All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 310: One domain breaks ten thousand domains! Domineering and invincible! (triple)

  Chapter 310 One domain breaks ten thousand domains! Domineering and invincible! (triple)

   "Stinky boy, what you think is beautiful, but my avatar will stay here and continue to test others. Wouldn't the divine power be abolished by you.

  Besides, this is a four-rotation event dungeon. The Dao of Heaven is closely guarded. It is impossible for you to be rewarded with divine power. Instead, I can give you top rewards in terms of point rewards. "The ultimate boss gave Chen Mo a blank look and said.

  As the final BOSS of the ultimate adventure mission finished speaking, Chen Mo's ears immediately heard the reminder from Heaven.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations for completing the ultimate adventure mission of level 10 difficulty. Your score for this mission is perfect. You have obtained 100 million points reward and an additional reward that the final point reward has increased by 1000%!

   This mission is over, and you will be teleported back to the tenth layer of space in 10 seconds, please get ready! 】

"It's a pity that you can't get supernatural power, but the income is not bad. I just got 100 million points from the entrance to the end of the maze, and I was rewarded with 100 million points in the end. This ultimate adventure mission directly gave me 200 million points. Also gave 10 times the final points settlement reward."

   Chen Mo thinks the benefits this time are pretty good.

  As soon as the 10-second countdown ended, he and Recalling were sent out of the ultimate adventure mission space.

   At this time, the reminder of the way of heaven also sounded.

  【Tips from Heaven: Congratulations to solar system contestant No. 6659 for becoming the first contestant to complete the ultimate adventure mission. Since he was one of the top three professionals who completed the ultimate expedition mission before, 300,000 points will be issued to him as a reward.

  Others, please hurry up and get a good ranking first. 】

[Tips from Heaven: Congratulations to solar system contestant No. 6659 for becoming the first contestant in the history of the galaxy to complete the ultimate 10-level expedition mission. This time, he will be rewarded with an SSS-level gift package and an additional reward of 1000% increase in final points reward . 】

  As the announcement sounded, there was another sensation inside and outside the dungeon.

  Before they saw Tiandao repeatedly reminding how difficult it was and how high the death rate was, they thought it was extremely difficult and that Chen Mo would be in danger.

  In the end, they saw Chen Mo pass the level quickly, and at this moment, they really didn't know what to say.

  In the dungeon, all the top four ranks are also stunned.

  For Chen Mo's strength, they also have a little understanding along the way, and they dare not underestimate it.

  However, there is only one dead word in this ultimate exploration mission of level 10 difficulty, and the difficulty is absolutely unprecedented. Under such circumstances, he actually completed it so quickly, so what is his actual strength?

  At first, everyone thought that they would be able to fight if they formed an army, but now they were confused.

  Someone once speculated that the level 10 ultimate exploration mission in the fourth-rank competition area, I am afraid that you need to have the strength close to the fifth-rank and nearly a hundred divine powers to pass.

  This level of difficulty is like a natural barrier for the fourth turn.

   But now, he was passed by a second turn, so what is the strength of this second turn?

  Although it is said that Chen Mo passed the level quite quickly, but this speed is relatively speaking. Normally, it takes at least 12 hours to pass the ultimate adventure mission. Chen Mo came out in less than 2 hours after entering and exiting.

   It can be said to be extremely fast.

  When Chen Mo came out, the tenth floor had gathered a full 9995 top four ranks!

   It only takes 100 minutes for all of them to go upstairs, more than an hour. The time for Chen Mo to get through the ultimate adventure is enough for them all to go up.

  After they came up, they learned that Chen Mo had entered the ultimate exploration mission space, so they formed an army formation in advance, and arranged a large number of traps and magic circles around them, waiting for Chen Mo to kill him the moment he came out!

  The moment Chen Mo and Zhui Yi stepped out of the void, the entire safety zone immediately boiled.

  An indescribable sense of oppression instantly filled the entire space, as if shrouded in a storm mixed with blood and flames, and the raging force almost tore the earth apart.

   I don’t know when there was a large area of ​​land in the safe zone.

   At the moment when Chen Mo and Zou Yi fell to the ground.

  The ground burst suddenly, "Shhhhhhh!!" Countless ground thorns with flashing cold light shot up into the sky like a dragon breaking through the sea, piercing towards Chen Mo and Zou Yi with a lingering chill and sharp killing intent.

In this burst of violent soil flow, bang bang bang, several snares sprayed out from the way, split open in the space, and fell directly on Chen Mo and Zhui Yi, restraining their actions, The rough and hard mesh exuded a menacing aura, and tightened crazily the moment it touched them, as if trying to strangle them to death.

  Accompanied by the net binding is the arrow rain trap. These arrow rain are as thick as steel spears, appearing from the sky out of thin air, like a malevolent star falling from the sky, and the dense arrows fall densely like a violent storm, whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Cutting through the air, there was a sharp whistling sound, and each arrow was accompanied by fierce killing intent, crazily piercing towards Chen Mo and Zui Yi.

  At the same time, various physical traps burst out one after another, such as sledgehammers and axes, and swords and swords, swearing until Chen Mo and Zui Yi were turned into meat sauce.

   In addition to these physical traps, there are also various elemental traps.

As the water element trap exploded, the air was suddenly filled with a moist feeling, and a gleaming lake surface appeared out of thin air, blinding everyone's sight, and the hidden water arrows shot out instantly like a whale spitting water, as icy as ice. The sword pierced through the air, piercing Chen Mo and Zou Yi with a sharp whistling sound, as if it wanted to pierce them full of holes.

  At the same time, the fire element trap detonated instantly, and groups of raging fireballs soared into the sky, reflecting the entire battlefield like daytime. The scorching air wave is raging in the air with a scorching breath. The flames are fierce, with raging heat. The flames are like a dragon, scorching the sky. While burning Chen Mo and Remembrance, they work together with the water element trap to create a large amount of high-temperature water vapor , resulting in a stronger killing effect.

The wind elemental trap swept across the audience like a violent storm. The wind howled, and the whistling wind blades were extremely sharp, cutting the air, causing the air to vibrate violently, making people feel like they were in a storm, while the wind helped the fire , the flames are fiercer, the wind helps the water potential, and the water arrows are more fierce!

On top of this, the thunder trap suddenly detonated, and the entire sky was instantly filled with thunder and lightning, violent arcs jumped in the air, and the silver-white lightning intertwined with the dark clouds, like the wrath of God, shocking people, falling down with countless thunder and lightning , it made the scene even more chaotic, and the water guides the lightning, making the lightning kill a wider area.

  Thunder boosts the temperature of the fire and makes the flame more powerful.

  Feng Lei is an old partner, mixing together to form a thunder cloud storm, raging crazily around Chen Mo and Zou Yi.

The light element trap is a blinding white light that washes the entire battlefield in an instant. The strong brilliance makes everyone dare not look directly at it. The hidden light beam is more terrifying than a sharp arrow. There were a few blood holes left on his body, and the aura that penetrated the space was simply unstoppable.

The dark element trap is like a bottomless black hole, devouring everything, firmly sucking Chen Mo and Zui Yi, and disturbing the surrounding space to prevent them from escaping. In the black hole, there is an invisible venom flowing in it. Move, corrode everything.

  All of this happened almost instantly, as if the heaven and the earth were caught in a violent storm in an instant. The sounds of roaring, cracking, and howling were intertwined to form a shocking symphony of destruction.

   The moment when the traps set up by tens of thousands of top four-turn powerhouses are triggered together, there is a shattering aesthetic feeling of an explosion of world-destroying power!

  As Chen Mo and Zhuan Ji, who were the first to suffer the harm in the center, they were completely indifferent to the harm of these traps, just like normal people.

  Reminiscence can be in a hidden state, and it will not suffer any harm, but Chen Mo will have no problem eating these traps even if he is not in a hidden state.

  Don't talk about the suppression effect of divine power on those without divine power.

   Just the effect of the super god's unique skill skill in Chen Mochao's SSS title, the super **** challenger title, can make all Chen Mo immune to all unreal and chaotic damage caused to him by all units whose divine power is not higher than him.

  Even if these traps are all real damage and chaos damage, it doesn't matter.

  They also have invulnerability skills.

  Even if there is no invincibility, they still cannot die if there are summons around them.

  Heavenly Dao only restricted Chen Mo's concealment ability, but did not restrict the concealment ability of reminiscence and the concealment ability of Chen Mo's summons.

  Chen Mo still has hundreds of millions of skeleton monsters hidden around him. Just sharing the damage equally is enough for these top four ranks to fight together for a long time.

  Seeing that Chen Mo triggered a large number of violent traps around him the moment he came back, all the top four players around were very excited.

  Although they had carefully set up traps before, they were still worried about one thing, that is, whether Chen Mo was restricted in hiding ability as Tiandao explained.

  If he is still hidden when he comes out of the ultimate exploration space, then all these traps will be useless.

  But now that the trap is triggered successfully, it shows one thing, his ability to hide is really restricted by the Dao of Heaven.

   This is the best news for many top fours.

   In this way, it is possible to deal with him.

  Although these traps are triggered very ferociously, these top four turns are clear. Judging from Chen Mo's various performances in this event copy, it may be very difficult for these traps to kill him.

  They only hope that these traps can somewhat consume the opponent's life-saving means.

  As all the traps were triggered, the four-turn field that was close to tens of thousands of top four-turns unfolded together.

  Each person's domain has its own characteristics, and the superposition of nearly tens of thousands of domains takes effect together, and the picture is also spectacular.

  When nearly tens of thousands of four-turn fields unfolded almost at the same time, the entire battlefield seemed to instantly become a colorful ocean.

  Various fields are like colorful bubbles, instantly expanding and expanding in the air, constantly colliding, blending, and overlapping, as if a bright galaxy blooms in the night sky.

  Some fields are like raging fire, which instantly ignites the surrounding air, rolling up waves of fire, making people feel as if they are in a sea of ​​flames.

  Some domains are like glacier worlds, instantly freezing the surrounding air, and the cold air overflows, making people feel like they are in an ice cave.

  There are other realms like the realm of thunder and lightning, where silver lightning flashes and jumps, and every bolt of lightning cuts through the darkness in an instant, bringing dazzling light.

  Some domains are like a realm of strong winds, where the wind howls, and each gust of wind is like a sharp blade, bringing a killing intent.

  Some fields are like an abyss, so deep that they seem to be able to swallow everything, making people feel endless fear.

  And some fields are like a bright starry sky, in which the stars are twinkling, like a dreamlike scene, which makes people intoxicated.

   Some areas are unpredictable, such as a dark forest, or a calm lake, or a desert storm, or a wild waterfall, where various scenes are constantly changing, as if they contain everything in the world.

  These fields are constantly colliding and blending, and the energy released almost makes the air tremble.

  The energies of various fields are intertwined, making the entire battlefield seem to become a colorful ocean, which is dazzling.

  Each field is blooming with its own brilliance, and each field is declaring its own existence to the surroundings.

  The interweaving of countless fields forms a unique and spectacular picture, which is shocking.

   "Play domain with me?" Chen Mo smiled.

  With the superimposition of these massive domain effects, it stands to reason that it would have a huge impact on units below rank 4, but soon, with Chen Mo as the center, a domain was also launched.

  The frantic airflow around seemed to sense this change, and instantly fell silent.

  At that moment, the air seemed to stop flowing, and time seemed to stop advancing.

  His domain began to spread, and at first it was just like the morning dew, forming quietly in the air.

  However, unlike the freshness of morning dew, what this field brings is endless disasters and threats.

   This is the "Disaster Domain" he copied from the super SSS level BOSS "Supreme Calamity Devourer of Doom".

  In an instant, the calamity domain swept away in all directions like the arrival of a demon god. Every inch of land, every piece of air, and every ray of wind became violent and chaotic under the shroud of this disaster domain.

  The color of the calamity domain seems to be a black hole that swallows everything, deep and ferocious, with endless destructive power.

  Under its influence, the nearly ten thousand colorful and various fields, like bubbles in front of it, burst and dissipated instantly, and no one was spared.

  Darkness descends like a long night, covering all light.

  Those fields that were originally powerful, like stars dotted around, were extinguished one after another in this endless darkness, disappearing without a trace.

   No force in the four-turn field can resist the disaster field, and everything becomes insignificant.

  Under the shroud of the disaster domain, the surrounding world seems to have become a doomsday scene.

  Thunder and lightning, howling wind, earth shaking and mountain shaking, like the end of the world, making people tremble and terrified.

  The destructive power brought by the disaster domain seems to be able to swallow everything, time, space, life, and all existence.

   In the face of this terrifying power, no matter what kind of field, no matter what kind of power, it is impossible to resist.

   This is the domain of disasters, and this is Chen Mo's domain.

  Endless disasters erupted from this field, and endless destructive power was released in this field.

  Everyone felt deep fear, and everyone felt deep despair.

  However, this is only the beginning of the field of disasters and disasters. More disasters and stronger forces are still being released from this field.

  Chen Mo used his calamity domain to show what is the power of the domain, what is the hegemony of the domain, and what is the invincibility of the domain.

  The expansion of a single field has broken through all the fields that are close to tens of thousands of top four-rank powerhouses!

  The "Disaster Domain" copied from the super SSS level BOSS "Supreme Calamity Devourer of Doom" is counted as a super SSS level domain.

  A mere four-turn field, how can it compare with other super SSS-level fields?

   It was directly crushed by two levels. Even the god-level domain would be directly defeated in front of the disaster domain. The fourth-rank domain is naturally not enough.

  In an instant, the expressions of all the top four players looking at Chen Mo turned into fear and shock.

   They have no time to worry about why this person looks different from the person they saw on the ninth floor. At this moment, facing Chen Mo's domain power, they can only feel endless shock in their hearts!

   They are difficult to understand, why? Why is a second-rank expanded field so terrifying?

  The strength of this field has become so abnormal that it exceeds any field they have seen before.

  Among them, there are many well-informed ones. They have seen the rank five domain, and they have also seen the god-level domain.

  But all the fields they have seen are completely worthless in front of the current field displayed by the second turn.

  This matter is really terrifying!

Originally, they thought that tens of thousands of domains would be superimposed and suppressed, enough to suppress Chen Mo's strength to the point where it would be difficult to display, but they never thought that one domain would break through ten thousand domains, and their domains would be like children's playing games in front of domains of this level Generally fragile.

"how so?"

   "Why is his field so perverted!?"

   "How can I fight this?"

   At this time, almost everyone had this thought in their hearts.

Even if the domain is tied, now they are reversely suppressed by the opponent, and everyone is directly trapped in the influence of the disaster domain, and their attributes are crazily weakened. Massive damage, these damages do not consume resistance and reduce damage reduction at all, directly scalding them in the form of real damage.

   Even if an army formation is formed right now, it can't stop the heat!

  Because everyone received damage at the same time, this also caused the shield amount of the army formation to drop crazily.

   It will soon be overwhelmed.

  Everyone had no choice but to bite the bullet and attack Chen Mo in this desperate area.

  But with the golden light shining from Chen Mo's body, the word "invincible" hung above his head, and everyone was in despair.

  He is invincible, how can he fight?

  This invincible skill was also copied by Chen Mo from the super SSS level boss. It is called the Supreme Asylum.

  Ten seconds is already a terrifying time for masters to fight.

  Following the opening of Invincible, Chen Mo waved the staff in his hand, and threw out the healing wave, and the terrifying damage of the healing wave exploded in the crowd.

  Healing Wave effect on enemies:

   Deal damage to the enemy target equal to your "law attack × professional star rating × 200 points", and the damage effect will also expand and affect all enemy units within 200 meters around the unit.

   If the HP of the damaged target is emptied, it will cause a fixed range damage equal to the maximum HP of the damaged target, and the range of the range of damage is 200 meters around the target unit.

   It can be seen that the effect of the healing wave becomes abnormal when the enemies gather!

  When Chen Mo launched an attack, his summons, as well as the summons of Remembrance and Remembrance, were not idle.

  Hundreds of millions of skeleton monsters launched a fierce attack on this group of four-rank top powerhouses according to their respective occupations.

   Reminiscence also threw out the healing wave and expanded the domain at the same time. As he and Chen Mo's healing wave and domain double superimposed damage, the amount of damage was already extremely abnormal.

  Combined with the siege of hundreds of millions of skeleton monsters whose attack power has increased to hundreds of millions, even an army formation composed of nearly tens of thousands of top four ranks is completely vulnerable to such a blow.

   Didn't even last for a second, and the army formation shattered with a click.

  Even though these top-ranked four-turners have countless tricks, what can they do in the face of an invincible iron lump?

  It's not that they didn't try to be invincible like Chen Mo.

  But they can't be invincible for so long.

  Chen Mo's invincibility is beyond the SSS level, and their highest level is SSS invincibility. It is good to be invincible for about 3 seconds.

   If you want to be invincible for a longer time, the undead effect will only be triggered when you are killed.

  Generally, the invincibility associated with the undead and resurrection effects triggered after being killed can provide a longer invincible time.

  But generally speaking, the undead and invincible effect of SSS level is only about 6 seconds at most.

  It is still incomparable with Chen Mo's invincibility up to ten seconds, not to mention, Chen Mo does not only have such an invincibility skill.

  He also has the invincibility skill of Invincible Baolian, which can continue to extend the invincibility time.

  Actually, Chen Mo didn't even need to activate invincibility, standing up and letting them fight, they couldn't help Chen Mo.

   It's just that Chen Mo doesn't want to be disturbed unnecessarily.

  Anyway, invincible skills are for use, so why not keep watching them?

Supreme Asylum combined with Invincible Lotus, even if there will be a short invincibility cooldown period between the release of two invincible skills, but if there are only two invincible skills used consecutively in a short period of time, the invincibility cooldown period is only 0.1 seconds, almost Equivalent to no.

   It was enough for Chen Mo to reach 19 seconds of invincibility.

  As the shields of the army formation shattered, death also began!

   But after all, they are all top rank four powerhouses, and their life-saving ability is indeed top-notch.

  Chen Mo killed a circle, and almost everyone was resurrected and could stand up again.

  Facing the top four ranks close to tens of thousands, even if Chen Mo has the sealing ring, he can't seal it.

   It can only be random killings, and it’s just a matter of time. If you kill a few times, no amount of life-saving ability will be enough!

  (end of this chapter)

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