Chapter 274 Extremely efficient! (four in one)

  Whether it is the sword energy of the light paladin, the spell of the holy mage, or the holy light of the glorious priest, none of them can penetrate the shields on the skeleton monsters.

  The holy light purification effect is useless on the skeleton monster.

  On the contrary, their attacks continued to trigger counterattacks from the shields, and the endless lightning chains directly knocked them into a panic.

  The bright paladins, holy mages and others who just finished their rhetoric, they seem to be powerful, but they are so fragile in front of Chen Mo.

  Skeleton monsters stared ruthlessly at the downed bright professional powerhouses. The undead aura on them became more intense, as if mocking the incompetence of the light power.

  Under the counterattack of the skeleton monsters, the light paladins, holy mages, and light priests all died in disbelief and shock.

  The moment they died, their faces were full of incomprehensible expressions. They couldn't believe that their powerful light power was so fragile in front of these weakest undead creatures—skeletons.

  Their deaths marked that the last line of defense of the Holy Church had completely collapsed.

   Seeing that no one came out to make trouble anymore, Chen Mo immediately walked towards the Holy Spirit's Eye.

   But just as he was about to touch the Holy Spirit's Eye, suddenly a huge Hammer of Light popped out of his head.

   hit him heavily.

  Although it looks powerful, it can't do any harm to Chen Mo at all.

  Chen Mo turned around and stared at the person who appeared out of thin air behind him.

   This is a woman in a white robe.

  Her figure is elegant, with an angel-like face, and she has long golden hair, slightly curly, shining brightly under the holy light around her.

  Her eyes are deep and bright, with a holy radiance in them.

  The robe on her body was made of pure white silk, but it shone with a faint golden light. Some sacred symbols and patterns were embroidered on the robe, showing her identity and status.

  This woman is the person who holds the highest title of the Holy Church—"Saint of the Holy Church". She is the most noble and noble existence in the Church of Light, and is known as the embodiment of the light of light.

  Her name is Isabel Avelina.

  Isabel held up the Holy Light staff in her hand, her voice was full of solemnity and sacredness: "Master of the Undead, you are not worthy to touch the Eye of the Holy Spirit.

  Your existence poses a threat to the order of light. I advise you to retreat yourself. Otherwise, in order to protect the sacred domain of the temple, I will summon the gods to possess you and drive you out with the power of the gods' holy light! "

  Isabel waved her staff, and a pillar of holy light descended from the sky, illuminating the entire sanctuary.

  Under the shroud of the Pillar of Holy Light, an incomparably holy and sacred energy emerged from Isabel's body. At this time, this energy is still rising, which shows that what she said is not bluffing.

  At this time, Chen Mo's Mo Luo brain has already played a role, and he has a complete grasp of Isabel's information.

  The reason why she did not summon directly but gave a warning first was because summoning a **** possessed would have a huge price, and she did not want to go to this step.

   But it is obviously impossible for Chen Mo to retreat.

  Through Mo Luo's brain, Chen Mo has further learned that even the strength behind her summoning of the gods has been mastered one step ahead of time.

   After all, it is a hidden reincarnation task, and the difficulty is still very high.

  Although this **** can only display part of its strength after it descends, it is still extremely powerful. To challenge the second-rank mission normally, the professional itself is only level 40.

   And the attribute strength of this **** has far exceeded the strength of ordinary level 40 bosses.

According to the analysis of Mo Luo's brain, under normal circumstances, it is basically impossible for a professional undead master player at level 40 to defeat this descending god. At this time, it is better to run away and use his summoned objects to help him delay time .

  The time for the gods to come to this plane is limited, as long as the time limit is passed.

   But now Chen Mo's strength has far surpassed the attributes of a normal undead master at level 40.

  Even if the opponent comes, it is easy to kill it.

  Chen Mo smiled slightly, and stared at Isabel firmly: "Isabel, you are the guardian of the light, and I am the master of the undead. There is nothing to say, just use whatever means you have."

  Isabel stared at Chen Mo indifferently, her eyes revealed the will to fight: "Master of the Undead, you asked for this!"

  As Isabel's voice fell, Chen Mo immediately felt a majestic divine power appearing above the endless sky.

   "God of light, the power of darkness has infiltrated the sanctuary, we need your miracle to descend on this land and purify the evil undead!"

  Isabel's voice echoed in the church. She knelt on her knees in front of the altar, with the staff in her hand pointing at the towering dome.

  The bright sanctuary around her instantly became solemn and solemn amidst her prayers, and the light radiated from her, making her look like a shining angel.

  Suddenly, a blazing beam of light shot down from the sky, piercing the sky like a god's sword, directly piercing the dome of the sanctuary.

   This beam of light shone on Isabel's body, and her whole body was enveloped by this incomparably holy light.

  The light became more and more intense, Isabel's figure gradually blurred in the strong light, and finally completely disappeared in the light.

  All the dead people in the sanctuary were resurrected and stood up at this moment. They were all deeply shocked by this scene, and knelt down to pay respects to the God of Light.

  As the light gradually faded, Isabel's figure reappeared in front of everyone.

  Only this time, her figure has changed. The original weak figure has become extremely solemn, and the sacred aura makes people dare not look directly at it.

  Isabel stood up again, her gaze was firmer than ever at this moment, and her body seemed to be filled with endless power. She still held the staff in her hand, but this time, the top of the staff shone with a powerful light, which made people feel extremely oppressed.

   This is Isabel after being possessed by a god. Like a real god, every movement of her is full of incomparable authority and majesty.

  Her eyes were full of determination, as if announcing to the whole world that she would sacrifice everything for the sake of light.

  From a gentle and elegant saint, she became a **** of war possessed by a god.

   All these changes are completed in an instant.

  Every movement of her reveals a powerful momentum and power, so that everyone who sees it can't look away.

   "Master of the Undead, you are quite courageous. You dare to make trouble in the church. Now that you are here, don't leave!"

  The saint Isabel possessed by the gods became very rebellious, with an extremely domineering appearance.

  He looked at Chen Mo, which was an absolute gesture of the superior looking down on the inferior.

  In Isabel's body, the descending **** began to show his power.

   It was an indescribable shocking force, which seemed to surpass the boundaries of everyone's understanding.

  She raised the staff, and the light at the top of the staff became brighter, as if a small sun was burning in it.

  She took a deep breath, and then centered on the staff, she cast a powerful force around her.

   This force swept around like a violent storm, and everything that came into contact with it became tiny under this force, including all the skeleton monsters.

   Their bodies were like flimsy paper in front of this force, and they were instantly blown away and turned into ashes.

   The power of the Annihilation level, Chen Mo only experienced it not long ago.

  It can suppress the destructive power of all characteristics, and can easily completely destroy the skeleton monster.

  But Chen Mo didn't care at all, he quickly moved away from the attack range of the God of Light with a flicker of a god, and his eyes were indifferent.

  As he turned the staff in his hand, countless skeleton monsters gathered around him again.

   This time, Chen Mo directly ordered the skeleton monsters to launch a long-range attack.

   Tens of millions of skeleton shooters and skeleton mages aimed at the saint Isabel who was possessed by the God of Light.

  Countless arrows and spells shot out from the hands of the skeleton monsters, turning into deadly arcs and flying towards the God of Light.

  The rain of arrows was dense and the spells were brilliant, covering the entire sanctuary in an aura of destruction.

  However, these attacks did not cause substantial damage to the God of Light.

  The light on the God of Light shines, easily dissolving arrows and spells into nothingness.

  Her body seemed to exude invincible divine power, unaffected by any attack.

  Chen Mo sneered. He knew that although the God of Light was powerful and possessed a high level of power, she only descended to this plane through the body of the saint, and the power she could mobilize was limited.

  Facing the attacks of tens of millions of skeleton monsters, she simply couldn't keep defending, nor could she defend against all attacks.

  The arrows of the skeleton archer poured down like a torrential rain, and the spells of the skeleton mage turned into a sea of ​​flames, burning every corner of the sanctuary.

  No matter how the God of Light dodges and defends, the attacks still come one after another.

   There were continuous explosions and screams in the church.

  The group of people who had just been resurrected directly did a sit-up, and all lay down on the ground again.

  The body of the God of Light was hit by arrows and spells, but her holy energy still maintained a solid defense, and she did not suffer substantial damage.

  Chen Mo watched all this indifferently. No matter how powerful the God of Light is, with his current strength against such a God of Light, it can be said that he is in a state of complete invincibility, and he is not in a hurry at all.

  Under the attack of the skeleton monsters, the guards of the temple fell one after another, unable to resist their violent offensive.

  The figure of the God of Light gradually appeared isolated and helpless, and her power began to gradually dissipate.

  Chen Mo smiled lightly, he knew victory was coming.

  The God of Light cannot withstand the attack of the skeleton monsters, and she will collapse under their relentless pressure.

  At this time, the God of Light is still struggling to resist the group attacks of the skeleton monsters. The light on her body is constantly flashing, trying to resist every attack.

  However, no matter how hard she tried, the attacks of tens of millions of skeleton monsters were too numerous and dense, and the attack power of this order of magnitude quickly made her fall into a passive position.

   Arrows poured down like raindrops, the energy of spells burned the air, and the sanctuary was filled with the atmosphere of destruction and death.

   Soon, the power of the God of Light began to run out, and her body was constantly hit by attacks, her holy energy began to fluctuate and overflow, and the shining light gradually dimmed.

   At this time, the skeleton monsters were still launching an offensive without mercy, and they launched an intensive offensive around the God of Light.

  Every attack made the God of Light tremble violently. She tried her best to maintain her defense, but as time went by, her divine power had weakened to the extreme.

  The God of Light gritted his teeth and tried his best to resist attacks from all directions.

  Cracks began to appear in her body, the divine light was getting dimmer, and her power was being completely weakened by the skeleton monsters.

   Contrary to her gradual weakness, the skeleton monsters are attacking more and more fiercely at this time. Their arrows penetrate the defense of the God of Light, and the energy of the spell tears her holy shield.

  The God of Light could no longer hold on, her body gradually dissipated, and finally turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the temple.

   "Damn master of the undead, I remember you, the mountains and rivers meet again!!"

  She only had time to say a cruel word. Hearing this sentence, Chen Mo seemed to have heard the classic "I will come back..."

  As the God of Light was forced to leave the medium and was sent back to the God Realm, only Chen Mo and countless skeleton monsters were left on the battlefield, silently watching the God of Light disappear.

   After the God of Light disappeared, the sanctuary fell into a dead silence.

  The skeleton monsters stood quietly, as if waiting for Chen Mo's next instruction.

   This place has become their territory, and no one can stop their rule.

  Chen Mo quietly watched the scene of the temple, the corpses of the church guards all over the floor, and the saint who had no life breath. He was neither happy nor sad.

  reached out and took the "Eye of the Holy Spirit" into his hand.

   I have to say that the Dao of Heaven is quite deceitful. If the Eye of the Holy Spirit is simply taken into the hands, it will never know what it has to do with the professional artifact.

   It looks like an ordinary component used to open the Forgotten Tomb.

  If it wasn't for the reminder from Mo Luo's brain, it would be easy to ignore the symbols drawn in the eyes of the Holy Spirit. After all, most people think they are brought by themselves when they first come into contact with it.

   This symbol is one of the indicators of the location of the artifact components exclusive to the Master of Undead class in the Forgotten Tomb.

   Putting away the Holy Spirit's Eye, Chen Mo didn't stop. According to the address learned by Mo Luo's brain, he came to the location of the Bright Feather with a flicker of a god.

   This time, the goal Chen Mo has to face is a bit different from the previous church.

  The Bright Feather is locked on an angel sculpture.

  This angel sculpture is protected by a lot of power of faith. Brute force cannot break it, and a little trick is needed.

   It is best to find some filthy things to soak and wear away the power of faith.

  Following Mo Luo's brain's prompt, Chen Mo started to do bad things.

  Ordered the skeleton monsters under his command to go to the city to steal a large number of wooden barrels, collected all the sewage in the sewers in the city, and poured it on the angel sculpture continuously.

  After a while, the special ability on the angel sculpture trembled.

  After another round of pouring, the special ability on the angel sculpture was completely broken and spilled.

   At this time, it has lost the protection of the power of faith, and can directly take away the feather of light behind it.

   It's just that the current Bright Feather is somewhat smelly.

   Chen Mo was obviously a little disgusted, he let the skeleton monster take it, and teleported to the entrance of the Forgotten Tomb with him.

  By the time he came here, Sui Yi had already obtained the Hammer of Destiny and was waiting here.

   "My lord, I have already done what you ordered." Zou Yi took out the hammer and handed it to Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo took the hammer, smiled and touched the little head of Zou Yi, who was exactly the same as his childhood playmate, and said: "Do it well."

  Reminiscing about Chen Mo's touch seems to be very enjoyable.

  The three holy artifacts have been assembled, and Chen Mo began to understand the action of breaking the seal of the Forgotten Tomb.

  With a thought in his mind, he drove the three holy artifacts, and the three sacred artifacts immediately flew to the three corners of the Forgotten Tomb in an equilateral triangle position.

   Not long after, Chen Mo heard a cracking sound, and the seal around the Forgotten Tomb immediately shattered.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo immediately entered the Forgotten Tomb with his memories.

  As soon as he entered the Forgotten Tomb, Chen Mo felt a strange pressure surrounding him. This pressure was like an invisible net, restricting his perception.

  Although his perception ability is extremely powerful, it doesn't work at all in this mysterious tomb, and he can only rely on his limited vision to **** in the dark.

  The interior of the tomb is gloomy, the flickering green fire reflects a strange light, broken bones and mottled stone tablets are scattered on the barren ground, and every inch of the land is deeply imprinted with traces of the undead.

  The air is filled with a deep and cold breath, which is the smell of death. This is the place where the undead master once stayed. Although it is cold, dark, and barren, it is full of an ancient and mysterious attraction.

  They went deep into the tomb along the tortuous passage. Since the skeleton monsters could see farther in the dark, Chen Mo let the skeleton monsters go first, and he and Zui Yi followed closely behind them.

   Soon, they came to the center of the tomb, where there was a huge stone platform, and some ancient magic runes were scattered around the stone platform.

   Under the reflection of the green fire, these runes emit a strange light, as if they are telling an ancient and distant story.

   Chen Mo looked at the stone platform, and began to get strategy analysis from Mo Luo's brain.

  Chen Mo's Mo Luo brain quickly analyzed the strategy of this stone platform.

  According to the guide, the rune on the stone platform is a protective barrier, protecting the guardian of the dead and the heart of the dead.

According to the strategy deduced by Mo Luo's brain, he didn't even need to think about how to break the protective barrier. He directly followed the prompt given by Mo Luo's brain, and he turned around and took a stick from a pile of things hanging on the nearby wall. Bone staff.

  This bone staff is inlaid with a magic gemstone.

  He swung hard, and the magic gem released powerful energy, instantly breaking the barrier on the stone platform.

  With the shattering of the protective barrier, a chilling aura surged like a tide!

  Accompanied by this aura, a huge figure slowly emerged.

   It is the guardian of the dead!

  His body was extremely tall, and his whole body was enveloped by a dark aura, like a demon crawling out of the abyss of the underworld.

  His skin was as pale as the dead, and every inch of his skin exuded a biting coldness.

  His eyes are as deep as the night, and there is a terrifying light shining in them, as if they can absorb people's souls.

  Long chains wrapped around his body, and every movement made a creepy sound, like the mournful cry of a ghost in pain.

  He held a huge sickle in his hand, and the blade exuded cold, dark energy.

  With his appearance, a deadly atmosphere instantly filled the tomb!

  A piece of light blue and dark green will-o'-the-wisps suddenly appeared and suspended in the air, casting a deep and desolate light.

  The green flame and the blue light reflect each other, making the whole tomb dreamlike, as if from another world.

  The ancient runes on the wall look particularly mysterious under the weak light, and the weak lights flicker in the darkness, as if they may be blown out by the cold breath at any time.

  Chen Mo and Zhui Yi felt the terrifying aura emanating from the guardian of the undead, but they remained calm.

   "Those who are good at dominating forbidden areas, die!!"

  Suddenly, the Guardian of the Undead uttered a roar that seemed to come from hell. It was a trembling sound, like the sound of a death knell, like the "howling" of ghosts.

  This icy and terrifying breath instantly froze the wind in the tomb.

  At this moment, it seems that time has stopped, and everything is focused on this dark existence.

  The guardian of the dead took a step, and the entire tomb trembled.

  Dark energy poured out of him, forming an almost impenetrable protective barrier.

  As he moved, the lights in the tomb instantly dimmed and were completely swallowed by darkness.

   Only those ghostly green fires and pale blue will-o'-the-wisps flickered in the dark.

"My lord, according to Mo Luo's brain, this guy is invincible in this area, and he has no wisdom. Let's let the skeleton monster materialize and push him out of this area, rather than lure him out faster. "

   Reminiscence said immediately after seeing the guardian of the dead sacrificed.

  Chen Mo nodded, and immediately sent all the skeleton monsters in the hidden state to the back of the guardian of the dead with a thought.

   Suddenly, strange ghost lights flickered in the air. They were the eyes exposed when countless skeleton monsters changed from invisible to materialized.

  Their number is as bright as the galaxy, which can be called massive.

After the appearance, densely packed skeletons emerged from the ground like a fountain. These skeleton monsters surged like waves and filled the entire space. Their bones collided together, making a "click, click" sound, like a symphony of death play.

The skeleton monsters huddled together in a mess in the tomb, forming an insurmountable obstacle, and the huge undead guardian behind them was also impacted by the resistance at this moment. In the face of power, even that seemingly invincible existence was still unstoppably pushed out.

  The body of the skeleton monster is like a hard stone, constantly colliding with the guardian of the undead, and it seems that it is about to push it out of this area.

  Although the Guardian of the Undead is powerful, it can't help but retreat step by step under the dense explosion of such space contents.

  The guardian of the undead struggled, trying to resist, but this effort seemed so weak.

It was gradually pushed to the edge of the invincible area by the wave-like impact of the skeleton monster. Although the dark energy emanating from it was trying to resist, trying to kill and clear the skeleton monster to return itself to the invincible area, but this resistance was obviously impotent.

  The skeleton monster covered by Chen Mo's thick shield doesn't take his damage at all.

In this way, under the strategy of remembrance, the guardian of the dead was instantly pushed out of its original invincible area by the force of tens of millions of skeleton monsters like a tide, and was squeezed into a new battlefield. Here, there is no advantage for it. Terrain and environment, everything will be done on equal terms.

   And once it loses its invincible posture, it will be a pure lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of Chen Mo!

  Chen Mo's skeleton monsters are still erupting in the tomb, outside recalling that there are tens of millions of skeleton monsters with the same combat power as the ones summoned by Chen Mo.

  Following his thoughts, these skeleton monsters launched a crazy attack on the undead guardian who had lost his invincible state.

   With a large number of attacks falling on him densely.

   After a while, his blood volume has bottomed out!

  At this moment, he has no intention of fighting Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi at all, he just wants to return to his invincible area quickly.

  It's a pity that this area has already been crowded by Chen Mo's skeleton monsters, and a lot of skeleton monsters leaked out.

  He wants to go back, unless all the skeleton monsters in the tomb are cleaned up.

   There is no way to be invincible, and it is the first time that the guardian of the dead feels so powerless.

He has been guarding this forgotten tomb for thousands of years. The Church of Light sent an unknown number of people to attack here, but he killed them all with an invincible attitude. In the end, the Church of Light had no choice but to use the three sacred weapons to remove this forgotten tomb from the outside. It's sealed.

   As a result, I never imagined that today, I was pushed out of the base camp, hung up and beaten.

  Even if you have ten lives, it is still not enough for the guardian of the dead.

  The guardian of the undead was forced to step back, his body was crumbling, and dark energy flickered around him.

  His devil eyes are full of helplessness and unwillingness. He was once the overlord of this tomb, unrivaled, but now he is powerless to resist in front of a group of skeleton monsters.

  The Guardian of the Undead let out a mournful roar again, but the strength and majesty in the voice had disappeared, leaving only deep powerlessness.

  His body began to struggle frantically, and dark energy surged wildly around him, but this was only the last struggle of his life.

  Chen Mo and Zou Yi stood quietly in the distance, watching all this.

   Watching the once tall undead guardian retreat step by step under their strategy, and finally lost.

  Finally, the Guardian of the Undead uttered a final mournful cry, and his body instantly collapsed, turning into a mass of dark energy.

  The dark energy rolled a few times in the air, and then broke like a bubble, slowly dissipating in the air.

  The tomb is filled with the silence of death, only those still flickering will-o'-the-wisps jumping in the dark.

  At this time, Chen Mo dispersed the skeleton monsters that were squeezed to the full and kept popping out in the tomb, and looked at the stone platform in the center of the tomb.

  As the guardian of the undead dissipated, the atmosphere in the tomb became more dignified.

   There is a strange energy in the dead air, as if there is endless dark power hidden.

  Chen Mo's eyes were fixed on the stone platform in the center of the tomb.

  Suddenly there was a rattling sound on the stone platform, and it actually cracked from the middle, emitting a faint light. At the same time, a strong undead aura shot up into the sky, which was the aura of the heart of the undead.

  Chen Mo and Zou Yi immediately approached to look.

  I saw that the heart of the undead was housed in an exquisite glass case, and the inside of the case shone with strange runes and delicate lines.

  Chen Mo approached the stone platform, and he could feel the strong undead energy emanating from the heart of the undead.

  It is the source of the undead, containing endless power and secrets.

  In the faint light, he seemed to be able to see the silhouette of the master of the undead flickering in it.

  The energy emitted by the heart of the dead made Chen Mo's heart beat faster. He took a deep breath and stretched out his fingers to touch the glass cover lightly.

  A weak current flowed down his fingers, and he felt the connection between the heart of the dead and himself.

  At this moment, Chen Mo seemed to be able to hear the faint murmur of the heart of the undead, which was the whispering of the souls of countless undead.

   With a click, the glass cover naturally shattered, and the heart of the undead flew to Chen Mo's palm.

  Although it is called the heart of the dead, it is inexplicably warm.

  Chen Mo gently held the heart of the dead, feeling its pulse, as if holding a small animal.

   Just after Chen Mo came into contact with the heart of the dead, a warm current gushed out of the heart of the dead suddenly entered Chen Mo's body.

  In the information shared by the undead heart, Chen Mo knew that the undead heart is so special. It is not only the core of the undead, but also the link connecting the world of life and death.

  It contains the ultimate mystery of life and the endless power of the undead.

  Chen Mo stared deeply at the Heart of the Dead, never expecting it to be so awesome!

   It's a pity that this thing has its own owner. It has its own owner and cannot be used by Chen Mo.

  But it can help Chen Mo open the Dominant Nether Room in the tomb, and obtain the inheritance power left by its master for Chen Mo.

  Feeling the guidance of the heart of the dead, Chen Mo is not in a hurry to dominate the Youjian.

  He still needs to obtain professional artifact components first.

  According to the clues in the three sacred artifacts obtained before, Chen Mo already knew the location of the Crown of the Dead, one of his professional artifact components.

  Now you only need to open the tomb over there with the heart of the dead and get it.

   Holding the heart of the dead and leaving the tomb just now, Chen Mo only felt that the second job this time was quite relaxed.

   With the help of Mo Luo's brain, the efficiency is almost infinitely improved.

   Completely omit any unnecessary actions in the middle.

   Coupled with the perfect avatar assistance of Remembrance, even the hidden second-rank missions can be easily and happily completed quickly.

  (end of this chapter)

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