Chapter 297 Fantasy Forest!

   "Nearly tens of thousands of people participated in the fourth-rank competition, not to mention one who died inexplicably, and was completely dominated by a second-rank player, and even advanced to the second floor by him. It is truly an anecdote that has never been seen before!"

  Other galaxies are also very surprised by the performance of the fourth division of the competition mode at this time.

   "This guy from the solar system is really weird, and Yongxing Galaxy is really not alarmist this time."

   "My lord, we haven't seen him formally fight against others yet, so it's too early to make a conclusion."

"If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Regardless of whether the inexplicably dead Rank 4 was killed by him or not, just because he was able to skyrocket so many points, it is enough to see that even if it is the assessment space of Rank 4's top difficulty, it is difficult for him It's no problem at all.

   Do you think that he has entered the special space of the magic tower so many times and won the reward without encountering a single battle? "

"That's true. This guy's actual combat power seems to be really extraordinary, but he can pass the test of the special space of the magic tower, and it is generally enough to reach the middle and upper reaches of the fourth rank. Whether he really surpasses the top four ranks is not known. .”

   "That's true, but at least it allows us to spy on a little bit of his information. It is impossible for an ordinary second-ranker, no matter how top-notch, to do these things. Now that he has done it, it is obvious that he has his uniqueness.

  In this way, the initial hidden five-star occupation proposed by the Yongxing system may be true!

As for the fact that Yong Xingxing said that the solar system has opened the super SSS-level breakthrough assessment, although it has not yet been able to reach the solar system to confirm, it is probably not fake, otherwise it is only a second turn with a SSS-level reward, and it is not possible to run. To the top of the four-turn competition area. "

   "This... If both of the two are true, this person's potential is truly unprecedented, and if he is allowed to grow, he may be in trouble for thousands of years!"

"It doesn't matter whether these two items are true, as long as he can kill the top four ranks at the second rank now, just like killing a chicken at the top two ranks at the zero rank before, it is enough to prove how much trouble he has! When he reaches the fifth rank, who can be the next one? His opponent?"

   "If this is the case, it is really a big trouble. If the top four ranks can't deal with him, can the five-star demonization plan mentioned by the Yongxing system really work?"

   "According to the information disclosed by the Eternal Star System, it is still useful. After demonization, the skills of five-star professionals will all be enhanced by demonization. In this way, the skills that are already at the SSS level are likely to reach the super SSS level.

   This is not comparable to the top four revolutions, it is hundreds of five-star professionals, no galaxy can be used alone! It is also impossible to find so many five-star voluntary sacrifices. "

   "Where did the Eternal Star System develop such a perverted ability? You said that we helped him eradicate such a huge threat. Will it eliminate tigers and wolves? Will this ability become our scourge in the future?"

"Eternal Star System also knows that if we don't cooperate, once the threat of the solar system grows up, it will be unsolvable. Whether they can survive in the future is another matter, so this time they have no reservations in order to show their sincerity. Demonic Soul Formation” They shared detailed and complete information.

   The cost of using this item is extremely high, and the divine blood alone will consume a hundred percent! Moreover, the higher the star level of the person who entered it, the more reincarnation times, and the greater the cost of demonization. Apart from being used as a hole card to deter others and save one's breath, it is difficult to use this magic circle as a strategic means.

   Otherwise, the five stars in the solar system would have been killed long ago. Do you think the solar system can develop to today? "

   "Hiss! If a hundred parts of the divine blood are fully absorbed, the divine power can increase by a full 10 points. They are willing to pay such a price! The key is that the divine blood is hard to find. Just with this price, it cannot be activated easily."

   "In order to survive, they have to resist no matter how high the price is. If we really want us to contribute, we have to take an extra layer of skin from them, hmph."

   "Speaking of which, this Eternal Star System is really unlucky. It is obvious that the opponent is only a small single-life planet galaxy, but it turned out to be in such a state of distress."

   "The universe is so vast and boundless, no place should be underestimated! We can't relax just because we have a complete advantage. If we continue to intensify our efforts to attack the Sky system, we will definitely hit them with no chance of turning around!"

   "Yes, my lord!"


   At this time, many galaxies have already stared at Chen Mo.

  Even if he hasn't clearly fought with the fourth turn at this time, his current level of points alone is enough to attract everyone's attention.

   Entering the second floor, Chen Mo found that the environment on the second floor was completely different from the first floor.

  If the first floor is still a normal tower structure, the second floor is a bit inexplicable.

   In front of Chen Mo was a dense forest.

  Chen Mo immediately opened the map and took a look.

  【Tiandao reminder: You have entered the fantasy forest. The fantasy forest is divided into 100,000 grids with 1 square meter as a grid area. You can see the numbers of all the plots on the map.

  Area limitation: All spatial abilities on this layer are invalid, and you can only move at most one space per second. At the same time, the furthest attack distance of all people is reduced to 100 meters, and the maximum damage range is reduced to 1 meter.

   Every 10 seconds, the 100,000 grid area will move its overall position according to a certain law. Either rely on your luck to reach the entrance of the next floor, or try to find the law of movement. 】

   "What a dangerous map!"

   After reading the tips from Heaven, Chen Mo found that the second floor is much more dangerous than the first floor.

  After all, if the poisonous mist spreads to this layer, once the area shifts, and accidentally knocks on the grid that will be transferred to the edge area, wouldn't it be a direct loss of life?

   Fortunately, the poisonous fog is still walking slowly on the first floor.

   But the second layer is difficult for others, but it is not difficult for Chen Mo at all.

  Mo Luo's brain was running at high speed, and it directly analyzed the transmission rules of this layer of forest area.

  【Grid No. 2345 in the upper upper left area will be teleported to the area closer to the next stairway in the next teleportation. 】

  With such a powerful cheating device, Chen Mo walked to the designated position directly and easily according to the analysis of Mo Luo's brain.

  As the teleportation time expired, the surroundings trembled and changed, and Chen Mo opened the map to check again. Sure enough, he was much closer to the entrance of the next staircase shown on the map than he was just now.

  【The No. 4678 grid in the upper upper upper upper left area will be transferred to the area closer to the next stairway in the next transfer. 】

   Following the analysis of Mo Luo's brain, Chen Mo began to steadily approach the direction of the stairs on the next floor.

   At this time, most of the other people were already approaching the stairs on the next floor.

   The first person to go to the next stairway is Remembrance.

  With the source crystal of super speed, his speed is still very fast.

  As he entered the second floor, he immediately checked where Chen Mo was.

  (end of this chapter)

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