All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 308: The ultimate hunting, must-death mission! (triple)

  Chapter 308 The ultimate hunt, a must-do mission! (triple)

  Chen Mo didn't understand what these people were thinking, and these people couldn't understand what Chen Mo was thinking at this time.

  They dare not leave the area where they are together, for fear of being directly sniped by Chen Mo.

  At this time, outside the dungeon, everyone was shocked by the current scene.

   After all, people outside the instance cannot see that Chen Mo is invisible.

  They only know that Chen Mo and such a large group of top four ranks are in two adjacent plots.

  In the top four turns just now, it seems that two people broke through their own plot and entered Chen Mo's plot, but one of them retreated quickly, while the other died in Chen Mo's plot.

   And with his death, a large number of top quadruples rushed into the plot where Chen Mo was located, and then all of them returned to their own plot in an instant.

   This scene really stupefied everyone in the audience.

  This is thousands of top four turns. Why did they all run away as if they were scared by a second turn at that moment?

   No one understood what the performance of the group of four turns just now meant.

   But at least it can be seen that these four ranks are extremely afraid of the only second rank, and after retreating to their own area, they all shrank into a ball.

   Earthlings were extremely excited to see this scene.

   "It's so awesome! It's so awesome! Our second-rank stun is a top-ranked fourth-rank who scared off thousands of people by himself. Is there anything more awesome than this in this world?"

"It's really strong! I can see the special glow on my face! It's really cool. Our solar system has a second turn, and so many top four turns of other galaxies dare not move. This deterrent power is really incomparable. Speak!"

   "Is this the charm of the super SSS level ability? I can beat the top four in the second turn. I am really envious. When will I be able to have the strength of this peerless genius?"

   "Don't think about farts, how many years have we been professional, let alone us, even other galaxies have never produced such a thing!"

   "I don't know how people in the Yongxing system will react when they see such a scene."

"I'm afraid I'm scared to pee. It's only two ranks, and one person can overwhelm thousands of top players. At four ranks, he dare not take half a step. If we go to three ranks and open a pet contract, wouldn't it be even more so?" The flying dragon went to the sky, and it was out of control!"

"It's really cool. I have been suppressed by them for so many years, and I have always felt the fear they brought us. This time I finally paid back, and it is time for them to feel anxious, not knowing where the road will be tomorrow! "

  As discussed by the people on the earth, the senior management of the Yongxing system saw such a situation, and all of them looked extremely ugly.

They knew that Chen Mo was powerful, and they also knew that Chen Mo had the ability to defeat the top four ranks, but they didn't know that when thousands of top four ranks united to form an army, they were so afraid of him, and they ran away in fright. What a shock to be back in my area!

  However, it is really strange that Chen Mo didn't chase after him, but just sat on the spot and didn't continue to pay attention to these top four turns.

   Let’s say he kills people based on points. Before, he killed all of them randomly, and he didn’t have the concept of killing after fattening up.

   It can be said that he kills people based on points. The Nazuo he killed just now, who was not his prey, didn't have many points, and he took half of it.

   People outside are increasingly unable to understand Chen Mo's thoughts.

   But at least for his strength, everyone has a complete affirmation.

   That is him at the second rank, already capable of being the world's top rank four.

  Being able to arm-wrestle with the top four revolutions, and beat the top four revolutions, and being able to kill the top four revolutions, and suppressing the top four revolutions, and being proud of the world's top four revolutions are completely different levels.

  Chen Mo now belongs to the highest level, comparable to the level of rank five.

  If it wasn’t for watching Chen Mo go to the second rank all the way, they wouldn’t believe that a second rank is so awesome, and the new fifth rank wouldn’t dare to say that he has the ability to be so proud of such a large group of top four ranks.

  After thousands of top four turns faced Chen Mo this time, they were too scared to go any further. It can be seen that Chen Mo's threat power has reached an unprecedented level.

  The solar system threat theory propagated by the eternal star system has finally been recognized by all other neighboring galaxies this time.

   Such a perverted person is absolutely necessary, otherwise no one will survive under his hands in the future.

  For a while, there was a lot of contact between the high-level galaxies!


   copy inside.

  After the many top four ranks stopped doing anything, Chen Mo didn't bother to pay attention to them, and the time passed by like this.

As Chen Mo stayed alone in one area, his retention time also began to increase. Every minute he stayed in an area alone in the ninth area, he could gain 10,000 points. This point will be settled when entering the next level. give.

  If the region is changed midway, the accumulated retention time and points will all be invalid, and all must be accumulated again.

   Since no one came to harass Chen Mo, 10 minutes passed quickly.

  During this period, in the dungeon discussion group, these top four players had never stopped discussing how to deal with Chen Mo.

   But no matter what, if he cannot break his invisibility, any means are useless.

  In the end, they still didn't come up with any suitable way to deal with Chen Mo.

   Just let Chen Mo stay alone for ten minutes.

  As soon as the time came, Chen Mo immediately received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Tiandao Tip: You have successfully kept alone for 10 minutes, and you have obtained a total of 100,000 point rewards! 】

[Tips from heaven: Congratulations to solar system contestant No. 6659 for becoming the first contestant to enter the tenth floor of the magic tower. Since he was the first professional to enter the ninth floor of the magic tower before, 270,000 points will be issued to him as a reward .

  Others, please hurry up and get a good ranking first. If you get a good ranking in a row, you will increase the reward increase for the subsequent rankings.

  If the current solar system contestant No. 6659 can become the top three contestants who complete the tenth floor breakthrough ultimate exploration mission, he will receive an additional reward increase of twice the corresponding reward.

The first contestant who completes the tenth-level ultimate adventure mission will be rewarded with 100,000 points; Participants in the expedition mission will be rewarded with 80,000 points. 】

[Tiandao reminder: Since you have won the first place nine times before, you have achieved the hidden achievement of the first place in the whole floor, the number of times you can get the first place × 100,000 points reward, changed to the final settlement reward point increase 100%. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you are the one who has won the first place more than five times in a row in the previous layers, you have obtained an additional reward of increasing the final settlement reward points by 100%. 】

   Following the end of the reminder from the Dao of Heaven, Chen Mo's points have reached nearly 140,000.

  At this time, the Heavenly Dao reminder rang again.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since solar system contestant No. 6659 became the first contestant with more than 10 million points, and more than 99% of the contestants survived, the event’s final group hidden mission "Ultimate Hunting Mission" will be triggered!

During the subsequent duration of this event, no matter who the original prey is, as long as he kills the solar system participant No. 6659, he can get all the points of the solar system participant No. 6659. If his own prey is the solar system participant No. 6659, After killing it, you can get double reward points.

  If solar system participant No. 6659 is still not killed after an hour, he will be rewarded with 100 million points!

And during the duration of the ultimate hunting mission, all the concealment abilities of the solar system participant No. 6659 will be invalidated, and the coordinates will be completely shared. At the same time, during this period, no matter whether it is the prey of the solar system participant No. You can get all the points that 10x hunters have.

   Who is the prey and who is the hunter, let us wait and see and enjoy this ultimate hunting feast together! 】

  The Heavenly Dao reminder suddenly sounded, and instantly exploded the entire ninth floor.

  The top four ranks who thought they had no choice but to deal with Chen Mo were instantly ebullient.

   "What!? On top of the special hunting mission, there is an ultimate hunting mission!"

  Everyone was very surprised.

  The magic tower event also appeared before, but the special hunting mission was revealed in this event before, but the ultimate hunting mission did not appear.

  Because it is necessary for a person to reach tens of millions of points, at the same time, the number of survivors must exceed 99%, that is to say, only 100 people can die at most.

   This is simply impossible. Under normal circumstances, they would start killing each other very early, killing more than 100 people long ago. How could it be possible to wait until someone rewarded with tens of millions of points, and more than 9,900 people were still alive.

  It is also in the activity book where Chen Mo is now, because of his perverted existence, everyone has to temporarily unite and save their lives, so as to avoid a lot of fighting.

  So this ultimate hunting mission has never appeared once.

   It was the first time that everyone knew about it.

   Not only them, but also the high-level of many large galaxies are also the first layer to see this activity pop up this task.

   Immediately, the recorder immediately recorded this relevant information.

   Meanwhile, everyone is amazed at the rules of this ultimate hunting mission.

This ultimate hunting mission is completely a hunting mission that can benefit no matter who kills anyone, that is to say, a second-turn job that seems to be the prey of everyone may also turn into a greedy hunter to steal 100% from others. Double point rewards.

   It is hard to say who is the prey and who is the hunter.

  People outside the dungeon didn’t know why the top four ranks retreated in fright just now, so for the ultimate hunting mission given by Tiandao this time, they only thought it was an opportunity for Chen Mo to hunt and kill the top four ranks.

  But for the contestants in the dungeon, it has a completely different meaning.

The reason why they retreated before was that all the top-notch detection methods that could be used had been used up, but the results still didn't work. Since the other party couldn't help it, there was no need to stay in the same area with the other party. Inspired the opponent's killing intent.

   After they exited the area, Chen Mo did not pursue them, which made them feel a little more at ease.

  But as long as Chen Mo is still on this level, the sense of crisis in their hearts will not be eliminated.

   After all, invisible enemies and invisible fatal attacks may come at any time. It is precisely because they are invisible that everything is in danger, which is the most terrifying!

  Even a gust of wind in the grassland area could send chills down their backs, thinking that Chen Mo had launched the attack.

   It can be seen how much psychological shadow Chen Mo has brought to them.

   And now this psychological shadow can finally be eliminated.

  The ultimate hunting mission is announced, and the opponent's ability to hide is released. This is an excellent opportunity to counterattack!

  Everyone couldn't help but get excited when they saw this rule.

   But someone poured cold water on it.

   "Everyone, he was able to ignore the rules to kill people from a distance before, so will he be able to ignore the rules that cannot be hidden?"

  As soon as these words came out, the people who had just gotten excited suddenly became emotionally depressed again.

   That's right, he can even ignore the rules and kill people outside the rules, so what's the point of ignoring the rules and continuing to hide?

  As long as the opponent can ignore the rules of heaven, all constraints on him will be powerless.

"Don't be discouraged. His ability to ignore the rules and kill people from a distance doesn't necessarily mean that he really ignores the rules. Our Eternal Star System sent a special force into the dungeon to snipe him, so as to obtain some information about him. He He can summon extremely powerful summons. When he was only level 35, his summons were comparable to those of the fourth-rank powerhouse.

   Now that he's level 60, I don't think it's surprising that his summons are comparable to rank five.

  Maybe it was just the summons he left behind who killed him! "Spike looked at everyone and said.

"If he can't ignore the rules, then he can't control his summoned objects beyond his perception range. Since he can't control them, how can he kill people with precision? It doesn't make any sense!" Someone immediately suggested objection.

"It seems reasonable to say that. No matter what, at least the rules of heaven restrict his ability. It is a good thing. As for whether he can continue to ignore the rules of heaven, it is a matter of two opinions. After all, he may really have the ability to ignore the rules of heaven, but If you really have this ability, you should and can only ignore one rule of heaven at one time."

"It is indeed reasonable, and I doubt whether the pure super SSS level ability can reach the regular level. I think it is almost meaningless. Even if you take a step back and say that the super SSS level ability can reach the regular level, it is the same as you said. Ignoring one rule at a time is already the limit, and the cooling time is also very long. If he chooses to ignore the attack distance limit rule, the cooling time of his ability is not over in the short time. "

   "That is to say, he probably won't have the ability to ignore the rule of being unable to hide again."

   "Well, we think this possibility is relatively high."

   Following the two people's analysis, everyone felt that it made sense for a while.

   Logically speaking, the rule level should be higher than the super SSS level, so even if the super SSS level can really touch the rule level, I am afraid that the limit is very large.

  If Chen Mo really does it, then he will definitely not be able to use his related abilities so quickly.

  So there is a high probability that he will not be immune to the rules related to the ultimate hunting of prey this time.

  Thinking of this, everyone's heart surged again.

  As long as you can break him and see him invisibly, there are plenty of opportunities to kill him.

  He is strong only because he has a super SSS-level weird ability, but he is really only a second-turn professional.

   Overall properties are limited.

  If the appearance can be attacked by everyone, it is still unclear whether he can use his other super SSS-level means to withstand their powerful army formation at the top four ranks.

"Although it's a good thing that his concealment ability has been broken by heaven, we can't be careless. After 1,000 areas are created on this floor, we will go up to 1,000 people each time. This will ensure that at least 1,000 people can form In the army formation, we are not afraid that he will sit on the tenth floor and wait for the rabbits to defeat us one by one."

   "It's feasible. Anyway, the ultimate hunting mission lasts until the end of the event. It doesn't matter when we go up. As long as the poisonous fog below doesn't catch up to this level, everything doesn't matter."

   "We definitely didn't catch up. This time we have definitely climbed the fastest since this event. At this time, the contestants in other competition areas are probably still wandering around the first six floors!"

   What this person said was not wrong. At this time, the contestants in other competition areas really did not exceed the sixth floor, and the fighting was quite fierce.

   Such a harmonious and united competition area like them is unique.

   After a general understanding of Chen Mo's ability, everyone waited for the opening of the area.

  You can open 100 areas every 5 minutes, and you need to wait 45 minutes to open 1000 areas.

  Because there is no time limit for the ultimate hunting activity, and the poisonous fog is still far away from the ninth floor, everyone is not in a hurry at this time.

  In the tenth floor, Chen Mo was quite surprised by the sudden arrival of the ultimate hunting mission.

   "This ultimate hunting mission is really a bit ruthless for the first person to get tens of millions of points. The shared coordinates are not allowed to be invisible, even if you can't hide, it forces everyone to kill each other.

   But the rewards given are not bad. As a public prey, killing anyone can get them 10 times the points reward. In this way, it is even expected to increase the points to the level of 1 billion!

  According to the analysis of Mo Luo's brain, the 100 million level reward store has never been opened before. Wouldn't the 1 billion level be a higher level, and I'm afraid it can be directly exchanged for super SSS level rewards.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo was quite excited.

  But since these guys haven't come up yet, Chen Mo checked the rules of the tenth floor first.

[Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on reaching the tenth floor and reaching the final stage of this event. You can wait for the end of this event in the safe area at the center of the tenth floor. You will not be poisoned in the safe area. affected by fog.

   Of course, you can also try to challenge the ultimate adventure mission before the end of the event.

   The ultimate expedition mission is extremely difficult, but if you can succeed, you can get an additional reward for the final settlement points.

   If you are interested in challenging the ultimate expedition mission, please go to the most central safe area on the tenth floor and communicate with the expedition administrator.

  The expedition task manager will provide you with the detailed content and requirements of the task.

  The ultimate adventure mission is the most difficult challenge of this event, which requires courage, wisdom and strong strength to complete.

  The goal of the mission may involve solving puzzles, fighting, exploring, etc. You need to go all out to face various challenges and win.

  Completing the ultimate expedition missions will bring huge rewards.

  In addition to the rewards of extra points for the final settlement, according to your performance in the task and your final ranking, you can also get extra rewards for boosting points, allowing you to get a higher ranking on the scoreboard.

  However, the ultimate adventure mission is not easy to come by, it is full of unknowns and dangers, and may even bring you life-threatening.

  You need to remain calm and cautious in the harsh environment, and use your abilities and strategies reasonably in order to successfully overcome many difficulties.

  Please carefully consider the decision to challenge the ultimate expedition mission and ensure that you have sufficient preparation and strength.

   The event will end at the end of the countdown, if you decide to wait for the end of the event, please wait for the final settlement in a safe area to ensure your points are calculated accurately.

  Of course, the safe zone can only protect you from being attacked by poisonous fog, but whether you will be attacked by other contestants, we cannot guarantee your safety in this regard.

  Good luck to you and may you achieve brilliant results in this magic tower adventure! 】

   After reading the tips from Heaven, Chen Mo didn't care about the many requirements of this ultimate expedition mission.

  I have the Mo Luo brain, so I don’t have to worry about solving puzzles and exploring. As for the battle, I don’t have to worry about it. The difficulty of a battle in a four-turn activity area is the same as without it.

  Chen Mo opened the map and took a look, and immediately entered the safe area with a flash of a god.

  I saw a long round light cluster floating in the safe area, which shows that it should be the expedition task manager mentioned by Tiandao's reminder.

"Hello, dear explorer, congratulations on successfully reaching the highest level of the magic tower, but this is not the ultimate point of this magic tower adventure. If you are still interested in challenging more advanced exploration tasks, I can provide you with Related Services."

  Chen Mo smiled lightly and said, "Then please introduce me."

   "I can provide you with ten levels of ultimate exploration missions here. Depending on the difficulty level, the test level you will encounter after entering the ultimate exploration space will also be different."

   "Oh, what's the difference between the different levels?"

   "The rewards are different. Each level corresponds to an additional reward of 100% of the final points. That is to say, if you choose the ultimate adventure with level 10 difficulty, you will be able to get an additional reward of 1000% of the final points."

   "So outrageous? What about the difficulty?"

"The level 10 final expedition is extremely difficult, and the death rate is extremely high. The participants who challenged the level 10 final expedition mission in the history of the fourth division within the Milky Way region, without exception, all died in the final exploration challenge space, so we still Please do what you can."

  (end of this chapter)

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