All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 281: Light and dark source stone! (four in one)

  Chapter 281 Light and Darkness Origin Stone! (four in one)

  【Heavenly reminder: The trial on the 24th floor of the trial tower has officially started, and the content of the trial on the 24th floor is a confrontation between light and darkness.

  Challengers need to fight in the alternation of light and darkness to defeat the gatekeepers on this floor.

The gatekeepers in the light stage will have extremely high defensive capabilities, which will increase the power of their skills and prolong the cooling time of all their abilities (not subject to cooling reduction), while the gatekeepers in the dark stage will have extremely high attack capabilities, which will reduce their skills Power and reduces the cooldown of all of its abilities (cannot affect skills that are not subject to cooldown reduction).

  Challengers need to make reasonable use of the alternation of light and dark to fight.

  If light and darkness exist at the same time, the gatekeeper's divine power will increase by an additional 100 points. 】

  As the reminder of the Dao of Heaven ended, the figure of the gatekeeper appeared in front of Chen Mo.

  This gatekeeper has a special appearance that matches light and darkness.

  His image changes with the alternation of light and darkness, showing a completely different appearance.

  In the stage of light, the gatekeeper is surrounded by light, exuding dazzling brilliance.

  He is clad in armor, wears a helmet, and holds a shining weapon.

  His figure is tall and mighty, solemn and majestic.

   Light energy forms a shield around him, making him even more indestructible.

  His eyes are firm and sharp, revealing incomparable confidence and majesty.

  In the dark stage, the image of the gatekeeper has undergone a sharp change.

  He was wearing a black robe, and his face was shrouded in darkness, making it impossible to see his true appearance.

  Dark energy surrounds him, forming a mysterious atmosphere.

  His weapon has also become cold and fierce, exuding an evil breath.

  The Gatekeeper in the dark moves swiftly and stealthily, like a real night hunter.

  The alternation of light and darkness endows gatekeepers with powerful and unique powers.

  He represents the power of light and darkness, and welcomes challengers with different forms and characteristics.

  And in a short period of time between this change, there will be a period when light and dark divide this layer at the same time. At this time, the appearance of the gatekeeper changes more complicated and strange.

  At the moment when light and darkness are intertwined at the same time, the appearance of the gatekeeper also combines the characteristics of the two forces.

  His body exudes shimmering light and deep darkness.

  The upper body presents bright features, covered with armor, shining bright golden light, and holding a weapon with holy runes.

  The lower body shows dark attributes, the black magic pattern flows with dark energy, and the shadows under the feet seem to be integrated into the essence of darkness.

  The gatekeeper's appearance presents a contrast of light and dark, perfectly blending the two forces together.

  His eyes have not only the firmness and radiance of light, but also the coldness and mystery of darkness.

  His existence seems to carry the entire balance of light and darkness, making his image more mysterious and elusive.

  When this gatekeeper appeared, Mo Luo's brain started to work again, and this level also has hidden rewards.

   It's just the strongest gatekeeper who needs time to kill the intermediate state.

  Even if the power of both light and darkness is considered at the same time, Chen Mo is not hypocritical, he just waited quietly.

  The change of light and darkness just now did not officially start, but just showed Chen Mo the strength of the gatekeepers at different stages. After the official start, it was still in a state of light, and Chen Mo stayed where he was without disturbing.

   But Chen Mo didn't move, and the gatekeeper was not polite, he directly charged towards Chen Mo.

   But with such a large number of summoned objects around Chen Mo sharing the damage, how can the gatekeepers hurt him.

  Even Chen Mo was afraid of the anti-death guards, so he even removed the shield on purpose.

  After the guards beat Chen Mo's chest with small fists for a full five minutes without pain, the change of light and darkness around him finally happened.

   Soon the surroundings became pitch black, obviously entering a dark state from a state of light.

   Chen Mo didn't care about this, and let the guards continue to attack.

  Five minutes after the gatekeeper beat Chen Mo again, the surrounding light and dark changes finally appeared in a mixed and superimposed state.

  Seeing that the time had come, Chen Mo naturally would not delay, and directly ordered the skeleton monster to launch an attack.

  Because the enemy was already close in sight, it was directly sent to the door. Chen Mo gave an order, and the 200 million skeleton monsters directly attacked in front of the opponent.

   It can be said that the damage is instantaneous.

  Only hearing the sound of crackling spell damage and arrow impact, the gatekeeper in front of Chen Mo was instantly killed by the bombardment on the spot and turned into a cloud of fog.

[Heavenly reminder: Because you killed the gatekeeper in the superimposed state of light and darkness, you successfully obtained the hidden achievement of this layer "Fearless the Strong", you obtained the hidden reward, and you obtained the mythical item "Light and Darkness Origin Stone" ". 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully completing the trial on the 24th floor of the Super God Trial Tower. You have obtained 4 points of divine power as a reward, and you can challenge another six levels. Do you want to continue the challenge? 】

  【Light and Darkness Origin Stone·Mythical Grade】

  [Active effect of item]: You can freely switch to any of the light and dark forms. After switching, it will enter a cooling state, and it will take 1 minute before it can be used again. There is a 10% chance of a light-dark fusion form appearing during the switching process. (can be activated in the backpack)

  【Item Passive Effect】:

  When switching to light form, the power of all your skills is increased by 100%, and the cooling time is increased by 100% (the improved part is not affected by any cooling reduction effect.)

  When switching to Dark Form, the power of all your skills will be reduced by 50%, and the cooling time will be reduced by 50% (skills that are not affected by cooling reduction cannot be affected, but can be superimposed with other cooling reduction effects). (can be activated in the backpack)

  When switching to light-dark fusion form, the power of all your skills is increased by 100%, and the cooling time is reduced by 50% (skills that are not subject to cooling reduction cannot be affected, but can be superimposed with other cooling reduction effects). (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Item Introduction]: The source stone of light and darkness is a mythical gemstone, which contains powerful light and dark energy. Using this gemstone allows the holder to switch between light and dark power forms at any time to meet different combat needs.

   After reading this light and dark source stone, Chen Mo felt that it was quite useful.

  Although he now has the 90% cooldown reduction skill of Extreme Calmness, the general cooldown reduction effect cannot be superimposed, but the dark form of the light and dark source stone clearly shows that the cooldown reduction effect can be superimposed.

   Based on this alone, this source stone of light and darkness has extremely high value.

   For some skills with long cooldown, 90% cooldown alone is not enough.

  And this light and dark source stone not only affects the cooldown of skills, but also can bring a very good improvement to the power of skills.

  Bright form increases the power of the skill, but requires a longer cooling time, but sometimes increasing the cooling does not necessarily have a great impact.

   It's like Chen Mo can now enter the light form on the spot to use some powerful skills, such as summoning, shielding, etc., to obtain stronger effects.

  This is different from casting it after cooling down. The light form directly increases the skill strength by 100%. This kind of improvement effect can break through the original limit.

   In addition to this, there is a special light-dark fusion form. As long as you enter this form, it is a pure benefit. Combining the two powers not only improves the power of the skill but also shortens the cooling time.

   This light and dark source stone can definitely bring a powerful combat advantage to the holder, making it flexible to use according to different situations.

  Chen Mo is quite satisfied with this harvest.

  Now that he got it, Chen Mo couldn't help but use it.

  As he entered the light form, Chen Mo saw that many of his active skills had changed accordingly.

  The shield is thicker, the attack of the worship skill is higher, and the damage of the healing wave is also increased. There are no other problems except for the increase of the cooling time.

  Chen Mo directly used the shield and undead worship skills on the skeleton monsters around him.

  This made the original shield that could only cover more than 200 million yuan become five or six billion in an instant.

  In addition, the worship skill also increases the attack power and attack speed of the skeleton monster by 3 times.

  The improvement effect is still relatively large.

  Although it is said that the cooling time has changed, it has not changed a lot.

   After all, the light form clearly stated that only the cooling time of the upgraded part is not affected by the cooling reduction, which means that the original part is still affected by the cooling reduction.

   The cooling time of the shield skill is 30 seconds. According to Chen Mo's extremely calming effect, after reducing it, the cooling time is only 3 seconds. Even if the cooling time is increased by 30 seconds, it is only 33 seconds.

   It doesn't have much impact at all.

  It may not be easy to use in actual combat, but it can be improved without any problems at all.

   After all, this shield is permanent, unless the caster and the target affected by the skill are not in the same space, it will not be lifted.

  The same goes for the Worship skill, which is now permanent. Although the cooldown is 60 seconds longer than the shield, it can be used again after 66 seconds.

   Still not a long time.

  Chen Mo just waited for a while on the 24th floor, and the cooldown of the skills has been completed.

  At this time, he took the skeleton army that was further strengthened than before and stepped up the stairs on the twenty-fifth floor.

   There were no hidden tasks on the next five floors of 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29. After Chen Mo passed through easily, he obtained 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 points of divine power respectively.

   At this time, a total of 45 points of divine power have been obtained.

   Finally Chen Mo came to the 30th floor.

  【Tiandao reminder: The trial on the 30th floor of the trial tower has officially started, and the content of the trial on the 30th floor is the ultimate trial.

You need to face an ultimate trial, which is the soul aggregate of all challengers who failed in the trial tower. This soul aggregate will have all the abilities of these failed challengers, but his divine power will be limited to The same as you, and ignoring your hidden divine power, you need to destroy the failed challenger soul aggregate within the specified time, please use your abilities to try to defeat him! 】

  After Chen Mo heard Tiandao's prompt, he was shocked and unbelievable by the content of this extreme test.

   "The soul aggregate of all failed challengers? Doesn't that mean that he will have the abilities and experience of countless geniuses? Such combat power is outrageous!" Chen Mo muttered.

   While he was still complaining, an extremely terrifying energy fluctuation suddenly erupted in the central area of ​​the thirtieth floor.

  With the appearance of this energy fluctuation, the ground immediately began to tremble, the surrounding air seemed to freeze, and a sense of oppression pervaded the entire area.

  As the energy fluctuations condensed, a huge black shadow gradually appeared.

  It was a huge and terrifying soul assembly, made up of countless souls.

  It exudes a strong dark aura, as if it was condensed from the endless resentment and anger of the failed challengers.

  The body of the soul assembly is tall, several times taller than ordinary humans, shrouded in dark shadows, like a huge human-shaped black shadow.

  Its face was distorted and deformed, and its eyes shone with fiery light, revealing a kind of endless ferocity and rage.

  Chen Mo felt the terrifying aura emanating from the soul assembly, which was the most powerful existence he had felt from the trial tower, a ruthless resentful soul gathered by failed genius challengers.

  Even so, Chen Mo is still honest.

   This monster also looked terrifying and scary.

  His abilities are too many to count, he can be called an all-rounder, but Chen Momoluo's brain is running at a high speed, and he can easily analyze the opponent's lack of ability.

Since the other party has so many abilities that it is impossible to count them, it is obviously too many but not perfect. In addition, there are countless genius soul fusions. Geniuses are already lonely and have their own components. It is not easy to reach an agreement on what ability to use when they are integrated together. Not to mention the perfect use of all their abilities.

  If he can really perform everything perfectly, Chen Mo might not be easy to deal with. After all, the opponent's methods are obviously more comprehensive than Chen Mo's.

   But if the opponent is only half-baked, it is just a scary-looking paper tiger, and it is not difficult to deal with.

  Chen Mo directly ordered the skeleton monsters to launch a salvo.

  However, as the salvo was fired, the attack was blocked by the opponent's ability to block flying objects without any surprise.

  In the face of such an attack, there are relatively few abilities to use to defend the opponent's collision of ideas.

  Chen Mo didn't care about this, he immediately switched to other attack methods and let the skeleton monsters under his hands cast spell attacks.

   Today's skeleton monsters have professional skills, but flying objects are not good, and there are still methods such as lightning and ground stabs.

  The skeleton shooter is also wearing a dagger, and has a certain melee ability, so that the flying object cannot be shot if it is restrained.

   Following Chen Mo's order, they immediately launched an attack on the monster in front of them according to Chen Mo's order.

  Facing Chen Mo's attack, this soul aggregate formed by the fusion of a large group of talented challengers is naturally not just garbage waiting to die, and is still very good at dealing with it.

  The soul aggregates showed their actual combat strength as genius challengers.

   Facing the attack of the skeleton monster, he avoided various attacks launched by the skeleton monster with his agility and excellent reaction speed.

  In the air, the soul assembly continuously changes its body shape, avoiding the attacks of lightning and ground stabbing in an elusive way.

  His body seemed to turn into a ray of light, moving through the space, dexterously avoiding attacks.

   Despite his tall stature, when the lightning arc of the lightning technique approached, he dodged quickly, sometimes flying quickly to the left, and sometimes flashing to the right, and perfectly avoided all the lightning strikes with great ease.

  As for the extremely fast and sharp ground thorn that came out of the ground and shot straight into the sky, he was also unable to reach him. He rolled and leaped in the air, avoiding the thunder and lightning while also flexibly avoiding the stab of the ground thorn.

   Unavoidable, he can also use various skills in time to block and destroy the attack of the skeleton monster. Even if there are hundreds of millions of skeleton mages attacking together, he can still deal with it with ease.

  This soul assembly fully demonstrated the actual combat ability of a genius challenger.

   This is the first time that Chen Mo has seen how strong the enemy's actual combat performance is under the circumstances of having extremely strong combat power combined with extremely strong agility and rich combat experience.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, it seems that there has not been any action in which the consciousness of the geniuses collided and caused chaos.

  But Chen Mo didn't care. Instead, he quite enjoyed the feeling of fighting this kind of enemy.

   Seeing that the skeleton monster didn't make any contribution, Chen Mo directly shot out the healing wave.

   Wants to hit enemies with healing wave speed.

  But I never thought that the opponent directly fired a purification beam, which directly purified the healing wave.

  Purification is not only the ability to exorcise evil spirits, but also a kind of ability to disperse.

   Can dispel your own abnormalities, and can also dispel the enemy's gains.

  Healing wave is obviously a kind of buff. Under the powerful purification skills of these geniuses, Chen Mo's healing wave was easily solved by the opponent.

  Even if Chen Mo cools down very fast and can play another one, it is still useless. Chen Mo cools down fast, but there are many skills on the opposite side, which are massive skills, and the purification skills alone can pick out countless numbers.

  Chen Mo keeps letting go, and the opponent can keep dispersing, and there is no way to get any results.

  This soul assembly has extremely high insight and reaction speed, and can make precise decisions on the ever-changing battlefield.

  He skillfully uses his strength and skills, combines attack and defense, and responds to the attacks of skeleton monsters in an almost invulnerable way.

  In this battle, the body of the soul assembly is elegant and smooth, and every dodge is accurate.

   With his extraordinary body skills and sensitive reactions, he danced his body like a streamer.

  His movements are beautiful and efficient, full of the rhythm and power of battle.

   Every dodge and evasion is full of confidence and accuracy, which makes people fascinated.

  The actual combat strength of this soul assembly is amazing.

  With unparalleled skill and reflexes, it shows the demeanor of a real genius challenger in battle.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo had no choice but to change his strategy.

  He tried to use the time-space orb to freeze the opponent in time.

   But obviously, it is useless. Since the opponent has the ability to gather a large number of geniuses, it is not surprising that they have a little ability to be immune to time-stop.

  If it can't even freeze time and space, the extremely cold orb is obviously even more useless, and Chen Mo is also useless.

  Since skills and means cannot achieve results, we have to not talk about martial arts.

  With a thought in Chen Mo's mind, all the skeleton monsters rushed towards the soul assembly of the genius challenger.

  They leaped into the battle with lightning speed, quickly dispersed and formed a yin-yang formation, surrounding the soul assembly.

  Hundreds of millions of skeleton monsters gathered from all directions, forming a huge offensive, making any thought of escape a luxury.

  As the yin-yang formation gradually takes shape, no matter whether the soul assembly jumps up or down, it cannot escape the encirclement of the skeleton monster.

  The situation has been formed, Chen Mo immediately issued the order to strangle.

  The skeleton monsters with daggers in their hands launched fierce attacks on the soul assembly. The dense skeleton monsters attacked from all directions, no matter from the dead corner or the front, they all showed a dense offensive, making it difficult for a collection of geniuses to deal with it easily.

  The key point is that Chen Mo has unlocked a new professional skill - Necromancer.

  This allows the skeleton monsters he can control to be completely immune to abnormal states.

   Today's skeleton monsters are no longer afraid of abnormal status, which makes them very tricky and difficult to clear.

   Facing the approaching skeleton monsters coming from all directions like a torrent, the soul assembly felt tremendous pressure.

  Whether it is dodging or resisting, it is difficult to achieve perfect protection. For a while, it can only use its invincibility ability to temporarily save its life.

   Seeing a surge of regular power surging from the opponent's body, protecting it firmly, with an attitude of invulnerability, Chen Mo knew that the opponent had entered invincibility.

   This made Chen Mo very speechless, how could he kill him with his invincible ability?

  If a collection of so many geniuses has a lot of invincibles, can you still use invincibles and invincibles yourself?

   But fortunately, Heavenly Dao reminded him to give restrictions in time.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Due to the restrictions of the rules, every time the soul assembly uses invincibility, it will permanently reduce the effective time of all invincible skills by 1 second. 】

   "Fortunately, with this restriction, there is no need to worry about him being infinitely invincible. It is just a delay."

   It has to be said that the strength of this soul assembly, which has assembled many geniuses, is still very powerful.

  They have the ability to restrain shields and restrain summons.

  Once they enter the invincible state and grasp the opportunity to counterattack, the blow caused by the backhand attack is also extraordinary.

  I saw him blasting out with one punch, using abilities such as broken shield, splash, suppressing summons, etc. together.

In an instant, the shield on the skeleton monster was directly broken, but Chen Mo's shield skill now has two layers, and it will automatically replenish one layer when it is broken. trouble.

  The ability to restrain the summoned object is still a great blow to the summoned object. It can suppress all the abilities of the summoned object and cause a huge blow to the summoned object.

  Combined with the effect of the splash damage increase, his punch actually felt like hitting a cow from a mountain.

  Chen Mo only saw this failed genius' soul assembly punch a skeleton monster, and a large group of skeleton monsters behind that skeleton monster were killed in seconds.

   This is the power with extremely high splash damage.

  The main target didn't suffer much damage, but the other targets suffered heavy damage!

   But Chen Mo didn't care, his skills cool down very quickly, and he just summoned them immediately after he died.

  At present, it is just to let the soul assembly of this failed genius take advantage of the invincible state to show off its fighting power here.

  At the same time, Chen Mo also took the opportunity to see how his methods should be dealt with.

   It has to be said that the collective abilities of many failed geniuses are indeed numerous and powerful.

  All kinds of gains and BUFFs are stacked on oneself, range aura, group time stop and other abilities are everything.

  Combined with the ability to restrain summons, Chen Mo's skeleton monsters were emptied several times by the soul assembly during the invincible period.

  But every time Chen Mo summoned a large number of skeleton monsters in an instant, the other party was doing nothing.

   Soon the opponent's invincibility effect also expired.

   It was the opponent who showed his might just now, but now it is Chen Mo's turn to make a move.

  Using the Yin-Yang Array to kill again, this time the soul assembly whose invincibility time was cut off was finally beaten.

  Skeleton monsters can be beaten thousands of times and gather again, but they don't have such a chance.

   With the siege of skeleton monsters coming, even if they have the ability to clean up some of the skeleton monsters, they can't keep killing all the skeleton monsters endlessly.

  Plus this time, the skeleton monsters summoned by Chen Mo are no longer limited to long-range attacks. He mobilized a large number of skeleton monsters of different professions, each of which displayed their unique skills and tricks, forming a siege that was almost impossible to defend.

I saw a group of skeleton warriors wielding huge battle axes, launching whirlwind, quickly rotating their bodies, and swinging the ax towards the soul assembly. The impact force instantly tore apart the surrounding space, forcing the soul assembly to retreat and dodge.

Another group of skeleton warriors charged forward, holding double swords in their hands, and launched a continuous sword dance. They shuttled around the enemy like lightning, and the sword shadows crisscrossed. His sword light was full of destructive power, forcing the soul assembly to change its posture constantly to avoid the attack, but it still couldn't completely avoid being scratched by the sword energy, and there were streaks of black energy floating out.

  At the same time, a group of skeletal berserkers rushed into the battlefield, holding a sledgehammer and uttering a shocking battle cry. They swung the sledgehammer and slammed into the soul assembly violently, and each hit brought a strong shock wave. The voice of the battle cry is full of anger and wildness, making the soul assembly feel an irresistible pressure.

   It is quite difficult to resist the axe, the double swords, and the giant hammer.

  They kept avoiding the blows of the giant hammer, but due to the pressure now, they could only barely separate and avoid each time. The skeleton berserkers left patches of potholes and cracked ground on the ground.

At the same time, a large number of skeleton assassins approached quietly, using the skills of shadow clones to quickly shuttle around the enemy, making it difficult for the soul assembly to identify their real bodies. They hold sharp knives and encourage resistance and dodge in the soul assembly When other skeleton monsters attack, they look at the right time to launch a series of assassin slashes quickly, each slash is extremely fast, and the speed is elusive.

  Countless sharp knives cut through the air, cutting through the air, and at the same time attacked the soul assembly with a deadly threat.

No matter how advanced the means of the soul assembly is, no matter how rich the combat experience is, and how well it can hide, in the case of limited attribute values, facing so many professional besieges, they will not be able to completely avoid all attacks after all. To the attack of the skeleton monster.

  As the skeleton monsters summoned by Chen Mo displayed a large number of skills and tricks of different professions to besiege the soul assembly trapped in the formation, the central area was a chaotic and intense scene.

  All kinds of attacks are intertwined, releasing unparalleled power and speed, which makes the soul assembly stretched and endured the attacks continuously, but it has to be said that having a lot of abilities is a bull, even if he is attacked, he can still survive.

  The life-saving means are also top-notch.

  But if you defend for a long time, you will lose. Rao they dodge and defend frantically, try to find flaws, and do their best to protect themselves from fatal blows.

  But after all, it is only the end of the crossbow, and the many abilities are just delaying the pace of death.

  Facing a summoning class, if you can't kill the true master, even if you kill him with tens of billions of summoning objects, it will be futile!

  But Chen Mo didn't expect that this guy was so resistant to beating.

  In the small square in the center of the formation, they were able to defend an area after free movement.

  Naturally, thanks to his ability to restrain shields and restrain summons.

  Otherwise, they would have been overwhelmed by skeleton monsters long ago, how can they quickly clear most of the skeleton monsters close to them.

  The center of the formation is filled with the sound of swords colliding, the crackling of flames burning, and the roar of force collisions.

  The skeleton monsters used their respective skills and strengths to constantly fight and suppress, frantically besieged the soul assembly, and it was bound to push the soul assembly into a desperate situation.

   This is one of the few battles Chen Mo has fought for such a long time since he changed his profession to Master of the Undead.

   At this time, the countdown has reached 50 minutes.

  Chen Mo's skeleton monster has been killing the soul assembly for a full 10 minutes. Although many attacks have made achievements, they can't kill him at all.

   This guy has extremely strong recovery ability and injury reduction ability.

  The damage reduction here refers to the final damage reduction, which is calculated after the real damage.

  With the existence of this ability, combined with his large number of defensive skills, blocking skills, dodging skills, and recovery skills, his survivability is simply beyond the charts.

  At the same time, this guy has a strong buff ability, and he can't increase the abnormality.

   He can even clone himself and summon summoned objects, but he is incomparable with Chen Mo. Whether it is cloned or summoned objects, he was wiped out the moment he came out. Seeing that this method was useless, he didn't bother to use these tricks later.

  Just try to do some ways to protect yourself.

  Facing an enemy who has countless life-saving offensive methods and has already planned to defend himself, it is really extremely difficult to deal with.

  The key is that this enemy doesn't eat abnormalities at all, nor does it take long-range attacks.

   No matter how powerful the ancient military generals were, no matter how skilled they were, facing a large group of archers attacking together would be a dead end.

   This is the power of long-range attacks.

  That is, the real-time attack is fast and dense!

Originally, Chen Mo had always used this advantage to kill the enemy, but now he met someone who was not afraid of flying objects at all, so he could only kill him in close combat. As a result, when he approached in close combat, he was a big hit in a second. Difficult!

  Of course, the main reason is that Chen Mo has not used his full strength.

  He just wanted to see how strong the guy with all the abilities was.

   Seeing that it was almost done, Chen Mo didn't hold back anymore.

  As he quickly approached a Death God Emblem and used the effect, the soul aggregates of the instantly defeated geniuses were locked by Chen Mo with the Death Chain.

   Now he can't attack anyone else besides Chen Mo.

   This broke his ability to quickly clean up close-up skeleton monsters.

  I said before that chain skills are not a type of abnormality, and it is quite troublesome to remove them.

  The effect of the chain on both parties is equivalent to an existence similar to a curse contract, which cannot be easily lifted at all. If there is the ability to lift the curse, then the influence of the chain can be lifted.

   But the ability to lift curses has no related abilities below Super God.

  Only in some special dungeons will there be a chance to find a way to remove the curse.

  So even if the opponent is a collection of failed geniuses, it is obviously impossible to untie this chain.

  With the completion of the chain link of death, the soul aggregates of the failed geniuses were finally unable to resist the torrent of attacks from the surrounding skeleton monsters, and were soon beaten to death.

  Looking at the failed genius soul assembly that was turbulent and finally dissipated into a cloud of black mist, Chen Mo's mood is still a bit complicated.

  If I fail and die here, will my soul also be locked here, and I will not be able to rest in peace even if I die, and it will be used as a means to test future generations.

  However, encountering such a special enemy this time is quite rewarding for Chen Mo.

  At least he copied a pretty good invincible skill from a bunch of skills cast by the soul aggregates of the failed geniuses.

   Compared with other skills, invincible skills are the most practical.

  Combined with Invincible Baolian, you can truly make yourself invincible for a long time without fear of anything.

  Due to the change in the way of rewarding divine power after the 21st floor, Chen Mo didn't see any gods appearing on this floor, and he was about to be teleported after the Heavenly Dao prompt popped up.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations on successfully completing the trial on the 30th floor of the Super God Trial Tower. At present, you have obtained 10 points of divine power as a reward. You will be sent away from this place in 3 seconds. I look forward to your next challenge! 】

   "This time, the 10th floor directly returned 55 points of divine power, and the harvest is far more than before."

   This time the divine power was huge, and Chen Mo didn't care if there was an extra reward on the tenth floor. At least he gave himself an extra reward, an invincible skill.

  【PS】: Every day after this month will be updated in three time periods: 12:00 noon, 18:00 pm, and 0:00 am.

  (end of this chapter)

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