Chapter 290 Everyone's prey!

   Seeing that Chen Mo went directly to the fourth round competition area, even Jiang Yun and the three felt worried about it.

Although they knew that Chen Mo possessed the strength to fight across the ranks, they also knew that Chen Mo's strength was not bad, but the difficulty of dealing with the top four ranks was actually similar to that of the five ranks, and some top four ranks were even lower than the low-level five ranks. Still strong.

  Chen Mo is only at the second rank at the moment, and the gap in combat ability is too big.

  Jiang Yun wanted to ask what Chen Mo was relying on, but it was a pity that Chen Mo had already entered the activity space and could no longer communicate with the outside world at all.

  At this time, it is inside the Eternal Star System.

  The executives of the Yongxing system also saw that Chen Mo had entered the fourth-round competition area at this time.

   Suddenly, a group of people were both surprised and happy.

   "If the second rank dares to enter the fourth rank, there is probably no one else in the solar system except that Chen Mo."

   "How courageous! It's okay to go from zero to two, but he dares to go to four on the second. I'm afraid he doesn't know how big the gap is!"

   "It stands to reason that he shouldn't be so reckless. How could he do such a stupid thing?"

  "After young people have absolute power, they will definitely be high-spirited, proud and complacent, and feel that they are invincible in the world. It is normal for their mentality to expand, and there is nothing strange about it."

   "He swelled, and the upper echelon of the solar system wouldn't let him do it. It's amazing that he didn't wake up in advance."

"Don't care what the high-level people in the solar system think, it might just be the impulsiveness of young people. This is a great thing for us. We originally planned to give him a five-star demonization package for 100 people, but now he chooses the top 4 ranks of 10,000 people. In the cemetery, I really don’t know how to write the word dead.”

   "If he can die inside, it will really settle our minds. Who is in our galaxy who entered the copy this time?"

   "It's Slok, he reported it before going in."

   "Slok, his professional ability seems to have a strong tracking ability."

   "Yes, Chen Mo was unlucky this time. He bumped into the same copy as Slok. If Slok can incite others to unite and kill him first, that would be a good thing."

   "Let's just wait for the good show. Originally, I had to worry about this guy, but now he really gave us a big gift. If he wants to survive in the pursuit of tens of thousands of top four ranks, unless he is rank five!"

The senior executives of the Eternal Star System watched excitedly when Chen Mo fell into the fourth-round competition area. Many other Aion, the Solar System, and the Eternal Star System belonged to the second area. Chen Mo cast a concerned look.

  Eternal Star Galaxy used to lure all the other galaxies out, which exaggerated Chen Mo's threat.

   It's like when everyone has no nuclear weapons, the solar system is about to develop a star destroyer.

  Once the development is successful, all the galaxies in the same area will inevitably be shot.

  This kind of incitement is enough to attract the attention of many other galaxies.

   After all, how can I say that the eternal star system should have an overwhelming advantage over the solar system, but in the end, I was forced to disclose such a powerful method of myself to kill the genius of the solar system.

   This credibility is actually quite high.

  If the solar system summoned everyone to deal with the eternal star system, people might still have a high degree of suspicion, thinking that the solar system just wanted to recruit everyone to help eradicate the huge threat.

  But a force that is obviously stronger is forced to pull everyone to deal with a force that is supposed to be weak and has a chance to be eliminated as long as it takes a certain amount of time.

  The emergence of this kind of contrast shows the extent to which this great force has been persecuted.

   It can also be seen how terrifying the power this small force is accumulating will be.

  Originally, everyone was going to investigate and confirm it, but now that Chen Mo has entered the fourth-round competition area, everyone is in good spirits.

   Then just take advantage of this event to see if the talented children of the solar system are really so terrifying.

  Although the vast majority of people think that Chen Mo is arrogant and overconfident, there are also many people who want to see if Chen Mo can replicate the miracle of the previous zero turn and two turn.

  As the betting started, Chen Mo's betting amount miraculously soared.

   In a short while, it has reached several trillion eternal gold coins.

  Compared to the previous second turn period, the difference in bet amount is simply huge.

   It can be seen that even if it is crazy for a second-rank professional to challenge the fourth-rank competition area, there are still a large number of people who want to buy a miracle.

  Chen Mo himself directly pressured himself to re-bet.

   Not only him, most of the local tyrants on the earth have invested heavily in him.

  As the eyes of most of the galaxy professionals fell on the fourth division and on Chen Mo, the betting was finally over.

  Currently, the amount of attention on Chen Mo is unprecedented.

   And all the top four players who participated in the fourth division felt deeply challenged.

   This is a feeling that I am completely looked down upon.

  This second-rank kid, who was just a zero-turn and a second-rank before, dared to go so presumptuously to a second-rank to surpass their top four-rank strongman. If this doesn't teach him the last lesson of his life, I'm sorry for his arrogance.

   At this time, many people have already thought about it. After entering, the first priority to kill is this second-rank professional.

  Many people hope that they can directly draw the target number 6659! Before it even started, Chen Mo was already everyone's prey!

  As the betting ended, all the contestants entered an extremely large tower with a flash of light in front of their eyes.

  Just the size of one layer, you don’t know the geometry.

  Chen Mo only felt that he was in an extremely spacious corridor. When he opened the map, he could see that there were many conspicuous light spots on the map. These light spots were the places where he entered the next staircase.

  When Chen Mo checked the map, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded immediately.

  【Heavenly Reminder: This PUBG dungeon is about to officially start! Before the official start, we will give you a detailed description of the dungeon rules, please read the description carefully!

  In order to get better rewards, all contestants are requested to increase their points in the dungeon as much as possible!

   Defeating BOSS in the magic tower, opening treasure chests, completing special adventure challenges, etc., all have the opportunity to get extra reward points.

  In addition to this, for every successful kill of a contestant, you will be able to get 100 points reward, and get half of the points from the opponent.

  If the target you kill is your hunting target, you will get 10,000 points reward and get all the points on the opponent.

  Your prey number is 5588, and you can grasp its coordinates in real time.

   But please be careful, you will also become the target of others. When you are looking for your own target, please be careful to avoid your hunters.

  In the magic tower, there will be many special spaces. After entering a special space, you need to meet special conditions before you can leave. Please pay more attention.

   Especially the death fight space is extremely dangerous, try to avoid entering it.

  After the event starts, there will be a poisonous mist at the bottom of the tower that will continue to spread. This poisonous mist is a regular-level poisonous mist. It ignores all abilities of professionals, and it will die when touched, and cannot be revived!

   You must not stay on a certain floor and a certain area all the time, otherwise once you are covered by poisonous fog, you will be instantly killed by the rules.

  The spread speed of the poisonous mist is fixed, and spreads to fill a layer of space every 150 minutes.

   You can see the spreading distance of the poisonous fog on the map, please avoid it in time.

  When someone dies from the poisonous fog, the accumulated points will be directly transferred to the highest point owner in the current copy.

   Now the event has officially started. Please go to the next floor as soon as possible. The top three contestants on each floor will get extra points rewards. Depending on the number of floors, the point rewards are different.

  The reward points for the top three on the second level are 10,000 points, 5,000 points, and 1,000 points respectively! 】

  As the reminder of the Dao of Heaven ended, a blood-red light spot appeared on Chen Mo's map, which was the coordinates of his prey.

   At this time, someone somewhere in the dungeon has already learned the coordinates of Chen Mo's location.

  (end of this chapter)

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