Chapter 299 Bizarre death event!

   Just when everyone was transferred here by the area, and they were about to see what grid they were going to, suddenly a top four rotation within their perception range was directly revived.

   "Who shot!?"

  The revived Apex Four was hit, and he looked around in shock. There were at least ten Apex Fours around him, but no one knew who made it.

   Not only was he shocked at this time, but the other ten top four revolutions around him were also shocked.

  Because they didn't see who launched the attack, how it launched the attack, and what kind of attack it launched!

   Almost in an instant, the number 3745 was taken by someone.

  Such invisible and incomparably damaging attacks really terrified everyone.

   Suddenly, everyone was in danger and looked around with extreme vigilance.

  They didn't feel that someone who had already shown up made a move.

  After all, if it was someone who can see the figure at present, everyone would have already perceived the action of this person just now.

  Since nothing has been sensed now, it is obvious that the person who took the shot is definitely hiding in the dark.

  Thinking of this, someone threw out a strange blue light, which seemed to be used to search for invisible units.

  Some people directly took out the virtual mirror, wanting to see if there is someone hiding in the void world.

  But they tried their best, but they still didn't find the existence of other people.

   "There is no hidden state, there is no void world, and there is no abnormality. Then who did it?"

   It's not just them who are curious, even some people with a wide range of perception in the distance are aware of the strangeness here, and they are incomparably surprised.

  A top four-rank powerhouse with at least a billion blood volume and tens of millions of double defenses at least, and it turned out that he was so easily defeated.

   Really monster.

  The key is that it is still impossible to see who the shooter is. No matter who senses it anyway, the result is the same, and the shooter cannot be found.

   Just when everyone was curious, No. 3745, who had just been resurrected, just got up with a flash of light, and was directly bombarded and killed again.

   Immediately, everyone was as frightened as a bird, looking around frantically, but they didn't see anything.

   "What the **** is going on? It's too scary to not see how the attack fell on him at all!"

   "The attack range is forcibly limited within 100 meters by the rules. It is impossible for someone to attack beyond 100 meters, but the perception range is not limited within 100 meters. It is impossible for us not to see someone make a move!"

   "This is really weird! Hurry up and teleport, it's too dangerous here."

   Several people want to be passed away by the rules quickly, but it is not so easy.

   There is a full 10 seconds between each area transfer, and 10 seconds is enough time to remember to shoot and kill anyone who is not invincible.

   But Reminiscence has only one target at this time and that is No. 3745.

  Originally, No. 3745 was attacked and was seconded and didn't know who shot it, but with the news that his ability was sealed, he finally knew.

   "It's number 6659! That weird second turn! Be careful with number 6659!"

  As he shouted loudly, his blood volume was emptied again.

   In the end, he died on the spot.

  He has a total of three resurrection means and three invincible means.

  Compared to the means of resurrection, recollection is naturally the invincible means of sealing him.

   Otherwise, he can easily survive 10 seconds and be transferred away directly.

   Next time, I don’t know when I will meet him again.

  Following the remembrance, all his invincible abilities were sealed away, even if the opponent was revived, it would be of no avail. He attacked violently three times in a row, and finally No. 3745 died and fell to the ground on the spot.

  As for his undead, Remembrance directly chose to disperse them. The four-turn combat power is useless, and the special undead space is not their turn.

  Because the distance was too far, Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi did not communicate with each other about the killing incident this time.

   This time, Zhuan Yi took the initiative and decided to deal with the prey.

  But it is completely in line with Chen Mo's logic, and it saves Chen Mo a lot of trouble.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have successfully killed your prey, you have obtained a hunting reward of 10,000 points, and at the same time you have obtained all the points accumulated by your prey 20,000 points! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since you killed your prey, you will inherit your prey’s prey target. Your new prey target is now number 1582. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: All data related to the dead participants of the Magic Tower Expedition will be deleted from the copy and recovered.

   The dropped items are recovered, and according to the total value of the opponent’s dropped items, you have obtained 3 million loot points!

   can be used to redeem rewards at the end of the event, please note that if you are killed, the points will also be transferred to others! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: "Zaw Claw Mama No. 3745" board and lodging contestant-level 100 (four-turn occupation, twenty-five-star occupation "Strong Mixer") has died! There are 9998 remaining contestants in the current dungeon! 】

  Following the death of No. 3745 Claw Claw, the whole magic tower exploded in an instant.

   Quite a few people just saw the death of Mama Paw.

   But how he died, no one knows, no one knows who attacked him, no one saw it.

   Under the watchful eyes of everyone, such a bizarre death happened, no matter who saw it, it would be hard to let go.

   If you want to say that he was killed by someone head-on, everyone will at most lament that the opponent is too strong. This person is not capable, and he will die if he dies.

   But now, he didn't even see where the opponent was and what kind of attack he was attacking, so he died.

   This method of death is so bizarre and terrifying that anyone who subconsciously replaces himself in the position of number 3745 will break out in a cold sweat!

  Following Mama Claw's last exclamation, everyone had a guess.

   At this time, everyone looked at the points leaderboard in unison, and they clearly saw that Chen Mo's points had reached 140,000 points.

   Exactly in line with the amount of points he would get for killing Claw Mom.

   Kill broadcasts and points changes can't fool people.

  Especially when the deceased shouted out the name of the shooter at the end, it is naturally more convincing.

  Before on the first floor, outsiders could clearly see that Wei Pa died in the air, and Chen Mo added points inexplicably.

   But the contestants in the tower didn't know how Weipa died. They just thought that the two met and Chen Mo killed Weipa, so they didn't react too much.

   It was only after Weipa's death on the first floor that they more or less affirmed Chen Mo's strength, and understood that he was capable of killing the top four ranks.

  Although I don't know why a second rank has such a powerful combat power, but the facts are in front of me, and there is no way not to believe it.

   At best, they believed that Chen Mo had the ability to kill the top four, but they never expected that the top four would die so inexplicably.

   It wasn't until the death of Mommy Claw this time that the contestants in the fourth competition area realized what kind of monster had entered this competition area!

  Some people who were far away and did not perceive what happened in the area just now, after another area transfer occurred, they also heard the message spread by people who knew about it.

  (end of this chapter)

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