Chapter 289 Abnormal Gap!

   Soon half an hour passed.

  “The event is about to start, please be prepared that once the quota is full, no more registrations will be accepted.

   There are 10 seconds, 9 seconds... 1 second before the event starts! "

  As the countdown to the Voice of the Great Dao ended, everyone who had already prepared all clicked the registration button in the Tiandao window.

  Although the number of people in the entertainment mode has reached 1 trillion, it is still not enough for the entire galaxy.

  Professionals in the solar system only grabbed one spot.

  Not to mention the solar system, there are several living planets like the Yongxing system, and this time the entertainment mode event has only grabbed one place.

   It can be said that the degree of competition is high.

   On the contrary, the competition mode is not so crazy. After all, no one wants to make fun of their own lives. Some people are more cautious when they are more powerful.

  When Chen Mo signed up for the fourth-round competition area, the moment he clicked on it, the prompt of Heavenly Dao also popped up.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Warning, it has been detected that you are a second-turn professional. Please choose the competition area carefully. This time, Tiandao recommends that the competition area is the second-turn competition area. Do you choose to sign up for the second-turn competition area? 】

  Chen Mo directly ignored the warning and continued to click to sign up for the 4th round competition area.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Warning, if you continue to sign up for this dungeon for the second-level job, there will be a higher risk of death, please confirm again! 】

  As Chen Mo reconfirmed, his number also came out.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Congratulations on successfully signing up for the competition mode of this "Magic Tower Adventure" event. Your competition area is the four-turn competition area, numbered 6659. There are 50 seconds before the registration ends, please wait...】

   "Only 6659? It seems that the people who rank four are much braver than those who rank two. This is too fearless of death."

  Chen Mo immediately glanced at the current number of applicants.

  After he signed up, the number of applicants continued to increase steadily.

  Chen Mo felt that perhaps the second rank had just started, and the invincible time was not long enough, so it was not as inflated as the fourth rank.

  The invincible genius of the fourth turn, that is invincible all the way to the fourth turn, the road is too smooth, and the mentality is naturally inflated.

   Maybe even each of them thinks that they can touch the fifth rank, so they are not afraid of the fourth rank.

   Within a short while, 10,000 people had signed up.

  However, the event has not yet started until all registrations in all competition areas are full.

   It wasn't until the fifth round competition area was finally full that the Heavenly Dao reminder finally sounded.

  【Tiandao Reminder: All competition places have been allocated. After 10 seconds, all qualified professionals will be sent to the event copy. 】

  Before the countdown started, Chen Mo had already retracted his memory into the state of an avatar outside his body, otherwise he would not have followed into the activity space.

   Soon the countdown was over, Chen Mo only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, just like the previous event, he directly entered a unique space of white light.

   This space has a large space, surrounded by professionals from other galaxies.

   It can be said that they are all strange.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You have entered the waiting hall of the fourth competition area, looking forward to your special performance. If you can win the final victory, you will be able to bring certain benefits to your galaxy.

   There are still ten minutes before the official start of the event. During this period, you can choose the target you want to bet on in each competition area to bet on.

  The magic tower event will last for 24 hours, with a total of ten floors.

  If the target you bet on is still alive after 24 hours, you will get double the profit.

  If the target you bet on is still alive after 24 hours and has climbed to the tenth floor, you will get double the benefits.

  If the target of your bet is still alive after 24 hours and has climbed to the tenth floor and completed the ultimate expedition, you will get ten times the profit.

  The above rewards only take effect for the highest item.

  In addition, if your betting target ranks first in the division after 24 hours, you will get an additional five times the income.

  This month is the month of chaos, and the betting limit will be additionally opened.

  Each person can bet a maximum of "own level * number of reincarnations * 10" eternal gold coins! 】

   "Not bad, if the betting limit is open, wouldn't I be able to suppress 1,200 eternal gold coins? If I win the most points and complete the ultimate adventure, the profit will be 15 times, directly earning tens of thousands of eternal gold coins."

   Seeing Tiandao's reminder that the upper limit of betting was actually released, Chen Mo immediately smiled. The opportunity to prostitute gold coins for nothing has been given such a fierce opportunity. If you don't accept it, you will be sorry for yourself.

  As the bets started, everyone immediately paid attention to Chen Mo, an alternative.

  As I said before, the ranking of the contestants will be listed in different orders according to different star series, usually from near to far.

   The first thing the solar system sees is naturally the contestants from its own galaxy.

  【Competition Mode—List of Participants in the 4th Tournament Area】

  【No. 6659, Solar System Contestant—Level 60 (Second Turn, Professional Star 15 Stars)】

  【No. 7596, eternal star system participant—level 100 (fourth turn, 25 professional stars + 36 pet stars)】

  【No. 6965, three-yang system participant—level 100 (fourth turn, 25 professional stars + 36 pet stars)】


  Others showed their pet stars, but Chen Mo didn't show them, so everyone recognized him immediately.

   "Look, we have a 60-level player who went to the 4th-level 100-level competition area to play. It seems to be the previous one again."

"It's so fierce. Before turning zero to turn two, now it's turning two to turn four, but this time I'm afraid it's a little too much. The span of combat power from zero to two turns is not the same as that of two turns to four turns. a concept."

   "It's true, zero turn is more than two turn, apart from the difference in star rating, there is not much difference in combat power.

  But from the second to the fourth rank, the third rank in the middle has more pet stars, and the fourth rank has more domain abilities.

   This strength gap is not two levels at all, but how many levels! I don't know if this evil character on our earth can withstand it. "

   "Hearing what you said, it's really a bit worrying, but since he dared to enter the fourth-rank competition area, he should also have the ability to take into account the extra three- and four-rotation."

   "I hope he has considered it. If he goes in out of complacency, it will be difficult."

   "Since he doesn't dare to enter the fifth-rank competition area, he should have a certain understanding of his own strength, and he won't be too presumptuous."

   "It's obvious that it's grown up now. If you look at people's professional star plus pet star, the attributes are probably abnormal. How can I beat this? I can't even think about it."

"Most of these guys are SS-level pets in the mature stage. After the soul contract, the owner's star rating is as high as 61 stars. At level 100, the basic attributes can be added as high as 390,000 points. Combined with some other abilities, the attribute value can reach up to 390,000 points. A million is the same as playing, and with a suit of top-quality equipment, attacking and defending tens of millions is the same as playing.

  A second-rank attribute, no matter what, it is impossible to be so perverted.

   There are even SSS-level pets that have reached maturity, and their attributes are even more outrageous. No matter how much he thinks about it in advance, it will be difficult! "

  Although Chen Mo's previous strength has been recognized by the public, his participation in the fourth division this time has aroused global discussions.

   No, not just the whole world, but the whole galaxy.

   After all, after the last event, this time everyone knows that he is the pervert in the solar system in the last PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds event.

   Everyone has basically recognized his strength to a certain extent.

   But even under such a premise, his rash entry into a life-threatening activity where a large number of top Rank 4 powerhouses gathered still aroused wide-ranging discussions.

   After all, as the person in front said, turning from two to four is not comparable to turning from zero to two.

  The middle span is so huge that it is almost incomparable.

  Even if it is the top powerhouses of the second rank before, if they are sent into the fourth rank competition area, it is almost impossible to break the defense of the top rank four.

   It's not a level of strength at all.

   This is only calculating the attribute gap, not counting the unique field suppression effect of the fourth turn.

  Under the suppression of the field effect of the top four ranks, even if the second and third ranks are top powerhouses, they may be suppressed into Muggles if they enter.

  It is almost impossible to cross this chasm.

   It has always been said that those below rank five are ants. In fact, this sentence is also applicable to top rank four.

  Garbage four-turned garbage pets, three-turn professionals can still match.

  The top four ranks, combined with the best attributes, they have already stood at the apex of five ranks or less.

  Low-turned-professionals are also ants-level existences for them!

  With such an abnormal gap, even if the contestant is Chen Mo, he is not very favored by others!

  (end of this chapter)

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