Chapter 291 Points Ranking!

  In the dungeon, after entering the dungeon, the contestant from the Eternal Star System, Slok, didn't care about the location of his prey, but directly released a strange bug.

  The shape of the worm seemed to exist between the virtual and the real, and it disappeared in the next moment.

   "Huh, the idiots of the solar system dare to break into the fourth-round competition area. I really don't know how to write the dead word."


On Chen Mo's side, he tried to use the perception ability of the Eye of Origin and the Pioneer, but the result was the same. He could only observe everything within a range of 100 meters around him at most. It can be seen that the rules say it is absolute, no matter what The perception ability can only see the range of 100 meters around the body at most.

   Not only that, Chen Mo tried to use the ability to flash the gods, but the result was the same, it could only flash a distance of 100 meters at most.

  Chen Mo didn't care too much about this, after all, it's a shared rule, and everyone is treated the same, so it's good to limit it.

   To avoid encountering some slippery ones, you can’t catch them if you run too fast.

  Spatial ability can only be 100 meters, but there is no limit to pure speed.

  Chen Mo has the source crystal of super speed.

   Once fired, he is as fast as lightning.

  Under the restrictions of this activity rule, it is much easier to use than teleportation.

  However, the current surrounding environment is complicated, and it is not easy to start too quickly.

  After entering the activity area, Chen Mo directly summoned the memory of his own incarnation outside the body.

  At the same time, the two walked towards the next floor, brushing up skeleton monsters.

  As for the prey, firstly, the distance is still a bit far away, and secondly, the prey has no oil or water on it, so killing them won’t get you many points, so there’s no need to lose the reward for being the first to go upstairs just to run to find him.

   The architectural style of the first floor of this magic tower is unique and ancient, showing strong magical elements and a fantasy atmosphere.

   It can be seen that the inner wall of the magic tower is made of black stones and deep purple spar, forming a mysterious and solemn tone.

  The stones are engraved with complex patterns and runes, shining with faint magical light.

  Spar seems to be inlaid on the wall, emitting a soft and warm radiance.

  On the entire first floor, you can only see the highlights of the stairs on the next floor from the map, but you can't see a complete and clear map at all. Only the route that Chen Mo walked will show the corresponding shape on the map.

   Walking all the way forward, by sensing the situation within a hundred meters around, it can be found that the entire first floor of the magic tower presents an extremely complex maze structure, with intricate corridors and doorways intertwined, making it difficult for people to recognize the direction.

  The walls are decorated with exquisitely carved stone statues and reliefs, depicting various mysterious creatures and magical symbols, highlighting the history and legends of the magic tower.

  Chen Mo tried to attack the wall and wanted to take a shortcut, but found that no matter how strong the attack fell on the wall of the magic tower, it would be like a mud cow entering the sea and have no effect.

  Walls exude a strong defensive force that cannot be broken or penetrated.

  Chen Mo's attack only left faint traces on the wall, but did not cause any real damage.

   It can be seen that this magic tower contains a powerful guardian of rules.

   It is impossible to take shortcuts.

  Obviously, only through normal passages and correct methods can one enter the next layer.

  Chen Mo gave up attacking the wall and continued walking along the corridor instead.

  At the same time, his Mara Brain is also working, even if it is an activity map, Mara Brain is just as easy to use.

   Just when Chen Mo and Zou Yi came to the end of the passage and found a three-way intersection and some huge stone gates, Mo Luo's brain gave a timely reminder.

  【The stone door on the left leads to the treasure chest room. You need to obtain the treasure chest key before you can open the treasure chest. You can also choose to activate the treasure chest into a powerful treasure chest monster, and kill the treasure chest monster to get the reward. 】

  【The stone gate in the middle leads to the wisdom space, you need to complete the wisdom test before you can leave, and you will get points rewards. 】

  【The stone gate on the right is a regular passage, there is nothing special about it. 】

   "It's comfortable, Mo Luo's brain can even know these things in advance." Chen Mo immediately smiled and looked at Zhuan Yi and said, "You go to the middle one, and I will go to the left one."

  Zhou Yi nodded and pushed open the stone door in the middle and walked in.

  As soon as he entered it, the stone door closed with a click.

  Chen Mo turned around and walked to the stone gate on the left. He found that the exquisite patterns carved on the three stone gates were actually the same, with several patterns symbolizing power, wisdom and mystery carved on them.

  Following Chen Mo pushed open the leftmost stone gate and entered the treasure chest space.

   At this time, everyone outside is watching his movements.

  Competitors can't see the whole map, but the audience outside are all from the perspective of God, who can see everyone's location and the map of the first floor of the magic tower.

  They could see a top-ranked 4-rank powerhouse in action near Chen Mo.

   This four-turn top powerhouse is a 61-star powerhouse bound to SS-level pets.

   Strength should not be underestimated.

  Because the contestant's perception distance is only within 100 meters, neither of them has yet perceived the existence of the other.

However, at this time, many people hope that the two will meet immediately, because they can't wait to see how a guy with a rank two and five stars can rely on him to dare to enter the competition area of ​​rank four. challenge.

   This really confuses them.

  Two-to-five-star, how many extra attributes can be obtained at each level?

   From level 60 to 15 stars, there are only 13,500 points at best to add attributes freely.

  Compared to 100-level four-to-sixty-one-star, 390,000 points can be freely added attribute points, and the ability to freely add attributes is 20 to 30 times worse.

   Not to mention that most of the subsequent equipment attributes are increased according to the galaxy and the number of reincarnations.

  From this point, the attribute value has been widened by a huge gap.

  In any case, everyone couldn't figure out a reason why the top two ranks can challenge the top four ranks.

  The only thing that can convince everyone is to really touch it and show the real stuff.

Ordinary people can't believe it, but after the last 100-member 4-star demonization brigade of the Yongxing system, they still have a little understanding of Chen Mo's strength. They know very well that if Chen Mo falls into the hands of ordinary 4th rank, they will definitely not be able to survive. of.

  But there is a huge gap between the top four ranks and the ordinary four ranks.

   I really hit it, and I still have some expectations for the result.

   Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Chen Mo came out after taking out the treasure chest rewards in the treasure chest space.

   And the top four turns around, it seems that it is about to enter Chen Mo's 100-meter detection range.

   But while walking, he suddenly stopped.

   It turned out that he was looking at the leaderboard.

  At this time, on the ranking list visible to everyone, Chen Mo's ranking instantly jumped to the first place.

   After all, he took the treasure box space reward and the test space reward at once.

  His points reached 20,000 points in an instant.

  The other faster four-turn top players only got 10,000 points.

  (end of this chapter)

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