All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 311: Crazy killing, trillion points! (two in one)

  Chapter 311 Crazy killing, trillion points! (two in one)

  Before Chen Mo released the dungeon, a large group of people had already gathered outside the dungeon.

  They had already seen the trend of these top four ranks preparing to deal with Chen Mo before Chen Mo released the ultimate adventure dungeon.

   Originally thought that they were doing mental calculations without intention, Chen Mo would suffer a lot now.

  Everyone on Earth is somewhat worried.

   "The genius of our earth is in the ultimate expedition mission. I'm afraid they gathered outside in advance to make some small moves."

   "Do you need to think too much about it? If I were them, they would definitely arrange everything in advance. All kinds of traps, magic circles and other things that could deceive people would be arranged in advance, and they would just wait for someone to come out and deceive him to death in an instant."

   "It's really insidious, so isn't our Earth dangerous?"

   "Since he dared to enter the ultimate expedition mission, he should have been prepared. Before they were only one area away from us, they didn't dare to do anything. This time, I'm afraid they won't be able to cause any trouble."

"This time is different from that time. This time, there is an ultimate hunting mission restriction. We can't hide. No one has analyzed it before. Maybe it's because we used the super SSS-level concealment ability, and the other party didn't Can you lose your temper if you can only be beaten if you can't break the law? Now it's difficult without protection."

   "Then what should we do? He won't be in real danger."

"It's hard to say, I can only pray for him silently, I hope he can turn evil into good luck, and you can see that he is so easy to enter this ultimate expedition mission, his real strength is probably extremely strong, and he really has no ability to hide. It is not an existence to be slaughtered by others."

"makes sense!"

  People on Earth are worried, but people in other galaxies want Chen Mo to die. Looking at a large number of people gathered in the tenth-floor security zone, everyone has guessed what these people are going to do.

  Eternal Star System executives here, but everyone expects Chen Mo to receive the news of his life and death the moment he comes out of the ultimate expedition mission.

   And now Chen Mo finally came out, but the news they wanted to hear did not appear.


  With Chen Mo and the Reminiscence Domain fully opened, the tens of thousands of top 4th turn can't make any troubles in front of them.

   After all, in terms of actual combat power, Chen Mo and Zhui Yi are two rank five players with good strength.

   There is no chance of winning if tens of thousands of four revolutions join forces to challenge two not weak five revolutions.

   Soon the casualties began to appear.

  Heavenly reminders also began to ring continuously.

  【Tiandao reminder: "Xiesta No. 8653" Jueyuan contestant-level 100 (four-turn occupation, twenty-five-star occupation "Poison Demon King") has died! There are 9995 remaining contestants in the current dungeon! 】

  【Tiandao Reminder: "Wei Moluo No. 152" Ferris Department contestant-level 100 (four-turn occupation, twenty-five-star occupation "Shenyu Saint") has died! There are 9994 remaining contestants in the current dungeon! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: "Magu No. 7778" nine-headed contestant—level 100 (four-turn occupation, twenty-five-star occupation "Hidden One") has died! There are 9993 remaining contestants in the current dungeon! 】


  As people continued to die, the reminders in Chen Mo's ears kept ringing.

[Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, you have successfully killed a contestant. Since you are currently in the ultimate hunting mission, you have obtained a hunting reward of 10,000 points, and at the same time you have obtained 10 times the points he accumulated. You earned 2.4 million points! 】

[Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, you have successfully killed a contestant. Since you are currently in the ultimate hunting mission, you have obtained a hunting reward of 10,000 points, and at the same time you have obtained 10 times the points he accumulated. You earned 3.8 million points! 】

[Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, you have successfully killed a contestant. Since you are currently in the ultimate hunting mission, you have obtained a hunting reward of 10,000 points, and at the same time you have obtained 10 times the points he accumulated. You earned 2.9 million points! 】


  The contestants kept dying, and Chen Mo's points kept increasing crazily. Outside the dungeon, everyone was stunned.

  People on the earth watched the top four revolutions that Chen Mo blasted and killed together, and they couldn't help bursting into bursts of cheers.

   "It's started! Random killing! It's cool!"

   I don't know who shouted, and the others also howled crazily: "God is awesome!"

   "Second rank kills the top four ranks who are close to tens of thousands of joints. The newly promoted fifth rank will have to shout big brother!"

"It's really too strong. Within the scope of this kind of restricted action, against the top four kills approaching tens of thousands! The normal second turn, no, even the normal fourth turn, after being approached by tens of thousands of top four turn After the domain is suppressed, he has to die instantly, I really wonder how he did it, is the super SSS reward really so perverted?"

   "After all, it is a rank that we don't understand, no matter how strong it is."

  Ordinary people on the earth don’t know the strength of the super-SSS level, but the high-level people on the earth still have some understanding.

  Although the number of super SSS-level abilities obtained by professionals is not many, but when the fifth-rank powerhouses fight monsters, they encounter quite a few, and they still have relevant understanding of this aspect.

  Super SSS-level ability is indeed strong, but it is not too strong compared to SSS-level ability.

  Just the amount of super SSS-level abilities that Chen Mo has obtained so far should not be enough to support him in a second-rank sling close to tens of thousands of top four-rank.

  Especially at the second turn, it has to be suppressed by the pets at the fourth turn. With the suppressing ability of these pets bound to the top four turns, it is enough to reduce the suppression attribute of a second turn to less than half.

   It is true that there is no solution for pets to suppress this ability.

  Even if you have super SSS level ability.

  Chen Mo was suppressed, but there is not much difference between being suppressed and not being suppressed.

  He was suppressed, and his fighting power was still extremely strong.

   can still kill these top four revolutions in seconds.

   And now that his Calamity Domain is used, it also reversely suppresses all the top four-turn attributes around it to 50%, making them unable to make any waves.

   At this time, everyone only saw Chen Mo killing randomly, but the high-level executives of the major galaxies were analyzing the reason why he was able to kill randomly when he approached tens of thousands of top four turns openly against the enemy.

   But it's a pity that unless you see the means he uses with your own eyes, you can't guess anything out of thin air.

   Soon, one-tenth of the top four revolutions that were close to tens of thousands died.

  Even if other people around are interested in resurrecting the fallen person, they will only receive a reply that the other person is in a state of being unable to revive.

   As long as the people killed by Chen Mo, unless they can be resurrected by themselves, it is useless for anyone to come.

   Close to tens of thousands of top four ranks, in the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional, facing the enemy head-on was actually killed by a second rank.

   Now the Eternal Star Galaxy really doesn't need to go out to promote anything. All the galaxies around them, no matter how strong or weak, feel the shocking power and heaven-defying!

  Turn 2 already possesses such powerful means, what if he grows to Rank 3?

   What will happen if it grows to rank four or rank five? Who can stop this person?

  However, the currently weaker galaxies have no plans to deal with Chen Mo when their own living environment is also rough.

   After all, they might not even get through tomorrow, let alone the day after tomorrow.

  But it’s completely different for powerful galaxies. They already have the chance to win the battle in the first area, so naturally they have to consider how to deal with the powerful enemies in the second area in the future.

   It is absolutely impossible for the perverted and extremely sky-defying second turn of the solar system to let them defeat the eternal star system and enter the second area.

For a while, many replies agreeing to the alliance have been sent to the senior management of the Yongxing system. Of course, even if they feel a huge threat, they still do not forget to sit on the ground and raise the price for themselves. Star systems have made quite high demands.

   It is the kind of level that can be understood at a glance, so high that the other party cannot agree.

  But business can be negotiated. Since the other party can make an offer, they are naturally ready to bargain.

  This is why they drive so high in the first place.

  Eternal Star Galaxy executives received replies from many galaxies, and they all laughed angrily.

   "While these wolves want to use us to get rid of their future enemy, they also want to bite us hard!"

   "How to say? Even if we don't agree to any of their conditions, can they still give up dealing with this kid in the solar system? Judging by their current reaction, they are obviously scared."

"It's true to say so, but we are facing the solar system first after all. For them, it is a threat in the future, but for us it is a sharp sword hanging over our heads at any time. After all, we still can't use it up. It is impossible for them to abandon our entire galaxy for a little benefit, and they are obviously grasping our psychology."

   "It's true to say that, but if we refuse to give it to death, do they really dare to watch this kid in the solar system grow up?"

"They don't dare, but we can't afford to gamble. The longer we delay, the stronger this kid will be, and the harder it will be to deal with him. If we want to deal with this kid as soon as possible, we can only reduce the time we spend wrangling with other galaxies and recruit them earlier." manpower."

   It is not easy for a galaxy to find five hundred five-star powerhouses to sacrifice, but if each galaxy contributes one or two, it is still easy to brainwash them.

"Now this kid is still in the event dungeon, and there is still a lot of time for us to negotiate with them, so let's talk to them first. Anyway, the current event situation is nothing to watch. After killing like this, there will only be one-sided massacres, and it doesn't make much sense to watch."

  At this time, everyone didn't care much about the situation in the fourth division.

   After all, they are already in a clear unilateral massacre, and these top four rotations are completely unable to turn over any storms.

   It can't be blamed that these top four transfers are not worthy of their names and are too weak. It is really that the strength of their opponents is not human.

   Even if they tried their best, there was nothing they could do.

  The audience watching the fourth division saw the death message pop-up windows popping up frantically.

  I saw a second-rotation professional completely killing crazy in the top four-rotation event area.

   It's not just the area that competes with the second area of ​​the solar system in the future, it's frightening and shocking to see Chen Mo's performance.

  Other galaxies that have no interest entanglement, after seeing Chen Mo's performance like this, can't help but be amazed!

  Before today, they never imagined that the second rank would be able to cross the two desperate gaps between the contracted pet and the fourth rank field, and launch a strong attack on the fourth rank strong.

  They never imagined that a second-rank can kill nearly tens of thousands of top four-rotors as quickly as chopping melons and vegetables.

  In the dungeon, all the top four turns looked at Chen Mo with only despair.

  Many people knew that today was a doomed situation, so they directly chose to destroy the things in their backpacks, and they didn't want to take advantage of Chen Mo when they were dying.

   But Chen Mo doesn't really care about the loot points anymore, he only cares about the final dungeon point rewards now.

   After all, the number of dungeon points determines what level the final dungeon reward exchange store can open.

  Before there was no exchange store with 100 million points.

  And today he will be able to create a trillion-level exchange store that is a trillion-point level.

  Thinking about it makes me a little excited.

  As the number of people in the instance decreased, Chen Mo's points also reached an exaggerated level.

   These 9995 people have an average of about 280,000 points.

  Just for the waiting rewards on the ninth floor, each person got 100,000 points. In addition to the reward levels and basic rewards they experienced before, it is relatively easy to accumulate more than 200,000 points.

  Now in the ultimate hunting event, Chen Mo can get 10 times the reward for killing any of them. Calculated on the average, it is equivalent to each person can provide Chen Mo with 2.8 million points reward.

  9995 people can provide Chen Mo with a total of 27.986 billion points. This point plus Chen Mo's current points is more than 28 billion points.

During this event, Chen Mo received two 100% rewards for the final points increase and three 1000% rewards for the final points increase. He can also get different multipliers for the final point rewards when he enters the event area. Points revenue rewards increased by 4 times.

   That is to say, the points that Chen Mo can finally gain can be increased by 37 times on the original basis.

   With the additional increase in the final point income, Chen Mo can obtain 38 times the point reward of more than 28 billion.

   All in all, the points reward he can finally reap really easily breaks through the trillion level and enters the trillion level!

  As the last top four turn died with hatred, this **** killing finally stopped.

   It's quite a strange feeling for one person to kill thousands of top experts who are two levels higher than himself.

  Chen Mo has no sympathy, no sadness, facing the death of intelligent life in different galaxies, he doesn't feel much.

Just like the eternal star system killing the people on earth, it is completely cold-blooded and ruthless. This world has come to this point, and it is already a world of the weak and the strong. The intelligent life in the entire universe will have to struggle in this kind of competition. Survival, who has the time to soften the hearts of those who may be their future competitors!

  (end of this chapter)

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