Chapter 301 Anti-second transfer alliance!

  Other Alien Forces…

   "It's just a small second turn, the ability is already so incredible, if it continues to grow, wouldn't it be even more immeasurable!"

   "No wonder a small solar system can push the Eternal Star System to the point where it is today. If this person is not eliminated, it will be a permanent disaster!"

   "This is too weird, you can ignore the rules of heaven to kill people remotely? How can you say that he is only a second rank, how can he have such heaven-defying abilities?"

   "This person can no longer be viewed in terms of career changes."

   This time, no matter how unbelievable it is under the restrictions of the rules, everyone still believes that Chen Mo killed the person.

   After all, the two consecutive deaths were counted in his head, and both times were murders outside the specified distance.

   Based on these two points, it is enough to determine that this second turn of the solar system has some incredible abilities to kill enemies thousands of miles away.

  In the dungeon, Chen Mo's hunter looked at his prey with a somewhat interesting attitude, but now it is completely different.

   Ignoring the rules, killing people in the air, and even everyone present did not see any attack methods, as if this claw mother died out of thin air.

  With such an abnormal beheading ability, none of the people present dared to say that they could do it.

   "I really don't know what kind of evildoer I encountered this time! How could there be such a perverted character in the fourth-rank event dungeon, even this guy is only a second-rank!"

  In an instant, these top four-turners realized what those top two-turners had felt when they met zero-turn Chen Mo.

  In a short time, the group of the fourth rank began to convey a cooperation plan to jointly kill the weird second rank.

   Encountering such a horrible thing, everyone is naturally in danger, and they approve of this cooperation plan.

   Even those who didn’t witness this incident with their own eyes, or heard other people’s rumors, didn’t have too much doubt about this incident.

  First of all, the emergence of a rumor must have a certain purpose.

  If the purpose is to deal with a very strong fourth rank in the dungeon, it’s fine to spread a rumor and cooperate.

   But now, the rumors are only aimed at the weakest second-rank who can be destroyed by a single turn for the fourth-rank.

  Then this rumor is not necessarily a rumor.

  And the rumors about this shocking method of the second turn are not spread by one or two, but by everyone who saw it nearby.

  This is more reliable.

  Adding two consecutive floors, two people died, and the points of the two dead people were all added to Chen Mo's head, which was enough to arouse everyone's attention and suspicion.

  The authenticity of this matter naturally does not require too much doubt.

  For a while, the alliance against the weird second turn was established naturally.

  But if it is established, it is established. It is of no use to find someone.

   After inquiring and inquiring, I was stunned because I didn't inquire about anyone who had seen this weird second turn.

   It wasn't until Chen Mo's hunter, azure-type professional Nova, joined the alliance that everyone finally had a little information about Chen Mo.

  However, before everyone could probe Chen Mo through Nova's information, they received another reminder from Heaven.

[Heavenly reminder: Congratulations to solar system contestant No. 6659 for becoming the first contestant to enter the third floor of the magic tower. Since he was the first professional to enter the second floor of the magic tower before, 60,000 points will be issued to him as a reward .

  Others, please hurry up and get a good ranking first. If you get a good ranking in a row, you will increase the reward increase for the subsequent rankings.

  If the current solar system participant No. 6659 is among the top three entering participants when entering the fourth floor, he will receive an additional increase of twice the corresponding reward.

The first contestant who enters the fourth floor will get 30,000 points reward, the second contestant who enters the fourth floor will get 20,000 points reward, and the third contestant who enters the fourth floor will get 10,000 points award. 】

   "Damn it, he ran to the third floor! I don't know that the third floor still limits the range of perception. Finally, this layer does not limit the range of perception and has a chance to catch him."

   "Don't worry, since the alliance has been formed, there is always a chance to deal with him."

  While everyone was discussing, Nova remembered what happened before.

Suddenly he said with a bad face: "I saw that he was about 500 meters away from me through the coordinates of my prey, but no matter how I searched, I couldn't find his trace. This situation is different from the claws you mentioned. The situation when the claw mother was killed is very similar, she can't even see who made the move, and how she made the move, this guy probably has extremely powerful concealment methods!"

"No matter how powerful it is, it's just an SSS-level concealment method. Don't worry, there are already a few people in our alliance with extremely high-priority detection capabilities. According to them, they can detect even the top SSS-level stealth ability." , our four turns are not for nothing, comparing means, how can he compare with us?"

   "That's not bad."

  Seeing how excited the crowd was, those who didn't know thought they were preparing to form a group to challenge Rank 5.

  At this time, Chen Mo still didn't know the joint plan of these four revolutions, and he was slowly carrying out activities according to his own pace.

  As he entered the third floor of the magic tower, the environment on this floor was more restrictive than the previous two floors.

  Chen Mo just entered the third floor and appeared in a room with four teleportation arrays.

  According to the tips from Heaven, you need to step on the teleportation array on this floor to teleport all the way to the stairs on the next floor, but during this period, it is easy to step on the wrong way and teleport to various bonus rooms or trap rooms.

  However, the rooms that have been teleported will be recorded on the map, so that it is easy to sort out and find the correct teleportation array.

  This kind of testing level is too simple for Chen Mo.

   After all, he has the brain of Mo Luo, and these checkpoints are placed in front of him, as if it is a cheat for him.

  As soon as Chen Mo arrived in this room, Mo Luo's brain had already clearly analyzed the corresponding spaces of these four teleportation arrays.

   There is no difficulty at all.

  The teleportation array in the upper left corner is a trap room. After entering, you will suffer a rule-level negative BUFF, which lasts for a whole floor.

   It is a big limitation for the combat effectiveness of the contestants.

  The upper right corner is a prison room. After entering, you will be imprisoned for 10 minutes, wasting some of your time climbing the tower.

   The teleportation array in the lower left corner corresponds to the monster room. You can leave after killing the monsters. Since it is a group of ordinary monsters, there is no point reward.

  The lower right corner is the normal teleportation array leading to the next room.

  Following the perfect analysis of Mo Luo's brain, Chen Mo walked directly to the teleportation array in the lower right corner, and with a flash of light on his body, he landed directly in a new room out of thin air.

   At this time, Chen Mo opened the map to check. The room he was in before and the room he is in now are basically two neighbors, and now this room is still far away from the bright spot of the intersection on the next floor.

  (end of this chapter)

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