Chapter 305 Like a light on his back! (two in one)

   With the long-lost third dead appeared.

   This time it seemed even more bizarre.

  People in the dungeon cannot see Chen Mo's position, but people outside the dungeon can see it clearly.

  Obviously knowing that Chen Mo was not within the range of the centurion, but someone in the centurion was still killed.

   Originally, they were also very strange that Chen Mo had not killed anyone in so many layers.

  Many people guessed the same as everyone in the dungeon.

  Because they obviously found that these four rotations are combined.

  At the beginning, they were shocked by the combination of four rotations.

   After all, as a bystander, there is no intuitive feeling of fear like those in authority.

  Especially when they watched two consecutive scenes of Chen Mo killing people in the air.

  During the first round, the four-rotors didn’t intend to form a group, but after the second round, the four-rotors formed a group

  As for the four turns in the dungeon, they only intuitively felt one, and the performance of this one was extremely terrifying.

   That was when no attack was seen at all, and the person died just like that.

  The viewer looks at the thumbnails outside and cannot find the details at all.

  They simply saw people die, but they didn't know how they died.

   Naturally, it is impossible to truly feel the horror in it.

  So for the reaction that two people died, a lot of four-turns were directly combined, and the audience still felt a little miraculous.

   No matter how you say it, there are a lot of top four turns, how come two people are killed and they start to huddle together?

   This somewhat surprised everyone.

  After all, although Chen Mo's performance is outstanding and somewhat weird, it is not possible to force everyone to agree to join forces so quickly.

  Are there not those peerless geniuses who look down on the world in the top four turns?

   It stands to reason that everyone feels that they are not weaker than talents.

   It turned out that they were united so thoroughly for a while.

   This is the strangest point for the audience to watch.

  Not only ordinary viewers, but even high-level people were surprised when they saw it.

  They knew that there was such a weird second turn, and as he continued to perform, the rest of the people would definitely need to gather together to deal with him, but they never expected that these people would gather so early.

  With the gathering of the top four players, Chen Mo's performance afterward seemed relatively mediocre.

  Because the audience discovered that Chen Mo, who was able to ignore the rules and kill thousands of miles away, had never killed anyone since then.

  At this time, they felt that it was really reasonable for the top four ranks to unite in advance.

   At least prevented the opponent from attacking thousands of miles away.

   At the same time, everyone who thought Chen Mo was weird and unpredictable before immediately gave a lower evaluation to Chen Mo's performance of admitting he was afraid to continue to make a move.

   This is suitable for Chen Mo, who was considered by everyone to be extremely powerful and extremely strange. It turned out to be nothing more than that. Once they unite, any means of killing people thousands of miles away will be useless, and they are too scared to make a move.

  With this mentality, everyone has maintained it all the way to the current fifth floor.

  It wasn't until Chen Mo chose to disclose the coordinates that everyone had a different view on Chen Mo's previous behavior of shrinking.

   But some people think that Chen Mo already knows that the other party and others are united. Anyway, after these people unite, there will always be hunters who know his coordinates, so they don't care whether the public discloses their coordinates.

  As someone put forward this argument, this made the evaluation that had just improved a lot weaker.

   After that, it wasn't until Chen Mo's kill on the seventh floor that everyone really shut up.

  Whether it was thought that Chen Mo was cautious because of insufficient strength, or that his ability was limited because of the large number of people, or that he dared not face many top four-rank alliances, all these arguments disappeared at this moment.

   This time, the people were killed in the crowd.

   Even when he was killed, Chen Mo's coordinates were still far away from this person.

   This shows from the side that Chen Mo's ability to kill people thousands of miles away has no restrictions at all.

   At this time, everyone couldn't help being as curious as the people in the dungeon, why didn't Chen Mo make a move before?

  No matter who it is, they are extremely puzzled at this moment.

  Because the biggest starting point of this doubt is that Chen Mo has his own prey on the first and second floors.

   No idea of ​​picking points at all.

  He didn't make any more shots until everyone on the second floor united. This will naturally make people think that he was cowardly before, or that his means were limited and he couldn't make any shots.

   But now the family is still in the crowd, and they were killed thousands of miles away.

  This is really confusing.

   With Chen Mo's performance this time, the people on Earth became more and more excited. They were somewhat slanderous about Chen Mo's lack of action for a long time before, but now they are all cheering for Chen Mo's awesomeness.

  In the academy alliance headquarters, the three leaders all looked at with smiles on their faces. Chen Mo's ability has far exceeded their cognition. The more so, the happier they are.

  The one who reacted completely differently from them was Yongxing Galaxy, and their expressions were extremely ugly at this time.

   Originally seeing Chen Mo's cowardly behavior, they still felt that no matter how strong Chen Mo was, he still had weaknesses after all.

   But in the end, he slapped him directly, defeating this argument.

  Where are there any weaknesses and restrictions, people can shoot if they want to, and they can do whatever they want. There is no other reason for not making a move before, it is simply that they don't want to make a move.

  The already strong sense of crisis is now even stronger. This person's immortality will really make people sleepless in the future!

   Not only the Eternal Star Galaxy thinks this way, but also other powerful galaxies that will enter the second area in the future.

  Second turned stronger to such a perverted level, which has never happened since ancient times.

  If it weren't for the supernatural power of the fifth rank, they would have wondered whether Chen Mo would be able to beat part of the fifth rank by the third rank.

   Outside the dungeon, there was an uproar because of Chen Mo this time, so the inside of the dungeon was naturally even more sensational.

  Chen Mo's behavior this time overturned all the previous inferences, and everyone fell into panic without any sense of security.

  Even though there are people everywhere, it still makes people feel a chill all over their bodies.

  Just before Anyin died, she fully announced her attributes in the dungeon exchange group.

  Based on his announced attributes and abilities, it can be seen that he has extremely strong combat effectiveness.

   And the life-saving ability is not bad, so it is still very easy to be killed.

   This is really scary.

  Everyone present couldn't help but subconsciously compared themselves with Anyin. Many of them had similar life-saving abilities as Anyin. They couldn't help wondering whether they could survive the mysterious attack if they were the ones who were targeted just now.

   But the answer is no.

   Everyone's life-saving ability is similar. If he can't survive, why should he survive?

   What happened to the second turn, the strength is too terrifying!

   Soon 30 seconds came, everyone temporarily entered the reward space, and got a breath of relief.

  They really want to stay in the reward space all the time, and once they leave the reward space, there will be endless fear of the unknown.

  Because when I was outside, I didn't know when I would be attacked and killed. This kind of feeling like a light on my back was really tormenting.

   They really wanted to spend time in the reward space, and Chen Mo went to the next floor.

   In this way, there is no need to worry about him making a sudden move.

   But it is a pity that when people on this level enter the reward space, no matter how long they stay in it, the external time is only equivalent to 10 seconds.

   This alone prevents them from stalling in the bonus space.

  The 10 seconds passed quickly, and when Chen Mofa stayed there, all these people came out.

  As they came out, Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi naturally immediately looked for their prey in the area they were in.

  Because the map information and perception ability are disabled, you can only find them one by one with the naked eye.

  However, the two searched around, but in the end they still didn't find their new prey, so they gave up after seeing this.

   Prepare to wait until the eighth floor.

  At this moment, Chen Mo chose to give up, and waited for the time comfortably, but he didn't think so in other hearts.

  They feel terrified now, always feeling that they are the next one who may be killed.

  No matter which area the people are in, after Chen Mo's presumed restriction on ignoring the rules and killing people thousands of miles away without a trace is broken, everyone feels the same sense of insecurity.

  They didn't know that Chen Mo actually had an incarnation outside his body, they only saw someone die inexplicably.

   This death caused great uneasiness to all.

   Originally, they thought that since Chen Mo chose to start, there should be a second dead person soon.

   As a result, I didn't think about it, it wasn't the case at all.

   As the first person dies, they enter the bonus space a few more times.

  But during this period, no one died.

  In an instant, everyone was confused again.

   Immediately in the dungeon exchange group, some people immediately began to discuss, and one of them put forward a more credible argument.

   "Guys, I just figured it out. His ability to kill people thousands of miles away, ignoring the rules, probably has a random cooldown time limit. After killing a person, he enters an irregular random cooldown time.

  When he killed the first person No. 5588 Weipa on the first floor, he encountered the shorter cooldown time in the random cooldown time, so he was able to kill again in this way so quickly on the second floor.

   And when he killed the second person No. 3745 Claw Claw Mom on the second floor, he encountered the longer cooldown time among the random cooldown times, so he didn't kill again after such a long time after the second floor.

   During this period of time, it was entirely because his abilities were on cooldown and he couldn’t use them, not because he was worried about us being in a group or anything else. "

  This person's analysis made everyone feel very reasonable after hearing it.

  If this is the case, it is a reasonable explanation for the logic of the other party's behavior.

   Immediately someone continued.

   "That is to say, this time he didn't make any more shots after killing Anyin, because his ability has fallen into cooldown again and can't be used."

   "It should be like this, so everyone can rest assured that since his ability may fall into a long cooldown, it is impossible for him to kill everyone. After all, he will have nothing to hide after reaching the tenth floor."

   "I almost forgot the ultimate exploration on the tenth floor."

   "He has many abilities to hide his head and show his tail, and it will still fall into our hands in the end."


  For a while, everyone has already planned to catch the mouse on the tenth floor, but it is best to solve this problem on the eighth floor.

   With this reasonable explanation, the fear in everyone's hearts dropped a lot for a while.

  Although the opponent's cooldown time is not accurate, at least the opponent's ability will not be as crazy as a machine gun.

  What they are most afraid of is the occurrence of serial killings.

   In this way, the possibility of any one of them being killed is very high.

   This is what scares the most.

   It is much better now, or there are still 9997 people in it.

  The chance of being selected is only one in 9997.

   This probability is not high.

   Sure enough, with the passage of time, the assassination still did not appear, and everyone became more relaxed. They couldn't help but feel that Chen Mo might have a long cooldown time randomly this time.

  If this is the case, everyone will be much safer.

  After Chen Mo came to the seventh floor for 20 minutes, the right to enter the stairs on the next floor was also open to him.

[Heavenly reminder: Congratulations to solar system contestant No. 6659 for becoming the first contestant to enter the eighth floor of the magic tower. Since he was the first professional to enter the seventh floor of the magic tower before, 210,000 points will be issued to him as a reward .

  Others, please hurry up and get a good ranking first. If you get a good ranking in a row, you will increase the reward increase for the subsequent rankings.

  If the current solar system contestant No. 6659 is among the top three entering contestants when he enters the ninth floor, he will receive an additional reward increase of twice the corresponding reward.

The first contestant to enter the ninth floor will be rewarded with 80,000 points, the second contestant to enter the ninth floor will be rewarded with 70,000 points, and the third contestant to enter the ninth floor will be rewarded with 60,000 points award. 】

  It wasn't until Chen Mo entered the eighth floor that the reminder sounded, and everyone on the seventh floor really relaxed their tense emotions and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Even if they tried their best to show no fear or care before, they still had an infinite sense of insecurity in their hearts.

   After all, Chen Mo’s cooldown time is not accurate. If he didn’t cool down in the last second, he might finish the cooldown in the next second, and then he aimed at himself.

   This invisible murderous intent is like a sharp sword hanging over everyone's head at all times, making no one feel at ease.

   Only by confirming that he is not on the same floor as himself, can this crisis be truly resolved.

  As soon as they thought of Chen Mo's abnormal long-range sniper ability, everyone didn't want to watch him continue to live.

  They very much hope that the eighth floor can provide an environment where everyone can appear in an area together, so that they can use the highest priority stealth breaking method to detect each other.

   Instead of the current situation, some areas have such capable people, and some areas do not.

   And he was assigned to an area without this ability, so that he can safely hide in that area and launch long-range sniper killings on the whole map.

  This is really too powerless.

   After all, no one would have thought that a small second transfer would have a stealth ability beyond the SSS level. Naturally, they felt that as long as they were given the opportunity to use the highest priority stealth breaking ability, they could catch this hideous big mouse that was hiding in the dark!

   They were only a few seconds away from Chen Mo entering the seventh floor. After Chen Mo entered the eighth floor, they also followed soon after!

  (end of this chapter)

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