Chapter 313 is the only event exclusive reward!

  【Heavenly Reminder: The settlement time for this event dungeon is up. Congratulations, you have successfully completed all the adventures of this magic tower, and you have completed the final expedition mission. You have won the reward of a 100% increase in the final settlement points.

  Since you are the only surviving participant in this event, the points you get will be rounded up to the highest digit for you. Your current points are 30 billion.

  Because you are a step-up challenge, according to your current number of reincarnations, you can get an additional reward of 400% increase in final settlement points.

   The additional settlement points reward you can finally get has been increased to 39 times, and now the final reward point settlement is started for you. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: After settlement, you will finally get 1.2 trillion dungeon points. 】

[Tiandao Tip: Since your points have reached the trillion level, now the prize redemption store for the highest level event copy in the current competition area is specially opened for you. You can buy an event exclusive reward in the event store. Choose one of the exclusive rewards.

   According to your points, you can get a chance to refresh rewards. 】

〖Event Exclusive Rewards〗: Event exclusive rewards cannot be obtained in any other way, only special rewards that can only be obtained through official events, each of which has only one copy, once exchanged, it will permanently disappear from the reward pool, unless the original owner is dead, After the binder confirms his death, the reward will be directly recovered by Tiandao and re-enter the reward pool, and other people cannot obtain it by killing the owner.

   "Exclusive rewards for the event! If you change one, you will get one less. It sounds pretty high, but I don't know what they are all about."

  【Tiandao Reminder: The loot exchange store has also been opened for you, please use your loot points to exchange. 】

  With the opening of the two major shopping malls at the same time, Chen Mo first checked the rewards in the highest-level prize redemption shop of the event copy.

   Ignoring the loot shop, Chen Mo looked directly at the event exclusive reward shop.

   Right now, there are three exclusive event rewards on display, and Chen Mo can choose from them.

  Chen Mo checked them one by one immediately.

[Prehistoric Hammer·Exclusive Artifact for Events]: This weapon is a special weapon, which ignores occupational restrictions and has no attribute bonuses. It has extremely hard toughness and can smash all equipment below SSS level with one blow. It takes three hits to shatter, and super SSS-level equipment can only withstand ten attacks from this weapon before it shatters.

   "Goddammit! If anyone goes out to fight with this hammer, they will be scared away before the fight starts. Don't care if they can beat them, just a few hits will make them unbearable."

  Although the effect of this hammer is perverted, it is also full of deterrence. Even the super SSS level equipment can be smashed as soon as it is smashed, but it has no real effect on Chen Mo.

  He immediately looked at the other two rewards.

[Endless Elixir·Activity Exclusive Items]: This bottle of potion is refined from many medicinal materials that are now peerless. It is the only bottle in the world. It has wonderful healing and strengthening effects. It can be regarded as the same effect as drinking on other people's skin, and it has the effect of resurrection.

Drinking the Endless Potion can instantly restore the drinker's life and energy to full, and eliminate all negative and cursed states, and enter the invincible and no-skill cooling state for 10 seconds. The resurrection effect can still be effective for the target in the limited resurrection state. The outer bottle of the potion What is used is the anti-time treasure bottle, which can refill the potion in the medicine bottle infinitely, and it takes 1 minute to refill the potion each time.

   "What a perverted potion! It's full of effects, full of blood and mana for resurrection, invincible and no cooldown, even invincible for up to 10 seconds, too strong!"

  If it wasn't for Chen Mo himself having the related abilities described by this endless potion, he really wanted to replace this potion directly.

And even with such abilities, this bottle of endless potion is still very attractive to Chen Mo. After all, this endless potion can be used by others. After all, Chen Mo's ability only belongs to himself and cannot affect others. But with the endless potion in hand, It can also greatly improve the combat effectiveness of others, which is a very powerful auxiliary method.

  Chen Mo still likes it very much after watching it. Although he has some intentions in his heart, he still decides to read all the rewards. He immediately turned his head to look at the last reward.

[Mystery of Mind Reading · Activity Exclusive Skill]: This is a special spiritual perception skill that enables practitioners to gain insight into the thoughts and intentions of others, easily read other people's thoughts, and use this to gain insight into the enemy's weaknesses in advance , Anticipate the enemy's actions and use this information to gain an advantage. You can also see clearly the villains around you, and you are not afraid of being calculated by others.

   "Mind reading! Still have this heaven-defying ability?"

  Chen Mo was shocked.

  If you say that the abilities you have mastered before are basically in the data category, this kind of mind-reading ability is beyond Chen Mo's cognition of Tiandao's ability.

  This game that spreads all over the universe is not as simple as imagined. It doesn't simply digitize human attributes, but it really can digitize everything.

   It is even possible to see the thoughts in people's hearts.

  If it weren’t for knowing that this kind of sky-defying ability can only appear in the exclusive event rewards, Chen Mo would really be worried about meeting someone with this ability.

  It doesn’t feel good to be seen through underpants. After all, you are not invincible. Once all your abilities are known to the enemy, it is still possible for others to come up with a plan to kill you.

  This ability must not fall into the hands of others.

  Although Chen Mo likes the Endless Potion very much, the ability strength and holding significance of the mind-reading secret technique are more important than the endless potion. He finally decided to exchange the mind-reading secret technique directly, and did not even use the opportunity to refresh the reward.

  Chen Mo used to read novels a lot, and in many novels, the mind-reading ability is the biggest cheat, which shows how perverted this ability is.

  With it, no matter how many aliens are hiding on the earth, they will not be able to escape their eyes.

   Moreover, it is also very useful when confronting the enemy. If you really encounter an evenly matched enemy, seeing through the opponent's mind in advance can also play a vital role in the reversal of the victory scale.

More importantly, this ability can help you see everyone around you clearly, and you don't have to be afraid of encountering things like white-eyed wolves. Although the possibility of adultery is not high, it is still possible, because there are so many One item is called "Star Conversion Card".

  After using this item, you can change your star registration to another star registration, but this item will only drop from the corresponding galaxy, so only people from the galaxy you want to transform can give you this item.

  For example, the solar system will only drop the "Solar System Constellation Conversion Card", and the Eternal Star System will only drop the "Eternal Star System Constellation Conversion Card".

  If you want someone to be a traitor, you naturally need to give the other party a guarantee that he can survive after the destruction of his galaxy, otherwise who will betray, and the star conversion card is a good guarantee.

  When many people feel that their galaxy is dead and they don't want to die, they will choose to accept this prop sent by the other party, becoming a contemptuous traitor and betraying their own matriarchy.

  This kind of people, although they say they want to survive, are betraying the galaxy they were born in after all. Even if they join someone else's star membership, their treatment in the future will obviously not be much better.

   After all, you can betray your own matrilineal system today, and it is not uncommon for you to betray this wild father’s galaxy tomorrow in order to survive.

  Naturally, after others have achieved their goals, it is impossible for others to give you any good looks.

   But even so, when many people see that the wind direction of their galaxy is not right, they will still choose to defect.

  Of course, in today's solar system, there is such a heaven-defying evildoer as Chen Mo, so naturally no one would think so.

  But before Chen Mo was born, it is not known whether someone in the solar system could not resist the temptation and defected to the eternal star system.

  If there is, it is really a wrong step. Even if they see Chen Mo in full swing now, those people may not be able to turn back easily.

   After all, if you choose to defect, you will definitely have to vote for a certificate.

  Once you have done something unfavorable to your own galaxy before, then this handle will be pinched to death in the hands of Yongxing Galaxy, and there will be no turning back. Naturally, you can only choose one way to go to the dark.

Chen Mo does not want such people to appear on the earth, but human nature cannot stand the test. Even if he does not hope, there is still a high probability that there will be a few of them. Find out the ingredients, so as not to have knots in your heart.

  (end of this chapter)

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