Chapter 292 The only person who doesn't move!

   "Strange, why did Chen Mo suddenly become 20,000 points? Could it be that the magic tower activity this time is different from the previous ones because it was stuck in the Chaos Moon?"

  Expeditions to the magic tower have also appeared before, and there are records in history, according to the records about the previous expeditions to the magic tower.

   The points that can be obtained for each room on the first floor of the Magic Tower Adventure should be between 1,000 and 10,000 points.

  Chen Mo directly jumped to 20,000 points, which made the knowledgeable people curious.

   At this time, the three leaders were a little confused about this.

   But considering that Chaos Moon is the most special month of the year, there is not much doubt.

  People from other galaxies reacted similarly.

  Although many people know that each room on the first floor of the magic tower adventure can only get up to 10,000 points, but because it is the relationship of Chaos Moon, everyone doesn't care too much.

  This situation is caused mainly because the information of the avatar outside the body cannot be seen by the outside world.

  All you can see is the red dots representing each contestant.

  Chen Mo cooperated with the recollection, easily scored 20,000 points, and immediately walked towards the third stone gate.

  If this stone gate is pushed open and walks to the end, it will bump into the top four-turn alien who is also operating here.

   Just as everyone was waiting to see the good show, the position of the top four-rank powerhouse suddenly changed, and he went directly to an extremely far position.

   "What's the situation? Is there an invisible teleportation array in this tower?" People who don't know the situation of the magic tower can't help asking curiously.

  At this moment in the tower, when Chen Mo pushed open the third stone door and walked forward, both the Eye of Origin and the Brain of Mo Luo found the teleportation array stepped on by the top four ranks before.

  【The front teleportation array leads to the trap space, be careful to avoid it. 】

  Following the analysis given by Mo Luo's brain, Chen Mo immediately carefully avoided the location of the trap.

  Although he has a strong life-saving ability, there is a regular-level poisonous fog on the first floor. The traps in the tower are not afraid of it being fatal, but it is afraid that it will confine people to a certain place.

   After all, after entering the activity, the spatial ability is restricted.

   Hitting a trap doesn't mean you can run away easily.

  Chen Mo avoided a trap carefully, but found that his prey suddenly changed its position and came to an area closer to him.

  In fact, at this time, not only is Chen Mo's prey, but most of the people on the entire first floor have stepped on the teleportation array.

  Because the concealment level of this teleportation array is too high, among so many people except Chen Mo who has origin-level eyes and can see it, others can't know it at all.

   Although Chen Mo’s Moro Brain seems to be only at the mythical level, it was downgraded mainly because of its side effects. Under the strong side effects, normal people simply cannot exert the perfect effect of Moro Brain as usual.

  Under the action of the Super God Body, the level of Mara's brain without side effects has actually reached the origin level.

   Naturally, this trap can be resolved.

  In the entire first floor, except for Chen Mo, everyone else was randomly transmitted by the teleportation arrays in the tower that are closer to everyone's birth point.

   In this situation, the outside world naturally sees it.

  After seeing that most of the people were teleported indiscriminately, they found that Chen Mo had traveled a long distance but remained firm on the original route without being affected in the slightest.

   This really made everyone feel very strange.

  Why did the top four ranks all get hit, but this second rank is all right?

   At this time, not only Chen Mo was not affected, he even found that the prey was delivered to the door, and he was very happy.

  He immediately turned the direction of Reminiscence, and killed in the direction away from his prey.

  He has already seen that on the leaderboard, his prey No. 5588 has already obtained 10,000 points.

   Now that he has harvested it smoothly, he is still making a lot of money.

  After all, passing by his location and then going to the nearby stairs, the distance from the original route on the map is actually the same.

   I just don’t know the complexity of the specific paths on both sides.

  Chen Mo didn't put all his eggs in one basket. He followed the original route by himself and let Reminiscence go to deal with his prey.

   After all, Zhuan Yi's combat power is basically equal to his own. What he can fight, Zhuan Yi can basically fight.

  If he can't beat him, Zhuan Yi will definitely not be able to beat him either.

   Then naturally there is no reason to go there and make a move by yourself.

   Fighting is a business that is done by an avatar outside the body.

   Since everyone can see the number of each person's prey, everyone is very excited after seeing 5588 teleport to Chen Mo at a relatively short distance.

  Because according to Chen Mo's performance in such an arrogant second-turn and fourth-turn battle zone, he should find his own prey.

   After all, the distance is so close.

  In the end, they were disappointed to see that Chen Mo knew that his prey was in a relatively nearby area, but he chose not to look for his prey, but chose to escape and go to other routes.

   This kind of performance instantly made it difficult for most people watching the battle.

  At this time, at the side of the main conference hall of the Yongxing System, several people below sat nearby and looked at the event map on the big screen, muttering.

   "Since the kid in the solar system dared to enter the fourth-round competition area, why didn't he dare to chase and kill his prey? This behavior is too strange?"

   "Indeed, according to his level of arrogance, he found that the prey is nearby. He should be excited to find it directly. Could it be that he was frightened when he entered the four-rotation competition area and saw those extremely high-level galaxies with four-rotation plus pets."

   "If this is the case, it will be too late to regret."

Hearing what they said, someone in the senior staff of the Yongxing system said: "I don't think it's necessarily because of fear, maybe this kid has a big appetite, but he just doesn't think the meat is fat enough, so he is too lazy to harvest only 20,000 points .”

   "After killing your own prey, can't you inherit the hunting target number of your own prey? Let alone 20,000, even if you only have 10,000 points from the original prey, you should kill the target if it appears nearby."

"After all, this kid is very young. It's natural that he doesn't know much about the activities of the Milky Way. Whether it's the number of the chaser who inherits the prey after hunting, or the number of the prey that is inherited after hunting, these hidden rules, I'm afraid He doesn't know yet.

  Maybe he simply thought that if he killed his prey, there would be no such good reward for killing other people later, so he didn't choose to do it immediately. "

   "My lord, don't we think too much about him? Now he has entered the top four competition area in the second round. Rather than saying that he kills, it is better to say that he is extremely easy to be killed."

   "I don't know his specific strength, but I'm just analyzing the logic of his behavior now. He should avoid his prey according to the logic, instead of evading, he will evade, and he won't enter in the first place."

   "My lord's words are quite reasonable."

  Eternal Star System executives made reasonable inferences about Chen Mo's behavior of escaping his prey.

   At this time, most people on the earth actually inferred this way.

   Few people said that Chen Mo was cowardly, and most people thought that Chen Mo should not feel fat enough.

  Even the three leaders of the academy alliance think so.

  Seeing that Chen Mo gave up his prey, many people were very disappointed.

   After all, how Chen Mo's strength is now is vain in everyone's mind.

  They are eager to see a real record.

   Just when everyone felt bored and disappointed, they soon saw a change in information that surprised them.

  (end of this chapter)

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