All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 275: The magical effect of incarnation outside the body! (triple)

  Chapter 275 The magical effect of external avatars! (triple)

  There are three routes to obtain the sacred artifacts, and Mo Luo's brain directly deduced the correct combination, Chen Mo easily found the tomb where the crown of the dead is located.

  This tomb can't be found to be a tomb at first glance.

  If you walk here without knowing it, you will only think it is a wall.

  Chen Mo came here according to the clues and was able to clearly discover the difference in this wall.

   Even if the difference in this wall is discovered, the help of the heart of the dead is still needed to obtain the crown of the dead.

  With a thought in his mind, Chen Mo suddenly emitted a gloomy light from the heart of the undead in his hand and flew towards the wall in front of him.

  With a crackling sound, the tomb wall in front of Chen Mo, which looked like a wall, automatically separated to the two sides.

  A huge tomb hidden behind the wall was suddenly revealed.

  The tomb room is full of eerie atmosphere, the walls are covered with black tapestries, and various altars and candlesticks are dotted around.

  In the center of the tomb, just like the tomb where the heart of the dead was obtained before, stands a huge stone platform.

  However, on the stone platform in the center of this tomb, you can see a shining crown with a glimmer of light at a glance, that is the crown of the undead.

  Chen Mo stared at the crown of the undead, and he could feel the powerful undead energy emanating from it.

  The crown of the undead is like a black gem, inlaid on the metal frame, exuding a mysterious and seductive light.

   At this time, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on finding your professional artifact component "Crown of the Undead". 】

  Hearing the reminder from Heaven, Chen Mo immediately walked slowly towards the crown of the undead.

  However, just as he was about to touch the crown of the dead, suddenly a powerful dark energy emanated from the crown of the dead.

  Black mist filled the air, and the entire tomb was plunged into darkness.

  For this change, Chen Mo has already prepared for it.

   After all, he has Mo Luo's brain, and he has already analyzed clearly what he will encounter in the mission.

  Professional exclusive artifacts are not so easy to obtain. Although it takes some troublesome going around to find it, even if you find it, it is still not so easy for Chen Mo to get it directly.

   Just like in the previous turn, Chen Mo also went through a lot of trouble to get the fragments of his own professional artifact.

  In the tomb, the black mist gradually condensed into a figure, which was an undead devil in the form of bones.

  The bones shone with light, and the eyes revealed a cold and cruel light.

  The undead demon king let out a deep roar, the sound was like the roar of hell, shaking the entire tomb.

  He stretched out his bone hand, and released a shock of dark energy at Chen Mo without saying a word.

  Chen Mo didn't dodge or dodge, and let the dark energy hit him. This undead demon king is not at the same level as the undead guardian just now, and he is very easy to deal with.

  Chen Mo didn't force it too much, and ordered the skeleton monsters to fire a salvo.

   Within three seconds, he instantly killed this vicious-looking Undead Demon King on the spot.

  As soon as it died, the special energy attached to the crown of the dead also completely dissipated. At this time, Chen Mo reached out to touch the crown of the dead, but he never thought that the crown of the dead would fly into his arms directly.

   "It seems that I was suppressed by the undead demon king just now, and now I am like a small animal that has been separated from its owner for a long time. When it sees you, it is anxious to recognize its owner." Reminiscing on the side said with a smile.

  Chen Mo couldn't help laughing when he heard that the image recalled was interesting.

  Put away the crown of the undead, this time the second-rank hidden mission is completely over.

  The two turned around and walked towards Juggernaut Youjian.

  The Dominator of the Nether Room is the most mysterious place in the Forgotten Tomb. It is located in the deepest part of the Forgotten Tomb, and can only be found with the heart of the dead.

Chen Mo walked forward along the long black stone corridor according to the instructions and memories of the heart of the dead. Every step was accompanied by a deep echo, which echoed in the boundless darkness, as if the forgotten tomb was calling them in a low voice .

  The stone walls on both sides of the corridor are inlaid with white bones, as if countless pairs of empty eyes are watching them.

  Those eyes are insubstantial, but give a strong feeling, as if the abyss is gazing at them.

   After walking for more than ten minutes, the two finally came to the front of the Juggernaut.

  When they came to the gate of the Dominator of the Nether, they couldn't help but be attracted by the huge black iron gate.

The inscriptions on the door are complicated and profound. There is also a grand story engraved on the black iron door. The protagonist in the story is a master of the undead with infinite power. He used his own power to build an eternal kingdom and rule all the undead. …

  It can be seen that the story painted on this gate is the owner of this forgotten tomb.

  Chen Mo aroused the heart of the dead in his hand, without reaching out to push it, the heart of the dead triggered the profound inscription on the black iron door, making the door open automatically with a bang.

  As the door opened, the two immediately looked inside, and the first thing they saw was the central altar.

  The altar is more than ten meters high, surrounded by candles made of dark energy flickering and flickering.

   Above the altar hangs a huge black banner with a huge skull painted on it, which is the symbol of the ruler.

  The space around the altar is extremely wide, enough to accommodate thousands of people to worship at the same time.

  The floor of the entire hall is covered with black marble, and each stone slab is as smooth as a mirror, as deep and charming as a galaxy in a dark night.

  The walls of the main hall are engraved with undead runes, and each rune seems to be alive, shining with a deep light.

   There are also various weapons and armor hanging on the wall, each of which exudes powerful power, showing the majesty and strength of the master.

  The top of the main hall is a huge dome, and the dome is covered with light spots that twinkle like stars. They shine brightly in the dark, as if telling the greatness and mystery of the ruler.

  These light spots flickered in the darkness, as if they were stars in the distant starry sky, casting a faint light, illuminating the entire hall.

   In the deepest part of the Dominator Nether, there is an extremely eye-catching Dominator Origin Core.

  The dominant source core floats there like a black hole, devouring all the light, and at the same time emitting a powerful force that cannot be ignored.

   That is the power of domination, a symbol of dominion and eternal life.

  The Juggernaut Room is awe-inspiring, it is the residence of the Juggernaut, and it is also where his source of power stays.

  Chen Mo and Zou Yi are here, as if they can still feel the existence of the original master, which is a kind of power from the abyss, so powerful that it cannot be expressed.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on coming to the secret space of the undead master. The previous undead master left his power source core for you. You only need to touch this master source core to accept his inheritance.

  After accepting the inheritance, the task of the current dungeon world will be automatically settled, please pay attention! 】

  I already got the professional artifacts, so what else should I care about?

  Chen Mo walked directly to the core of the source of domination, and reached out to touch it.

   The moment Chen Mo reached out and touched the Juggernaut Source Core, a majestic energy from the Dominator Source Nucleus instantly gushed out into his body.

  The feeling that something in the depths of the soul seemed to be opened, accepting the continuous influx of energy came again.

  No matter how many times I feel it, Chen Mo exclaims that this feeling is really cool enough to make one go to heaven.

   But it's a pity that this wonderful feeling can't be enjoyed for a long time every time. In less than 30 seconds, the inheritance is over.

  【Reminder from Heaven: Congratulations on accepting the inheritance from the former Master of Undead, your current occupation has changed to "Master of Undead Rank 2 Fifteen Stars"! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Because of your successful career reincarnation, you got a chance to wash points. Do you want to wash points? 】

[Heavenly reminder: Since your career has successfully reached the second level, you have unlocked the "flying ability", and the related promotion items have been unlocked and dropped and obtained. You can obtain related items in subsequent rewards to continuously strengthen your flying ability. . 】

"I heard that things that enhance flying ability are hard to get. Everyone basically uses the original flying ability, and the strength is automatically increased along with the level. Know how to strengthen it to have the same effect as the Phantom Feather Boots."

  However, flight equipment and flight abilities can be used superimposed to make people fly faster.

  Chen Mo can now combine the two, and have a higher flying speed than before.

  【Tiandao Tip: Since your total professional star rating has reached 20 stars, every point you get when you level up can be freely added and the attribute is changed to 4 times! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Due to the effect of your SSS-level title’s initial Transcendence effect, every point you get when you level up can be freely added and the attribute is changed to 5 times! Currently, you can get 500 freely added attribute points per level. 】

   I have already done it before, and there is no need for Chen Mo to do it now. Chen Mo gave up the opportunity to do it. He immediately looked at the change of the undead master profession after the second rank.

  【Tiandao Tip: Because your career has been upgraded to a second job, your career has been enhanced to a certain extent! 】

  【Occupation】: Master of Undead (Two to fifteen stars)

  【Professional Talent】: Lord of the Undead

  〖Master of the Undead〗: When there are undead units summoned by you within the range of "level * star * 300 meters" around you, you will not die for any reason. You have an undead containment space, which can hold the highest "level * star * 300" undead in the body. The undead received in the containment space will ignore the sustainable time and exist forever, but when released, the sustainable time will continue to be counted.

  【Professional-specific passive skills】: Dominant posture, undead assembly, death call, undead fear, unlocked (unlocked when breaking through the eighth-order bottleneck.)...

  〖Pose of Dominator·Golden Passive〗: All your skills for summoning undead can be cast instantly and can ignore any restrictions on summoning conditions (such as energy consumption, special materials, etc.).

[Undead Assembly·Golden Passive]: When summoning undead, there will be a chance of one-half of the corresponding multiplier to increase the number of summons with the corresponding multiplier (the probability is calculated from the highest multiplier, every 10 times is pushed, and the maximum is "level * 30" times ).

  〖Death Call·Golden Passive〗: All units killed by you or your summons will be resurrected as special undead with their strength in life for you to drive!

Special undead can only be contained in a special containment space. Each special undead can survive for a maximum of 3 minutes outside the special containment space. duration of existence.

   It takes 40 seconds for the special undead contained in the special storage space to be summoned again. For every 10 levels, you will get three special undead storage spaces, currently 3/12.

  〖Fear of the Undead·Golden Passive〗: Every time you have a summoned undead, the enemy units around you within the range of "level x star x 200 meters" will lose 1 point of defense!

  [Professional-specific active skills]: Undead Summoning God, Dominant Command, Dominant Power, Undead Creation, Unlocked (Unlocked when breaking through the eighth-level bottleneck.)

  〖Summoning of the Undead God·Golden Active〗: Can be used once every 6 hours to summon a powerful undead, and the level of the undead changes synchronously with your level.

   There is a 100% chance to summon mid-level undead, a 30% chance to summon high-level undead, a 3% chance to summon super-level undead, and a 0.03% chance to summon god-level undead.

   The summoned powerful undead can exist permanently, but at most "your level * 3" can exist permanently at the same time. The powerful undead that cannot exist permanently will be sent back to the undead world after 3 hours. (When summoning, the detection probability starts from the highest rank).

〖Power of Dominion·Golden Active〗: You can take back the power of all the undead units you have summoned for your own use, increase your own attribute value equal to the number of all the undead summons you have absorbed, and master their active skills, which lasts for 20 minutes. Let cool for 20 minutes.

  You will not be able to perform any related summons during the effect of the Juggernaut Divine Power. (Each low-level undead can increase the attribute value by 1%, each mid-level undead can increase the attribute value by 2%, each high-level undead can increase the attribute value by 5%, each super-level undead can increase the attribute value by 10%, each God-level undead can increase 100% attribute value.)

[Undead Creation·Golden Active]: Immediately revive all friendly units that died within the range of "level x star x 200 meters" around you. If there is a prohibition on resurrection attached to the body, the resurrection effect will be changed to remove the opponent's prohibition on resurrection.

  After the second turn, the effects of Undead Master professional skills have all soared again. The extremely useful Undead Creation and Resurrection Skill that was just unlocked after breaking through the fourth-order bottleneck not only doubled the resurrection range, but also directly shortened the cooling time by half.

   It can be said that the improvement is obvious.

  Chen Mo will be able to break through the eighth-order bottleneck soon, which means that he has another chance to unlock a new active skill and passive skill.

   After reading the current professional skill strength, Chen Mo is also full of expectations for the skills that will be unlocked later.

  As the career star level increases, Chen Mo's attributes have also been greatly improved at this time.

  With 20 stars, his normal attribute is comparable to that of someone who turned three full, and because of the effect of the title, he has an additional level of own attribute points, which directly makes his current attribute points comparable to those of a four-turn strongman.

  So it looks like Chen Mo is at the second rank, but in fact his attributes are the attributes that can only be obtained by the strong at the fourth rank.

  However, compared to ordinary rank four, Chen Mo also has the title of tyrannical and the improvement of divine power. Even if the strong rank four has a high-star pet, Chen Mo's attributes can touch them.

  【Name】: Chen Mo

  【star】: 20 stars (15 stars hidden + 5 stars hidden)

  【Occupation】: Master of Undead (Second Turn Hidden Occupation), Infinite Fusion Master (Initial Hidden Occupation)

  【Level】: Level 40

  [Experience]: 4878664699/4645300 (eighth-order bottleneck)


  Physique 159252=life 5377560, physical defense 856260, life recovery 159252 points/10 seconds (110% per second)

  Power 159252=Physical Attack 477756

  Agility 159252=Blast damage+159252%

   Intelligence 330372 = Law Attack 1003116

  Spirit 330372=energy 16518600, magic defense 1711860, energy recovery 336372 points/10 seconds (210% per second)

  Skeleton monster attributes that can be summoned by such attributes are: blood volume 36340920, object 10902276, law attack 10902276, physical defense 0, law defense 0, characteristics - explosive bomb, resurrection, corpse poison, assembly, sacred, concentric, continuous, symbiotic

  Chen Mo's own attributes can only be compared to those of the fourth-rank powerhouse, but he is a summoner, and his strength is reflected in his summoned objects.

  His summon is not to the extent of touching the fourth turn, it is directly hanging up the fourth turn to fight.

  But although the attribute looks very strong now, it is still far from the **** level.

  The basic attributes of god-level units all start at 100 million.

  The so-called basic attributes are not physical attack or legal attack, but physique, strength, agility, intelligence, and spirit.

   Only after these basic attributes reach 100 million, will there be a chance to be deified.

  Chen Mo's current basic attributes are only 100,000 to more than 300,000, which is obviously far from being deified.

  Being able to dominate outside the Tower of Eternity, even if it is against Rank 5, as long as the opponent's divine power is not very high, Chen Mo can leapfrog to kill.

  But after this attribute enters the Tower of Eternity, it will be the younger brother when it encounters a god-level unit.

  Of course, Chen Mo is only a second rank at the moment, and he is still in the early stages of growth. When he is old enough to enter the Tower of Eternity, he will definitely not be so strong.

   After watching the strength after the second round, Chen Mo is still very satisfied with his strength.

   At this time, he exhaled the Heavenly Dao interface, and checked the cheating difficulty he had unlocked, the super SSS level breaking test!

  Even he himself has never tried this difficulty.

  Chen Mo immediately glanced at the Tiandao interface, trying to find the simulation function of the clearance probability, but he didn't see it at all.

  He immediately tried to ask Tiandao's assistant.

  【Little Assistant of Tiandao: I'm very sorry, the super SSS level breaking test is a hidden level breaking test, and I can't provide you with a success rate simulation of the difficulty of the test. 】

   "It's really cruel, deduct the most experience, take the biggest risk, but don't give it to the simulation."

Although the difficulty of super SSS level looks very bluffing, but Chen Mo feels that his current attributes can be called a super SSS level 40-level second-turn powerhouse, although he feels that it is not risky to take the risk of challenging an unknown difficulty Small.

  But after all, he has a life-saving ability, so it is not impossible to run away if it is really impossible.

   If you can’t beat it, you will lose the reward of a breakthrough assessment. Anyway, if you only do the SSS level breakthrough assessment, you have already reached the full level of the title, and you will lose two SSS level rewards.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help but smiled wryly when he realized that he was inflated, and he didn't pay attention to the two SSS-level rewards.

  Although it is not known at present whether the super SSS level reward will be obtained after passing the super SSS level breaking test, but the announcement of the voice of the road after challenging the super SSS level breaking test is definitely rewarding a super SSS level gift bag.

   After all, it was given like this last time.

  Based on this point, this super SSS-level breakthrough assessment is very challenging.

  After careful consideration, Chen Mo immediately chose the super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment.

[Heavenly Tips]: You are about to sweep the level 40 and eighth-level boundary-breaking assessment. Since the bottleneck of this level has exceeded level 20, the need for experience value reduction cannot be reduced. You need to consume "current level times" the experience required to upgrade the current level value to conduct a super SSS-level breakthrough assessment, are you sure?

In fact, it’s just 40 times the experience points required to upgrade to level 40. Chen Mo just spent 50 times the amount of experience needed to upgrade to level 2. He just got billions of experience points from the experience book at level 80. These are just drizzle, just 1 85,812,000 experience points, Chen Mo directly chose to deduct.

  【Calculating the matching difficulty tasks based on your current occupation.

After the calculation is completed, warn that the difficulty of the assessment task is extremely difficult. If you choose this assessment difficulty, you need to enter the assessment space alone. The challenge is limited to the super god-level boss at level 40. You can challenge it directly, or you can pass it in the task space. Relevant tasks to learn about some of the super god-level BOSS's weaknesses or weaken its attributes.

  The assessment time is 24 hours. When entering the assessment space, the time flow rate of the assessment space is independent. No matter how long it exists in it, only one minute of external time will pass when it comes out.

   Note that during the assessment period, once a battle is triggered, you will not be able to leave the assessment space immediately. The difficulty of the assessment has an extremely high risk of death, please choose carefully! 】

  Originally, Chen Mo was all ready, but he was a little vain by this reminder.

   After all, super SSS-level abilities are some elusive abilities, and most of the SSS-level abilities in oneself are likely to be ignored directly.

  The degree of danger is definitely there.

  He couldn't help thinking that it would be great if his avatar outside the body could go in for the assessment alone.

   Let him test the waters for himself.

  Anyway, the avatar outside the body can be re-summoned after being killed in battle.

  He looked at Zhuan Yi and asked, "Can you take the boundary-breaking assessment instead of me?"

   "I'm sorry, my lord, this is one of the very few tasks that I can't complete for you..."

  Hearing this, Chen Mo was just about to give up, but he didn't expect that Reminiscence would turn his back when he spoke.

"Whether it's a job reincarnation task or a boundary-breaking assessment task, when I start the related task, I start it with myself as the main body, but I'm just an incarnation outside the body, so even if I successfully complete the corresponding dungeon task, in the end I will You can't get any corresponding rewards and can't get any benefits in the corresponding copy.

   Asking me to perform related tasks is equivalent to a waste of effort. This kind of task still needs to be completed by you in the end. "

  After hearing this, Chen Mo immediately showed joy and said, "That is to say, you can carry out any tasks I have without considering the benefits?"

   "Yes." Recalling nodded.

   "You child, you should have said earlier that you have such a wonderful use, so this time you should try this boundary-breaking assessment task first.

  Anyway, no matter how long the boundary-breaking assessment task has passed, the outside world will only have 1 minute. I can wait, and the benefits are not important. The main thing is to help me test the difficulty of this super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment task. "Chen Mo said with a smile immediately.

   "If the deity is for this purpose, then it is indeed a good idea.

  Just opening the boundary-breaking assessment requires the consumption of experience points, and the experience value consumed for the super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment is quite high. Are you sure you are willing to waste so much experience points in vain, my lord? "Zhou Yi clarified the gains and losses to Chen Mo from a rational point of view.

   "It's okay, just over 100 million experience points, just throw it away. The key is that you can enter the dungeon to help me find out what is going on in this super SSS level breaking test." Chen Mo said indifferently.

   "Okay, my lord, I will choose to conduct the boundary-breaking assessment." Reminiscence confirmed it again.

   It can be seen that as he said when he first appeared, he would think clearly about the pros and cons of Chen Mo's actions from the perspective of a bystander, and he would dissuade Chen Mo when he found out that he was losing money.

   From the perspective of the incarnation outside his body, what he is doing now is useless, but what he is consuming is a huge amount of experience points for a level of 40.

   Naturally, he will try his best to discourage it.

  But if Chen Mo insists, he will respect the wishes of the deity.

  Following the recall, Chen Mo chose to start the assessment task, and Chen Mo directly received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Prompt from heaven: It is detected that your avatar is about to undergo a super SSS-level breakthrough assessment, and you need to provide the experience points required to open it. Do you agree?

  Special reminder, completing the boundary-breaking assessment with an external avatar will not increase your level bottleneck. 】

  Chen Mo directly ignored Tiandao's reminder, and immediately paid close to 200 million experience points for the avatar outside his body.

  In the next moment, Remembrance disappeared from Chen Mo's side out of thin air.

  (end of this chapter)

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