All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 312: Curse the magic pupil, the king of myriad pupils devours it!

  Chapter 312 Mantra magic pupil, devoured by the king of myriad pupils!

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on killing the last contestant. Since you wiped out all contestants in this ultimate hunting mission, you can get an extra SSS-level gift package! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Recycling the dropped items is completed. According to the total value of the opponent’s dropped items, you have obtained 6 million loot points! Your total loot points are currently 45,080,000,000 points! 】

  Although Chen Mo killed all the other contestants, the time for the event dungeon is not over yet, and the event dungeon is naturally not completely over.

Idle is also idle, this time I got two SSS-level gift packs plus another SSS-level gift pack before, just made up three more, and this month also refreshed the discount of the synthesis store, Chen Mo directly spent 10 Eternal Gold Coin bought a bottle of Super God Fusion Agent and synthesized these three SSS-level gift packages.

  Unfortunately, this time it seems that it is still due to the balance of chances, and another SSS-level gift package that can be specified is produced.

Chen Mo didn't care too much, after all, he can already obtain super SSS-level gift packages through conventional means, and he doesn't really rely on the synthesis of SSS-level gift packages, but this kind of gift package that can be specified is actually more expensive. Scarce.

  Chen Mo reckoned that most of his abilities are quite complete at present, but the abilities of curses seem to be insufficient. He tried to activate an ability related to the effects of curses.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully opened the designated SSS-level gift package. Congratulations on obtaining the binding item "Spell Magic Pupil·Myth"! 】

[Cursed Eyes]: Curse effect on all units in sight at the cost of temporary blindness, making them all fall into a permanent cursed blindness state, this cursed blindness state will also take effect on the screen perception ability, and enter the cursed blindness state Afterwards, the cursed person not only loses vision, but also loses the ability to perceive information on the screen.

   "It's quite abnormal to directly block other people's visual and image perception abilities, but it's almost meaningless, but it's better than nothing."

  Chen Mo still chose to use it.

  Who would have thought that when he used the magic pupil of incantation, it triggered the effects of his super **** body and eye of origin.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Warning, your spell magic pupil has been swallowed! 】

  【Prompt from the Dao of Heaven: The Eye of Origin is the king of myriad pupils, it directly devours and absorbs the power of the magic pupil of incantations, producing new effects,]

  【Heavenly Reminder: Your Super God Body has detected a harmful physique, and has removed the negative effects of this physique on its own. 】

  With the combined effects of the two super SSS physiques, Chen Mo's spell magic pupil disappeared directly.

  Instead, the effect of the Eye of Origin has been changed.

  [Eye of Origin]: This is the eye that appeared at the beginning of the world. After use, it will merge into your eyes.

  The Eye of Origin will give you the ability to see through anything, whether it is camouflage, illusion, hidden things... (including everything the other party hides in the storage space)

   And let you have a God's perspective, see through everything within the range of "level * star * 10000 meters" without blind spots.

  Owning it, you have the eye of God, and everything is within your gaze.

  At the same time, you can cast a curse on all enemy units within the visible range of the Eye of Origin, causing them to fall into a permanent curse state and lose all perception!

"Heavenly, there are no side effects at all, not to mention, even the effect of just cursing the ability to cut off visual perception has turned into cutting off all perception abilities. This is what really turns a person into a super deaf, blind, and touchless. Disabled, it's a horrible feeling."

  People's ability to perceive space depends on various senses. If all senses are gone, wouldn't it mean that they don't even know where they are, and they will definitely fall into complete chaos.

  In this state, let alone attack, it is even difficult to escape and defend.

  Because you can't perceive anything, even if the attack falls on you, if there is no heavenly reminder that you are attacked, you don't even know anything.

  Unless you have a wide range of attack capabilities, all-round defense capabilities, and strong space transfer capabilities, once you fall into this cursed state, you will basically lose your combat effectiveness and become a sandbag before the curse is lifted.

  Chen Mo is quite satisfied with the effect of this curse, and there is another big killer.

  In the following time, he quietly waited for the end of the dungeon time.

  The outside world has already turned upside down his performance in the fourth division.

   A second-rank and one person alone fighting tens of thousands of top four ranks actually slaughtered them all. The shock that this brought to everyone was indescribable.

  The major galaxies have already discussed with the Yongxing galaxy about the joint deal with Chen Mo.

  Eternal Star Galaxy knew that it was going to bleed this time, so it pressed some conditions, gave some benefits to the major galaxies, and found their cooperation.

  When all major galaxies are willing to cooperate, it is relatively easy to find 500 five-stars.

   It’s just that this time they have to deal with a super pervert who can easily kill tens of thousands of top four ranks at the second rank.

   This selection is not just any five-star.

  Even if everyone has the same star rating, they actually behave completely differently in all aspects.

   They naturally have to coordinate and deploy the composition and configuration of this five-hundred demonized five-star brigade.

  One hundred five-star support is absolutely essential.

   And the output obviously has to occupy at least two hundred.

  The remaining 200 are complements, complementing various other abilities.

   Make every effort to achieve success in one battle!

  Because only the Eternal Star System knows that there is only one chance to become a five-star demon.

  If you want to perform five-star demonization, you need to use a very special price. At present, the Eternal Star System has only received such a price.

   That is the heart of the five-star demon god.

   This thing is very difficult to find, and the Eternal Star System also got a copy of this "Sacred Blood Soul Devouring Demon Formation" by the way.

   Since then, it has never been found.

  Therefore, there is only one chance to perform five-star demonization in total, and there will be no second copy after using up this material.

  When the Eternal Star System shared information about the Demonic Formation this time, this information was not shared.

  After all, how can I say that such a demonized formation is a good deterrent force. Even in such a critical moment, the Eternal Star System still does not want to be easily seen through at a glance.

The Yongxing system is quite smart in dealing with this matter. First let others know that they have a good deterrent power, and at the same time let others know that this deterrent power cannot be used lightly. A very strong defensive hole card, before he is under a key threat, it is obviously difficult to use this hole card as a means of taking the initiative to attack.

   Just like this time, even if you want to use it as a means of active attack, you still need to seek the help of a large number of other galaxies, otherwise it will be difficult to form an effective threat.

  The most important thing is that this method can't deal with Rank 5 at all.

  Those who have seen the information shared by "Sacred Blood and Soul Devouring Demonization Formation" have seen its relevant restrictions.

   This is the main body information of the demonized formation directly shared by the Yongxing system. What others see is the complete information introduced by Tiandao. Naturally, they know that the Yongxing system cannot deceive people, and all they learn is true information.

In the description of the real information, the "Blood and Soul Devouring Demonic Formation" can only take effect on units below the fifth rank. That is to say, in fact, in the battle of the Tower of Eternity, this demonic formation can't provide anything at all. Combat power, after all, once the divine power exceeds 100, it is equivalent to ignoring all the abilities of 100% non-sacred units.

  At present, no one in the galaxies near the solar system knows that divine power can appear below five revolutions.

  So I actually sneer at units below five ranks.

They are afraid of Chen Mo, afraid of Chen Mo, not the current him. In their view, as long as they give their units with more than 100 divine power a chance to enter the solar system, they can easily crush him with one finger, even if he It is very majestic to single out tens of thousands of turns, but in the face of the gap in divine power, it is still like an ant.

   Such ants are naturally not qualified to be feared.

  What they are afraid of is only Chen Mo who will grow up to rank five in the future and obtain divine power.

   At that time, how terrifying his combat power will become is beyond imagination.

  So no matter how high the price is, he must be eliminated first and then quickly!

  As the major galaxies are intensively carrying out various actions, all parts of the earth are also quite busy at this time.

  Because many starry sky channels were opened, many people from other galaxies were sent in.

  They didn't come here to cause sabotage, after all, it was pointless, and they didn't want to die in vain.

   After all, Chen Mo's current strength is obviously useless except for turning five, and it is useless for others to come. It is meaningless to kill other earthlings.

  They just want to come to listen to the so-called super SSS-related sound of the Great Dao.

  But this is not something you can listen to if you want to.

  Many people were immediately repelled by the strong on Earth as soon as they opened the starry sky passage.

   Some who didn't have time to run even died on the spot.

   Only a very small number of people have successfully mixed into the earth.

  But they only dare to hide in the wider wilderness, and dare not go to the safe zone.

   Even so, there are still many patrols formed on the earth, as if they were patrolling and searching everywhere, and several more were caught.

   In the end, there are only a very small number of people left.

   But in fact, their current latent missions are not important anymore. Chen Mo's threat has been seen by all, and the major galaxies no longer need to see any super SSS-level voice of the avenue to prove his threat.

  These people were sent here, but they were arranged before and didn't have time to take them back.

  But they are all here, so naturally there is no need to call them back directly, just to hear what the so-called super SSS-level voice of the avenue looks like.

  It is also good to add a reliable record to the historical record.

  When the outside world is turbulent and the forces of all parties are undercurrents, the time for the event dungeon is almost at the end.

  (end of this chapter)

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