Chapter 293 Terrifying second turn!

  5588, an alien from the "Jorma Galaxy" in a remote area of ​​the solar system, named Weipa.

  The appearance of this person is quite different from that of a human being. He is about 2 meters tall, muscular and strong, with a silvery-gray complexion, dark purple eyes, and shimmering with mysterious light.

  His face is sharp, with a pair of curved horns on his forehead, and his hair is short and black, shining like pitch-black feathers.

  Wearing a set of smooth silver armor on his body, his movements are agile and graceful, revealing a strength and speed beyond ordinary people.

  His occupation is called "Supreme Berserker".

   According to the job introduction of Tiandao.

  [Job Introduction]: The Supreme Berserker is an extremely powerful SSS class, famous for its unparalleled violent power and endless fighting passion. They are terrifying existences on the battlefield, conquering the enemy with powerful strength and **** fighting style, and they have extremely strong immortality ability, even if they are caught in thousands of troops, they will not die easily.

   Weipa's profession is already extremely strong, and his pet's strength is not weak. Combining the two, the combat power is very terrifying.

   But this is only for normal situations, and he will soon encounter abnormal situations.

   Weipa was moving fast in the aisle.

   As a result, while he was still walking, his sixth sense suddenly sounded the alarm bell crazily, as if something was about to take his life.

  Even though he had reacted in time, before he could react, he was still attacked, and he was immediately hit with the passive immortality effect.

"what happened!?"

  He immediately exhaled the Heavenly Dao System to check the reminder.

[Tiandao reminder: You have been affected by the sealing ability of the contestant "No. 6659", your passive skill "Immortal Will" has been sealed, your passive skill "Spirit of God of War" has been sealed, your passive skill "Fate "Guardian" skills have been sealed. 】

  【Battle reminder: You have been attacked by contestant "No. 6659", please prepare for battle! 】

   "Number 6659?"

   This number is extremely familiar to Weipa.

   Weipa took advantage of the duration of the undead effect to escape frantically and called out the list of contestants to search.

  As a result, this number impressively shows the contestants of the second rotation of the solar system.

   "How is it possible? It's the second turn in the solar system? How did he attack me? How did he emptied my blood in an instant? Where are his people?"

  At this moment, Wei Pa was not so much afraid as he had his world view shattered, and his thoughts fell into chaos for a while.

  A second-rank professional, without a sound, unexpectedly knocked him out for a second, and directly knocked out his undead passive.

   This is too scary!

   And he originally had a total of four undead skills.


  【Spirit of God of War】:

  Effect: When the Supreme Berserker receives fatal damage, his God of War will awaken. Under the protection of the God of War, instead of dying instantly, he enters an invulnerable state for 10 seconds. While invincible, Berserker Supreme will remain at 1 health and cannot take any damage. Each time this effect is triggered, there is a 180-second cooldown (does not enjoy any cooldown reduction).

  【Immortal Will】:

  Effect: The Supreme Berserker possesses a tenacious and unyielding will. When he takes fatal damage, he instantly regenerates 50% of his health and becomes invulnerable for 5 seconds. In the invincible state, all his attributes are significantly improved, and his attack power, defense power and critical strike rate are increased by 50%. Each time this effect is triggered, there is a 120-second cooldown (does not enjoy any cooldown reduction).

  【Wrath of Resurrection】:

  Effect: When the Supreme Berserker takes fatal damage, his wrath will ignite the flame of resurrection. In the next 3 seconds, he will not be able to receive any damage, and he will recover 10% of his maximum health per second, and will also immediately gain a buff that lasts until the cooldown of the skill ends, increasing his attack power and movement by 100% speed. Each time this effect is triggered, there is a 240-second cooldown (does not enjoy any cooldown reduction).

  【Guardian of Destiny】:

  Effect: The Supreme Berserker has the guardian of fate. When he is fatally injured, the power of fate will protect him from death. He will instantly heal to 50% of his maximum health and become invulnerable for 10 seconds. In the invincible state, his attack power and defense power are significantly improved, and he is immune to all negative effects. Each time this effect is triggered, there is a 300-second cooldown (does not enjoy any cooldown reduction).

  In just a moment, these four powerful undead passives were actually sealed by someone directly, and they were specially selected for a long invincible time.

   It can be seen that all my attributes and even my underwear have been seen through by others, but I don't know anything about them.

  At this moment, Reminiscence has been following him closely. With the origin-level acceleration treasure such as the Speed ​​Source Crystal, it is impossible for Wei Pa to get rid of Remembrance.

  Just three seconds may seem short, but it is already a very long time for a four-turn powerhouse.

The moment he quickly figured out the current situation, Weipa immediately let his pet look like a bat, making a unique sound that penetrated various spaces, trying to detect the hidden solar system contestant.

   It turned out to be useless at all. The bat made a sound wave, but nothing was detected.

  Seeing that the invincibility time of Wrath of Resurrection was about to end, Weipa immediately used the unyielding effect of his active skill to forcefully renew his life for another 10 seconds.

   I have to say that the top four turns have a few brushes, and their life-saving ability is extremely strong.

  Since recalling that only the sealing ring can seal the opponent's three abilities, in terms of active skills, it still cannot be sealed.

  Of course, Reminiscence can also choose to use the ultimate seal of the Sealing Ring, which will cause a lose-lose situation with the opponent.

   But it's obviously not worth it.

  The ultimate sealing effect of the Sealing Treasure Ring will seal all abilities, so it is obvious that the second-rank career will suffer even more.

  Chen Mo was able to turn around and turn around by relying on his heaven-defying abilities. As an existence with the same thinking as him, how could it be possible for him to break his own arm.

  Even if the opponent's active skills can still be used, they still cannot escape the fate of death.

  Unable to see the existence of the opponent, his own flesh can't hold up, and he keeps getting seconds, unable to run, then there is no chance of survival.

  The hidden treasure box of the gods, when Chen Mo usually does the task, does not feel too much effect. The main reason is that Chen Mo challenges either gods or super god-level powerhouses, each of which has powerful divine power or powerful hidden divine power.

   As a result, the effect of Chen Mo's hidden treasure box basically didn't take effect.

   But once confronted with an existence whose divine power is lower than his, then the hidden ability of the hidden treasure box will be a dimensionality reduction blow!

  As long as the divine power does not exceed Chen Mo, he cannot see Chen Mo, cannot hide him, let alone hurt him.

   It can be said that he has truly achieved invisibility and invincibility!

   With one skill in hand, walk sideways with less than five turns!

   Weipa, who struggled to save his life and fled frantically, was extremely puzzled at this moment.


  Why can a second rank have the strength to easily kill oneself in seconds?

  Why can’t my pet’s stealth-breaking ability, which can be called the top level of the SSS level, be able to break through the stealth of the second turn!

  (end of this chapter)

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