All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 304: Break the cognition! (five thousand words)

  Chapter 304 Breaking cognition! (five thousand words)

   Entering the seventh floor really fulfilled their wish.

[Heavenly reminder: This layer will disable the map and disable all sensory abilities. All senses can learn information within a range of 100 meters at most, and all damage abilities can only affect a range of 100 meters. The area covers an area of ​​1,000 square meters, and there is a clear staircase in each area.

   After entering this floor, the contestants will be randomly sent to an area. There are at most one hundred contestants in each area, and the area they are in cannot be changed during this period.

   After staying in any area for 20 minutes, the contestants can step on the stairs in this area and enter the next floor.

  In the area, every 30 seconds, the contestants will experience various random reward events. When experiencing the random reward event space, the external time only passes 10 seconds each time. 】

   It can be seen from the rules of heaven that this floor is actually a very good space to earn points and rewards.

   After all, random events are stable reward events, so it is naturally convenient to collect rewards.

  However, this limited range is also the space where battles are most likely to occur.

  There are a hundred people within an area of ​​only 1,000 square meters, and a bunch of people with competitive relationships are crowded together, which is always easy to cause fights.

  Of course, such a thing will not happen this time.

   At least not before Chen Mo died.

   When checking the rules of Heaven, Chen Mo found that the random allocation on the seventh floor actually allocated memories directly to other areas.

  The main thing is that Remembrance is in a special status, it is not only Chen Mo's prop, but also a unique unit.

  Although he won't display coordinates, he is able to independently enter various bonus spaces.

  Under this random allocation rule, he was also naturally included.

  As Chen Mo entered the seventh floor first, 30 seconds later, other contestants followed suit and came to the seventh floor.

  As soon as they came in, these people were randomly assigned to each area.

  No matter how they are randomly assigned, because the upper limit of a single area is 100 people, so as long as they are in the same area as Chen Mo, at most 99 people will come in, which means that they cannot form a battle formation.

  At this time, Chen Mo and Zhui Yi had entered the event space because they reached 30 seconds, but they didn't know the situation outside.

  As soon as he entered the seventh floor and saw the rules, someone immediately said: "The map information on this floor is disabled. Isn't it impossible for us to see his coordinates?"

   "It doesn't matter. Each area is limited to one hundred people, and one hundred areas. If we have so many people, we will definitely have the area where he is vacant. It is not a hundred people. It is relatively easy to judge."

"That's true. It's just that the situation is not very good. This level is still very beneficial to him. No matter how we allocate our people, as long as he is in the area, we can't gather a hundred people, and we can't open it." Army array."

   "This is really troublesome!"

  After entering the seventh floor and being completely randomly assigned, everyone immediately exchanged information quickly through the copy exchange group, and completed the analysis of the situation.

  At this time, besides Chen Mo, there are still 9997 contestants. That is to say, if one hundred areas are randomly allocated, there will obviously be a few areas that cannot be fully allocated.

   In addition to this, the area where Chen Mo is located cannot be fully allocated, so it is relatively easy to analyze which area Chen Mo is in.

  According to the statistics, there are only three areas that are not full, each with 99 people, and the remaining 97 areas are full.

  Since it is full, there is no possibility of Chen Mo existing in that area.

  Chen Mo will only exist in the three understaffed areas.

   Seeing this, the people in the under-represented area are full of panic at this time.

   After all, they only have 99 people now, and they can't form a battle formation at all.

   Once you encounter that weird second turn, it's hard to say what will happen.

  Although there is no situation where the opponent faces multiple top four-rank powerhouses at the same time and kills them head-on.

   But the other party has the ability to kill people thousands of miles away without a shadow and invisible, regardless of the rules. Who knows how many other abilities he has!

  Thinking of this, these people are naturally full of all kinds of vigilance about their surroundings.

  Everyone in the chat group also reminded people in the three areas to observe carefully and be extra careful.

  Although they said so, the people in these three areas tried their best to detect any hidden characters around them.

   "Can't detect it? Aren't there people among you who claim to be able to break the top SSS-level stealth ability? How can it not be detected?"

   "There are such people in Areas 2 and 3, but not in Area 1."

  Everyone has divided the three areas that may have Chen Mo into areas 1, 2, and 3.

  After a search, the people in the second and third areas who have the highest priority means of breaking the stealth at the SSS level have all been investigated, and no one in the stealth state has been found around.

  In the end, there is no other possibility except that Chen Mo may be hiding in the No. 1 area.

  In an instant, the people in Area No. 1 shrank into a pile, and they all looked around vigilantly, everyone was in danger.

In the chat group, other people were quite speechless about this situation. They all lamented that the luck of the second round was too good. There were only three suspicious areas in total. How could he be assigned the highest priority? What about the area of ​​detection means?

   In fact, it was not such a coincidence that Chen Mo was actually assigned to a group of people with top SSS-level detection methods.

   What's even more outrageous is that there are still a hundred contestants assigned to the area where Remembrance is located.

   It can be seen that his existence is indeed a special unit form.

  A region is regulated to have a maximum of 100 contestants, but there is no regulation on the number of special units.

  This led to the existence of one hundred and one people in this area.

  But because of the rules at this level, everyone basically relaxed their vigilance in the area where the Hundreds exists.

  Because at least that weird second turn was not in the same area as them.

   And knowing that the opponent can't use the method of killing the enemy thousands of miles away when the crowd is gathered, then your own group of hundreds is safe.

  The only thing to worry about now is whether he will have any other special means when he is nearby.

  So the area where the three ninety-nine people are most vigilant is.

   Soon, Chen Mo and Zhui Yi came out of the reward space one after another.

  As soon as they came out, they saw a large number of people around them.

  However, since the map is disabled, they have to identify whether there is their prey in the crowd one by one.

  Within one hundred areas, it is quite difficult to just assign one's prey to the same area as oneself.

  Chen Mo didn't find any prey here, but Zou Yi was lucky. Chen Mo's prey No. 1582 happened to be in his area.

  Seeing that there are prey around, the memory is naturally not polite.

  Following his thought, the hundreds of millions of skeleton monsters who are always around him shot towards the number 1582.

  At first, everyone was still concentrating on checking the situation in the chat group on the Tiandao interface, but suddenly a golden light shone in the crowd, and everyone looked in the direction of the golden light in shock.

   "No. 1582, what are you doing?"

At this time, No. 1582 was stunned first, and then said in horror: "It's him, it's him who made the move! In just a moment, I was revived. Fortunately, I use my invincible skills quickly, otherwise I'm afraid I won't even I don’t even have a chance to speak, so please bless me with some buffs!”


  Everyone around was inexplicably horrified.

   "Shot? Who shot? The second turn? How is it possible? Our place is full!"

   Everyone's faces were full of incredible expressions.

  Everyone didn't understand the current situation for a while, and they didn't dare to apply buffs to No. 1582.

  What if a group of people put various powerful buffs on him, and he uses this move to counter-kill the people around him?

  After all, we are all people from different galaxies, and we can unite only because we have a common enemy. During this period, it is possible for any person with ulterior motives to appear.

  Because this area is full of people at this time, No. 1582 suddenly said that he was attacked by that weird second turn. Is this possible?

   To be honest, it is really possible, after all, that guy has the ability to kill people thousands of miles away by ignoring the rules.

   But the possibility of this happening at this time is very low.

   After all, Chen Mo hasn't killed anyone for a long time.

   After everyone's analysis, it was because the crowd gathered that his means could not be used.

  If he can kill in the crowd now, he could kill before.

  Combined with the fact that he killed the first person and the second person without looking at the points at all, and he killed them directly, and analyzed that he didn't look at the points when killing the first person, and killed as much as he wanted.

   This combination makes it very strange that Chen Mo has been able to kill but not kill.

  So it also led to the current situation, and the fact that No. 1582 was attacked is also very strange.

It stands to reason that if Chen Mo has the ability to kill enemies thousands of miles away in a crowd, after killing the first two, the third person should die soon after, but he didn't die in a daze, and there have been no casualties And dangerous all the way to the seventh floor.

   As a result, at this time, suddenly that weird second turn made a move against the people in the crowd?

   This matter is so strange no matter how you look at it.

  This is why everyone didn't fully trust the number 1582 for a moment.

   After all, everything is logical.

  Obviously, the reason has been analyzed and understood before, but it is too illogical that someone in the crowd was killed at this time.

   Naturally, it is hard to believe.

  Seeing that I clearly stated that I was attacked and asked for help from the people around me, but I saw a group of suspicious looks. No. 1582 is dying at this time, so there are so many people around me who think so much.

  He simply wants to ask for help now.

   "What are you doing in a daze?"

  He didn't even understand what these suspicious eyes meant.

  At the moment of life and death, people’s minds are all about asking for help, how can they think how strange and illogical it is for me to say that I was attacked by Chen Mo at this moment.

  As a result, the more anxious he was, the more people around felt that his trick had been exposed.

  Although everyone didn't think that he alone could kill ninety-nine of them by eating the buffs given by a large number of them.

  But in this event, since the weird character with the second turn of pervert has already appeared, it is not impossible for some other heaven-defying characters to appear.

  Naturally, it is impossible for everyone to shoot themselves in the foot by lifting a rock, adding benefits to others to kill themselves.

   At this time, No. 1582 is in a hurry.

  Now my three life-saving abilities have been completely sealed, and the only remaining undead ability has been directly typed out.

  At present, you can only rely on three more invincible skills to continue your life.

  But the three invincible skills can't last 10 seconds at most!

   "That turn two shot, why are you all staring blankly? Are you all scared to death? At least you have to explore it."

   Seeing everyone around him staring blankly at him, the No. 1582 roared with a burst of mentality.

  Hearing this, the person with the highest-priority detection ability immediately carried out the detection.

   It turns out that I was stunned and found nothing.

   Now the image of No. 1582 self-directed and self-acted is even deeper.

Because according to their previous analysis of Chen Mo's behavioral logic, his ability to kill enemies thousands of miles away cannot be used in a crowd, and whether he has other abilities that can kill people in a crowd at close range is not known yet, maybe there is Maybe not, just treat it as if he has, then he has to come to his side first.

  But each area on the seventh floor has a hundred people, and they are obviously full of people here. Even if they can ignore the rules according to the abnormal performance of the weird second turn, it is better for him to ignore the rules on this floor.

   But he obviously came to this level first, he can ignore the rules, others can't.

If it is said that other people come first and a hundred people stay in an area, it is understandable that he can ignore the rules and join in to become one hundred and one people, but if he comes first, then for others, the area he is in There should be one person, and there should be at most ninety-nine people in this area.

  According to logic, this is the correct inference.

  But it is not impossible to force him to say that even if he exists, he will not be recognized by the rules, and it is not impossible to force a hundred people into the area where he already exists.

   But this statement is a bit too far-fetched.

  People still don't quite agree with it, and naturally they don't really believe that this situation has happened.

   And after using the highest priority detection ability in the SSS class, no other figure was found, and the fact that Chen Mo existed around a hundred of them was even more unbelievable.

  Because the performance of Chen Mo mentioned in No. 1582 does not conform to everyone's previous inferences, naturally it is difficult for everyone to believe him.

   At this time, No. 1582 was complaining incessantly.

  Obviously I was beaten up, why do everyone just refuse to believe in themselves? Don't you all know that the second turn has the ability to kill the enemy thousands of miles away?

   After he had no choice but to put another invincible up on himself, in order to save his life, he could only disclose all his information to the outside world.

   Compared with the safety of life, self-information is still a fart?

  Although it is said that if you expose all your information now, and then fight against others, it is equivalent to a blind man beating a discerning man, which is very disadvantageous, but there is no way to do it.

  Compared to dying later or dying now, he would rather choose to die later!

  Perhaps because of his exposure behavior, everyone thinks he is less threatening. It is not impossible to kill other people who are more threatening first after he is fattened up.

  No matter what happens next, he must save his life now!

  After No. 1582 shared all his attributes in the chat group, everyone around him knew what happened to him.

  I saw that his three powerful life-saving abilities were completely sealed, and the only remaining immortal ability also entered the cooldown. Of the three invincible skills, only two invincible skills were left to continue his life.

   It can be seen that his life-saving ability is really exhausted.

  It is impossible for a person to consume his life-saving ability even if he wants to consume it by himself. In addition, he has completely disclosed all his attributes. It can be seen that he is really in desperate need of rescue.

  Finally everyone chose to believe him, and all kinds of buff skills fell on No. 1582 one after another.

  Seeing the people around making troubles, Reminiscing was a little upset. If he didn't get half of the points for killing them now, he would have killed everyone around him.

  He ignored the buffs applied by these people. Anyway, under the Almighty Transformer, the skeleton monsters deal real damage, and any damage reduction and shield capabilities are useless.

   Unless it is the ultimate damage reduction and true damage shield.

   But this ability is very rare.

  Especially for the final damage reduction, the damage reduction rate will generally not exceed 50%. Hundreds of millions of skeleton monsters are really hurt, even if it is only 50% damage, it is enough to kill 1582 seconds.

  Adding these things is useless.

   As for the invincibility effect, no one is willing to use it for others. If it is your turn after No. 1582 is killed, isn’t it just making yourself guilty by giving this life-saving means to others?

  In the end, although everyone made a move, it only added a lot of resistance and fleshiness to No. 1582.

   But these gains did not play any role.

   "Army...Army formation..." Before dying, the dark voice wanted to call someone to form an army formation, but it was too late. By the time everyone realized that he was going to form an army formation, his invincible time had already arrived.

   At the moment when No. 1582's final invincibility time ended, black mist suddenly appeared on his body, and then the black mist dissipated, and he died on the spot.

   "Dead...dead!? Is this dead?" Everyone looked at No. 1582's body in horror.

   "It's really just like the rumors, silent, without any trace, you can kill the enemy thousands of miles away! It's... so scary!"

   "This is too strong, doesn't it mean that he can easily kill the person he wants to kill regardless of whether there are people around?"

   Everyone looked at each other for a while, as if their throats were blocked by something, and they dared not speak any more. If they continued to analyze, the other party's strength made them despair.

  At this moment, they just feel like they are on their backs, as if they could be the next one at any time.


   The strength of the fourth turn is too weak, and the special undead of No. 1582 will be scattered directly in Reminiscence.

  As for using the newly learned reanimation skills to make him the strongest special undead, this ability is almost meaningless and not qualified enough.

   Soon, Chen Mo received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have successfully killed your prey, you have obtained a hunting reward of 10,000 points, and at the same time you have obtained all the points accumulated by your prey, 50,000 points! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since you killed your prey, you will inherit your prey’s prey target, and your new prey target is now No. 369. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: All data related to the dead participants of the Magic Tower Expedition will be deleted from the copy and recovered.

   Recycling the dropped items is complete. According to the total value of the opponent’s dropped items, you have obtained 4 million loot points!

   can be used to redeem rewards at the end of the event, please note that if you are killed, the points will also be transferred to others! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: "Dark Sound · No. 1582" thousand machine series contestant-level 100 (four-turn occupation, twenty-five-star occupation "Death and Life Prisoner") has died! There are 9997 remaining contestants in the current dungeon! 】

   Following his death, everyone on the seventh floor was in an uproar!

  Because recalling this killing behavior broke all their previous inferences!

   It is clear that he ignores the rules and is limited in his ability to kill others thousands of miles away?

  How suddenly he shot and killed another person in the crowd, this is too weird!

  And why did he make a move at this time?

   This is even more confusing to everyone.

  If a person can kill thousands of miles away, and at the same time does not require any points for the target being killed, why didn't he kill before?

   This is really a huge logical challenge for people who speak logic.

   Everyone couldn't figure out the logic of Chen Mo's behavior.

   And Chen Mo also behaved in the same way, but it made everyone more afraid.

  An enemy that can be analyzed, even if he is very strong, is not that scary, at least you can have a little confidence in facing him.

   But encountering an enemy that you can't analyze at all, that's really scary.

  Because you don't know what the other person's behavior pattern is at all, and what you are facing is a completely unknown fear!

  (end of this chapter)

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