The heart of the undead is hidden in the deepest part of the forgotten tomb. It is the source of all undead, and its power is extremely powerful. However, it is protected by an ancient guardian of the dead, which you need to defeat in order to obtain the heart of the dead. After obtaining the heart of the undead, hold it and enter the final depth of the tomb - "Master of the Nether Room" to obtain the inheritance of the former master of the tomb, the old master of the undead.

  【Analysis Task 3】: Search for the crown of the dead. It is said that the crown of the undead is one of the most important exclusive artifact components of the undead master, and it is in an unknown location in the forgotten tomb. You need to use the power of the undead heart and the clues parsed from the holy relic to find the crown of the undead.

  As Mo Luo's brain easily analyzed all the key tasks of the second-rank challenge, Chen Mo only felt that he had opened a plug-in at this moment, and felt that everything was under control.

   Originally, without Mo Luo Brain, I had to inquire and explore slowly in this brand new continent, but now it is better to just follow the prompts of Mo Luo Brain and finish the job.

  With a thought in his mind, Chen Mo released the external avatar that he had put away before.

   "My lord!" After coming out, he immediately saluted Chen Mo respectfully.

   "Zhou Yi, you should have synchronized the brain power of Mara with me."

   "Yes, master, I will fully synchronize all the abilities you have."

"Very well, follow the instructions from Mo Luo's brain to get the Hammer of Destiny. This thing is more complicated and divided into several components. You go to get the task over there, and I will give you the Eye of the Holy Spirit and the Feather of Light." Got it."


  Following Chen Mo's instructions, a **** flickered and went directly to his mission target location.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo was naturally unwilling to lag behind. He immediately aimed at the first holy object and prepared to go to grab it. According to the clear strategy of Mo Luo's brain, he came to the Holy Church of the Bright Church where the Eye of the Holy Spirit was placed.

  As the master of the undead, Tiandao infects his whole body with a thick layer of undead aura the moment he enters the dungeon.

  Even if you enter the hidden state, you can't hide it.

  In addition, the temples in this dungeon all have extremely powerful anti-hidden devices, Chen Mo can't steal it even if he wants to steal it.

  In the sanctuary, the Guardians of Light stood still like sculptures.

  They were dressed in dazzling silver-white armor, holding holy swords that shone with divine light, and every muscle exuded awe-inspiring divine power.

  Their eyes are like sharp swords, they seem to be able to penetrate all darkness and secrets at a glance, guarding this sacred domain majestically and firmly.

  When Chen Mo's figure suddenly appeared here, the Light Guard immediately became alert.

  Their bodies tensed up, the strength of holding the holy sword in their hands increased, and the sacred aura emanating from them became stronger, as if they could attack with all their strength just waiting for an order.

  The appearance of Chen Mo undoubtedly broke their usual tranquility.

  The aura of the undead on his body is so dazzling in the holy sanctuary.

  His hidden state was broken under the irradiation of a holy light, and he was exposed to the sight of all the guards of light.

   "Stop! You master of the undead, how dare you invade the sanctuary?" A commander of the Guard of Light asked in an angry voice.

  Chen Mo stood in the center of the church, facing the hostile guards, he didn't panic at all, and he didn't intend to back down. With a firm gaze, he looked at the commander and said calmly, "I didn't come here to invade the church, but to get the Holy Spirit's eye."

   Hearing Chen Mo's words, the commander gritted his teeth and became even more angry, "Get the Holy Spirit's Eye? Are you crazy? The Holy Spirit's Eye is the treasure of our Church of Light, and you will not be allowed to blaspheme it with the undead!"

  Chen Mo smiled lightly, and with a wave of his hand, tens of millions of skeleton monsters stacked together exuding a powerful undead aura appeared beside him.

   "Are you sure you want to see the power of the undead master?" Chen Mo's tone was flat, but it made people feel a little awe.

The ghost-like eyes of the skeleton monsters danced, and their cold eyes swept over the light guards. Under Chen Mo's signal, these skeleton monsters were all ready to fight, and the dark aura surged on them, forming a wave Terrifying energy fluctuations.

   Facing the power of this group of skeleton monsters, the Guardians of Light felt deep fear and pressure. Their bodies began to tremble slightly, but they resisted the threat of the skeleton monsters.

   "Enough!" The commander shouted angrily, "We will never let you succeed, even if we sacrifice our lives, we must protect the Holy Spirit's eye! Brothers, fight with me!"

  The morale of the Bright Guards was boosted when they heard the news. They waved the holy swords in their hands one after another, determined to launch a brave attack on Chen Mo and the skeleton monster.

   This is a contest between the undead and the holy, and they are not allowed to shrink back.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo no longer held back.

  Follow the Templar Guards to act first.

  He immediately gave an order, and instantly all the skeleton monsters attacked all the temple guards in all directions.

  I saw the Templar Guards rushing towards the skeleton monster without fear.

  For a moment, the knife intersected with the bone blade, and the bone sword interlaced with the holy sword, launching a fierce confrontation.

  However, the attack of the guards had no effect on the skeleton monsters at all.

  The shield that Chen Mo put on the skeleton monster was so thick that they were desperate. The attack of the guards couldn't do much damage to the shield value at all, and they couldn't break its defense at all.

  When the attack of the guards hit the shield of the skeleton monster, the chain lightning triggered was like a snake catcher in the jungle, instantly piercing through their defense, like a sharp sword piercing into their flesh.

  The lightning chain spread rapidly, as if they were hunting prey, causing their bodies to twitch and fall to the ground in pain.

   Soon, a large number of undead figures stood up from where they fell, like resurrected dead.

  The guard army suffered heavy losses in a short period of time, but the number of undead was increasing.

  Skeleton monsters seem to be enjoying a feast, constantly firing arrow rain and energy bombs.

  Intensive attacks almost covered the entire sanctuary, like a celebration of death.

  Screams and explosions sounded one after another, echoing in the church like a symphony of death movements.

   At this time, more advanced guard units joined the battle. They are the elite of the Church of Light, stronger and more courageous.

  They hold sacred weapons, wear glorious armor, and exude a fierce fighting spirit all over their bodies.

  However, even they cannot resist the attack of the skeleton monster.

   Their attacks were like throwing stones into the sea, without causing any waves.

   The small fireballs launched by the skeleton monsters hit them hard, and the rumbling explosion and large flames easily swallowed their figures.

  The battlefield is full of breath of death, whether it is a junior guard army or a senior guard army, their formation collapses instantly under the fierce attack of the skeleton monster.

  They couldn't resist the attack of the skeleton monster, like a scarecrow in the face of a hurricane, powerless to fight back.

  The defensive line that the guards were proud of completely collapsed under the attack of the skeleton monsters. This once sacred and quiet sanctuary turned into a dead wilderness in an instant.

   At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly shone on the side of the church.

   "Bold undead, actually desecrate our temple guards and kill them to become undead!?" A light paladin shouted angrily. He was wearing shining armor, holding a holy sword, and his eyes were firm and fearless.

   Along with him, a group of men and horses in shining armor appeared in the sanctuary.

  Their armors are engraved with various mysterious runes, and the weapons in their hands exude powerful holy energy.

   Each of these people has a resounding professional title of light, such as "Bright Paladin", "Bright Priest", "Holy Mage" and so on.

  They are the most powerful existence of the Church of Light, and each of them possesses the power enough to make ordinary undead tremble.

  The strong man with the title of "Paladin of Light" was the first to stand up.

  His eyes were full of firmness and perseverance, and the holy sword in his hand waved a dazzling light.

  He rushed towards the skeleton monsters, with determination and courage in every step.

  The Paladin of Light raised his holy sword high, and his voice resounded throughout the church: "I am the messenger of light, and I will disperse your evil with holy light! You undead monsters, accept the punishment of justice!"

Behind the light paladins, the holy mages stared at the skeleton monsters and said boldly: "You depraved souls, no matter how powerful you are, we will bring about your doom! The light of light will illuminate the dark corners! "

I saw them chanting spells quickly, they stretched out their fingers, the air was filled with mysterious runes, powerful magic power gathered in their palms, the whole air trembled, and large pieces of light poured out from their bodies, turning into Waves of sacred energy rushed towards the skeleton monsters.

  The priests of brilliance closed their eyes and prayed silently. The sacred light flowed from them, exuding an aura of divine protection.

Sacred radiance emanated from them, illuminating the entire sanctuary, providing powerful protection for their companions, and dispelling the undead units. All the special undead who had just died and stood up were easily given by this sacred radiance. dispersed.

  The strong men of these bright professions each demonstrated their powerful abilities, as if they wanted to turn the entire sanctuary into a bright world.

  However, when their powerful abilities rushed towards the skeleton monsters, the skeleton monsters seemed not to be affected in any way, and they were still attacking ruthlessly.

  (end of this chapter)

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