All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 283: Speed ​​source crystal! (two in one)

  Chapter 283 Speed ​​Source Crystal! (two in one)

  [Heavenly Reminder]: Congratulations on passing the super SSS-level assessment, you have obtained the origin-level item "Speedy Source Crystal"!

  【Speed ​​Source Crystal·Origin Level】

[Item active effect]: When you activate the speed source crystal, you will integrate the speed force, and you can burst into lightning speed instantly. In a short time, your movement speed will be greatly improved, and you can quickly dodge the enemy's attack. In addition, your Attack speed will also be significantly enhanced, allowing you to fire consecutive attacks at breakneck speed. (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Item Passive Effect]: The speed power of the speed source crystal gives you extraordinary agility and reaction speed, and your dodge rate and hit rate are greatly improved, making it more difficult for you to be hit by the enemy, and you can hit the target more accurately. In addition, you can quickly adjust your position and body shape in battle to create favorable fighting opportunities for yourself. (It will take effect in the backpack)

  [PS]: In this world, hit and dodge have two different concepts, one is actual hit and dodge, and the other is probability hit and dodge.

  The so-called actual hit and dodge, for example, if you launch a fireball technique and it falls on the opponent, it is an actual hit, and the opponent dodges, which is the actual dodge.

In addition to this, there are chances to hit and chances to dodge. For example, if someone has a dodge treasure, when he carries it, he will have a 50% chance to dodge the attack when he takes any damage. Even if your fireball actually hits On the opponent, but once the opponent's dodge rate is triggered, the attack this time will still be judged as the opponent's dodge.

   This is the chance to dodge, and the chance to dodge corresponds to the chance to hit. A 50% hit increase is enough to offset the 50% dodge chance.

  The active effect of the speed source crystal obviously improves the actual hit and dodge ability.

  While the passive effect improves the actual hit and dodge ability to a certain extent, it also provides a good chance to hit and dodge. The improvement is still very powerful.

  [Item Introduction]: The source crystal of speed is a strange spar condensed with the power of speed. It is rumored that as long as you hold it, even if you are a mortal, you can have a speed beyond the gods!

  As the reward was obtained, Chen Mo immediately tried to move, hum! As a result, his action was so fast that it directly produced a sonic boom!

   It was as if a thunderbolt had struck out of thin air in the room!

   "This speed is too fast! It's comparable to teleportation."

  Chen Mo couldn't help but look happy.

   "Congratulations, my lord, for obtaining another powerful ability."

Chen Mo nodded with a smile and said: "It's thanks to your probing. This super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment is also quite deceptive. After entering, you are not allowed to use the raid roll. Without you inquiring about the news in advance, this super-SSS The conditions of the perfect reward for the super-level breakthrough assessment are all kinds of strange, and I may not get the perfect reward."

  During the speech, the voice of the avenue has already sounded.

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the level 45 super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 45-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  [Heavenly Reminder]: You have obtained a super SSS gift package!

[Heavenly Tips]: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the preferential experience value for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equal to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 45 Eternal gold coins!

  [Heavenly Reminder]: Since you completed this assessment with a perfect score on the mopping-up paper, you will not be able to obtain additional "Super SSS-level Breakthrough Examination Mopping-up Paper" this time!

  【Heavenly reminder: Your level has increased, the current level is 46! 】

  【Heavenly Tip: Your level has increased, the current level is 47! 】


  【Heavenly Reminder: Your level has increased, the current level is 50! 】

  [Experience Points]: 3753780699/11156800

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your level has reached level 50, and you have reached the bottleneck of the tenth level. You can choose to break through the test! 】

   It was only about a day after the last sound of Dao Dao.

   This continuous and rapid breakthrough beyond the SSS level is really a bit numb to the world's professionals.

  They already know that there is an awesome character on their own earth, so they can play casually in the breakthrough assessment.

   It's just that they are already at level 40 or 50 now. No matter how you think about it, the experience value requirement for the breakthrough assessment is also very exaggerated. It seems that the opponent does not need experience value.

   But the three leaders of the academy alliance headquarters have become accustomed to it.

  Jiang Yun didn't even talk to Chen Mo again.

  This kid's development speed and potential have exceeded his cognition, and he doesn't have much to say.

  He was dealing with a more important matter at this time.

   Not long ago, he received a message from the current top powerhouse on Earth.

   That is a matter about the eternal star system uniting with other galaxies to deal with the solar system.

   The competition for resources on the first floor of the Aion is quite fierce, but it is also partitioned.

  At this stage, the solar system and the eternal star system belong to the same area, which is easy to cause competition.

  The galaxies in other regions also compete with each other.

  In this situation, everyone is basically a competitor of their own.

  But just because people in one area doesn’t mean they won’t compete with people in other areas.

  If the area where the eternal star system and the solar system are located belongs to the first area, then the second area with richer resources will have greater competition.

  The deeper you go, the more so.

  And the second region will contain the competition of more galaxies, because basically one second region corresponds to multiple first regions.

  People who come out of the first area of ​​this entire area will enter the corresponding second area.

   That is to say, after winning the galaxy battle in the first area, you will enter the second area with more intense competition and richer resources.

   Newborn galaxies like the Eternal Star System, Solar System, Sanyang System, Kaiyang System, Andromeda System, etc., are basically just mixed in the first area.

  But they can’t meet now, and they will eventually meet in the second area in the future, and there will be competition.

  So, it is reasonable for other galaxies that the Eternal Star System uses the fact that a genius has appeared in the solar system to confuse other galaxies to work together to deal with the solar system.

   But the key is that the galaxy is not stupid, I don't believe what you say.

  You said that in a galaxy with only one living planet in the solar system, there appeared an extremely heaven-defying person who has never appeared in several other living planets and galaxies. What is the evidence?

   What relevant information can prove it?

   When it comes to evidence, there is really no Yongxing system. First, all the people in the Yongxing system who have been in contact with Chen Mo have been directly turned into ashes.

  Secondly, most of Chen Mo's abilities were also passed on by the Yongxing System at a huge price, allowing those one hundred four-star professionals to pass on suicide codes.

  They themselves can trust the content of the password very much, but they can't convince others at all if they take this thing out.

  They now know about Chen Mo's abnormality and some of his general strength.

  But none of his core abilities can be shown to others with actual data.

  At present, the only thing that can be used as evidence in the eternal star system is Chen Mo's performance when he participated in the Galaxy event PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

  At that time, Chen Mo's performance really surprised everyone.

   One zero turn and two steps to kill a group of masters in seconds, the combat effectiveness is absolutely extraordinary.

   But this can only show that a strong genius has appeared on the earth, but it cannot be used to explain that this strong genius requires them to risk the sacrifice of a large number of five-star geniuses to eradicate.

  Every five-star genius is an existence with unlimited potential, and no one wants to easily sacrifice the genius of his own galaxy.

   And eradicating the solar system now is only beneficial to the eternal star system. For other galaxies, the threat is yet to come.

  However, some of the rhetoric of the eternal star system is indeed worth pondering in the eyes of other galaxies.

  If there is such a heaven-defying existence in the solar system, if it is not eradicated in advance, it will have a far-reaching impact in the future.

   It's just that the eradication plan proposed by Yongxing Galaxy is now unacceptable.

  Since the Eternal Star System has mobilized so many people to find them, the matter naturally needs to be studied.

   Sometimes you can't believe everything, but you can't believe it.

   Now the parties have basically made two decisions.

   The first is to send people into the solar system to see the situation.

   If it really triggers the so-called super SSS-level sound of the road, it will prove that the Yongxing Galaxy is not lying at least on this point.

   An unprecedented level of difficulty in the breakthrough assessment was really created by the opponent.

   That alone is pretty tricky.

  Second, the month will change soon, and there will definitely be monthly events at that time. The monthly event rewards are so rich, they really don’t believe that this genius in the solar system will not participate, as long as he participates, there will be a way to find out his bottom line.

  Although the special teleportation array of the Eternal Star System was destroyed by the powerhouses of the solar system, there are no other galaxies.

   It’s just that other galaxies have no direct interest entanglement with the solar system and eternal star system.

  It is still possible if they send people to sneak into the solar system, but the premise is that they are not discovered by the solar system.

  Since knowing that the Yongxing system sent people to sneak into the earth, the solar system has updated wave after wave of detection methods in this regard.

   Besides this, in other galaxies, there are also people who are friends with each other in the solar system.

   This is a personal friendship between the strong in the solar system.

  In a mixed instance of the Tower of Eternity, the two happened to encounter powerful enemies from their respective galaxies.

  The other party’s galaxy is called the Tianshui system, which is very similar to the solar system. It also has only one living planet, and it is also suppressed by the neighboring galaxy with many living planets. Life is very difficult.

   This contact found that everyone was in the same sympathy, so naturally it was much easier to get along.

  In the end, the two jointly repelled the powerful enemies of both sides, and forged the first friendship.

   Later, we also met twice by chance, and the friendship has deepened a lot.

   Now it is the friend of this boss who revealed the news of the Yongxing system's alliance with multiple parties.

Since the Eternal Star Galaxy wants to cooperate with the first-region galaxies corresponding to the entire second region, it is natural to ensure that they temporarily stop fighting each other during the cooperation period, otherwise, who is willing to send out their own five-star powerhouses to conspire with each other? .

  Naturally, both powerful and weak galaxies are connected.

  With the information disclosed by the strong Tianshui Department, Jiang Yun and others will know that the Yongxing Department is crazy enough to take this method.

"Combine all the galaxies in the first region with the second region to deal with us, thanks to their idea!" Brenda said with a sneer, "If you want to name four stars, they may agree with suspicion, which is a must Give five stars! Who wants to? Weak galaxies are reluctant, and they will think it’s unfair to give out bright galaxies.

   After all, it is everyone's common enemy. "

  Jiang Yun said with a smile: "Indeed, there is an old saying in our Hua country that we don't worry about the few but the unevenness. This is a very big problem. What should we do if we suddenly receive such information?"

"We are being beaten by the eternal star system every day. We don't know if we can go out in the first area, and we are still in the mood to eradicate the future powerful enemy in the second area in advance? Even if I know that the opponent has unlimited potential, I am too lazy to do it." Brenda answered simply.

"But we are now thinking from the perspective of the weaker galaxies, but for the strong galaxies, this huge potential threat can indeed be solved when we have spare power." Ma Ku Si changed his mind and said, "Although we don't worry about scarcity but inequality, if the opponent's galaxy is very strong, it is possible to use a little manpower to deal with a abnormal factor that is beyond common sense and should not appear. of."

"What you said is not unreasonable, but this possibility is very low even if there is one. As far as I know, there seems to be no galaxies of this level in the surrounding area. Just the galaxies that unified the first area have not yet produced one. What?" Brenda still thought it was unlikely.

   "According to the meaning of the eternal star system, each galaxy produces one person. If there is really only one person, and if the eternal star system is willing to compensate during this period, then the loss to other galaxies is really very small."

   "The Eternal Star System has some compensation. If hundreds of five-star professionals all pay compensation, it will be a huge price!"

   "Now how much the Eternal Star System will cost is not our concern. The question is whether other galaxies will really be bewitched by the Eternal Star System and unite."

"Even if someone believes it, they will start to investigate first. The time of investigation alone is enough for Chen Mo's strength to go up to another level. Even if he really collects a hundred five-stars, I don't think so They were able to defeat Chen Mo.

   Right now, Chen Mo has broken through 40 and 45 consecutively.

  He only needs to step into level 60 and break through to the third-rank realm! We will do everything we can to help him obtain an SSS pet at all costs. Whether a hundred five-star occupations can really shake him is another matter. "

   "Indeed, even if they take a ten thousand step back and say that they really agreed and sent hundreds of five-stars over, it's impossible to be willing to send a five-star who has a soul contracted SSS-level pet over.

  SSS-level pets are extremely precious things in every galaxy. "

   "Don't worry about what other galaxies will decide now. We can't control their decisions, and we can't guess them. We just need to do our own thing.

Recently, we have to pay attention to strengthening the dispatch of manpower to keep an eye on the world. They are likely to send people to investigate and block the investigation. If there is no definite information, the possibility of their joint achievement will be lower, and Chen Mo will have more development time. When he really grows up, no matter what methods they use, it won't work! "Jiang Yun looked far into the distance.

   After a while, the hope of the solar system standing up completely is just around the corner.

  (end of this chapter)

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