Chapter 280 Changed Rewards! (two in one)

  Chen Mo stood in the core area of ​​the enchantment, the sky was covered with dark clouds and haze.

  咵 rub! Suddenly, bolts of lightning pierced the dark sky and fell vertically like sharp swords.

   It hit Chen Mo directly, causing the ground to tremble.

  Although Tiandao claims that the thunder is enough to instantly kill everything, it is not really an instant kill, otherwise the resistance is useless, it is just an exaggeration of extremely high damage.

  A lightning strike without any resistance directly dealt 999999999 points of true damage.

   Nearly 1 billion irreducible real injuries are indeed enough to instantly kill everyone at this level.

   It’s just that there are 200 million skeleton monsters beside Chen Mo to help him share the damage. With 1 billion damage, the average damage to each unit is only 5 points of damage. There is no difference between no damage and no difference.

  So I looked at Tianlei with great power, but it was still the same.

  However, the sky thunder didn't just strike once, but soon Kuchachacha several consecutive thunderbolts cut through the air and fell towards Chen Mo!

  Each sky thunder carried terrifying power. The lightning cut through the air in an instant, and accompanied by piercing thunder, the thunder light illuminated the entire layer of the world.

  Chen Mo was inside, feeling the energy of thunder and lightning permeating the air, but he was still unscathed.

  The light of the sky thunder scorched the earth, making Chen Mo's surroundings bright.

  Each bolt of lightning brings a violent electric current and energy release, instantly illuminating everything clearly.

  Thunder and lightning shuttle between the sky and the earth, just like the judgment of God.

  Every thunder that falls brings destructive power, which is enough to explode all objects in contact with it into pieces in an instant, but Chen Mo can't help it.

  The thunderclouds in the sky also seemed to have lost their temper, and the faster the thunder they released, the faster the speed and the higher the damage.

  It's a pity that no matter how it improves, Chen Mo still stands proudly. Facing the ravages of Thunder Tribulation, he never moved a single step.

  The skeleton monsters around exude powerful energy, absorbing the impact of the sky thunder to their heart's content.

  Chen Mo stared at the sky, as if he was looking at the thunder and lightning.

  Every thunderstorm made the ground tremble, and the air was filled with electric current and deadly energy. Chen Mo stood steadily in it, and the unshakable picture seemed to be the master of thunder and lightning.

   Soon Leiyun seemed to lose his strength.

  The momentum of the thunder and lightning gradually weakened, but before it dissipated, it suddenly gathered an extremely terrifying force like a flash of light before it dissipated, bang! ! The last thunder thundered down, like the ultimate judgment.

  The entire first floor that was directly shocked continued to vibrate.

   But looking at the great power of the sky thunder, it was still nothing more than that, as the sky thunder fell on Chen Mo's head.

  But still not even a skeleton monster was hacked to death.

  As the thunder and lightning receded, the sky returned to tranquility, leaving only Chen Mo's figure standing in the core area of ​​the enchantment.

  He survived the thunder disaster very smoothly without much effort.

  After the thunderstorm, Chen Mo felt the surging power in his body, and found that his divine power had obviously improved.

[Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on successfully completing the trial on the 21st floor of the Super God Trial Tower. From this floor, every time you successfully pass the trial, you will directly receive divine power rewards, and you can directly choose to obtain divine power to exit, but The further you go, the more divine power you can get on each floor, please make your own choice, now you have obtained 1 point of divine power as a reward, you can challenge another nine levels, do you want to continue to challenge? 】

Previously, it was the fourth, seventh, and tenth that gave the opportunity and reward to quit. I didn't expect that after the 20th floor, every floor would give the opportunity and reward to quit. This is quite good in Chen Mo's opinion. The real strength It's not good and it's convenient to quit. Hard work will not be in vain.

   However, Chen Mo is still in an extremely relaxed stage, so he naturally accepts the test of the next level without hesitation.

  The sound of "rumbling" sounded, and a space suddenly appeared in his head out of thin air, and a staircase leading to the upper floor appeared in front of him.

   Arriving at the 22nd floor with ease, Chen Mo directly pressed the challenge button.

   Immediately after the reminder of Heavenly Dao, it rang.

  【Heavenly reminder: The trial on the 22nd floor of the trial tower has officially started, and the content of the trial on the 22nd floor is the chaotic magic field.

The challenger is faced with an ever-changing magic field, where magic areas that affect the challenger's ability appear constantly, such as reducing attack and defense, increasing skill cooling, etc., requiring the challenger to defeat the gatekeepers in the field under interference, and his divine power Will be 10 points higher than you. 】

   "Only 10 points more?" Chen Mo smiled. Now that he has a Super God Challenger, he has 200 points of hidden divine power, and the opponent's divine power is 10 points higher than his own, which is useless.

  Chen Mo stood in the magic field on the 22nd floor of the trial tower, surrounded by mysterious magic power.

  He could feel the energy in the air fluctuating, and a scene of chaos appeared in the venue.

  Magic areas appear randomly in the field, and each area brings different effects.

  Some areas reduce Chen Mo's attack power, some areas weaken his defense power, and some areas extend the cooling time of his skills.

  In this chaotic magic field, the Gatekeeper slowly emerged.

  He was formed from phantoms of darkness, with a sharp light shining in his eyes.

  You can clearly feel the surge of divine power all over his body.

  Looking at the phantom-like enemy that appeared in the field, Chen Mo watched with flat eyes, and thought indifferently.

  Suddenly, the 200 million skeleton monsters that survived on the upper floor lined up neatly, ready to attack the gatekeepers on this floor.

  The arrows and spell energy are ready, Chen Mo gives an order, and hundreds of millions of arrows and spell damage are shot at the phantom enemy like a torrential rain.

  The arrows carried the breath of death, and the spells were full of dark power, intertwined to form a terrifying attack storm.

  Flying arrows whizzed towards, and the spell energy shone like an arc.

  Every arrow has a deadly edge, and every spell contains the power of destruction.

  They are like dense shadow dances, passing across dazzling curtains in the air, forming a spectacular scene.

  In an instant, the gatekeepers were overwhelmed by arrows and spells, with nowhere to hide.

  Faced with such an overwhelming attack, the gatekeepers had no time to react.

  The attack power of the skeleton monster is ruthless and ferocious, like the scythe of death. The field is filled with the sound of arrows shooting and spells colliding and landing, forming a chaotic scene in that area.

Where did the gatekeeper who bears the brunt have ever suffered such a terrifying and intensive attack? With hundreds of millions of terrifying attacks falling, it didn't even last a second before it turned into a mass of nothingness without even a chance to resist. nothing.

   After just a few seconds, the field returned to silence.

   Only the energy aftermath caused by the attack of the skeleton monster floating in the air and the impact of a large magic area around it that no longer existed.

  Facing the attacks of 200 million skeleton monsters, the chaotic magic field that seems to have a strong interference ability on this floor is nothing like it.

  Heavenly reminder also sounded soon.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Congratulations on successfully completing the trial on the 22nd floor of the Super God Trial Tower. At present, you have obtained 2 points of divine power as a reward, and you can challenge another eight levels. Do you want to continue to challenge? 】

   These powers are obtained in real time, and Chen Mo has already earned 3 points of power.

   It can be seen that after the 20th floor, the speed of earning divine power is much faster than before.

  According to this speed, you only need to pass four floors to earn 10 points of divine power.

  Although 10 points of divine power can only increase attributes by 10% before turning five, but for the future, every point of divine power earned is equivalent to increasing all attributes by 100%.

  10 points is a 10 times attribute increase.

  If you continue to send divine power according to this momentum, you may be able to get 55 points of divine power when you reach the 30th floor, which is a 55-fold increase in attributes.

  Chen Mo immediately started the trial on the twenty-third floor.

  【Heavenly reminder: The trial on the 23rd floor of the trial tower has officially started, and the content of the 23rd floor trial is to seal the treasure box.

  The challenger needs to unlock a sealed treasure chest within a limited time. The treasure chest will be released periodically to attack the challenger and summon the guardian to prevent the challenger from unlocking the seal. You can choose to unlock the seal directly on the spot. You can also defeat the four key guardians around you, and unlock the treasure chest by obtaining four keys. The intensity will be increased once, please consider before choosing a challenge. 】

   Right after the mission was released, Mo Luo's brain, which had been too lazy to function the previous two times, suddenly analyzed a hidden reward for Chen Mo this time.

   It is required to kill the key guardian to obtain it.

  With the flash of light in the field, Chen Mo saw a huge treasure chest appeared in the middle area. The treasure chest emitted a mysterious light, shrouded in an invisible force field.

   There are four guardians standing in the four corners of the surrounding area. They are tall and imposing.

  Each guardian has powerful power, they just watch the treasure chest quietly, as if waiting for the challenge from others at any time.

  Chen Mo glanced at the four guardians and felt their strength.

  Although their divine power is 100 points higher than their own, they are still unable to withstand the attack of 200 million skeleton monsters.

  Many men are bulls, just launch an attack and flat push.

  The 200 million skeleton monsters showed their power again, divided into a total of four attack directions, and 50 million skeleton monsters attacked in each attack direction.

   This is enough to easily kill these four guardians in seconds.

   And if they kill them at the same time, I'm afraid they won't have a chance to increase their strength at all.

  As the four teams of skeleton monsters aimed at their respective enemies, Chen Mo immediately ordered them to start attacking.

   Hurrah! !

  As the skeleton monsters shot arrows intensively and accurately, the dark magic instantly condensed into a fierce attack, and the flying objects covering the sky rushed towards the four guardians like a dark tide.

   The bone bows and arrows of the skeleton monsters fell like raindrops, and violently trembling magical power filled the entire battlefield.

  The arrows pierced the air, and the sharp arrows aimed at the whole body of the four key guardians. The intensive shooting made it almost impossible for them to dodge.

  The magic energy was released wantonly, and the power of darkness enveloped the key guardian in an instant, forming a fatal oppressive force.

  Facing such an overwhelming attack, although the guardians wanted to fight hard, they were so powerless in the face of the attack of 200 million skeleton monsters.

  The arrows and magic energy easily penetrated the guardian's armor, causing serious damage. The sound of sharp arrows flying by and the explosion of dark magic were all around the four of them.

Although the key guardians tried their best to resist, even though their strength was much stronger than the gatekeepers on the previous level, under the suppression of the number and attack power of the skeleton monsters, they fell down quickly one after another, and their bodies turned into nothingness of black smoke.

  Since the skeleton monster launched its attack, it has continued to suppress it. Naturally, it easily eliminated the four key guardians. At this time, only the broken sealed treasure chest was left lying quietly on the spot.

  Looks a little pitiful, weak and helpless.

  Chen Mo's skeleton monster army showed a strong attack power and superiority in numbers, even the treasure chest felt a little scary.

   Picking up the four fallen keys one by one, Chen Mo walked towards the treasure chest in the middle.

It seems that because the four key guardians have been solved, the treasure chest in the middle did not launch an attack as Tiandao suggested when Chen Mo approached, and just let him approach in a daze, and finally inserted all the four keys. its body.

  With the four keys in place, the treasure chest was opened immediately, and Chen Mo saw that there were actually treasures in the treasure chest.

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you opened the treasure chest with four god-level secret keys, you successfully opened the hidden rewards in the treasure chest, and you got a "SSS-level gift package". 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully completing the trial on the 23rd floor of the Super God Trial Tower. Currently, you have obtained 3 points of divine power as a reward, and you can challenge another seven levels. Do you want to continue the challenge? 】

   "Gou Tiandao is really dishonest. Every time there is a special reward, he doesn't say anything. Fortunately, I have a Moluo brain!"

  With Mo Luo brain, there is really no need to worry about missing rewards.

After listening to Tiandao's prompt at the beginning, Chen Mo was going to unblock directly. He was too lazy to fight the four enemies around him. This way, the speed would be faster. After all, there are 200 million skeletons around him, and the treasure chest can't interfere with his unblocking at all. speed.

   As a result, I never thought that Mo Luo's brain analyzed the hidden rewards of this level if he killed the four key guardians around him to get the key to open the treasure chest.

  Discovering this, Chen Mo naturally chose to kill the four powerful key guardians around him.

   Putting away the SSS-level gift pack, Chen Mo felt that the two most useful rewards he had unlocked so far were the avatar outside his body and Mo Luo's brain, which was equivalent to opening two cheats.

  It is extremely comfortable to use.

   After buying an SSS-level gift package for nothing, Chen Mo continued to walk up the stairs that appeared out of nowhere and entered the 24th floor. At the same time, he was even more looking forward to arranging some hidden tasks for himself in the Super God Trial Tower.

   In this way, one's Mo Luo brain can be more useful.

  (end of this chapter)

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