All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 309: Super SSS level is not worth mentioning? ! (five thousand words)

  Chapter 309 Super SSS level not worth mentioning? ! (five thousand words)

  After listening to what the expedition administrator said, Chen Mo almost understood the difficulty of this ultimate expedition.

Since there has never been a fourth-rank challenge in the history of the Milky Way, but the task is for the fourth-rank, it may also be made as if there is no way to complete the fourth-rank. It can be seen that this difficulty is probably infinitely close to This is the difficulty of turning five.

   But even so, the monsters encountered should not have more than 100 points of divine power, otherwise there is no possibility of clearing the level for the fourth turn.

  Chen Mo's current combat power, when encountering rank five with divine power not higher than him, he doesn't bring any falsehoods, so why would he care about the difficulty of this task.

  He chooses the highest difficulty directly.

   At this time, the small light ball flickered a few times, and reminded again to confirm: "One last reminder, the number of people who have completed this mission in history is 0, and the number of deaths is 100%. Do you want to continue the challenge?"

   "All tasks with a completion number of 1 are transformed from tasks with a completion degree of 0. Continue."

  The moment Chen Mo confirmed, the little ball of light no longer flickered.

[Tiandao Tip: You have chosen the 10-level difficulty ultimate adventure mission, and you are about to enter the ultimate adventure mission challenge space. The countdown is 10 seconds. Within 10 seconds, you still have the opportunity to choose to quit. Can no longer exit mission space! 】

  As the countdown began, Zhuan Yi immediately said: "I want to go in too, let's have more means together."

  Chen Mo smiled and nodded, "Okay."

   As he spoke, he took back his memory and turned it into an incarnation prop outside his body, and brought them into the challenge space of the ultimate adventure.

  As Chen Mo entered the ultimate exploration space, the hint from Heaven sounded in time.

  [Ultimate Adventure Mission]: Lost in the Illusion

  〖Task Introduction〗:

   Mirage is an extremely challenging and diverse ultimate adventure mission that will test the wisdom, courage and strength of the participants.

  In this mysterious illusion, there are countless puzzles, monsters and treasures hidden, waiting for the brave to explore.

  〖Task Content〗:

  『Puzzle Deciphering』: Explore various areas in the illusion, and solve hidden puzzles and mechanisms.

  These puzzles may involve password deciphering, pattern patchwork, logical reasoning, etc., requiring you to flexibly use your wisdom and observation skills to find the correct solution.

  『Battle Challenge』: All kinds of powerful monsters and guardians are scattered in the illusion, they have superb fighting skills and special abilities.

  You need to fight fiercely with them, use your fighting skills and strategies to defeat them and protect your own life.

  『Exploring the Maze』: There are intricate mazes in the illusion, which are full of unknowns and dangers.

  You need to bravely step into the depths of the maze, looking for the final exit, but be careful of traps and obstacles in the maze, and you can only move forward if you find the right path.

  『Ultimate BOSS Challenge』: In the deepest part of the illusion, a powerful and mysterious ultimate BOSS is waiting.

   Only by passing the previous tests can you meet this decisive battle.

  Facing the berserk attacks and stunts of the ultimate boss, you need to use your strongest ability to compete with them.

  After reading the hints of the task content, Chen Mo directly activated his perception ability to try to perceive his surroundings.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have fallen into a special maze, your perception ability will be limited, you can only perceive potential enemies, but you cannot perceive the surrounding environment, please pay attention. 】

   "Perceptual ability is limited, so move instantly."

  Chen Mo immediately tried to use the flash of the gods, and he flashed a hundred meters away in an instant.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have fallen into a special maze. Your spatial ability can only be used within a range of no more than 100 meters, and it cannot take effect through walls. Please also pay attention. 】

   "It's not bad to be able to flash 100 meters."

  Although the perception ability is limited, Mo Luo's brain still exerts its powerful brain power, and quickly analyzed the correct path.

  However, even if the correct path is analyzed this time, the troublesome things on the road cannot be completely avoided, and a lot of troublesome things are deliberately set up on the only way to pass.

   But it’s still not a big problem. The puzzles and mazes can be solved by Mo Luo’s brain, and the battles can be solved by Chen Mo himself.

  During the action, Chen Mo released his memories again.

  The two of them walked side by side, using the flash of the gods to move forward quickly.

  The moment they passed through a detection area, they were immediately imprisoned in a space by a powerful force of rules.

   At the same time, a puzzle appeared in the space.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have fallen into the puzzle domain, please solve the corresponding puzzles in this area. If you solve the puzzle incorrectly, the ultimate boss's divine power will increase by 10 points from the original base. 】

   "Good guy, you still play like this? No wonder no one can pass the fourth round. This one accidentally gave the final boss 100 points of divine power, so how can you still play ball?"

  Chen Mo felt that this ultimate adventure mission with a difficulty of 10 was indeed a bit deceitful.

   But it has no effect on him, not to mention having Mo Luo brain to solve the puzzle casually, even if he really can't solve it, he will not be afraid if the boss grows to 100 divine power.

  Although his actual 230 points of divine power can only take effect at 23 points, his hidden divine power is as many as thousands, and all of them can take effect. It can easily cancel the effect of the opponent's 100 points of divine power.

  After Chen Mo fell into the puzzle area, a translucent floating window immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

   What is displayed in the floating window is this puzzle.

  The puzzle shows some strange patterns and corresponding numbers. There are five rows in total. The first five rows have corresponding numbers displayed, and the last row is a lot of symbols and a question mark.

  Obviously Chen Mo is asking Chen Mo to derive the answer to the last row from the known laws in the first four rows.

  Chen Mo actually hates such brain-consuming topics the most. Although he is not bad at brains, it is not the same as whether he likes to use his brains or not.

   Fortunately, now Mo Luo's brain runs the calculation automatically, which also saves him the pain.

  In just a few seconds, Mo Luo's brain has figured out the rules.

  As Chen Mo filled in the answer into the final question mark, the power of the rules around him dissipated in an instant.

   Obviously, this first puzzle was easily solved by Chen Mo.

   Immediately, Chen Mo continued to move forward relying on the flickering of the gods.

   At the same time, many people outside were deeply amazed by Chen Mo's behavior.

   They also saw relevant content about the ten difficulties of the ultimate expedition.

  When they learned that in the history of the Milky Way, there was no four-turner in the history of the Milky Way who could pass the ultimate adventure mission with a difficulty level of 10 in the fourth division, the people on Earth couldn't help but feel a little worried about Chen Mo's behavior of directly challenging such a perverted difficulty.

  Even though they already knew that Chen Mo was very good through Chen Mo's various performances, they still couldn't help feeling scared for him.

   Or to be afraid of the earth and the solar system.

   After all, Chen Mo's life no longer belongs to him alone, but is related to the future of the entire earth and the solar system.

   It is rare for such a person to appear on the earth, and no one wants to see him die in such a young age.

  Whether it is those who believed in him or those who did not believe in him, they all prayed for him.

  I hope he can pass this ultimate expedition mission of abnormal difficulty level that no one has completed since ancient times.

  The ones who are different from them are naturally the people from the Eternal Star Galaxy and other powerful galaxies around them.

  They didn't want to see Chen Mo continue to grow, and they all cursed him to die in this ultimate expedition mission.

   This is the best outcome for them.

   But unfortunately, under their constant curses, Chen Mo broke through various interference areas one by one.

   There are mobs, bosses, traps, problems, etc., no matter which area it is, Chen Mo's progress is not blocked.

   It even increased his points by a large margin.

   "This is the level 10 difficulty? It's almost as if there is no difficulty. Looking at his past speed, doesn't it look like he has encountered difficulties?"

   "And this guy is so perverted. It's like holding a map in his hand. He took the route to the exit of the maze. He never walked even a little crooked road."

   "Really, since he entered the maze, he has walked to half of the area now. He really didn't miss half a step. It's too outrageous."

  Everyone couldn't help but carefully looked at the rules of the labyrinth area on the translucent floating window in front of them about this ultimate exploration mission.

   Didn’t it say that the perception ability in this area cannot perceive the surrounding area?

   Moreover, even the map is disabled, and the space ability is also greatly restricted. It cannot be used through walls, so there is no possibility for him to cheat.

  The only thing that can make him do what he is doing now is that he really has a strategy map.

   Judging from Chen Mo's previous performances, they can be considered to have implemented this matter.

  Eternal Star System has obtained one more clue about Chen Mo, and has the ability to fully understand the strategy of the dungeon. The specific ability is temporarily unknown!

  Just the appearance of this ability is enough to make people in the Yongxing system feel uncomfortable.

  This ability can be used freely in the event copy, and the effect is self-evident.

  At this time, the senior executives of the Yongxing System understand why Chen Mo can even complete super SSS-level tasks, and carry the strategy with him. Unless the ability is really not enough, otherwise, it is not enough to complete any task!

  This ability is too stupid!

  In the copy, Chen Mo is still moving forward. The entire maze is not small, and to get from the entrance to the final exit, it is necessary to go through almost the entire maze in detours.

   In it, there are various regional restrictions from time to time, and it still takes a lot of time for Chen Mo to walk in it.

   While Chen Mo was on the ultimate adventure mission, the first batch of top four ranks appeared on the tenth floor.

  The thousand people immediately formed an army formation as soon as they came in. I was afraid that if they were a few tenths of a second later, they would die immediately.

   But when they finished forming the formation as if they were facing a big enemy, they didn't see Chen Mo's figure around them at all.

  They immediately opened the map to check, but they didn't even find Chen Mo's coordinates.

   It is impossible to say that Chen Mo can ignore the rules of heaven and continue to hide, even if the coordinate points are erased.

   Obviously he has entered the ultimate exploration mission at this time.

  Seeing this, everyone couldn't help subconsciously breathing a sigh of relief.

They don't dare to challenge any ultimate exploration mission at this time. It's a good thing that the weird second turn is not turned. It's not too late to speak slowly.

  The crowd immediately gathered together and continued to wait.

  As another 10 minutes passed, the second batch of 1,000 people also sent up.

  As soon as they came up, they also subconsciously chose to form an array first, just like the first batch of people, to prevent being seconded.

   They were relieved when they realized that there was no threat around them.

   Soon the third wave came up.

  At this time, 3,000 people have gathered on the tenth floor.

  In the ultimate exploration mission, Chen Mo had already made it all the way to the exit.

   But this so-called exit is actually going to the deepest part of the maze, where the final big boss of the entire ultimate adventure mission is waiting for the arrival of adventurers!

  When Chen Mo walked into the deepest part of the maze, he came to a mysterious and spectacular scene.

  Here is a solemn and ancient temple, the majestic building exudes sacred light.

  The entire temple is surrounded by a bright starry sky, and the stars are shining on the towering dome, like the eyes of countless universes watching this sacred domain.

  The door of the temple is open, and what you see is a magnificent hall. The murals in the hall depict scenes of myths and legends, which are vivid and shocking.

  The pillars embedded with precious stones exude dazzling light, illuminating the entire hall, making people feel like they are in a dreamlike world.

  In the very center of the temple, a huge altar stands, exuding a sacred atmosphere.

   Standing majestically on the altar is a man with a shining golden light all over his body. He is wearing a gorgeous war robe, with muscles bursting out, strong and mighty.

  His eyes shone with golden divine light, as if possessing infinite wisdom and power.

   "It seems that this is the ultimate boss of the ultimate exploration mission." Chen Mo looked at him carefully.

  I saw the ultimate BOSS holding a wide and majestic sharp sword with sacred runes flowing on the sword. His face was like a perfectly carved statue, full of nobility and majesty, as if a real **** had come down to the mortal world.

   There is a solemn and solemn atmosphere in the temple, and every place exudes sacred energy, which makes people hold their breath.

  The existence of the ultimate BOSS fills the entire temple with an incomparably oppressive and solemn atmosphere, as if time has been frozen at this moment.

   "Adventurer, very good, you can get here without making a single mistake, I appreciate your wisdom and strength."

  Seeing Chen Mo, the golden light on the other person's body gradually faded, and he uttered a warm and soft voice, which made people feel very calm and at ease unconsciously.

   "Can I count it as my clearance?" Chen Mo said with a smile.

   It's too empty to appreciate or not, let's have something practical.

  Hearing Chen Mo's question, the other party immediately laughed.

"Indeed, with your strength, it should be easy to defeat my avatar. Since you haven't made a single mistake, my avatar only has 50 points of divine power in total. You kid actually has a super-god body, just how much divine power you have! 230 points, even if it only takes effect at 23 points, it's incredible, plus you still have hidden divine power, my avatar can't help you at all."

   Obviously, the opponent has seen through Chen Mo's strength.

   "Senior has good eyesight." Chen Mo exclaimed.

  The other party not only saw through his super-god body, but also clearly stated how much divine power and hidden divine power he possessed.

"The super-god body was actually a kind of research that the God Realm opposed very much at the beginning. It was enough for mortals to have a heaven-defying physique that rivaled the power of the gods. But later, the God Realm encountered a catastrophe. In danger, I had to use the power of super gods to find more power to reverse this disaster!"

   "What kind of disaster is so perverted? The gods can't hold it? Is it related to the source of chaos?"

   "There is a great connection. When you have seen the power of the Chaos Treasure, you will know how terrible the Chaos Origin is. Your super SSS-level means are not worth mentioning in front of the Chaos Treasure!"

   "Super SSS level is not worth mentioning?!"

  Chen Mo had heard of the concept of the treasure of chaos when he entered the false origin of chaos created by God during the college entrance examination.

  He knows that this thing is amazing, but according to the meaning of this god, the Chaos Supreme Treasure can belittle the super SSS-level means to nothing, so this Chaos Supreme Treasure is too perverted!

   At the same time, a bold idea popped up in Chen Mo's mind. Is there a way to continue to synthesize super SSS-level things?

  At least, in the current synthesis store, the highest level of material is only the Super God fusion agent.

   And when his synthesis level was upgraded to level ten before, he was also prompted by Heavenly Dao to temporarily raise it to full level.

  At the beginning, Chen Mo felt that this temporary existence was actually very subtle.

  That is to say, level 10 in the synthesis store is not really the full level,

  But the life occupation has not been changed, so how to open the higher level of the subsequent synthesis store?

  If you want to synthesize something above the super SSS level, you will definitely need to use more special materials than the super fusion agent. Chen Mo doesn't need to think too much about this.

   It's just not clear what the above is.

   And he can't save things, and he can't help but use it as soon as he has a super SSS gift bag.

  After communicating with this **** this time, Chen Mo decided to save three super SSS gift packages next time and try to merge them.

  At least to see what is missing.

  Anyway, my current life-saving ability and output ability are already very good, and after the third turn, I can contract with the pet soul and my strength will go further. Obviously, there is no urgent need to update and stronger means for the time being, so I can save it first.

   "I don't know if the seniors have obtained the Chaos Supreme Treasure. How about showing it to the younger generation?"

"Boy, the treasure of chaos is extremely precious. Not all gods can get it. I don't have such luck. Okay, let's stop here. Since you have such strength, we don't need to fight again. , I will give you the reward directly."

   "Senior, is he going to give me 50 points of his divine power?" Chen Mo immediately asked with a grin.

  (end of this chapter)

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