Chapter 296 Lost face!

  Following Chen Mo's thought, he consumed his divine power to seize control of the Gu worm.

  Slok also instantly learned the corresponding information prompt.

  【Tiandao Tip: Please pay attention, please pay attention! Your "Possession God Gu" is being taken away by someone consuming divine power, if you cannot consume divine power to block the opponent, you will lose control of the Possession God Gu in 3 seconds! 】

   "Divine power? Capture?"

  Spike was even a little confused when he heard it.

   Before he could figure it out, the 3-second countdown was over.

   At the same time, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded again.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Please note that since you failed to prevent the other party from snatching, you have lost control over the "Possession God Gu". 】

  It was only at this moment that Spike suddenly looked at the previous hint of heaven with vigilance.

   "Divine power, divine power... how is it possible, how can there be such a thing as divine power in the fourth round competition area?"

  He looked at the eyes blankly, but his mind was in chaos.

   Now he doesn't even know how his Gu worms were taken away by who and what means.

   If it is a contestant in the event dungeon, it should be impossible. He has never heard of such power as divine power appearing below the fifth rank.

  He checked the history of Heaven again and again.

  But no matter how many times he reads it, the reminder of Heavenly Dao is still the same few words that have not changed, and the word "divine power" is clearly displayed.

   "Could it be taken away by a certain BOSS in the dungeon?"

  Finally, after much deliberation, he could only come up with such a reason that was not a reason.

   After all, his Possession God Gu should be looking for the coordinates of Chen Mo at this time, how could it be taken away by the instance boss for no reason.

   But apart from the possibility of supernatural power appearing in the dungeon boss, he really couldn't think of the possibility of other contestants having supernatural power.

   Seeing that he lost a Gu worm when he got off to a bad start, Slok was still very upset at this moment.

  In addition, he saw Wei Pa's death, and knew that Chen Mo really had the ability to take the lives of top Rank 4 powerhouses. At this time, he acted more cautiously.

   Originally, if he could grasp Chen Mo's information by relying on the Possession God Gu, he would be able to advance and retreat freely, but now he can't.

  When he was depressed, Chen Mo was very happy.

   I bought a very strong Tracking Gu for nothing, so it is naturally comfortable.

   And as soon as he got it, he immediately used it.

   "It only needs a little clear relevant information to find the target. The conditions of use are quite good. Let me possess and locate contestant No. 7596!"

  Following Chen Mo's order, the Possessing God Gu immediately nodded his head, and then flew away from Chen Mo while changing between reality and reality.

   After releasing the Possession God Gu, Chen Mo continued to walk towards the stairs on the next floor.

  In order to catch up with the first one, he still travels extremely fast.

   After all, there are two powerful combinations of the eye of origin and the brain of Moluo, so you are not afraid of encountering traps and stepping on the pit on the road!

   I remember that the next staircase, which seemed to be close at hand, actually needs to go around in the maze corridor for a long time.

  It wasn't just Chen Mo, but recalling also suffered from the same situation at this time.

On this map, the bright spot is shining on the next stair, even if you can feel it is next door through the wall, but you can't get through it, even with the flash ability, you can only go 100 meters on the aisle without walls The flash of distance, don't even think about flashing from one side of the wall to the other.

   It can be seen that it is impossible to sneak and quickly approach the next staircase in the magic tower.

  However, Chen Mo understood this, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

   After all, in this kind of competition, if you can easily dodge through the wall, wouldn't it be too easy to climb to the top.

  This kind of non-challenging thing, Tiandao obviously won't do it.

   At this time, the situation of other people is similar to that of Chen Mo.

  After all, whether it is the teleportation array designed by Tiandao or the birth point, they are all points that are extremely far from the next staircase.

  Chen Mo is the one who is closest to the next flight of stairs among so many people.

   First, he moved fast enough, and second, he didn't step on the teleportation point.

  If at the beginning the birth point is 100 from the nearest stairway, then the distance to the teleportation point is 20, and after stepping on the teleportation point, the distance from the nearest stairway to the nearby point will become 200.

   That is to say, at this time, most of the other people are significantly farther away from the stairway than at the beginning.

   Only Chen Mo is getting closer and closer to the next staircase.

  Recalling that because of wasting time looking for Weipa, the distance to the next stairway is about the same distance as other contestants.

  However, he inherited Chen Mo's Speed ​​Source Crystal, and possessed extremely fast movement speed, so he was still faster than other contestants in finding the next staircase.

  Because the first floor is large enough, there is basically no chance for everyone to meet each other, so apart from recalling the killing of Weipa at the beginning, there has been no news of death for a while.

   On the contrary, everyone's points increased from time to time.

One hour after the event started, Chen Mo's points had already reached 100,000, the next dozen or so had around 50,000 points, there were hundreds of people with 40,000 points behind, thousands of points with 30,000 points, and 20,000 points. Thousands of points, hundreds of 10,000 points.

   It can be seen that most people have found some point rewards in various magic tower spaces.

   Chen Mo still likes this kind of scene, which means that he can grab more points.

  He hopes that the more points these people get, the better.

  Following the left and right detours for a long distance, Chen Mo finally found the stairs to the next floor.

   The moment Chen Mo stepped up the stairs and entered the next floor, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded immediately.

[Heavenly reminder: Congratulations to solar system contestant No. 6659 for becoming the first contestant to enter the second floor of the magic tower. 10,000 points will be awarded as a reward. Others, please hurry up and get a good ranking first. The ranking will increase the reward increase for subsequent rankings.

  If the current solar system contestant No. 6659 is among the top three entering contestants when entering the third floor, he will receive an additional reward increase of twice the corresponding reward.

The first contestant who enters the third floor will get 20,000 points reward, the second contestant who enters the third floor will get 10,000 points reward, and the third contestant who enters the third floor will get 5,000 points award. 】

  Following the reminder of the Dao of Heaven, all the top powerhouses with four ranks felt unhappy in their hearts!

Nearly 10,000 rank-4 top players entered the event dungeon, and a second-rank professional took the first place in points, and even the speed of climbing towers was left behind by others, which really made people feel ashamed !

   But if any of the top four ranks achieves this ranking, they will feel better to some extent.

  (end of this chapter)

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