Chapter 279 Siyuan Divine Seal!

  Chen Mo checked his current SSS-level ability, and there are actually quite a few things he wants to improve.

   But when it comes to priority, copying the seal of God should be considered the highest priority.

  After all, copying the existence of the God Seal is equivalent to many different means, which is very useful.

  Only the SSS level can copy three abilities. What will happen if it is upgraded to the super SSS level? It is really worth looking forward to.

  After thinking about it, Chen Mo decided to upgrade the Copy God Seal.

  As he activated the Transcendent God Stone with a thought, he immediately received a reminder from the Dao of Heaven.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You are using the Transcendent God Stone on the "Copy God Seal" item. After it takes effect, "Copy God Seal" will be transformed into an origin-level item of the same type. Are you sure! 】

【Sure! 】

  【Prompt from the Dao of Heaven: The transformation is successful, and you have obtained the "Siyuan Divine Seal"! 】

  【Siyuan Shenyin·Origin Level】

[Item Passive Effect]: When carrying it, it can automatically record the skills released by all units within the range of "Level × 100" that do not exceed the level of "Colorful", and the recorded skills can be kept at most (level/10), currently 3/4 , can also take effect in the backpack)

  [Copied Skills]: Phantom Creation, God-level Gathering, Space Seal

  【Active effect of items】: You can choose the recorded skills to use.

  You can temporarily use non-colorful skills to display the effect of colorful skills. This effect can be obtained once per hour, and the maximum number of storage times is 10/10. (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Introduction to Items]: Seal of Shiyuan God, to see the supreme power in the world, and to use the power of others to achieve my way.

   "The improvement is so big!?"

  Originally, I just thought that after the upgrade of the Siyuan God Seal, it would only increase the upper limit of a few copying skills, and increase the level of copying skills to the colorful level.

   Unexpectedly, the increase in the copy limit is quite a lot.

  According to their own level will continue to improve.

  In addition, the copied non-colorful skill can be released according to the quality effect of the colorful skill.

   This is quite abnormal.

   This really reflects the sentence in the article introduction that borrows the power of others to achieve my way.

  Other people's abilities are not as powerful as those performed after copying the Siyuan Divine Seal.

  Chen Mo immediately tried to use the phantom creation skill.

  Originally, Phantom Creation just copied a lot of phantoms of its own people, and they would die if touched, and could not eat any buffs. Now that it has become the colorful level, the copied phantoms are directly comparable to the flesh of the main body.

   And can eat any buff, if the copied unit has any BUFF, the clone phantom will carry the same BUFF.

  However, the fact that phantoms cannot use skills has not changed.

   Obviously this is the fundamental logic of this skill.

   But even that buff is pretty big.

  Before, the phantom was shattered at the touch of a touch, and it was extremely easy to be cleaned up.

  Now they have the same fleshiness as the deity, and can eat various buffs, so Chen Mo can put a shield on them.

   This is equivalent to twice as many summons as he can resident.

   A true one-man army.

   After using the supernatural stone, Chen Mo chose to start the supernatural trial.

  Because the super **** trial would take a day, Chen Mo didn't bring his reminiscences in, and asked him to stay outside for class.

  【Heavenly reminder: You are about to go to the trial tower for a super **** trial. No matter how long it has passed in the trial tower, it will take a day for the outside world.

  In the Super God Trial, there is only one chance to challenge each time. No matter whether the challenge succeeds or fails, the level cap will be opened.

   But please note that failure to participate in the Super God Trial will cause you to lose all current experience points, and if you die in the Super God Trial, although it will not lead to your real death, it will cause your level to drop! 】

  Chen Mo still has a lot of experience points now, but after going through the first 20 floors, Chen Mo feels that he has almost figured it out, which is not false at all, and directly started the challenge.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Welcome to the Super God Trial Tower! After entering the trial tower, you have the opportunity to challenge ten floors in a row. There are only three opportunities to challenge each floor. If the three opportunities are exhausted and fail to pass, the challenge will be judged as a failure. Please note that when you find that you are invincible, try to press the stop challenge button. Don't end up dead or face a relegation penalty! 】

  Chen Mo, who is already familiar with the road, now has Mo Luo's brain, so naturally he doesn't need extra reminders from Tiandao.

  He directly started the test on the twenty-first floor.

[Heavenly reminder: The trial on the 21st floor of the trial tower has officially started. The content of the first floor trial is to protect the core. The challenger needs to survive a lightning storm and at the same time protect an immovable enchantment core. It will periodically fall in a random position, causing a lot of damage to its landing point and the surrounding area.

  Sky Thunder will continue to strengthen its power over time, and the damage of Sky Thunder is real damage that ignores shields and characteristics, please pay more attention.

  When there are other units around the core of the enchantment, the other units will absorb all the damage first. The more units there are, the more dispersed the damage will be.

  Tianlei has its own special resistance, try to withstand every thunder in the early stage and accumulate a higher resistance to thunder, so that you can resist the power of the last thunder for you. 】

  After reading the tips from Heaven, Chen Mo didn't feel any fluctuations in his heart.

  Even his Mo Luo brain didn't help him think of any perfect strategy, because in the view of Mo Luo brain, this assessment is not difficult at all with Chen Mo's current ability, and there is no need for any strategy at all.

  Even if he doesn't brush the sky thunder resistance, and just stays quietly at the core of the enchantment, and waits for the final sky thunder to arrive, there will be no damage.

Naturally, Chen Mo was too lazy to waste time. He went directly to the core area of ​​the enchantment, summoned hundreds of millions of skeletons, and at the same time copied a copy with the seal of origin. Now there are more than 200 million skeletons in the field plus Chen Mo gathered around the core of the enchantment.

  With so many units sharing the damage, Chen Mo didn't think that the thunder could cause any storms this day.

  After doing all this, Chen Mo chose to jump to the final Thunder Power.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Warning, the power of the sky thunder in this assessment is extremely powerful. If there is no full-level resistance, the power of the last sky thunder is enough to kill everything in seconds. Are you sure you want to jump to the end? 】

【Sure. 】

   At the moment when Chen Mo made his choice, there was a sudden change in his head, and at the same time, an incomparably terrifying rule energy began to accumulate.

  [PS]: In the past three days, the status has been slightly changed, and the regular explosion began on the 4th.

  (end of this chapter)

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