All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 287: Sealing treasure ring, the effect is powerful!

  Chapter 287 Sealing the treasure ring, the effect is powerful!

  [Heavenly Reminder]: Congratulations on passing the super SSS-level assessment, you have obtained the origin-level item "Void Source Crystal"!

  [Void Source Crystal·Origin Level]: You can freely lead any number of targets into and out of the void world without any consumption, and you can launch attacks and skills on any target within the attack range of the two worlds in the void world and the real world. (It can take effect directly in the backpack)

   "As expected, it is a super SSS-level thing. Compared with my previous SS-level Void Orb, it is much more awesome."

  Chen Mo previously owned a void orb that allowed him to freely enter and exit the void world.

   But the effect is very single, and there is a limit on the energy of the orb. If you enter and exit too frequently in a short period of time, the number of orbs will be exhausted, making it impossible to freely cross the two realms.

  But the origin-level void source crystal has no such troubles at all.

  No consumption, no cooldown, come and go freely.

  And on top of this, the origin-level void source crystal has an extremely abnormal additional effect.

   Can lead any number of targets into and out of the Void.

  Before, Chen Mo could only bring his summons back and forth.

   But now this effect means that Chen Mo can bring his teammates into the void.

   Not only teammates, but also enemies.

  Because the qualification is an arbitrary target and does not include quantities.

  If the opponent does not have the ability to cross the void, it is equivalent to Chen Mo can directly lock a large number of enemies into the void at once.

  This ability is quite outrageous.

   In addition to this, after possessing the void source crystal, Chen Mo can also launch attacks freely.

  He can attack the nihilistic world in the real world, and he can also attack the real world in the nihilistic world.

   This is the invincible strike ability for people who do not have the ability to cross the two worlds.

  After all, you have hid in another interface. No matter how powerful the opponent’s skills are, if they can’t make a move through a different interface, you will have no choice but to do so.

  But you can shoot him at will.

   Obviously very shameless.

   Having obtained such a good treasure, the previous Void Orb is useless. Chen Mo is going to sell it back to the Academy Alliance in exchange for some money.

[Tiandao Tip: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the preferential experience value for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equal to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 55 eternal gold coins ! 】

  【Tiandao Reminder: Since you completed this assessment with a perfect score, you have additionally obtained a "Super SSS Level Breakthrough Assessment Sweep Ticket"! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: This assessment is over, after 3 seconds, you will be teleported back to the original world! 】

  When Chen Mo checked the effect of the void source crystal, Heavenly Dao reminded him that he would be sent out of the boundary-breaking assessment space in three seconds.

  Hearing the countdown, Chen Mo immediately called out the recording board of the Siyuan God Seal.

   At level 50, he has one more skill that can be copied by the Seal of Siyuan God.

  The Lord of War just now has an active skill that Chen Mo prefers.

   That is the War Tide skill.

  [War Frenzy·Dazzling Level]: Make all friendly troops within the range of "level * 10000 meters" enter the war frenzy state, greatly increase the attack speed and critical strike rate of all units in the army, and at the same time be immune to control effects.

   The critical strike chance of this skill is not important, but the attack speed and control-free effect are more critical.

  Although Chen Mo himself and the summoned objects already have certain control-free abilities, most of his control-free abilities are still at the SSS level, and the control-free level provided by this skill is as high as super SSS level.

  Once you use this skill, you will basically not be afraid of abnormalities.

   Moreover, this skill is still effective for all friendly forces. In case there is a large group battle involving hundreds of millions of people in the future, the effects of increasing friendly forces will all be able to take effect.

  In addition, the increase in attack speed is also quite useful for improving the combat effectiveness of Chen Mo's summons.

   It can further enhance the combat effectiveness of summoned objects.

  In fact, the King of War's military power skill is also quite good, and he can summon a large number of helpers to join the battle.

  Unfortunately, the duration is too short, and Chen Mo already has a huge army of undead, so taking it seems a bit repetitive, so the war frenzy was finally finalized.

  As Chen Mo finished copying the skills, a light flashed in front of his eyes, and he was already sent out of the boundary-breaking assessment space.

  As soon as he came out, the Voice of the Great Dao rang out.

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the 55-level super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 55-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  [Heavenly Reminder]: You have obtained a super SSS gift package!

  【Heavenly Reminder: Your level has increased, the current level is 56! 】

  【Heavenly Tip: Your level has increased, the current level is 57! 】


  【Heavenly reminder: Your level has increased, the current level is 60! 】

  [Experience Points]: 777404699/21130400

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your level has reached level 60, and you have reached the twelfth-level bottleneck, you can choose to break through the test! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: It has been detected that you have not completed the third career transfer, please complete the third career transfer first and then proceed to the breakthrough assessment! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since your current combat class is 15 stars, you can choose a class with a difficulty of 16 stars to 20 stars for the three-turn challenge! 】

  【Heaven’s Tip: Please note that the higher the difficulty, the more dangerous the task of the third-rank job is, and the high-difficulty job third-rank task has a very high mortality rate, please do what you can. 】

[Heaven’s Tip: You need to consume different amounts of experience points when you choose to receive a career three-turn task. Depending on your initial career star rating, you can spend 10 to 50 times the experience points required to upgrade to level 60 to open a career three-turn task of corresponding difficulty. !

   You can repeatedly challenge the mission of the third career job, but once the mission fails, the deducted experience points will not be returned, please also pay attention. 】

   "The three-turn mission with the difficulty of opening the stars requires more than 1 billion experience points, which is really not enough."

   Taking a glance at the experience points that he squandered in the past two days, there are only more than 700 million experience points left. Chen Mo feels that every time he plays on the highest difficulty, the experience points are really wasted.

   "The month will change in two hours. Let's wait until the month changes to see how the activities at the beginning of the month will be."

  Although I really want to complete the third-rank mission immediately, open the pet, and perform the soul contract.

   But a difference of more than 300 million experience points is not a small number. It takes a long time to enter and exit a regular copy.

  Chen Mo decided to wait for a while.

  Although his body was not dirty, Chen Mo, who was used to washing up before going home and laying down on the bed, still washed up and lay back on the bed.

   Prepare to close your eyes and meditate.

  Before that, he opened the super SSS gift bag he had just obtained.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully opened the super SSS-level gift package, congratulations on obtaining the bound super god-level equipment "Sealing Treasure Ring"! 】

  【Sealed Treasure Ring·Super God Class】

  【Occupation Restrictions】: None

  [Equipment Requirements]: None

  [Equipment Attributes]: Immune to all seal effects

  【Equipment special effects】: curing seal, space seal, seal release, ultimate seal

  〖Fixed Seal〗: Select up to three abilities of the target to permanently seal. The sealed state cannot be removed by methods below the SSS level. This effect can only be effective once for the same target at the same time.

  〖Space Seal〗: Seal any space of any size within the range of "level * 10000 meters" around the body, so that all other targets within this space cannot use any space methods, and cannot leave this space area.

  〖Seal Release〗: You can remove any seal status for any target. The stronger the effect of the removed seal, the longer the cooling time of the effect. There is no cooling consumption when removing the seal effect below SSS level!

  〖Ultimate Seal〗: Seal all your abilities and all abilities of the opponent together. (Cannot take effect on targets whose divine power is higher than your own)

[Equipment Introduction]: This treasure ring of seal is peerless equipment beyond the **** level. Exercising power, who is subject to the seal.

   "What a strong ring!"

  After seeing the effect of the sealing ring, Chen Mo couldn't help feeling joyful.

  This precious ring may be less effective for others, but if he uses it, it will be perfectly effective.

  Especially the final ultimate seal, this kind of sealing ability in the form of mutual damage, for ordinary people, it seems that no one can take advantage of it.

   But Chen Mo has an incarnation outside his body. As long as Recall uses this ability to seal others, then his own deity can enjoy the benefits of sealing beside him.

  Just this point, the application value of this treasure ring has been directly raised to a higher level.

  Even if you don't look at the final ultimate seal, the other abilities of the sealing ring are quite good.

   Whether it is the unconditional sealing of any target's three abilities, or the space sealing and unsealing abilities.

   But a very important ability.

   The disgusting degree of the sealing ability is comparable to the disgusting degree of the curse effect.

  From the fact that Chen Mo has dealt with so many bosses before, many times he was able to win easily by sealing off most of the abilities of the boss, which shows the value and strength of the seal.

  Because I know the seal is easy to use, I am more afraid of being sealed by others.

  Now with this sealing ring, you can directly make yourself immune to any sealing ability, and you can also seal others and space, and unseal anyone.

   This use value is already quite high.

   This is the first time Chen Mo obtained a piece of equipment when he obtained a super SSS reward. He did not expect the effect of the first piece of equipment to be so powerful.

  Chen Mo was about to put the ring on his hand, and at the same time, there was a wave of regular power on Zou Yi's finger, and an identical treasure ring appeared in the next moment.

  (end of this chapter)

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