Chapter 276 Super god-level boss

   After visiting the Tiandao Trading Market, 1 minute passed quickly.

   A figure beside Chen Mo reappeared.

  It is the memory that has already passed the boundary-breaking assessment.

  At this time, Chen Mo didn't need to ask, and directly synchronized the memory with the memory.

  In an instant, information about the super SSS-level dungeon boss flooded into Chen Mo's mind.

  【Name】: Azulas

  【Identity】: Master of Time and Space (Avatar)

  [Talent—Space-Time Divine Source]: Regardless of all abnormalities, every time Azulas takes damage, all subsequent damage will be reduced by 1%, and it will be recalculated every minute. When Azulas' HP drops to a certain level, it will use the power of time to restore its HP to the maximum value, calculated every minute.

  【Active skill】:

  〖Global Destruction〗: Azulas releases powerful energy, causing a lot of damage to all enemies, with negative effects, such as deceleration, defense reduction, etc.

  〖Space Travel〗: Azulas instantly moves to any position, making it impossible for the enemy to predict where it will appear next time.

  〖Time Chain〗: Azulas selects an enemy and stops it for a period of time. During the time-stop, it gains all the opponent's attributes. After the time-stop ends, the opponent's attributes are reduced to 1 point.

  〖Energy Absorption〗: Azulas absorbs the energy of the surrounding enemies to restore his own HP.

〖Life Link〗: Azulas links his own life with the enemy, when the enemy takes damage, Azulas will get the same amount of life recovery, when Azulas takes damage, the enemy will also receive the same harm.

【Passive skill】:

  〖Body of Time and Space〗: Azulas' body is protected by the power of time and space. When Azulas receives damage exceeding 1% of his maximum life, he will be completely immune to the damage.

  〖Chaos Realm〗: When Azulas is in combat, the surrounding environment will constantly change.

  〖Mysterious Aura〗: The existence of Azulas will make the surrounding enemies feel pressure, reduce their combat ability, and will get different aura effects according to the surrounding environment.

  〖Endless Power〗: As the battle progresses, Azulas' energy will never be exhausted. At the same time, when launching an attack, there is a chance to deal infinite damage to units whose divine power is lower than his own.

  〖Heart of the Starry Sky〗: Every time Azulas uses a skill, the power of his next attack will be enhanced.

  【Divinity Super】:

  〖Everything is empty〗: The attack of the unit with this divinity ignores all barriers such as the enemy's defense, damage reduction, and shield, and directly causes damage to the enemy itself.

  〖Star Collapse〗: Every time a unit with this divinity is injured, it will burst out the gravitational force of star collapse, causing a lot of damage to the enemy, and with a powerful control effect.

  〖Endless Starry Sky〗: Units with this divinity can transfer any damage they receive to the Endless Starry Sky.

  Because the BOSS is super SSS level, Chen Mo's own level of divine power is not high, the ability obtained by his SSS level title God of Bravery can't seal the opponent at all, and the seal of the God Slayer Challenger is the same.

   This made Reminiscence enter the dungeon, and with the help of Mo Luo's brain, he could do a few quests and seal the boss's disgusting abilities in advance.

  The most disgusting ones are the life chain in talents and active skills, the space-time body protection in passive skills, and the endless starry sky in divinity.

   Talent is there, unless he has extremely explosive instant damage, otherwise he will be full of blood all at once.

   There can be a passive space-time shield, and each damage cannot exceed 1% of the opponent's maximum health, otherwise the opponent is directly immune to the damage.

   This makes the opponent's ability form an unsolvable cycle.

   In addition to this unsolvable cycle.

  The second disgusting thing is his life link. This skill is not a negative effect at all, but a link effect, which makes it impossible to get rid of it once it is linked.

But after being linked, it will be miserable. Hitting the boss is equivalent to beating yourself, and the boss has the divine ability to transfer the damage, but you have to be beaten for real. In a real fight, only you die and he is full of blood. a result.

  Since the talent cannot be sealed, Remembrance can only take the next best thing and seal all the other three abilities.

  After sealing these three abilities, Azulas became able to deal with it.

  However, his combat power is still much stronger than that of SSS-level bosses. The time-stop effect of the time chain he cast is super SSS-level, and Chen Mo's time-space orb is not immune at all.

  Although Chen Mo's space-time orb is one of the components of the super artifact, it is now fragmented and scattered. It may be upgraded back to the super SSS level when combined in the future, but it is obviously useless now.

   This is the difficult point of this boss.

  The main reason is that its grade is too high, which caused Chen Mo's many methods to directly fail.

  But the methods of the BOSS can basically be effective, and this can suppress the reminiscence miserably.

   Recalling that when facing this BOSS, it was quite hard to fight.

  However, the BOSS is strong and strong, and Chen Mo's foundation is still solid, and Remembrance finally took it down directly.

   But it's a pity that the perfect clearance reward was not triggered.

   Time consumption is too much.

  Because the opponent also has a space-time chain skill, this skill has become the biggest obstacle to efficiency.

   Is there a perfect customs clearance, but the difference is this super SSS reward.

   After digesting the memory of the experience in the dungeon, Chen Mo's mentality is stable at this time.

   Reminiscing alone can't complete the level perfectly, but you can enter the dungeon by yourself with remembrance.

   Two people join forces, not to mention the effect of one plus one is greater than two, just one plus one equals two, the efficiency is doubled.

   It is not difficult to win the perfect customs clearance.

  Thinking about this point, Chen Mo immediately put away his reminiscences, and immediately handed over 180 million experience points in his mind, and started his own super SSS level breaking test.

   After entering the dungeon, Chen Mo still did the same thing as recalling before, first sealing one of Azulas's initiative, one passivity, and one divinity.

  After these three main life-saving methods are sealed, the opponent will have a more disgusting space-time chain skill.

  Originally, if this skill did not exist, Remembrance could use the power of the undead master to absorb all the skeleton monsters, and then greatly increase his combat power, and solve the boss by himself.

  But with the existence of this skill, Reminiscence would not dare to do this. Once he does this, the boss uses the time-space chain to lock him, and then steals all the attributes, which will be self-defeating and shoot himself in the foot.

   Recalling a person will be completely restrained when facing this skill, but now that Chen Mo and Recalling have entered the instance together, they can adopt different tactics from before.

  If the two of them use this ability at the same time, even if one is locked, the other's ability is still retained, and they can still shoot.

  What Chen Mo wanted was to have Zhui Yi use his mortal skills to lock the boss, so that the BOSS would not be able to attack other targets except the mortal target, allowing him to single-handedly swipe the boss without being threatened.

  (end of this chapter)

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