Chapter 284 The Eye of Origin!

   At this time, Jiang Yun didn't tell Chen Mo about it, because he didn't want to distract him from unnecessary things.

  Chen Mo has just broken through level 45, and then came to the stage of breaking through the level 50 assessment stage, the leveling up is fast, and the consumption of experience points is also extremely fast.

  Especially when there is no opportunity for simulation every time the super SSS-level breakthrough assessment, he has to let his incarnation try first, which is equivalent to spending an extra wave of experience points.

  But it doesn’t work if you don’t test it first. Only after trying it can you ensure a safe pass.

   This double experience loss is actually a good deal.

   The opportunity to break through the assessment is gone, and the experience point is gone but you can earn it again.

  Since he has already reached level 50, the experience value to be consumed this time is 50×11156800 points, a total of 557.84 million experience points.

  Following the reminiscence and entering the boundary-breaking assessment, Chen Mo was thinking in his heart that no perverted monster would appear this time.

  Otherwise, I don’t have a Perfect Sweep Coupon to use it for a sweep.

  Following memories and entering the dungeon, Chen Mo took the time to open the super SSS gift pack, and he never thought he would get another super transformation **** stone. Obviously, the chance of getting this item in the super SSS gift pack is relatively high.

  Chen Mo thought about it for a while, and decided to apply this supernatural stone to the extremely calm skill. He wanted to see what the effect would be after upgrading the skill that reduced the cooldown by 90% to the super **** level.

  【Superior Calmness】: All cooldown times are reduced by 99%, and every time you use an ability that requires a cooldown, there is a 50% chance to reset the cooldown directly!

  1 minute later, Remembrance appeared in front of Chen Mo again.

  Through recalling memories, Chen Mo also learned about the BOSS.

  【BOSS Name】: Bright Angel Cyrus

[BOSS Introduction]: Cyrus is a member of the Angels of Light, known as the Wings of Light. He has power beyond the **** level and represents the embodiment of light and justice. His existence is extremely powerful, capable of destroying darkness and protecting peace of the universe.

  【Exclusive Talent Ability】: Power of Light

  Cyrus condenses the pure power of light, which greatly increases the power of his skills, greatly reduces the power of all surrounding enemies' skills, and has the ability to resist dark attribute attacks and effects.

  【Active skill】:

  『Bright Spear』: Cyrus swings the Bright Spear, releasing a dazzling light, causing powerful melee damage to the enemy, and reducing the target's armor and attack power.

  『Holy Judgment』: Cyrus summons the Holy Judgment, covering the target area in holy light, causing area damage, and weakening the target's attributes and hit rate.

  『Guard of Light』: Cyrus casts Shelter of Light to provide himself and his surrounding teammates with powerful shields and the power of light, greatly improving defense and all attributes.

  『Light Healing』: Cyrus releases Light Healing, instantly restores the HP of himself and surrounding teammates, and removes all abnormal states.

  『Holy Judgment of Light』: Cyrus casts Holy Light Judgment, striking the target with extremely powerful light power, causing huge area damage and weakening the target's resistance.

【Passive skill】:

  『Blessing of Light』: Cyrus possesses the ability of Blessing of Light. Every few seconds, he can be immune to any type of attack damage for 3 seconds and restore his own HP.

  『Holy Shield』: Every time Cyrus is attacked, there is a chance that Cyrus will raise an indestructible holy shield, which greatly increases his defense and resistance, and lasts for a certain period of time.

  『Bright Swiftness』: Cyrus' agility has been greatly improved, reaching the speed of light, and has a very high chance of dodging ability to dodge any attack from the enemy.

  『Bright Purification』: Cyrus exudes pure light energy, each successful attack will cause additional light damage to the target, and has a certain chance to purify the target's gain status and its own debuff status.

  "Heart of Light": Cyrus has a heart of light in his heart. Whenever he receives a fatal attack, he has a certain chance to be resurrected with the power of light, restore a certain amount of health, and increase all attribute values ​​at the same time.

   This BOSS has extremely strong light power, and also has extremely abnormal dodge ability and speed.

   But fortunately, the opponent's life-saving ability is extremely abnormal. Unlike the previous one, not to mention the abnormal life-saving ability, the attack ability and strength improvement ability are also abnormal.

According to Mo Luo's brain, you only need to seal the opponent's Bright Heart, which has an uncontrollable chance of being resurrected in seconds and improve the perverted skills of all attributes, then the rest will be easier to deal with, and the requirement for a perfect customs clearance is to allow at most task seals If the opponent has two abilities, then just seal the two skills Heart of Light and Protection of Light.

  One is to revive with a chance to give all attributes, and the other is to give an invincible effect irregularly.

  These two abilities are very tricky, as long as these two abilities are restricted, the boss can be solved relatively easily.

  Of course, Mo Luo Brain gave this choice because Chen Mo just obtained the source stone of speed, and has the ability to keep up with the speed of Cyrus.

   Otherwise, Mo Luo's brain must have proposed to seal Cyrus' extremely perverted light and swift skill first.

   This skill is much stronger than the irregular invincible skill.

  When the opponent has no corresponding means to deal with it, this skill is equivalent to a permanent pseudo-invincible skill.

  In the world of martial arts, everything is invincible, only speed can't be broken!

   It's so fast that you can't even touch him, and even if you do, you'll be dodged by him with a very high probability of dodging. It's impossible to kill him.

  This ability, if it is challenged by other geniuses, it will definitely be the first to be sealed.

  Chen Mo is now adding the origin stone at a high speed, but he can just ignore this ability.

  With the early attempt of reminiscence, although the enemy is still extremely perverted in this time's breakthrough assessment, Chen Mo can easily achieve a perfect clearance.

  He immediately consumed more than 500 million experience points and entered the boundary-breaking assessment space with his memories.

  With the experience of reminiscing about the previous confrontation and the strategy of Mo Luo's brain, this powerful Angel of Light was finally defeated by Chen Mo with a relatively relaxed attitude.

  However, this Messenger of Light is the same as the previous master of time and space, Azulas, who came here to deal with Chen Mo is only an incarnation of weakened strength.

   After Chen Mo defeated him, he directly gave Chen Mo 10 points of divine power and left.

  At this time, Chen Mo remembered that the last boss used the mopping scroll by himself, which was equivalent to losing 10 points of divine power.

However, the ability of the previous BOSS was too much of a threat to him, and he couldn’t defeat it perfectly by sealing a small amount of ability. It was already earned by being able to pass the level perfectly with the mopping up coupon. The ratio of 10 points of divine power to super SSS level rewards is obviously better than the latter. The 10 points of divine power are gone.

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on passing the Super SSS Level Breakthrough Examination, your Super SSS Title "Super God Challenger" experience value increased by 1 point! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your super SSS title "Super God Challenger" has reached level 4! 】

  【Super SSS Title - Super God Challenger】

  【Title Level】: LV4

  [Title experience]: 0/1 (1 point of experience is obtained for each completion of a super SSS level breakthrough assessment)

  [Title effect]: All attributes increase by 600 points, and your hidden divine power increases by 300 points.

  [Title skills]: Super God Power, Super God Heart, Super God Body, Super God Soul

〖Super God Power·Dazzling Passive〗: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability. When you deal damage to all units whose divine power is lower than or equal to yours, the final damage will increase by 100%. When the unit damages, the final damage is reduced by 50%!

〖Supergod Heart·Dazzling Passive〗: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability. When you cause abnormal states to all units whose divine power is lower than or equal to yours, the effect is doubled (if the effect is fixed, the duration is doubled) , when you suffer from all ailments imposed by units with divine power greater than or equal to yours, the effect is reduced by 50% (if the effect is fixed, the duration is halved)!

  〖Super God Body·Dazzling Passive〗: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability. When you are affected by any abnormal effect, you will not be affected by the increase effect of the opponent's divine power!

[Super God Soul·Dazzling Passive]: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability, you will not be affected by any rank-limited resurrection ability, and the resurrection ability used on you will reduce the cooling time by 50% (This effect ignores the non-cooling reduction)!

  [Title Introduction]: You will eventually become an existence beyond the gods, and your existence will even dim the gods!

  [Heavenly Reminder]: Congratulations on passing the Super SSS-level assessment, you have obtained the origin-level prop "Eye of Origin"!

  [Eye of Origin]: This is the eye that appeared at the beginning of the world. After use, it will merge into your eyes.

  The Eye of Origin will give you the ability to see through anything, whether it is camouflage, illusion, hidden things... (including everything the other party hides in the storage space)

   And let you have a God's perspective, see through everything within the range of "level * star * 10000 meters" without blind spots.

  Owning it, you have the eye of God, and everything is within your gaze.

   "You can even see everything in the storage space, what perverted eyes!"

  Even the pioneer ability that was able to perceive everything around them before did not have the ability to see through the objects stored in the opponent's storage space.

  This origin-level item is extraordinary.

  Easily can do things that even the effects of SSS-level titles can't do.

  Chen Mo immediately used the obtained Eye of Origin.

  Following the sudden darkness in front of his eyes, Chen Mo found that his vision became extremely abnormal in the next moment.

  It is an extremely detailed and clear feeling of observing everything around that is comparable to the perception ability of the pioneers.

   But the Eye of Origin is more perverted than the Forerunner's perception.

  The scope and insight ability are a level stronger.

   And there is no limitation that a single person in the pioneer's perception ability can take effect.

  Chen Mo is quite satisfied with this harvest!

[Tiandao Tip: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the preferential experience value for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equal to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 50 eternal gold coins ! 】

  【Tiandao Reminder: Since you completed this assessment with a perfect score, you have additionally obtained a "Super SSS Level Breakthrough Assessment Sweep Ticket"! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: This assessment is over, after 3 seconds, you will be teleported back to the original world! 】

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the 50-level super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 50-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

   This came out of nowhere, and the voice of a super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment breakthrough wafted out, and people all over the world were stunned.

  Before, there was still a day between level 40 and level 45. What's going on now? From level 45 to level 50, let alone a day, now even 1 hour, or even 10 minutes has not passed, why did he break through again in an instant?

   Is this experience value conjured up by magic tricks?

Many people calculated the total experience value Chen Mo spent during the one-day period of consecutive challenges from level 40 to level 50 based on the rules of expendable experience points obtained when challenging the super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. The result was not counted I don't know if it counts as a surprise.

   It needs more than one billion experience points. With this kind of experience value demand, where can a person of level 40 or 50 get it?

  However, what they didn't know was that Chen Mo actually spent twice as much.

   But shock is nothing but shock. Everyone is basically used to Chen Mo's abnormal performance.

  This person can no longer be measured by common sense, and everyone just expressed a lot of surprise, but they didn't say much.

  【Prompt from heaven: You have obtained a super SSS gift package. 】

[Heavenly reminder: It has been detected that you have broken through the tenth-level bottleneck, and you have a chance to receive a super **** trial. Since you have a super **** body, if you do not perform the super **** trial, your level limit will still not be able to completely Breakthrough, do you want to go to the trial tower to participate in the trial? 】

  【Tips from Heaven: It will take one day for the super **** trial, please arrange the time reasonably. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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