Chapter 295 Extra utility of divine power!

   "What do you two think?"

  Jiang Yun looked at the two people around him and said.

   "Strange, really strange. Judging from the current information, the person should be killed by Chen Mo, but judging from the distance, I can't figure out what method Chen Mo used." Marcus looked puzzled.

"Indeed, according to the current law of heaven, it should be impossible to kill someone from such a long distance, and the area where this person walked is not the area that Chen Mo walked through before, and there is no trap that Chen Mo set up on the ground, so It’s really strange to say that it’s dead.”

   "This kid is getting more and more weird now, it seems that we have to wait for him to come out and ask." Jiang Yun said with a helpless smile.

  While most people on the planet are discussing this bizarre incident, many people are still questioning whether Chen Mo, as a second rank, has the ability to kill the top four ranks.

   Those who died in the fourth turn really surprised everyone.

   At this time, the Yongxing Galaxy is here.

   This time Wei Pa's death also caused a huge sensation.

  Everyone's arguments are basically the same as those on Earth, but because Yongxing Galaxy has mastered a lot of Chen Mo's abilities, it even has more information than people on Earth, and there are more guesses.

At this time in the conference hall, someone from the following people said: "Everyone, according to the message sent back by the fourth-turn demonization team through the death code, we can know that this Chen Mo has a very powerful summoner. Do you think it is His summoned creature split up with him to kill this turn four?"

  Hearing this argument, some people think it makes sense.

But some people shook their heads and said: "This is a top-ranked powerhouse of the fourth rank, how could he be killed by the summoned creatures who acted separately? Although his strength is indeed impressive, this is too overestimating him. "

   "When the fourth-turn demonization team dealt with him, what level was he? What level is he now?

   From level 35 to level 60, how much did he grow in the middle? It is reasonable for his combat power to advance by leaps and bounds now. "

At this time, someone in the senior management of the Yongxing system said: "If we talk about strength, since he dares to enter this competition area, we will assume for the time being that he has the ability to fight against the top four ranks. Kill the top powerhouse with four turns.

   But according to this inference, there is still a problem, that is the law of heaven!

  Looking carefully at the rules of Heaven, it is clearly stated that all perception abilities can only obtain information within a range of 100 meters at most.

   That is to say, if he shared the perspective with the summoned object, or the summoned object communicated with him, once the summoned object left his 100-meter range, he would no longer be able to know the current situation of his summoned object.

   A group of summoned creatures with no brains and no command, no matter how strong they are, they will not be able to kill a top four with normal thinking. "

   "This is a key question."

  People who don’t know Chen Mo’s abilities think that Chen Mo can’t complete long-range killings based on the space ability restriction rules.

  People who are aware of Chen Mo's abilities feel that Chen Mo can't complete long-distance killings based on the rules of perceptual ability limitation.

  No matter how it is inferred now, the matter of killing people from a distance really makes everyone feel that Monk Zhang Er is confused.

  But most people still tend to think that Chen Mo killed the person, but they don't know how he did it.

   Otherwise, this matter cannot be explained at all.

  Turn around and walk and die?

   Well, Chen Mo won the opponent's kill point reward and all point rewards?

  Besides putting his death on Chen Mo's kill, the other situations don't make sense at all!

  Of course, even if his death is put on Chen Mo, no one can tell the reason why Chen Mo killed him.

   People in the solar system and eternal star system are speculating.

  People in other galaxies were all surprised by this sudden change.

  As the two galaxies who are most familiar with Chen Mo, they can't figure out what's going on, and people from other galaxies are naturally even more puzzled.

   But at the same time, several galaxies that are closer to the solar system and the eternal star system are inexplicably feeling a little uneasy about the second rotation of the solar system.

  Perhaps Yongxing Galaxy took the lead this time, and it is not an exaggeration. This kid is indeed extremely capable!

   Everyone paid more attention to observe.


  Everyone outside the event copy was puzzled and surprised.

   All the four-turn top contestants in the event dungeon do not have the perspective of God like them.

  Naturally, I don't know where the fourth turn died.

   After all, the only hunter who owns the four-turn point is Chen Mo. Other than his own prey, the others don't even know where other people's points are.

  So they were not surprised by the fact that Chen Mo killed Wei Pa.

  They were more frightened by Chen Mo's strength.

  At first, they had already thought that Chen Mo was the pervert who could slaughter the top powerhouses at rank two at zero rank.

  But they originally thought that the strength of this step-up confrontation would be useful in the second-round competition area, but they would be overwhelmed in the fourth-rank competition area.

   As a result, I never thought that the opponent was still so sharp, and actually killed a top rank four powerhouse.

   This is enough to show that the opponent's strength is real!

   For a while, the sense of crisis in everyone's hearts became heavier.

   After all, it is unheard of for the second rank to leapfrog and kill the fourth rank to be the top. Naturally, there is no way to consider the opponent's combat strength?

   The more unknown, the more terrifying!

  Originally everyone locked Chen Mo as the priority to kill, but after Wei Pa died, they directly gave everyone a heavy hammer in their hearts!

   The strength of this second turn is far beyond imagination, it is better not to meet or not to meet!

  Most people don't want to fight against an opponent whose strength is so erratic!

  But there are also a small number of top players who are bound to SSS-level pets. The top four turns are unbelievers, and they want to see Chen Mo's strength.

  They are looking forward to meeting Chen Mo sooner, so that they can take a closer look at what supernatural powers the other party has, and they can achieve two turns and four turns.

   Among them was Chen Mo's hunter, whose face was obviously full of excitement!

  At first, he thought it was not a difficult prey, but now it seems that this prey is quite interesting, and he naturally became interested.


  In the tower, Chen Mo didn't pay too much attention to this matter. After all, he fought against the god-level and super-god-level for three days. In his eyes, turning four turns is no threat at all, like an ant, unless the opponent can also have divine power in advance.

   There is nothing to care about killing a four-turn with no magic power.

  He continued to move forward on his own. At the same time, he opened the map to check the location of his next target. Seeing that it was quite far away, he almost found the downstairs stairs, so he had no plans to find the other party.

   As for Remembrance, she didn't turn her head to join Chen Mo, but walked towards the nearest lower stairs.

   This is also possible in the lower rounds.

  Although Chen Mo lost traces of Remembrance because of the rules of Heaven, Remembrance can always see the location of Chen Mo and the location of Chen Mo's prey through the map, and can easily find him.

   Just as Chen Mo was acting, a bug between reality and reality had appeared near Chen Mo, but at this moment it seemed a little confused.

  Chen Mo, who was in a hidden state, learned about this bug.

  【Possession God Gu】: You only need to provide part of the opponent's information, and you can automatically and accurately find the target's location. No matter the opponent is in the void or the real world, you can attach to the target and locate the target's coordinate position in real time!

   I have to say that this Gu worm is really easy to use. It only needs some information to accurately locate and find someone. The other party just provided Chen Mo's entry number, and it flew directly to the location of Chen Mo's coordinates.

  It's a pity that no matter how powerful it is, it is only of god-level quality after all, and it is impossible to see Chen Mo who is in a hidden state.

  Even if it tracked the exact location, it couldn't see the target, so naturally it couldn't possess the target, so it was confused nearby.

   "The effect of this bug is really good."

  Chen Mo tried to grab this Gu worm and put it in his backpack.

   At this time, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded.

[Heavenly reminder: Please note that this Gu worm has an owner, you cannot directly put it in your backpack, you need to cut off the connection between the Gu worm and its original owner before you can subdue it, you only need to consume 10 points of divine power It can cut off the connection between the Gu worm and the opponent, whether to use it? However, please note that if the opponent chooses to consume divine power to block your divine influence, you may need to consume more divine power to cut it off. 】

   "It's interesting to be able to consume other people's Gu worms for oneself."

   It was the first time for Chen Mo to know about this matter, but the price was not clear yet, so he asked the Tiandao elf.

   "Is this divine power consumption permanent?"

"No, every time you gain divine power, it is equivalent to increasing your upper limit of divine power. No matter how you consume your divine power, your divine power will eventually return to your highest upper limit. For example, your current divine power is 230 points, no matter how much you consume. Your own divine power will recover at a rate of 1 point of divine power per second, and your divine power will eventually recover to 230 points."

   "It turns out that divine power is a consumable product similar to energy. After reading this, I am afraid that many abilities require divine power to use."

   Speaking of this, Chen Mo suddenly realized another question and immediately asked: "Divine power will affect the overall attribute value. If it is consumed, will the attribute value be reduced?"

   "No, your attribute value is increased according to your upper limit of divine power. No matter how much divine power is consumed, your upper limit of divine power is fixed."

   "That's good, then can the efficiency of divine power recovery you mentioned be improved?"

   "Yes, 1 point per second is just the recovery speed of ordinary people with divine power after consuming divine power, and it will be improved according to the different abilities you have."

   This is the first time Chen Mo has an in-depth understanding of divine power.

  Before, his concept of divine power was only limited to improving attribute values ​​and improving the benefits of skills on others.

   I didn’t expect divine power to be a kind of consumable. Since it can recover 1 point every second, and it will be fully recovered after 10:10 seconds of consumption, isn’t this consumption the same as no consumption?

   As for encountering obstacles from the opponent's divine power, there is no need to worry.

  There is no divine power in four turns, where can there be divine power to fight with yourself?

   And even if there is something different like myself in it, my supernatural power of more than 200 is more than the average freshman at rank five, and even if she has supernatural power at rank four, she may not be able to beat herself.

  I don't have any of my current abilities that need to consume divine power to activate, even if it is exhausted, it will have no effect.

  Chen Mo naturally chose to cut off the divine power without hesitation, and took control of the opponent's Gu worms!

  (end of this chapter)

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