All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 302: Special hunting mission! (five thousand words)

  Chapter 302 Special Hunting Mission! (five thousand words)

  When Chen Mo was teleporting on the third floor, the people on the second floor were quite harmonious.

   There is a huge threat ahead, but everyone is safe and sound for the time being, and there is no incident of attacking each other.

   After all, no matter how strong the top four is, there is no ability to surpass the rules.

  This time there is such a weird and heaven-defying second turn in the event book, if he is not eradicated first, no matter how much everyone competes with each other, it will be futile.

  Now that there is an alliance, there is no need to attack each other until the weird factors are eradicated.

   They even worked together to solve the logic of the second layer of regional transfer.

  This allowed them to go to the third floor as quickly as Chen Mo.

   I have to say that many people are indeed powerful.

  However, they were solved later, while Zou Yi and Chen Mo had their own strategies in Mo Luo's brain.

   The real second person to enter the third floor should be Remembrance.

   But he does not participate in the reward calculation, so even if he enters the third floor second, it will not cause any broadcast.

  Following the memory, he entered the third floor, and he immediately learned the coordinates of Chen Mo, but the third floor was more restricted than the first two floors, and the perception ability could not be extended to the area of ​​the room where they were, and neither of them could perceive each other.

   And Chen Mo didn't even know that Remembrance had entered the third floor.

After all, he is a contestant and has his own coordinates, but the memory is just an incarnation outside the body, a copy of Chen Mo's props. Naturally, it is impossible for Tiandao to show a point for a prop, and Chen Mo naturally cannot see him through the map. coordinate of.

   Naturally, I don't know what the situation of my external avatar is at this time.

  But with the ability to hide from the sky, it is equivalent to invincibility in this event area, and Chen Mo is not worried about any problems with the memory.

  After Remembrance entered the third floor, Mo Luo's brain also immediately analyzed the action strategy for him.

  The room he was in after entering the third floor was not the first room he was in after entering the third floor with Chen Mo.

   is a room belonging to another location.

  However, no matter which room you start with, if you want to perfectly walk to the room where the next staircase is located, you have to go through 100 teleportation array selections.

   That is, pass 100 consecutive room passes to reach the next staircase.

   This may be difficult for others, but it is easy for Chen Mo.

  But Chen Mo is still wandering on the third floor.

   It's not that he's slow, it's that he's collecting bonus points.

   Not all three of the four teleportation arrays are broken every time.

  Although three of the four teleportation arrays in some rooms are not correct, there are rooms leading to the bonus room.

  Complete the events in the reward room, and you can get reward points.

  For example, the treasure chest and boss area that Chen Mo encountered before.

  The reason why Chen Mo didn't go to the next floor at the fastest speed was mainly because he wasted some time searching for these point rewards.

   At this time, he is the leader of the points list, and his points are already several times ahead of others.

  Others have tens of thousands, but he already has more than 300,000.

   Seeing his points rising wildly, many people wondered if the third tier was offering benefits.

   As a result, I came in and saw that this was not the case at all.

  After entering, you have to choose four teleportation arrays with unknown destinations. Many people stepped on the wrong first teleportation array when they came up, and directly entered the trap room or the prison room.

   Still, nearly a quarter of the people got it right.

  However, as the number of choices decreases, everyone's mentality has also changed.

   This room on the third floor gave them a lot of insecurity.

  Before, everyone could at least see each other in a big environment, but now everyone on the third floor is locked in a small room. If they encounter that weird second turn, wouldn’t they be dead?

Some people are lucky enough to be teleported to the same room, and they can be thankful that there are people around them. If there is an emergency, they can take care of them. Those who are alone feel uncomfortable in the room. Suddenly that weird second turn appeared and killed him.

   Recalling the weird killing behavior in public has aroused a sense of crisis in everyone's heart.

  Now, wherever I go, I feel that there are many crises around me.

  The most important thing is that they don't know if they are the new prey of that weird second turn.

  Although everyone has cooperated, there is a tacit agreement that no one mentions whose prey is who.

  After all, once this is mentioned, it is likely to destroy the fragile trust that has been built with great difficulty.

   If there is no summary of which number is missing, there is no chaser. Naturally, everyone is a prey, and everyone is at risk.

  At this moment, Chen Mo is still happily swiping his reward points, while Reminiscence is constantly speeding forward.

There were few reward rooms in the first few rooms, but after a while, he entered the room that Chen Mo had teleported to, and all the points and rewards had been stripped away by Chen Mo, so there was no need to waste time entering those rooms where there was nothing. Space.

   A few minutes later, Recalling has already caught up with Chen Mo's progress.

  Following Chen Mo's appearance from the bonus room, and returning to the room of the four teleportation arrays, he saw Sui Yi waiting for him in the room.

  Although the two are in the same instance, they have seen and heard differently after separation. The moment the two met, Chen Mo immediately learned about all the experiences after recalling and leaving him.

   "It's kind of interesting. You just killed two people, and you've started to form an alliance. Reminiscing, it seems that you put a lot of pressure on them."

  Chen Mo smiled and looked at Remembrance.

   "My lord, I am considering that if we want to get the most points, we must minimize their internal friction.

  My act of killing the enemy in public can put great pressure on them, forcing them to find a way to jointly deal with us. In this way, they will not kill each other and will not cause too much loss of points.

   Reminiscing made a good claim, I hope I didn't cause trouble to my lord. "Reminisce immediately said with an apologetic face.

"It's only four turns, if you form an alliance, you will form an alliance. You can't break the hidden state. No matter how many turns you make, it doesn't make any sense. Don't worry about it. You've done a good job. Just act with confidence. You and I have the same way of thinking. , I'm relieved that you make the decision.

   And I wish they could join forces. As you said, they don't fight internally, so all the points and rewards they have accumulated will eventually belong to me! "

  Chen Mo smiled and touched Zhui Yi's head.

   While speaking, the two walked to the teleportation array in the next room.

  With the addition of reminiscence, the rewards can be picked up faster. There are four teleportation arrays in one room, but if there are two reward rooms, the two of them will take them together, which also saves half of Chen Mo's time.

  If there is only one bonus room in a room, Chen Mo will save one and go to the next floor by himself, which also improves a lot of efficiency.

   Within 10 minutes, the two reached 500,000 points, but they did not break the historical record.

  Historical Records In the third tier, someone can reach 3 million points.

  However, this was mainly due to the fighting, which robbed each other of points.

  After all, how can normal activity dungeons be so harmonious? On the second floor, everyone may look at and suppress the urge to fight, but in the small room environment of the third floor, once they encounter it, they will go straight to it without saying a word.

   After all, according to the law of the dark forest, no one is sure whether other people in this room will **** him. Naturally, it is the best choice to act first when encountering them.

   Now it is purely relying on Chen Mo's terror and deterrence that these people are temporarily united like the Eighteenth Route princes against Dong Zhuo.

   And Chen Mo is still in the stage of fattening pigs, and has no intention of slaughtering and harvesting in advance, which is why the accumulation is so slow.

  If there is a ranking in the historical records that is based solely on accumulating points, Chen Mo's points on the third floor are already the highest in history.

   After a few more minutes, Chen Mo and Zou Yi had arrived at the stairwell.

The situation of other people is not so bad at this time. Since the alliance has been established, they will talk about whether the teleportation array they have checked is correct or wrong and leave a message prompt, which makes it smoother once someone enters the same room. to find the correct teleportation array.

  But compared to Chen Mohe, the ability to correct the location of the teleportation array is still much worse than that of Chen Mohe.

   Just as they were trying to move forward, Chen Mo had already received a reminder from Heaven.

[Heavenly reminder: Congratulations to solar system contestant No. 6659 for becoming the first contestant to enter the fourth floor of the magic tower. Since he was the first professional to enter the third floor of the magic tower before, 90,000 points will be issued to him as a reward .

  Others, please hurry up and get a good ranking first. If you get a good ranking in a row, you will increase the reward increase for the subsequent rankings.

  If the current solar system contestant No. 6659 is among the top three entering contestants when he enters the fifth floor, he will receive an additional reward increase of twice the corresponding reward.

The first contestant to enter the fifth floor will be rewarded with 40,000 points, the second contestant to enter the fifth floor will be rewarded with 30,000 points, and the third contestant to enter the fifth floor will be rewarded with 20,000 points award. 】

"It's too fast! What's the matter with this guy? He chose four teleportation arrays alone, and we were a group of people to eliminate the wrong answer! Why can he be so fast? It was the same on the second floor before. How could he be so fast alone? Quickly grasp the law of regional transfer?"

   Regarding Chen Mo's performance, the more people think about it, the more they feel incredible.

  But now Chen Mo's points are far ahead, and everyone doesn't care how many points he gets.

  Now the more points Chen Mo gets, the happier they are. In this way, if they have a chance to take the last blow when they jointly kill, the points reward they can get in one breath will also be massive.

  When everyone on the third floor worked together to quickly teleport to the nearest stair room, Chen Mo had already started exploring the fourth floor.

  The fourth floor is much weirder than the first three floors.

  Chen Mo had just entered the fourth floor when he encountered a fog around him.

  【Heavenly reminder: The fourth layer rules, the perception ability is completely invalid, the damage range is limited to 100 meters around the body, there will be various teleportation points and trap points in the fog, please explore and avoid them carefully. Every 10 seconds, the surrounding fog will disappear for 1 second, and you will recover your perception ability during this 1 second. Please use this second perception ability to help you avoid the surrounding areas you want to avoid. 】

   "This level is even more outrageous than the previous three levels. You can't see anything around you."

  If it wasn’t for the fact that Remembrance triggered the shared memory feature of the avatar outside of the body, Chen Mo wouldn’t even know where Remembrance was beside him at this moment.

   I can't see my fingers.

  Even if you can see the coordinates when you open the map, it is difficult to walk in a straight line when walking in this fog.

  You can only correct the route while looking at the map.

   But this is for normal people. For Chen Mo and Zou Yi who have Mo Luo's brain, it is no problem to walk to the next staircase with their eyes closed.

  The two moved forward according to the prompts given by Mo Luo's brain. If there were any teleportation points and trap points on the way, they could easily avoid them with the advance analysis of Mo Luo's brain.

   There is no need to stand in a daze for ten seconds and wait for the perception ability of that second to appear.

  However, some teleportation points lead to the reward room, and Chen Mo doesn't mind stepping on it to collect the rewards first.

   As they advanced rapidly, these four rotations on the third floor also entered the fourth floor one after another.

  As soon as they came in, they were dumbfounded.

  There is a fog around, and I can't see anything clearly.

  However, after learning that every 10 seconds can gain 1 second of perception ability, everyone's reaction was much better.

   Immediately, someone suggested that everyone walk hand in hand, so that the people in the front only need to perceive clearly that the people behind will not easily go to the wrong place.

  Although the fog restricts the ability to perceive, it does not restrict touching each other, and everyone can easily contact each other hand in hand.

  In addition, they have formed a special group for dungeons, even if they cannot see each other, they can still chat and share some information in the special group for dungeons.

I have to say that the effect of these people moving forward together is really good. As many people perceive and perceive the traps around them and share them with the people in the front, the people in the front don’t need to memorize all the trap points and teleportation at that second. Point, everyone contributes a little bit of brain power, more people have more power, it is really comparable to Mo Luo's brain.

   But it is still much worse than the real Mara brain.

  If Chen Mo hadn't wasted time going to the reward room, he would have reached the downstairs stairs long ago.

  But even if he delays so much, the speed is faster than the one who didn't step on the teleportation array later.

   But they did catch up a lot of distance.

  When Chen Mo swipe points and rewards all the way to the front of the stairs, the other four-turners are only a few minutes away from the lower stairs.

[Heavenly reminder: Congratulations to solar system contestant No. 6659 for becoming the first contestant to enter the fifth floor of the magic tower. Since he was the first professional to enter the fourth floor of the magic tower before, 120,000 points will be issued to him as a reward .

  Others, please hurry up and get a good ranking first. If you get a good ranking in a row, you will increase the reward increase for the subsequent rankings.

  If the current solar system contestant No. 6659 is among the top three entering contestants when entering the sixth floor, he will receive an additional reward increase of twice the corresponding reward.

The first contestant to enter the sixth floor will be rewarded with 50,000 points, the second contestant to enter the sixth floor will be rewarded with 40,000 points, and the third contestant to enter the sixth floor will be rewarded with 30,000 points award. 】

  As Chen Mo stepped into the sixth floor, his points have also broken through the million mark!

[Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations to solar system contestant No. 6659 for becoming the first contestant with over one million points. Now a special hunting mission is released. In the next hour, no matter who the prey is, just kill solar system contestant No. 6659 , it can get all the points of the solar system participant No. 6659. If its own prey is the solar system participant No. 6659, after killing it, it can get double points reward.

  If solar system participant No. 6659 is still not killed after one hour, he will be rewarded with one million points! 】

   "It's cheating!"

  After hearing Tiandao's prompt, Chen Mo was speechless.

   Good guy, I risked being killed by everyone, only to get a small reward of one million points in the end? Others can get all their points rewards if they kill themselves.

  Chen Mo felt that Tiandao's special hunting mission was very unfair.

  But soon Tiandao's second reminder rang, which was specifically for Chen Mo.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You are already in a special hunting mission, and you are playing the role of a public prey. Now you will be free to choose. First, the coordinates will not be disclosed to everyone, and the rewards for the mission will remain unchanged.

  Second, the coordinates are disclosed to everyone, and the rewards you can get after completing the task will be increased by 10 times. 】

   "Oh? Increased by 10 times? Wouldn't that mean you can get 10 million reward points? This reward is quite interesting."

  Just now I thought the task was unfair, but now Chen Mo thinks it is reasonable again.

   It turns out that one million is just a reward for not disclosing the coordinates. If you do not disclose the coordinates, it will not be easy for others to hunt and kill you even if they want to. It is very possible to survive for an hour. It is understandable that the reward is less.

  If the coordinates are disclosed, the danger will be greatly increased, and a reward of 10 million is very reasonable.

If other people really don't necessarily have the courage to disclose the coordinates, but Chen Mo has the rogue's hidden ability, and if he stands next to others in the open, no one can do anything to him. Such a multiple-choice question does not need to think too much, and he knows what to do. elected.

  Chen Mo immediately chose to disclose his coordinates.

  In an instant, all other contestants received the tips from Heaven.

  【Reminder from Heaven: The target of the special hunting mission has disclosed the coordinates to you. Please go to kill it as soon as possible. The remaining time of the event countdown is 59:35. 】


   At this time, many of the top four players who were rapidly approaching the entrance of the fifth floor all looked at each other inexplicably.

   "It's really shocking! How dare you disclose the coordinates to all of us? This is definitely a naked provocation! This matter is absolutely incompatible!"

   "Damn it, even though he is amazingly powerful, he shouldn't be so arrogant!"

"Quickly go to the fifth floor, and make him regret his choice! Really thought that if he could kill two top four ranks, he would be able to destroy all of us? I'm afraid he doesn't know how terrifying the army formation of top four ranks is." !"

  (end of this chapter)

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