Chapter 298 Invisible prey!

  Although Remembrance can directly check the location of Chen Mo, due to the restrictions of the rules of this map area, he cannot meet Chen Mo directly. Fortunately, he also has Mo Luo brain, so he can easily deduce the rule of approaching the next staircase.

  After more than ten minutes, after experiencing 60 changes, Chen Mo found that he was ten times farther away from the stairway on the next floor than before.

   But he didn't doubt the power of Mara's brain.

If this happens, it means that the law is like this, you must go this way, otherwise other places will definitely be teleported farther, or teleported closer, but all the surrounding areas that can be walked will be more and more teleported. remote location.

  As Chen Mo spent more than 10 minutes here, many people also entered the second floor one by one.

  Heavenly Dao prompts followed by prompting the second and third entrants.

   Now the second floor is bustling.

  Originally, the second floor only had a total of 100,000 grids.

  Now there are 10,000 people in the second layer plus remembrance, and it is very difficult not to meet them.

  However, there are many people near several people, and it is not easy for everyone to shoot directly.

   At this time, there are five people around Slok.

   He looked at several people and said: "Everyone, now there is a weird second turn in our competition area, why don't we all agree not to do anything, solve the weird second turn and then fight each other?

  So many of us entered the second floor without incident, but that guy's prey, Weipa, died on the first floor. This is enough to see how weird he is! "

   I have to say that Weipa is really useful.

   And they were already very annoyed that the four-turners were leading everything in their own four-rotation zone for a second-turner.

So inviting them to deal with the second rank, in fact, most people agree, but everyone is from different galaxies, and it is impossible to trust anyone casually, talking about alliance, there may be a backstab at any time, why not It is possible to cooperate with confidence.

   Seeming to see other people's concerns, Slok continued: "We can make an agreement. If someone sneaks up behind the scenes during the joint period, then everyone will punish him! This can also serve as a deterrent."

   "It's worth a try. After all, it seems that everyone on this floor is easy to meet, and it's still not very good to do it directly."

   "Okay, then please convey the same to other people you meet, 10 seconds are coming soon."

  As soon as Slok's voice fell, the area transfer had already begun, and he was transferred to a new area, surrounded by new faces.

  When you meet someone, he is just saying what he just said.

  Anyway, there are people around at present, and it is difficult for anyone to do it easily.

  They are not easy to do it, Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi are easy to do it, but they don't think that the meat is not fat enough, so Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi didn't kill randomly.

   They still choose their own prey.

  Others, let’s raise them first.

   After all, there are very few rewards for killing targets that are not your own prey.

   At this time, Chen Mo's prey, No. 3745, has entered the second floor and experienced a regional transfer.

  From the map, the distance between him and Remembrance is very close, only a kilometer away.

Although at this level, a person can only move a distance of 1 meter per second, but the attack distance is limited, and can attack characters within a range of 100 meters at most, so even if it looks like it is only a thousand meters, it is enough to reach the range , is also unable to shoot.

  Zhou Yi tried to force the skeleton monster to shoot, but the arrow of the skeleton monster disappeared out of thin air when it flew to a distance of 100 meters.

   It can be seen that the rules of heaven are not a joke.

   I said a hundred meters, but most of the meters will not be given to you.

  Seeing this reminiscence, he temporarily gave up this prey.

   After all, when moving, you can only move 1 meter per second, and it is impossible to directly lean on the opponent.

  After 10 seconds, the teleportation happened again, and Chen Mo was still in a position far from the stairway on the next floor.

  Following Chen Mo's instructions to walk to the corresponding grid again, this time, someone actually walked to his grid and stood with him.

   However, Chen Mo is in a hidden state and has no collision volume, so the other party will naturally not feel anything.

  Chen Mo looked at the strange alien with smooth, white skin and no hair in front of him, and exhaled out the score leaderboard to check his points.

   "Only 20,000, really poor."

   Seeing this, Chen Mo had no intention of touching him.

   But if this person is lucky enough to step on a grid that is getting closer and closer to the stairs of the next floor, he will be killed. It is impossible for others to take away the first floor.

   Teleportation occurs as it occurs again.

   Sure enough, this time the opponent obviously took the wrong position.

   This is inevitable.

  If you don’t find a pattern, although you can only move up to ten grids within 10 seconds, you can choose as many as 120 grids around (no one cares about how to calculate it, I’ll talk about it later).

  The chance of being able to guess the exact location is not even 1%, so it is naturally difficult to get it right every time.

  More than a minute passed, and after several teleportations, Srock's remarks of killing first and turning second have been spread several times, which has aroused the approval of many people.

  Unfortunately, they will never find out where the so-called second turn is located in this area.

   Even Chen Mo's hunter.

   At this time, Chen Mo's hunter was less than a few hundred meters away from Chen Mo.

   But now he is at a loss.

There is no limit to the perception ability at this level, everyone can perceive any distance at will. He saw that his prey displayed on his map was 500 meters in front of him on the left, but when he sensed the past, there was nothing at all. It is inexplicable.

   Originally, he wanted to see how powerful his second-rank prey was, but he couldn't see anything.

  He almost wondered if there was something wrong with the red dot on the map.

  But after 10 seconds, the red dot representing his prey changed again. It can be seen that there should be no problem with the red dot display.

   "Could it be that he is invisible? But my perception ability can perceive the invisible state. This guy is SSS-level invisible? It seems that he must be close and use the method of breaking the invisible to see him."

  Following several rounds of block transfers, Chen Mo has taken the lead and is extremely close to the next stairway.

   And recalling met Chen Mo's prey again.

   This time, the opponent was only more than 90 meters away, completely within the attack range!

  Besides him, there are actually five or six other people within 100 meters around. Everyone can sense each other, so naturally they didn't do anything easily.

  Ke recalled ignoring the other people around him, and directly launched a fierce attack on his prey!

  (end of this chapter)

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