All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 303: Reasonable analysis! (five thousand, 22)

  Chapter 303 Reasonable Analysis! (five thousand, 22)

  The fifth floor, the environment on this floor is much cleaner than the first four floors.

Surrounded by endless stairs, each flight of stairs is nearly 100 squares, there will be a platform after walking, and there are several sections of stairs around the platform. It is completed when you reach the next flight of stairs, and an event will be triggered every three flights of stairs.

  If the three flights of stairs you walk are the front stairs leading to the upper one, the event will not be triggered.

  This layer has great restrictions on mobility, you can only walk, you can't jump, you can't fly, you can't transfer space.

  If a battle occurs on this floor, the enemy's dodge ability will definitely be greatly affected. Like the third floor, it is also a good killing floor.

  Chen Mo and Zhui Yi, under the analysis of Mo Luo's brain, naturally understood which step of the stairs was correct, and they walked up directly.

   It took them about 10 minutes to move forward before a large group of people suddenly appeared on the fifth floor.

  Because Chen Mo took the initiative to choose coordinate sharing to obtain ten times the benefits, all the top four players who came to the fifth floor at this time have learned of Chen Mo's coordinate position.

  Seeing that he has already walked up the thousand-meter-high stairs, everyone immediately prepared to catch up.

   "It's a pity that this level of perception is limited, and it is impossible to directly perceive the person at that coordinate position."

   "I'll always meet him. I'm curious. Does he feel that we can't catch up with him when he shared coordinates so boldly this time, or is he really confident!"

   "According to the rules of this level, it should be relatively easy to catch up with him. After all, we have tried and made mistakes, and he is alone."

"That's what I said, but before he was very happy in areas like the second, third, and fourth floors, I always felt that he seemed to have opened his eyes and knew how to find the right route. If so, If he moves to the right position every time, I'm afraid it will be really difficult to catch him."

   "Look at the points leaderboard. His points are changing, which means that he doesn't take the correct route every time. There must be a few times where he went to the wrong position to trigger some reward events. Otherwise, the points cannot increase out of thin air."

   Seeing the change of Chen Mo's points, everyone cheered up for a while.

  If the opponent really opens their eyes and ignores the fast upper level, they really have no ability to catch up.

   But if the other party is not like this, it is very likely that he will be stuck in various events, and the opportunity to catch up with him will come.

  In a short while, everyone quickly planned the climbing plan, in order to find the correct upper route as quickly as possible.

  Due to the large number of them, there are more opportunities for trial and error than Chen Mo. It is very simple to find the correct route.

   Soon they caught up with some positions.

Although Chen Mo heard the Tiandao broadcast that people had entered the fifth floor one after another, he was not in a hurry. Unless someone chased him to the same position as him, he would rush down the stairs to take it down. Number one, otherwise he would definitely It is to mix the points rewards that can be mixed in this layer first.

  With the cooperation of Remembrance, the speed of the two of them getting rewards is not slow.

   After chasing for about 10 minutes, these talents finally got close to Chen Mo, but there was still a lot of distance.

   "Damn it, how could it be so fast!? This guy's speed seems to be unaffected while taking rewards. It's too outrageous."

   "As expected of a second-rank player who dared to enter the fourth-rank competition area, his ability is really amazing and inexplicable!"

   Someone couldn't help but praise Chen Mo.

  Although it is impossible not to kill such a pervert, the opponent's ability is still admirable.

After another 5 minutes, everyone saw that Chen Mo's coordinates were approaching, and felt that they were finally catching up. As a result, there were no reward events on the next dozen stairs. Chen Mo passed all the stairs quickly without stopping, and then went to the next floor went.

[Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations to solar system contestant No. 6659 for becoming the first contestant to enter the sixth floor of the magic tower. Since he was the first professional to enter the fifth floor of the magic tower before, 150,000 points will be issued to him as a reward .

  Others, please hurry up and get a good ranking first. If you get a good ranking in a row, you will increase the reward increase for the subsequent rankings.

  If the current solar system contestant No. 6659 is among the top three entering contestants when entering the seventh floor, he will receive an additional reward increase of twice the corresponding reward.

The first contestant who enters the seventh floor will get 60,000 points reward, the second contestant who enters the seventh floor will get 50,000 points reward, and the third contestant who enters the seventh floor will get 40,000 points award. 】

   Seeing Chen Mo enter the seventh floor, these top four ranks are not only not disappointed, but some people feel a little lucky.

   This is mainly because the previous Chen Mo felt too mysterious and invincible.

   Ignore the rules and kill people thousands of miles away, and when they kill, they are also invisible and invisible, without a trace.

   These two points are enough to scare many people.

  However, after the first two deaths and no further casualties, everyone analyzed some information.

That is, his method of killing people thousands of miles away should not be able to be used when everyone forms an army formation and gathers together completely. Otherwise, why would he, who has such unpredictable abilities, not be able to use it in the next few floors? Isn't it strange to have killed someone again?

   If you don’t have enough dislike points, it’s absolutely impossible.

   There are murderers on the first and second floors, how many points are there at that time?

   So this reason is ruled out.

  After Chen Mo's various performances, it can be said that everyone's analysis is logical.

  Through analyzing them, Chen Mo didn't look at the points the other party had when he killed the prey. He would definitely kill his own prey if he had the chance.

  At the same time, I also know that Chen Mo has the abnormal ability to kill enemies thousands of miles away without a shadow and invisible.

   But at the same time, he never killed the third prey.

  This means that his ability to kill thousands of miles without a trace is probably limited.

   Someone analyzed that perhaps as long as there are other people around the target he wants to kill, his invisible and invisible means will be ineffective.

   Otherwise, why did he never make a move once everyone got together?

  After an analysis, this group of people analyzed Chen Mo's ability according to their own understanding.

   And it all sounds logical.

   But even so, they still have an inexplicable fear of Chen Mo.

   After all, what was analyzed was only a rough guess. No one knew the real reason why Chen Mo stopped doing anything suddenly.

  Unless he has thoroughly figured out his ability to kill people thousands of miles away without a shadow or a shadow, everyone will always be afraid of Chen Mo.

  Especially just now Chen Mo dared to disclose his coordinates to everyone. This is really too audacious. They asked themselves, if they encountered this special hunting mission, would they dare to share the coordinates?

  The answer in their hearts is absolutely not.

If it is one-on-one, everyone still has a certain degree of confidence in their own strength, and does not feel that their combat power is weaker than any other top four, but those who do not have this mentality and strength will not have the courage to enter this event dungeon Yes, but if one person faces a lot of top powerhouses, then no one has the confidence to deal with it.

   What's more, after the coordinates are disclosed, I am in the open and the enemy is in the dark, and it is easy to be assassinated by various sneak attacks. Who dares to disclose it?

When they themselves felt that they dared not, it turned out that the second rank who was the weakest among the top four ranks dared to disclose it. At that moment, they felt as if there was an inexplicable invincible aura coming from afar. The place is coming.

  Because of this incident, everyone felt even more inexplicable fear of Chen Mo.

   The closer to Chen Mo's coordinates, the deeper the fear.

   Even if you embolden yourself by mixing in the crowd, whoever is afraid knows it.

But just when they thought that they were about to meet this mysterious strong man with an invincible posture, they found that the other party was still walking around, but when they got close to him, he suddenly flew away from himself and others.

   Isn’t this behavior like encountering a strong enemy, feeling dangerous and fleeing quickly?

  As soon as they saw this scene, everyone felt an oppressive breath in their hearts, and most of them were relieved.

  At first, I really thought that I had encountered a mysterious and powerful enemy who was not afraid of anything, but I never thought that the other party was also afraid, and ran away after seeing so many people.

   "Why did he suddenly speed up?"

   "Isn't it because we are close to being scared?"

   "We have his coordinates, but he doesn't have ours. How does he know that we are approaching? The perception ability is all limited, and the visual range is also limited. He should not be able to see us."

   "Ghost knows, have you forgotten that he can ignore the rules and kill people thousands of meters away? Then there is nothing strange about the perception of ignoring the rules."

   "That's true, and it doesn't necessarily mean ignoring the rules of perception. It may not necessarily be that there are his prey coordinates among such a large group of people."

   "Shouldn't I be excited to kill only seeing the coordinates of my prey? How can I run faster?"

"Just like what we analyzed before, even though he has the ability to kill enemies thousands of miles away, this ability may become invalid when there are many people. Now he is not daring to kill, but running away. Does it just testify to our thoughts?"

"It seems that we did the right thing in choosing the alliance, otherwise all of us would be defeated one by one by him, but how would he know about our alliance? Our alliance was not fully achieved after he entered the third floor Is it? Just a few people walked together before."

   "It is estimated that as the one just said, he has the perception ability to ignore the rules. When he finds that a large number of us live in harmony, he knows that we are united. Feeling invincible, he quickly retreated."

   "It would be great if that was the case. I used to think that this guy is really fearless. Now I can rest assured that he is still a normal person after all."

   "Since the fourth rank, I have never been so nervous. I never dreamed that after the fourth rank, I would be forced to this level by a second rank!"

   "Who would have thought of this situation?"

"Although he will also feel scared, there is no doubt that he can ignore the rules and kill people thousands of miles away. No matter what reason we are now causing him to be afraid to shoot again, at least before he dies, we The alliance cannot be broken."

  Seeing that everyone saw that Chen Mo was afraid of running away, the originally extremely tense spirit relaxed and began to act a little frivolous. Immediately, someone raised a warning, for fear that this fragile alliance would be broken.

  If you want to break it, you have to kill the weird second turn first.

   As for his vigilance, everyone naturally agrees. Even if the other party really escapes because of the large number of people on his side, it is far from the time to be happy and careless.

  Chen Mo didn't expect that because there were only bad incidents in the next few steps, he didn't bother to stop and go upstairs quickly. This incident could be misunderstood by others as being afraid of running away, and he analyzed it for a while.

  In fact, they should thank Chen Mo that his prey was in the path-finding echelon and hadn't caught up yet. Otherwise, if he was in the first echelon and got so close to Chen Mo, Chen Mo would definitely choose to leave memories and take him away.

  He didn't kill, just because he didn't meet him along the way.

   But at least this behavior of his brought a little psychological comfort to the top four players who had been in a state of anxiety.

   It was because his previous behavior gave him a too strong sense of crisis and oppression.

   Entering the sixth floor, Chen Mo found himself in a familiar environment.

   That is the honeycomb maze that I encountered in the dungeon before.

   It happened again this time.

[Tiandao Tip: The rules of this floor limit the perception ability and various spatial abilities. This floor no longer provides the coordinate point display of the stairs on the next floor and the map information of this floor. Please rely on your own memory and spatial imagination to find the correct location. to the next flight of stairs. 】

  The honeycomb maze is much more difficult to walk than the previous four teleportation array rooms.

   In the rooms of the four teleportation arrays, at least every time there is an error in the teleportation, the event in the wrong room will be processed and then immediately return to the original room, quickly eliminating a wrong option.

  The honeycomb maze is in the six directions of the hexagonal small room, no matter which direction you go, there will be a path to continue forward.

  You may have to walk a lot of areas before you suddenly realize, oh, I went wrong.

  Even after you go wrong, because you have passed through a large number of identical hexagonal rooms before, you completely lose your bearings.

   This is quite a time-wasting level.

  Of course, if you obediently make various marks every time you pass a room, it will help you get out of the predicament quickly even if you go wrong.

   Under the analysis of Mo Luo's brain, Chen Mo continued to move forward according to a clear route.

   Three minutes after he entered the sixth floor, a group of people broke in on the sixth floor soon.

   As a result, as soon as I came in, I saw such a troublesome maze, and I didn't have most of the map information, so everyone was a headache.

   Fortunately, it is still time for the special hunting mission. Although everyone can only see a piece of darkness when they open the map, they can see a light spot in action in the darkness.

   This spot of light is naturally Chen Mo.

"Let's rely on the position of his light spot to draw the forward route, and select a few people to record his action route in real time. As for how to choose the route he walked before, we can only investigate by splitting up. Remember to leave more records Well, it’s convenient to sort out together.”

   "That's great, so we can catch up with him quickly and finish him off early."

  After the discussion, everyone immediately took action quickly.

   After all, they are all top four ranks, and their mobility is still very good.

  Chen Mo ignored the fourth-rankers who had entered the sixth floor, and continued to follow his own steps, advancing while earning rewards.

   Such a complex beehive maze, they don't have an accurate route, it's hard to catch up, Chen Mo doesn't need this.

  Because of Chen Mo's behavior, there are actually many waste lines on his route, so that the people who recorded his actions also recorded several waste lines.

Those few lines were not considered waste lines at first, at least leading to the area with rewards, but now the rewards have been emptied by Chen Mo, and they followed, there is nothing else except to see the empty room .

  However, the top four-turn powerhouses also have their own abilities. Many people will draw a circle in the area he just passed to mark the reward room according to the changes in Chen Mo's scoreboard, indicating that this route does not necessarily need to be followed.

  Experienced a confused area at the beginning, and because of the route map of Chen Mo's route recorded manually by themselves in the latter area, everyone's actions naturally became much smoother.

   But the more so, the more amazed they were.

  Because they analyzed Chen Mo's route and found that Chen Mo's route, except for the route with reward rooms, was almost a perfect and correct route, and there was no detour to even a useless room.

   This is very surprising.

   It stands to reason that everyone has no other shortcuts for this kind of honeycomb maze except to try their best to quickly explore and mark them to analyze them one by one.

  But this second-ranker was able to find all the correct routes and reward rooms completely accurately, which is really unbelievable, as if he has a complete strategy for clearing the level.

   Now, many people have completely confirmed that Chen Mo has the ability to ignore rules.

  After all, his killing ability has been analyzed as a killing ability that ignores the rules before, and it is completely useless to install him with a perception ability that ignores the rules.

   Not to mention, as soon as this ability is pressed, Chen Mo's behavior becomes much more reasonable in an instant.

   Everyone naturally felt that such a statement was very reasonable for a while.

  In addition to Chen Mo's fast running performance on the previous level, they all testify that he can ignore the rules to perceive.

   But the more this is the case, the more difficult it is for them to catch up with each other.

   After all, the other party has the eyes of the sky, but they are all limited in perception, so they can see a coordinate. What if they encounter a floor with abnormal rules?

  Thinking of this, the pace of everyone catching up with Chen Mo is naturally faster.

   But this time, even though they were chasing very quickly, they were still a little short, only five rooms away, and Chen Mo had already reached the last staircase.

   It can be said that the distance is very short. With an accurate route, it takes less than half a minute to walk through the five rooms.

   But at this time, Chen Mo had already reached the next floor, and there were only ten minutes left before the hunting mission.

[Tips from heaven: Congratulations to solar system contestant No. 6659 for becoming the first contestant to enter the seventh floor of the magic tower. Since he was the first professional to enter the sixth floor of the magic tower before, 180,000 points will be issued to him as a reward .

  Others, please hurry up and get a good ranking first. If you get a good ranking in a row, you will increase the reward increase for the subsequent rankings.

  If the current solar system participant No. 6659 is among the top three competitors when entering the eighth floor, he will receive an additional reward increase of twice the corresponding reward.

The first contestant who enters the eighth floor will get 70,000 points reward, the second contestant who enters the eighth floor will get 60,000 points reward, and the third contestant who enters the eighth floor will get 50,000 points award. 】

  Hearing the hint from Heaven, they couldn't help rushing to the stairs on the next floor, while praying that the rules on the seventh floor would be more suitable for killing, and they couldn't let the opponent continue to run ahead.

  Although even without this hunting mission, they still have Chen Mo's hunter and will not lose Chen Mo's coordinate position, but the points rewards that can be obtained for killing Chen Mo are different.

  Currently, Chen Mo has reached 2 million points. Whether it is his original hunter or not, killing him can perfectly inherit the point rewards, which can be described as a huge profit.

  (end of this chapter)

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