All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 286: The title is at the full level, super **** and skill!

  Chapter 286 The title is full level, super god!

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have finished the Super God Trial, and your level cap has been opened! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your level has increased, the current level is 51! 】

  【Heavenly Tip: Your level has increased, the current level is 52! 】


  【Heavenly Tip: Your level has increased, the current level is 55! 】

  [Experience Points]: 2573886699/15533800

  【Prompt from heaven: Your level has reached level 55, and you have reached the eleventh-level bottleneck, you can choose to break through the test! 】

  As soon as he came out of the Super God Trial Tower, Chen Mo immediately synchronized the memories of this day.

  This day, senior sister Hanyu Liuyin came to find her, and she was going to take Chen Mo to continue the dungeon with her credits, but since she was looking for Zou Memory, she naturally found an excuse to decline it.

   Seeing Remembrance reply Hanyu Yanaone to see if he can spare time tomorrow, Chen Mo immediately smiled and sent a message to Hanyu Yanaone.

  The current experience value can no longer hold up to the third rank, and a new dungeon needs to be downloaded. If Hanyu Liuyin wants to invite him, he can naturally agree.

  【Chen Mo】: Sister, I should be free tomorrow, will you download the dungeon tomorrow?

  【Sister Hanyu】: Okay, but the month will change tomorrow. According to the usual practice, there should be monthly activities, at least there will be activities at the beginning of the month, won’t you participate?

  【Chen Mo】: I almost forgot about it, so let's see tomorrow's monthly event first.

  The outside world has passed for two consecutive days, but Chen Mo himself spent all of it quickly in the dungeon, so naturally he almost has no sense of time.

  【Sister Hanyu】: Well, with your strength, it is more beneficial to participate in some Heavenly Dao activities. Although I want to drag you to accompany me to the dungeon, I can't delay you.

   Seeing Hanyu Liuyin's reply like this, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little more favorable towards this senior.

   After finishing the conversation with Hanyu Liuyin, Chen Mo continued to look at the boundary-breaking assessment.

  He looked to the side and recalled: "You have to work hard again."

   "It's my honor to be able to serve my lord." Reminiscing said with a smile.

  As Chen Mo spent more than 800 million experience points, Recalling disappeared instantly and entered the 55-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment.

  1 minute later, he reappeared in front of Chen Mo, and also brought out the information in the boundary-breaking assessment.

  【BOSS Name】: King of War Rui Tan

  [BOSS Introduction]: Rui Tan, the King of War, is a super god-level existence with infinite power. He is tall and muscular, and he has the mission of war. Ritan holds a huge battle ax and wears a heavy battle armor. His existence is full of destructive power and fighting fever. As the top boss in the super SSS level breaking test, Rui Tan's power can shake the world and tear apart the space. His fighting skills and war wisdom are frightening.

  【Exclusive Talent Ability】: Heart of War

  Every time Retan receives an attack, he will arouse the heart of war in his heart, increasing his own defense and critical damage.

   Every time Retan attacks an enemy, he will inspire the heart of war in his heart, increasing his own attack power and critical strike chance.

  【Active skill】:

  [Battle Roar]: Retan sends out a deafening roar, increasing the attack power and defense power of himself and surrounding teammates.

  【Army of the King】: Reitan, the king of war, has many followers. No matter where they are, they only need a call from Reitan, and they will come to the scene immediately. The invincible army of the king is enough to crush all the enemies of the king!

  【Earthquake Impact】: Reitan suddenly jumped up, causing a magnitude 100 earthquake when he landed, stunned all enemies in the entire space, and caused extremely serious space shattering.

  [Unyielding Will]: Reitan unleashes his tenacious willpower, clears his negative status, and increases his resistance.

  [War Frenzy]: Rui Tan leads the whole army into a war frenzy state, which greatly increases the attack speed and critical strike rate of all army units, and is immune to control effects.

【Passive skill】:

  [Endless fighting spirit]: Rui Tan's fighting spirit is endless. Every time he kills an enemy, he will restore a certain amount of health to the whole army, and temporarily increase his own attributes by 1%.

  [Overwhelming Power]: Retan's power is unparalleled. When dealing damage to units whose strength is lower than his own, there is a 50% chance of instant killing, and a 100% chance of causing real damage.

  [Iron Will]: Rui Tan's will is indestructible, every time he takes damage, the next damage will be reduced by 1 point, lasting for 60 minutes.

  [Soul of Bloody Battle]: Rui Tan's fighting will is extremely tenacious. When receiving fatal damage, there is a certain chance to retain a certain amount of health and gain a short-term invincible state.

  [Battlefield Control]: Reitan is the leader of the battlefield. Every time he uses a skill, it will increase the combat ability of the entire army and last for a certain period of time.

  After learning about the attributes of the BOSS, Chen Mo experienced the battle between Remembrance and the King of War, Rui Tan.

  The strength of this BOSS is indeed extremely strong. The king's army is used, and the number of soldiers and horses summoned is even comparable to his army of undead.

  It's a pity that the king's army has a limited time, and it will explode for a period of time. If you hide in the void during this period, you can skip class to avoid contact.

  In general, although the strength of this boss is abnormal, no matter you fight him or he fights you, he will keep getting stronger, but with Chen Mo's current strength, it is not a big problem to deal with it.

   Not to mention that he still played two-on-one with memories.

   After understanding the difficulty of the boss, Chen Mo once again consumed more than 800 million experience points to enter the boundary-breaking assessment space.

   Under the prompt of Mo Luo's brain, the boss's soul of **** battle and the skill of iron will were sealed, making it much easier to deal with.

  Boss attack power increase is not terrible, because now Chen Mo and his skeleton monsters are completely interlocked.

  All attacks will be shared equally by all units.

  This means that one attack will be dispersed into hundreds of millions of copies.

  No matter how high the damage is, it will be reduced to a small part.

   On top of this, Chen Mo can also put thick shields that can absorb real damage on all units. This abnormal shield alone is enough for the enemy to fight.

  As Chen Mo defeated the King of War, the Heavenly Dao prompt followed closely.

  Finally, the title of Super God Challenger has gone through many super SSS level breaking tests, and has been promoted to the full level!

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on passing the Super SSS Level Breakthrough Examination, your Super SSS Title "Super God Challenger" experience value increased by 1 point! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your super SSS title "Super God Challenger" has reached level 5! 】

  【Super SSS Title - Super God Challenger】

  【Title Level】: LV5

  【Title experience】: full level

  [Title effect]: All attributes increase by 1000 points, and your hidden divine power increases by 1000 points.

  [Title Skills]: Super God Power, Super God Heart, Super God Body, Super God Soul, Super God Art

〖Super God Power·Dazzling Passive〗: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability. When you deal damage to all units whose divine power is lower than or equal to yours, the final damage will increase by 100%. When the unit damages, the final damage is reduced by 50%!

〖Supergod Heart·Dazzling Passive〗: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability. When you cause abnormal states to all units whose divine power is lower than or equal to yours, the effect is doubled (if the effect is fixed, the duration is doubled) , when you suffer from all ailments imposed by units with divine power greater than or equal to yours, the effect is reduced by 50% (if the effect is fixed, the duration is halved)!

  〖Super God Body·Dazzling Passive〗: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability. When you are affected by any abnormal effect, you will not be affected by the increase effect of the opponent's divine power!

[Super God Soul·Dazzling Passive]: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability, you will not be affected by any rank-limited resurrection ability, and the resurrection ability used on you will reduce the cooling time by 50% (This effect ignores the non-cooling reduction)!

〖Super God Art·Dazzling Passive〗: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability. All units whose divine power is higher than yours, no matter how high their divine power is, the effect of their skills will be regarded as equal to your divine power effect , all unreal and chaotic damage caused to you by units whose divine power is lower than yours will be nullified.

  [Title Introduction]: You will eventually become an existence beyond the gods, and your existence will even dim the gods!

  (end of this chapter)

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