Chapter 307 Scared off instantly!

   Soon Nazhuo entered the wasteland area.

   This person has a strange appearance, with a shark-like face and a fish tail behind him, but he has limbs like a human being, except that there are flippers that can be opened between the fingers of his hands and feet.

  He is an intelligent life living on a planet with extremely vast and boundless waters.

   Seeing someone coming to his side again, Zhuan Yi said to Chen Mo: "My lord, let's make an example to the monkeys, otherwise he will always come to harass us. I have paid special attention to the rankings before, and he has not appeared in the top fifty."

   "Alright." Chen Mo nodded.

  Having the brains of Mara, they all have the ability of photographic memory, and they are very clear about who has been in the top fifty of the rankings.

   Killing people who have not been in the top 50 of the leaderboard is just a small loss of half of the points reward.

Following Chen Mo's thoughts, a bunch of skeleton monsters immediately attacked Nazhuo, and at the same time, as soon as a strange light appeared on Nazhua's body, Chen Mo was suddenly pulled by a strange energy rope, pulling him And Nazhuo was implicated together.

  The moment it was connected to Chen Mo, Nazhuo immediately said excitedly: "I caught it! I caught it!"

   But the moment his voice fell, he died immediately. At the same time, in this barren land, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

   "This is that Chen Mo?"

   Seeing the appearance of the figure, someone immediately excitedly said: "Finally appeared, everyone quickly follow me to kill!"

   "No, he doesn't look like is he a child? He deformed on purpose?"

  There was only one Spike in the audience who had seen the image of Chen Mo, and the person in front of him was nothing like the Chen Mo in the image.

  But at this time, other people don't care about this and that, as soon as they see this hateful figure of the second turn, they rush into the wasteland area directly and want to kill Remembrance.

   While they were rushing forward, Nazhuo had already died on the spot!

  The death was extremely sudden, and even a little life-saving ability did not take effect.

   And this is naturally because he was hit by the strongest sealing effect of the sealing ring cast by Remembrance - [Ultimate Seal]!

   Once the ultimate seal is released, it can seal all the abilities of the target and itself.

  This is also the reason why Remembrance suddenly appeared, because his invisible effect was also simultaneously sealed by his ultimate sealing ability, so naturally he couldn't be invisible.

   Under normal circumstances, it is not a very cost-effective business to use this ability against the enemy alone.

  But it is different now, recalling and staying with Chen Mo now.

   Once they join forces, they can perform a combo.

  That is to recall that the ultimate seal was cast, and then Chen Mo used the unseal ability of his own seal ring to remove the ultimate seal effect of recall.

   In this way, in the end, only the opponent is sealed with all their abilities, waiting to be beaten.

   But this combo has a cooling time.

  The ability to unseal the seal ring depends on the level of the unsealed seal to determine whether it enters cooldown.

   Unsealing a seal below SSS level does not require a cooling time.

  However, the ability to unseal SSS-level and super-SSS-level seals will enter a certain cooling time.

  Generally, the cooling time of unsealing SSS-level sealing skills is between 12 hours and 24 hours.

   The cooling time of the ability to unseal the super SSS level seal is between 24 and 48 hours.

  Ultimate seal, a sealing method that seals all abilities at once, belongs to the extremely strong sealing ability in the super SSS class. The cooling time is directly 48 hours full, but it doesn't take that long with Chen Mo's multiple cooling methods.

  Chen Mo now has three cooldown reduction abilities.

One is [Super Calmness], which was previously upgraded by the combination of extreme calmness and supernatural stone, which can reduce all cooling time by 99%, and every time you use an ability that requires cooling, there is a 50% chance to reset it directly cool down!

  One is [Natural Divine Blessing·Divinity], releasing any ability has a 50% chance to directly refresh the cooldown time (including abilities that do not enjoy cooling reduction).

And [Light and Dark Source Crystal Origin Level], when in the light-dark fusion form, the power of all your skills is increased by 100%, and the cooling time is reduced by 50% (skills that are not subject to cooling reduction cannot be affected, but they can be superimposed with other cooling reduction effects to take effect ).

  The combination of these three cooldown reduction abilities allows Chen Mo to have a 3/4 probability of resetting the cooldown time every time he uses a skill. Even if the reset is unsuccessful, the cooldown time can be greatly reduced.

  The original cooling time of 48 hours, under the double cooling reduction, only takes about 15 minutes.

   But this time Chen Mo was not so unlucky, and he easily triggered the Super Calmness without waiting for the cooldown.

  Following Na Zuo's death, Zou Yi entered the invisible state again, and a large group of top four players who rushed over excitedly just now showed embarrassment in an instant!

   They were already charging very fast, but they disappeared in a flash. Bai's passion is surging?

  At the same time, the hints of heaven sounded in Chen Mo's ears and in everyone's ears.

  Chen Mo here...

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you successfully killed a contestant. Since the target was not your prey, you got a hunting reward of 100 points, and at the same time you got half of his accumulated points, 60,000 points! 】

  【Prompt from heaven: Since you killed other contestants, you will inherit his prey target, and the new prey target you will get is No. 4869. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you killed other contestants, the target of his original hunter will be transferred to you. You now have two hunters, please avoid them carefully. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: All data related to the dead participants of the Magic Tower Expedition will be deleted from the copy and recovered.

   The dropped items are recovered, and according to the total value of the opponent’s dropped items, you have obtained 6 million loot points!

   can be used to redeem rewards at the end of the event, please note that if you are killed, the points will also be transferred to others! 】

   "Good guy, if you kill passers-by, you actually inherit the numbers of the hunter and the prey directly."

   This surprised Chen Mo.

   But this is not bad, that is to say, even if it is a random killing, you can have a lot of prey.

   At least not too much loss.

  【Tiandao Reminder: "Nazhuo No. 669" contestant of the Hanhai Department-level 100 (four-turn occupation, twenty-five-star occupation "Tide Lord") has died! There are 9996 remaining contestants in the current dungeon! 】

  As the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded, and Remembrance became invisible again, the group of people who had just rushed into the wasteland area were all scared and immediately retreated to the grassland area.

  At the same time, all formed an army formation to avoid being attacked alone.

  Before Nazhuo passed the area alone, and there was no way to be included by the army formation.

   Sure enough, it is effective to kill chickens and monkeys. In an instant, the top four over there will not dare to step up.

  No one of them has regarded Chen Mo as a second-ranker for a long time. He can ignore the rules and instantly kill the top fourth-ranker. He dare not say that he can do it at the fifth rank.

  They completely regarded Chen Mo as a bigger threat than Rank 5.

  This guy is literally writing at the second turn and reading at the fifth turn.

  They are naturally still very afraid of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo didn't want to kill too many people on this floor. After all, people on this floor will continue to accumulate reward points. As long as they stay alone in the area for one minute, they can be rewarded with 10,000 points. It is quite good to accumulate 100,000 bonus points upon request.

  If these people didn't appear to kill each other, and they all went upstairs with full income, it would be equivalent to an extra 100,000 points for each person.

   If all of this is in the bag in the end, then the income will be close to one billion.

   I really don’t know what level of rewards can be exchanged for at that time.

  According to the analysis of this activity book by Mo Luo's brain, every time there is an extra zero in the point reward, an additional level of prize redemption store will be opened.

  No one in history has ever obtained a billion points.

  Chen Mo really wanted to try it.

  As the top four players were instantly scared back to the grassland area, the dungeon chat group immediately chatted about what happened just now.

   "Why was Nazhuo instantly killed? It's impossible for a top four rank to not have life-saving ability."

   "Doesn't the other party have the ability to seal people's abilities? Maybe Nazuo's life-saving ability has been sealed by others."

"We all learned through the dark voice that this guy has the ability to seal. It is impossible for Nazhuo not to know. He dared to go there. He was obviously prepared. It is impossible to be sealed with three life-saving abilities and he will not be able to survive. But he It was still instant, I think there must be other tricks in it."

   I have to say that there are still some smart people among these guys. Even if they don't know what Na Zuo's ability is, they can still see the strangeness of Na Zuo's death just now.

"And didn't you see that the guy just now was not injured at all? It should be because of the connection with him, didn't he say that he would share the damage? It's also very weird why he didn't have anything. I think this This time the opponent is definitely far beyond our understanding, I'm afraid we are in danger this time."

"There's no need to be so pessimistic. At least we can still form an army to defend against the enemy. We won't be killed by him alone. At worst, we can rely on the army to consume him. None of us have hundreds of millions of health points. There are more than one billion of them, forming a four-rank army formation, the blood volume of the entire army shield can be tripled, even if everyone's basic blood volume is only 500 million each, the army shield of nearly ten thousand people The shield HP can also be 5 trillion, and the shield of the four-turn military formation is doubled, how can it be 40 trillion, the shield of the military formation does not take real damage, and with our offensive and defensive capabilities, it is so easy to be breached!"

  At this time, everyone no longer thought about **** Chen Mo, but was already thinking about how to survive from this pervert.

  At this time, Chen Mo looked at the top four turners next door who looked at his area with vigilance, and didn't know what these guys were thinking at this time, but as long as they didn't come to harass him, Chen Mo didn't bother to care about them.

  Because Chen Mo is still on this floor, even though there are still many controlled areas around him, he is still in awe of the other four turns and dare not separate to other areas.

  The people who fell to the seventh floor before, after obtaining the strategy of the eighth floor, also entered the ninth floor area one after another at this time.

  As soon as they came in, they were all scared to death one by one, and quickly got into the green area where thousands of top four-turn masters gathered.

   I was deeply afraid that if I stayed outside alone for a second longer, I would be killed by Chen Mo.

  The main reason is that Chen Mo's killings are really irregular. Everyone doesn't know whether he kills or not, so naturally they don't feel that they have any safety at all!

  As more and more top four turns gathered in the green area, Chen Mo was a little speechless. Did this guy regard this floor as the seventh floor? Get together to dry wool?

  I will not give up the time I have accumulated in my current area and go to other areas to kill them.

   And the special hunting activity is not over yet, they can see their own coordinates, once they move and go to other areas to kill them, they can also see it, there is no need to be afraid to shrink in one area, right?

  Chen Mo understood it according to his own ability, but never thought that because of the behavior he recalled before, others would have regarded him as a super heaven-defying existence who could ignore the rules of heaven and kill anyone at will.

  (end of this chapter)

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