Chapter 294 Amazing changes!

  While Weipa was puzzled by the current situation, his undead state had finally come to an end.

  Following the inexplicably high real injuries he suffered again, he finally couldn't hold on and died on the spot.

  But as soon as he died, he immediately came back to life.

   It can be seen that this guy still has the ability to resurrect himself.

   Regarding this point, the memory of the Eye of Origin has long been understood. This guy has a full three resurrection effect rings.

  However, this is not a threat at all compared to being undead. It is just killing after resurrection. Immortal is continuous immortality and invincibility. That is the most annoying.

  Following the ruthless order of recalling the hundreds of millions of hidden skeleton monsters to attack again, Weipa was finally killed on the ground helplessly after being resurrected three times.

   Until his death, he didn't understand why a second rank would be so perverted. He felt as if he was facing a fifth rank powerhouse!

  If he thinks this way, he is actually right. Chen Mo's divine power is as high as 230 points. Ordinary new rank five powerhouses have practiced to achieve this divine power.

  Really speaking of strength, Chen Mo has already surpassed the powerhouses at the beginning of the fifth rank.

   As a top rank four player, it is not too unfair to lose to a strong player who surpassed the early stage of rank five.

   Following Wei Pa's death, Chen Mo, who was still walking on his own route, immediately received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Prompt from heaven: Congratulations, you have successfully killed your prey, you have obtained a hunting reward of 10,000 points, and at the same time you have obtained all the points accumulated by your prey 10,000 points! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since you killed your prey, you will inherit your prey’s prey target. Your new prey target is now No. 3745. 】

"Oh? It turns out that I can inherit the prey. That's great. I thought that after killing my own prey, the remaining people would get less rewards after harvesting. I didn't expect that it could be inherited in a circular way. This way, it is beneficial." There is a way to get more bonus points.”

  After reading the tips from Heaven, Chen Mo was still very pleased.

   After all, there is a huge difference in points between the prey that kills itself and the prey that does not kill itself.

   The kill points alone are 100 times worse, and the number of opponent points that can be obtained after a kill is also 1 times worse.

   At this time, the reminder of Heavenly Dao is still continuing.

  【Tiandao Tip: All data related to the dead participants of the Magic Tower Expedition will be deleted from the copy and recovered.

   The dropped items are recovered, and according to the total value of the opponent’s dropped items, you have obtained 2 million loot points!

   can be used to redeem rewards at the end of the event, please note that if you are killed, the points will also be transferred to others! 】

   "How come it's only two million? The loot points rewards I got for killing a top two turn in the second round before were all 10,000 to 20,000. A hundred times more than the fourth round is not too much."

  Chen Mo immediately exhaled the little elf of Tiandao to ask a question.

"Hello, dear professional, the conversion of loot points will be converted into different values ​​according to the different competition areas. The value conversion requirements of the fourth-rank competition area will be much higher than that of the second-rank competition area, just like the second-turn challenge. Turn four to challenge the SSS-level dungeon, the difficulty of monsters is more than a hundred times different, but the best reward that can be obtained in the end is still the same as the SSS-level reward."

  Hearing what Tiandao elf said, Chen Mo was relieved.

  The truth is indeed the same, but it still feels awkward when you think about it. After all, there are many more good things on the four-turn than the two-turn.

   "Will the rewards that can be redeemed in the last loot shop be better than those in the second round?"

   "Yes, there will be more content than the second turn of the loot shop, such as treasures that enhance the ability of the field, treasures that enhance the ability of pets, etc."

  When Chen Mo clarified with Tiandao about the rewards of loot points, the outside world has already exploded.

   "What's the situation? Why did No. 5588 suddenly disappear? I didn't see the light flashing to other places. Is it dead?"

  Because if they are teleported, the corresponding light spots will flash several times, but now the entire map is full of people who have just finished teleportation, and there is no second teleportation, so there are no light spots flashing.

  That's why someone asked this question the moment they saw the light spot 5588 disappear.

   Immediately, the people around him looked up and glanced at a large number of numbers on the entry list.

  Finally found number 5588 in a dense pile of numbers, and at this time number 5588 has turned black, apparently dead.

  But in fact, he doesn't need to look for it anymore. In the center of the big map, a reminder of the way of heaven has popped up.

  【Heavenly reminder: "Weipa No. 5588" Dolma galaxy contestant-level 100 (four-turn occupation, twenty-five-star occupation "Supreme Berserker") has died! There are 9999 remaining contestants in the current dungeon! 】

   "Dead? What's the situation, the second turn of our earth is still far away from him, how did he die? Stepped into a trap and died?"

   "No, I've heard of this event. Whether it's challenging a boss or falling into a trap, it's just a forced unconsciousness for a period of time. Unless you encounter poisonous fog, you won't die."

   "Then he was caught in the deathmatch space and was killed?"

"How is it possible? A group of people will be sucked into the same space in the deathmatch space, and the coordinates will change. Look at the coordinate point [6666, 6666] on the map. It is clearly written that the deathmatch space is here. , if the death fight space incident really happened, there should be a red dot in this point, but the red dot disappeared on the route he traveled.

   It's like walking and dying suddenly. "

   "The top four powerhouses suddenly died while walking? How could this happen?"

   "Look at the points after the second revolution of our earth."

   I don't know who yelled, and everyone immediately looked at the scoreboard.

   I saw that the points of this second-turn professional in the solar system had changed from 20,000 points to 40,000 points.

   But the solar system second-turn professional is now walking in a corridor with nothing, it is impossible to get so many points out of thin air!

"You can get 10,000 points for killing your own prey, and this No. 5588 still has 10,000 points. After killing your own prey, you can inherit all the points of your own prey. That is to say, if it is our solar system If this No. 5588 is killed in the second round, then he will gain 20,000 points!"

"My God, no way, the second turn of our solar system just changed from 20,000 to 40,000. There is no other area on the road where you can get points rewards. It is impossible for him to get more points out of thin air. That is to say, he kills Did you drop this four turn?"

"It shouldn't be, just now he chose the route away from No. 5588, and later No. 5588 also accelerated away from the second turn away from our earth, and now the distance between the two has been greatly increased. Tiandao also said at the beginning that all spatial abilities in this dungeon will be limited to a maximum of 100 meters, even if you have the means to kill people in the air, it is impossible to kill at such a distance!"

   "If it wasn't for our Earth, why did our Earth's points suddenly increase by 20,000? This is exactly the point reward for killing this prey. It can't be increased out of thin air, right?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was puzzled by Monk Zhanger for a while.

It stands to reason that the rules of Heaven are absolute. Even if the top five powerhouses on Earth enter the dungeon of Heaven’s activities, they must abide by the rules of Heaven. The power of rules is a very powerful force. On the first floor of the tower, there are not many areas that people who have explored can surpass.

  So, it is absolutely impossible to kill people in the air.

  But now the human has indeed been certified dead by the pop-up window of Tiandao, and the hunter on the earth has indeed inherited the points.

At this time, someone who looked at the list of contestants also shouted in time: "Don't guess, look at the entry list. The prey number after the name of our earth has been changed synchronously, which is the prey number before 5588. I Before, I deliberately memorized the prey number 5588.

   Only the prey that kills itself will inherit the prey number. "

"That's not true. I still have a lot of research on the activities of the Heavenly Dao. This activity has also appeared before. According to the previous record information, you don't need to kill yourself. As long as your prey is dead, you will inherit your prey's pursuit." kill number.

  So this cannot be used as evidence that our earth killed this four-turn. "

   "Then this matter is too strange, so it wouldn't be the case that the lifespan of this rank four suddenly expired and he died directly?"

  As soon as this remark came out, many people also thought it was a joke. Unless the top rank four powerhouses were old monsters who had lived for thousands of years, they would not be able to beat the dungeon if the difficulty of the lifespan dungeon reached the extreme. In the end, they had no choice but to die.

  But how could someone live for thousands of years and still only have four ranks.

   Obviously this sentence is a joke, but it seems so reasonable.

   Otherwise, how could this person suddenly die for no reason while walking?

  However, there are still some people who insist that Chen Mo completed the kill, after all, the change in points cannot fool anyone.

"Even if it is assumed that his lifespan reaches his own death, his death will not directly increase our points by 20,000 points, right? Those who are poisoned to death by the poisonous mist will only give all their points to the person with the highest points. This one on our earth is the one with the highest points, and he also has the right to inherit. If this No. 5588 four-turn died naturally, then he only has 10,000 points, and the one on our earth who can inherit should only have 10,000 points. Points, kill points are impossible to obtain, and it is impossible to obtain 20,000 points.

  So no matter what, as long as it wasn't for the four turns he killed, it would be strange for him to add 20,000 points. "

"It's outrageous, I really don't understand it more and more. From the point of view of the points, it is our earth that killed the four revolutions. But from the distance, there are rules of heaven in it. It is impossible to do it. Who can explain it? What's going on here?"

  As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, all of them looked blank, and no one could explain it.

  Let’s not talk about them, even the three leaders of Jiang Yun in the academy alliance were surprised by this matter, or the more people who understand the rules of the magic tower exploration, the more puzzled they will be by the current situation!

  (end of this chapter)

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