All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 277: Body protection divine bead, superhuman divine stone! (triple)

  Chapter 277 Body Protector Bead, Super Transformation God Stone! (triple)

  Based on the experience of reminiscing, after completing the pre-tasks, Chen Mo came to the super SSS level dungeon boss of this first strategy—"Azulas".

   "Human, your courage is worthy of recognition, but I still won't show mercy. This is a challenge you choose yourself. Let me see if you can defeat me, an incarnation whose strength has been suppressed to the same level as yours."

  Azulas, the image of the master of time and space is extremely huge, which makes people feel deeply shocked and awed. His body is made of dark matter, as if it contains endless stars and abysses, constantly flowing, tumbling, and shaping, like an active starry sky. His two eyes are as deep as black holes, shining with a cold and charming light, as if they contain the secrets of time and space.

  His arm seems to be able to fly across the endless space, and the stretching and shrinking seems to contain the birth and destruction of stars. His fingertips seem to touch every dimension, ready to tear apart space and open up new passages.

  Azulas' body shape is not fixed, sometimes he is as tall as a mountain, almost filling the entire field of vision, as if he can carry endless heaven and earth; sometimes he is as small as dust, like a miniature black hole, but can swallow all the light of life.

  His voice is grand and hollow, as if it came from an endless abyss, and every word sounds like an hourglass with time, ding dong falling, cold and absolute. His existence in this world is like an insurmountable gap, making people feel deeply powerless and hopeless.

  Affected by Azulas' skills, the environment around him is constantly changing, like an unpredictable dream.

  Sometimes, he is in a vast green grassland, the green weeds swaying gently in the breeze, full of vitality. The golden sun shines down from the sky, illuminating every leaf, and everything seems to wake up at this moment, full of vitality.

  At this time, Azulas will get a super powerful recovery aura.

   Afterwards, the environment changed instantly, and he was once again on the top of a frozen snow mountain. White snowflakes fluttered in the cold wind and fell on his body, turning into a piece of white. Surrounded by white snow, a cold silence. The whole world seemed to be blocked by ice and snow, and all sounds were frozen in this cold air.

  At this time, Azulas will get a super powerful range freezing aura,

  The next moment, the environment changed again, and he appeared on the edge of the crater again. Surrounded by heat waves and lava, it seems that the whole world is burning. The hot magma erupting from the crater rose into the air like a fire dragon, dyeing the sky red.

  At this time, Azulas will get a super powerful burning aura.

  These ever-changing scenes are all under the control of Azulas, as if he is the master of this world and can change everything as he wants.

  According to the battle situation, he can get whatever aura he wants.

  This ability is very strong, Chen Mo is envious, but it is a pity that he can't get this passive skill.

Of course, he can't get it even if it's not a passive skill. After all, Azulas is a super SSS-level boss, and Azulas' skills are all of the dazzling level. Not such advanced skills.

  Although the other party spoke kindly, Chen Mo was not kind when he shot.

  Already had the experience of dealing with it once, Chen Mo didn't delay at all, and directly attacked ruthlessly when he came up.

  As soon as he came up, Chen Mo asked Zhui Yi to use the God of Death emblem to lock Azulas.

Although Azulas has the ability to be immune to all abnormalities, making Chen Mo's various SSS-level restrictive methods ineffective, but the link effect of the Daredevil God Emblem is the same as the effect of Azulas' time-space chain, which is a type other than abnormalities link effect.

   Regarding the link effect, Azulas does not have any immunity to this ability.

  So even the SSS-level God of Death Emblem can still lock him to death.

  Because Azulas's talent is destined to make a group of monsters suffer a lot against him, Chen Mo naturally chose the one-on-one method.

  He used the power of the undead master's one-on-one magic skill to absorb all the skeleton monsters as nutrients to improve his strength.

  At this time, the number of skeleton monsters owned by Chen Mo is about 30 million.

  According to the description of Juggernaut Power·Gold active skill, each low-level undead can increase the temporary attribute value by 1%.

   Therefore, Chen Mo's attribute value increase after using this skill will be:

  30000000 (number of undead)*1%=300000

  This means that Chen Mo's attribute value will increase by 300,000 times.

   This is a considerable improvement, but in fact, Tiandao has extremely strict control over attributes, and any ability to improve attributes cannot exceed the multiple of "self-level + divine power".

  So five revolutions has the advantage of crushing grades for those below five revolutions, and this is one of the aspects.

  Even if there is a strong attribute improvement ability below the fifth rank, just because there is only a level but no divine power, it can only be increased by a few dozen times at most.

  Those who have rank five or above, because of the existence of divine power, can increase their attributes by a hundred times, hundreds of times, or even a thousand times, ten thousand times.

  The attributes above five ranks are crushed below five ranks, even if the increase multiples are the same, they are still hanging, not to mention that the maximum increase multiples is far behind.

   Although Chen Mo is currently only level 40, he now has a full 100 points of divine power.

   It can be regarded as an alternative existence below rank five.

  If he exerts the power of dominance, the attribute can be directly increased to a maximum of 140 times, which is already a quite abnormal improvement.

Even if Azulas' colorful-level passive skill Mystic Breath has the ability to ignore Chen Mo's SSS-level immune abnormalities, suppress Chen Mo's attributes, and reduce his attributes by 50%, Chen Mo's current attributes are still equivalent to 70 times the normal time , extremely powerful.

   And this is not the limit of Chen Mo. After using the Shield Worship skill, Chen Mo can also increase the attack power by an additional 200%, making the attack power reach 72 times.

  The magic attack alone has 70 to 80 million.

   This kind of magic attack strength, combined with the powerful damage skill he just upgraded to the black quality to turn back the healing wave, is enough for him to gain a significant advantage when facing a powerful enemy like Azulas.

  Healing waves of black quality can now jump 200 times per second.

That is to say, there are 100 jumps directly to the opponent in 1 second to cause damage, and there are 100 jumps to your own body, but because the healing wave has the characteristic of overflow damage, even if it jumps to your own body, at this time, your own As long as the blood volume of the person is full, it will cause a damage equal to the maximum health value of the target being healed.

   Now that Chen Mo has increased his attributes by 70 times, his blood volume has also increased significantly, reaching more than 370 million.

  Because of the existence of memories, this healing wave will jump to him once every two times, that is to say, it will jump to him 50 times in a second.

  Although Chen Mo, who was suppressed by the rank of the boss, couldn't hit even a critical hit without blasting damage, but the normal damage alone is terrible.

After activating the Almighty Converter, the damage converted to real damage will not be affected by the basic damage reduction skills of the BOSS. In this way, 100 times of normal damage falling on the opponent will result in 100 times of more than 70 million damage. The direct damage of the healing wave alone will be dealt Inflicted more than seven billion damage.

   At the same time, there are 50 solid injuries calculated according to the value of life, 370 million blood volume triggers 50 times, and the damage is as high as 18.5 billion.

   In just one second, Chen Mo is enough to deal about 25.5 billion damage to the boss.

  Although the total blood volume of the boss is calculated by megabytes, and the blood recovery is not slow, but counting the blood recovery speed, he has to deduct a full 15.5 billion blood per second.

  In addition to this, Remembrance also released the special head baby magic girl among the special undead that Chen Mo had subdued before.

  Magic Ji Chen Mo had taken a fancy to her magic domain, which is a field buff skill, when she put away her special undead.

  Although Magic Girl came out and was killed by Azulas in an instant.

   But her domain skills still exist, and can take effect until the domain duration ends.

   And the most buggy thing is that because this is the magic girl called by Zhuan Yi, even if she is killed, it doesn’t matter. As an external incarnation of the copy, as long as the ability of the main body still exists, Zhuan Yi can always synchronize the ability of the main body.

   After being absorbed as a special undead, the magic girl belongs to Chen Mo's summoning ability.

  So even if the magic girl in Remembrance is released and dies, as long as the magic girl in Chen Mo's special undead space is still alive, Remembrance can always have the ability to release the magic girl simultaneously.

   Now that Chen Mo has used the power of dominance, he is temporarily unable to summon any summoned objects, even if he wants to call the magic girl to come out and send them.

  So even if the magic girl dies, the domain is considered invalid, and the memory can also be replenished in time.

  At this time, although Moji died, her magic field was still powerful and continued to take effect.

   And the effect of her magic domain is not weak, it can directly increase the attack power of all friendly units within the range of the domain by 100%.

  Because the improvement ability of the domain ability is generally low, the improvement ability of the domain is different from other ability enhancements, and it is a unique multiplicative improvement.

This means that Chen Mo's damage per second can be doubled, that is to say, Chen Mo is enough to deal 51 billion damage per second, and after deducting the recovery speed of the boss, Chen Mo can still deal 41 billion damage per second, even if the boss's blood volume reaches 1 Zhao, also can not last 30 seconds.

  Recalling killing for so long before is entirely because he can't use the power of dominance, and can only rely on skeleton monsters to grind slowly.

  Because the BOSS's range-reducing attribute effect is too strong, combined with his talent limit, too many attacks at one time will not take damage at all, and the damage frequency of the skeleton monster is completely limited, and it is really slow to kill.

  After all, the talent effect of the BOSS is not damage reduction, but the reduction of all damage received, which is the final damage reduction with the same last priority as the divine power effect in the calculation order mentioned above.

  This kind of damage reduction will be reduced even if it is a real injury.

  Because the damage priority of real damage is done in the damage increase and damage reduction steps.

  So sometimes one plus one does not necessarily equal two.

  Chen Mo now adds an incarnation memory outside his body, and directly explodes the income far exceeding one plus one equals two.

  The super SSS-level boss that was originally slow to be grinded to death beyond the perfect clearance time can now be solved in less than 30 seconds.

  The gap before and after is simply not too outrageous.

As Chen Mo's healing wave jumped to Azulas' body for the last time, Azulas' body suddenly lit up with a strong light, and then smiled and looked at Chen Mo and said: "Very good boy, I recognize your strength, although This incarnation of mine only used less than one percent of my strength, but you are already one of the billions of stars who can reach this level at this stage.

This time, you have passed the boundary-breaking assessment, and it is a perfect level for passing the super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. In addition to the regular rewards, you can also get 10 points of divine power. Take it, this is you deserved. "

   "Such a strong strength is less than one percent of this avatar?" Chen Mo was speechless. The avatar is so perverted, so how strong is this body?

After Azulas finished speaking, a finger like a mountain pressed towards Chen Mo, and the sight in front of him was filled in an instant, leaving only the mountain that was getting closer and closer, and the oppressive feeling was so strong that it was breathless I can't breathe.

  This kind of scene where only the mountains are pressing towards him is really oppressive, and Chen Mo instantly feels like he has become a monkey grandson.

However, Azulas' body is really unpredictable. Just now, his fingers were like mountains. The next moment, they were so small that they couldn't even be seen by the naked eye. Chen Mo only felt a grain of sand fall on his forehead, and immediately It was a wave of familiar energy pouring into his body.

  He managed to gain 10 divine power again.

   I didn't expect to be able to get supernatural powers by doing the breakthrough assessment. This was a complete surprise.

   But at this time, compared with the divine power obtained, Chen Mo is more concerned about whether he will get super SSS rewards.

   After donating 10 points of divine power, Azulas smiled and sent Chen Mo away from the boundary-breaking assessment space.

   At this time, the reminder of the way of heaven is also followed by the sound of shua la la.

  【Heaven’s reminder: You have successfully defeated the incarnation of Azulas. This super SSS level assessment is over, and the settlement is starting...】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since you defeated the incarnation of Azulas in a very short period of time, this rating will be settled with a perfect rating! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on passing the Super SSS Level Breakthrough Examination, your Super SSS Title "Super God Challenger" experience value increased by 1 point! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your super SSS title "Super God Challenger" has reached level 2! 】

  【Super SSS Title - Super God Challenger】

  【Title Level】: LV2

  [Title experience]: 0/1 (1 point of experience is obtained for each completion of a super SSS level breakthrough assessment)

  [Title effect]: All attributes increase by 400 points, and your hidden divine power increases by 200 points.

  [Title skills]: Super God Power, Super God Heart

〖Super God Power·Dazzling Passive〗: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability. When you deal damage to all units whose divine power is lower than or equal to yours, the final damage will increase by 100%. When the unit damages, the final damage is reduced by 50%!

〖Supergod Heart·Dazzling Passive〗: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability. When you cause abnormal states to all units whose divine power is lower than or equal to yours, the effect is doubled (if the effect is fixed, the duration is doubled) , when you suffer from all ailments imposed by units with divine power greater than or equal to yours, the effect is reduced by 50% (if the effect is fixed, the duration is halved)!

  [Title Introduction]: You will eventually become an existence beyond the gods, and your existence will even dim the gods!

   "If a super god-level enemy casts a colorful-level anomaly on me, then my golden skills will not be enough, and I still need a colorful-level skill to resist. This title is not bad."

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on passing the super SSS-level assessment, you have obtained the origin-level item "Body Protection Orb"! 】

  【Body Protection Bead·Origin Grade】

  [Item Passive Effect]: When carrying it, your physical body will not be damaged for any reason. Even if you are killed, your physical body will not be damaged. At the same time, you can be immune to all terrain damage and negative terrain effects. (It can also take effect in the backpack)

  [Active effect of item]: Invoke the protective effect of the body protection orb, you will get the absolute dominance effect for 10 seconds, immune to all hard control (no matter what level), cooldown for 15 seconds. (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Item Introduction]: It is said that if the body is damaged, it cannot be revived, but with it, you can rest assured that no one can damage your body anymore.

   "Awesome! Directly immune to damage to the physical body!"

   Immunity to physical damage is more valuable than resurrection.

   After all, the body must be preserved first, and then there is a chance for resurrection.

  If the body is also annihilated when you die, it is useless for you to have a hundred resurrection abilities.

  With the existence of this premise, you will be able to maximize your resurrection ability.

Moreover, the body protection orb not only guarantees that the body will not be damaged, but also can be immune to terrain damage. There are many types of terrain damage. terrain damage.

   But this is man-made.

   There's a lot of natural terrain damage on top of this.

  Such as venom pools, magma pools, ground thorns, etc., and the strongest terrain damage is the space-time crack.

  Cracks in time and space can be described as super terrains that can maximize terrain damage and negative effects.

   Before Rank 5 level and control of related abilities, even with Chen Mo's strength, he had to choose to take a detour when encountering time and space cracks.

   But it is different now, with the protection of the body-protecting divine orb, he can completely walk through the cracks in time and space without being affected at all.

   This point alone has surpassed most of the five revolutions.

   After all, not every five turns can control the powerful space power so quickly.

  In addition to this, the body protection orb also has a powerful overlord initiative, which can be immune to all hard control, and it ignores the grade.

  That is to say, even if the grade is higher than the original grade, it can continue to take effect, which is very powerful.

   Of course, Chen Mo is not sure if there are any higher levels above the origin level. After all, let alone him, even the earth, no, the entire solar system, is just a newborn baby in this game of heaven.

  The powers of the earth now don't even understand the first floor of the Tower of Eternity.

   Not only the solar system, but even the eternal star system is almost the same level.

   They are still fighting on the first floor.

  Chen Mo, who was given this super SSS-level item, was still very satisfied.

  He immediately put away the body protection pearl, and then continued to look at Tiandao's reminder.

[Heavenly reminder: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the experience value discount for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equivalent to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 40 eternal gold coins ! 】

  【Tiandao Reminder: Since you completed this assessment with a perfect score, you have additionally obtained a "Super SSS Level Breakthrough Assessment Sweep Ticket"! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: This assessment is over, after 3 seconds, you will be teleported back to the original world! 】

  As soon as Chen Mo left the assessment space, the reminder from Heaven immediately followed.

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 40-level super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 40-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  Hearing that Chen Mo had passed the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment again, Jiang Yun immediately sent a message.

  [Leader Jiang]: You have broken through the super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment twice in a row. Can you tell me how difficult it is? You know the world best now.

  [Chen Mo]: I didn’t know much about the sweeping papers before, but this time I have experienced the difficulty firsthand. It is definitely a nightmare level of difficulty. I don’t think anyone in the world has the hope of taking this assessment.

  [Leader Jiang]: Hopeless?

  [Chen Mo]: Well, according to what the person in the dungeon said to me at the end, if you want to pass the super SSS level breaking test, you have to be selected from a sea of ​​billions of stars. You can imagine how terrifying the difficulty is.

  After reading Chen Mo's reply, Jiang Yun was completely speechless.

  [Leader Jiang]: That is to say, in disguise, you are really a monster!

  [Chen Mo]: Hey, then I don’t dare to admit it, but this super-SSS-level assessment is indeed extremely difficult, and I don’t recommend anyone to try it.

  [Leader Jiang]: Go in and take a look, but you can always give up if you can't beat it.

[Chen Mo]: It’s okay to just look at it, but I’m afraid that some people will be locked inside and can’t get out. The most important and troublesome thing is that there is no chance to simulate the super SSS level breaking test, otherwise you can calculate it The success rate is safer.

  [Leader Jiang]: It's a pity. It would be great if the rewards our planet gets after you pass the level perfectly can make the current level's super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment into a probability calculation.

  What Jiang Yun said was actually what Chen Mo wanted to say.

  Although breaking through the bottleneck directly can also give you a good title reward for nothing, which has a very good improvement for ordinary people, but this reward is not useful for experts.

  As the upper echelon of the earth, it is natural to hope that the more rewards that can allow masters to improve their combat effectiveness, the better.

  [Chen Mo]: Maybe I will have such an effect when I break through level 100, and it is not necessarily true.

  [Leader Jiang]: I hope so, with your strength, level 100 is probably not far away.

   After chatting with Jiang Yun, Chen Mo immediately turned to Tiandao for a reminder.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on getting a super SSS gift package! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Because you broke through the eighth-order bottleneck, you unlocked a professional-specific active skill! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you took the challenge of the hidden reincarnation task in the second turn, the strength of the new skill you acquired will automatically increase by two levels! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you broke through the eighth-order bottleneck, you unlocked a career-specific passive skill! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you took the challenge of the hidden reincarnation task in the second turn, the strength of the new skill you acquired will automatically increase by two levels! 】

[Heavenly reminder: It has been detected that you have broken through the eighth-level bottleneck, and you have a chance to receive a super **** trial. Since you have a super **** body, if you do not perform the super **** trial, your level limit will still not be able to be completely reduced. Breakthrough, do you want to go to the trial tower to participate in the trial? 】

   Received another super SSS-level gift package, Chen Mo was so excited.

   This is equivalent to two super SSS rewards that can be obtained in one breakthrough assessment, and in addition to this, you can also get an extra 10 points of divine power.

   Simply not too beautiful.

  He immediately chose to open the super SSS gift package he had just obtained.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have successfully opened the super SSS gift package, congratulations on obtaining the binding origin level prop "Super Transformation God Stone"! 】

   Seeing this, Chen Mo suddenly remembered the Golden Touch Stone that he had obtained before, which can turn any non-professional skill into gold.

  I don't know what effect this has.

[PS]: It will be next month soon. In the first three days of next month, the amount of updates will be less. I will save some manuscripts so that they can be updated regularly. This kind of irregular update is too troublesome. I often get confused and open WORD in I'm in a daze... I want to explode but I can't explode, it's hard, let me adjust it, I love you~ ummm~

  (end of this chapter)

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