Chapter 314 Synthesis! Above the SSS class!

   After looking at the three event exclusive rewards repeatedly, Chen Mo finally locked the mind-reading secret technique.

   After all, relatively speaking, this ability is more useful to him.

   Whether it is daily application or fighting against the enemy, it is beneficial.

   After selecting the exclusive rewards for the event, Chen Mo turned to look at the loot shop.

   This time his loot points have also accumulated quite high.

   There are a lot of things that can be exchanged, but Chen Mo has already figured out what to exchange.

   Immediately, I will turn three, and the pet contract is close at hand. Naturally, I need to get something to fill up my super SSS pets.

  First of all, it takes a considerable amount of time for pets to hatch.

  Chen Mo owns this super SSS pet egg, the incubation time alone is close to 100 million hours.

   Under normal circumstances, it is obviously impossible to wait.

  So Chen Mo needs to exchange hatching stones to shorten this time quickly.

  Hatching stones are priced at 50 million loot points per piece, each of which can reduce the hatching time by half.

   To shorten the incubation time of 100 million hours to an acceptable time, a lot of quantity needs to be consumed.

  Chen Mo calculated before that if twenty-two hatching stones are used, the hatching time can be shortened to less than 1 day.

   Twenty-two hatching stones, 1.1 billion points were directly consumed after exchange.

  Chen Mo's loot points are as high as 45,080,000,000 points this time, which is still affordable.

  But before exchanging the hatching stone, Chen Mo suddenly had a crazier idea in his mind.

  If it is said that there are already definite grades above the super SSS level, can the super SSS level pets also be raised to a higher level?

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo's heart beat faster.

  Just an SSS-level pet can bring a very strong star upgrade. If it is a pet above SSS-level, wouldn't the improvement that can be brought after the contract be even more astonishing?

  Although it is a waste of his loot points if there is no way to combine a pet above SSS level, but if he has the opportunity to try, how can Chen Mo give up this opportunity.

  He immediately chose to exchange six SSS-level pet eggs.

   Spent a full 1.8 billion loot points.

   At the same time, he ran out of discounts for this month, and spent 20 eternal gold coins to exchange for two bottles of Super God fusion agent from the synthesis store.

   Soon three super SSS pet eggs were collected.

  Looking at the three super SSS pet eggs, Chen Mo took a deep breath, and threw them all into the synthesis bar in front of him.

   Soon the synthesis prompt sounded.

  ...You put 【Super SSS Pet Egg】*3!

  【Checking formula...】

  【It was detected that three pieces of the same material were put in, and your talent has played an effect. There is no need to master the formula for this synthesis! 】

  【Start this synthesis quality test...】

  【The quality of this synthesis is Chaos quality, and additional special materials need to be added—Chaos Fusion Agent】


   "Chaos fusion agent? There is no exchange store."

  Suddenly, Chen Mo's Mo Luo's brain turned and he thought of a possibility.

   "Could it be that the chaos fusion agent is synthesized from three bottles of super **** fusion agent?"

  As soon as Chen Mo thought of this possibility, he immediately started to try.

   Fortunately, he still has enough eternal gold coins. Before entering the event, he still had more than 8,000 eternal gold coins. He spent 1,200 of them on a bet, and there are more than 7,000 eternal gold coins left, which is enough for use.

  He took out 3,000 eternal gold coins to buy three bottles of Super God fusion agent without discount, and then threw them directly into the synthesis column.

   I saw that the synthesis bar actually turned, and the three bottles of super-god fusion potion were combined into one.

  As the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded again, Chen Mo also received the synthesis result.

   At this time, a bottle full of gray liquid appeared in the synthesis bar.

  Chen Mo clicked on it, and sure enough, the thing in front of him was the chaos fusion agent!

   Now that Chen Mo has figured out how to synthesize super **** level and above, the price is really high enough.

   The chaos fusion agent alone will cost 3,000 eternal gold coins.

   Having obtained the Chaos Fusion Agent, Chen Mo naturally no longer hesitated, and threw the Chaos Fusion Agent and three super SSS pet eggs into the synthesis bar.

   Compositing starts again.

  After three breaths, a pet egg exuding strange gray energy appeared in the synthesis bar.

  【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

  【Please take out the item you synthesized "Chaos Level Pet Egg"! 】

   "It's against the sky! There really are pet eggs that are even higher than the super SSS grade. If this is hatched, what level will it be?"

  Chen Mo didn't dare to think about it, he immediately checked the pet egg information.

[Chaos-level pet egg]: The life born in chaos, the legend among the legends, is said to be extinct now, but it was born again for some reason. The little guy in it controls the power enough to overturn the world. Please control it carefully. It is currently 1 billion billion hours away from its incubation time.

   "Good guy! The incubation time is too far away, 1 billion billion hours, so it must be hatched to the end of the universe."

   Fortunately, Chen Mo now has a Mara brain, with outstanding brain power, and he can calculate the number of hatching stones needed to reduce 1 billion hours into one day at an extremely fast speed without a computer.

  49, the seemingly terrifying 100 billion, originally only needed 49 hatching stones to shorten the hatching time to one day.

   It can be seen that the most terrifying algorithm in the world is indeed the multiple algorithm. No matter how large a number is, it only needs a small amount of multiplication to reduce it to a very small number.

  The exchange price of 49 hatching stones is 2.45 billion.

   Now Chen Mo, who is rich and powerful, paid without hesitation.

  After exchanging hatching stones, Chen Mo went on to exchange for growth food that pets need to eat, which is also a huge consumption.

   On top of this, Chen Mo also exchanged the items needed for pets to break through each growth stage.

   However, the best breakthrough items sold in the loot shop are only suitable for SSS-level pets. Chen Mo needs to synthesize them to Chaos-level before they can be used by his Chaos-level pets.

   That is to say, Chen Mo needs to prepare nine items for each stage.

   This loss can be described as extremely huge.

  Chen Mo spent the remaining points before he could exchange the advanced breakthrough things needed by pets into the growth stage.

There are two levels of mature stage and full body stage in the back, and the price is too expensive. The mature stage breaks through advanced items, SSS-level materials, and the price of one piece is as high as 5 billion loot points, which is cheaper than SSS-level pet eggs. It's ridiculously expensive in itself.

  In reality, even if many strong players in galaxies have SSS-level pets, they basically only reach the growth stage, because the materials to upgrade SSS-level pets to maturity are too difficult to obtain, and it is many times more difficult than SSS-level pet eggs.

   Fortunately, there is no material, and it is possible to allow pets to comprehend and advance through time.

  Different years are required according to different stages.

  A-level pets are the fastest, from the nascent stage, one year to the juvenile stage, another two years to the growth stage, another three years to the mature stage, and another four years to the full body stage. In the case of not consuming props, it will take a total of 10 years.

  S-class pets are next, from the nascent stage, after 10 years to the juvenile stage, after another 20 years to the growth stage, after another 30 years to the mature stage, and after another 40 years to the full body stage. In the case of not consuming props, it takes a total of 100 years.

  SS-level pull up is 1000 years.

  SSS level is full of 10,000 years.

During this period, you can feed some growth-accelerating food to speed up the process, but for SSS-level pets, it is still very slow. If you want to go from the growth stage to the mature stage without relying on advanced props to feed it, and if there is enough food to accelerate growth, it must Digestion is also limited, and it will take ten years anyway. If there is not enough food, there is less feeding, and it is possible to delay it for a hundred years!

  If you don’t feed it at all, then you can wait for ten thousand years.

  There is no need to say more about the Super SSS class and Chaos class above it.

  Chen Moguang relied on the calculation of the growth time of the previous pets, and he can also know that the chaos level is directly the year of the million level.

   It is simply impossible to wait for it to grow and break through by itself, and it still has to rely on props to pull it.

  Although the loot points are exhausted this time, this month is the last month of this year, and there must be end-of-year activities, so just earn it again at that time.

   Moreover, Chaos-level pets have never existed before. Even if they are only in the growth stage, their strength may be immeasurable.

   After spending all the loot points and bringing a lot of pet needs, Chen Mo is ready to quit the instance.

  As he exited the dungeon, Tiandao also began to settle the betting rewards.

  【Tiandao Reminder: All the games in this magic tower adventure event have ended, and the betting income is being settled for you...】

  【Heavenly reminder: You bet 1200 eternal gold coins on the solar system contestants in the four-rotation competition area in this event. If the target is still alive after 24 hours and has climbed to the tenth floor and completed the ultimate expedition, you will get ten times the income.

  And the goal is to rank first in this division after 24 hours, and you will be able to get an additional five times the income]

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have obtained 18,000 eternal gold coins! 】

  Chen Mo, who had just spent 3,000 Eternal Gold Coins, had an instant increase of 19,200 Gold Coins, 1,200 of which were bet returns.

   At this time, Chen Mo's eternal gold coins have reached more than 24,000 pieces.

  However, when he thought that he had to synthesize so many advanced pet props to Chaos level, Chen Mo felt that the money was not spent.

  As Chen Mo and Zui Ji returned to reality, his message was directly sounded in a frenzy of Didi Didi.

   There were messages from Elena, Hanyu Yanaone, and the leader of the academy alliance.

  Both the girls guessed that Chen Mo was the contestant, and the messages they sent were only exclamation, but they didn't ask anything.

  Chen Mo didn't reply much.

   On the contrary, the messages sent by the leaders are all seeking answers.

   Obviously, Jiang Yun and the others wanted to know what Chen Mo did in the event copy, and they were already impatient.

  However, they didn't mean to fully spy on Chen Mo, they just hoped that he would explain what he could say and clear up the confusion.

  Seeing the news of Jiang Yun, Chen Mo smiled and felt that money was coming to his door again. He immediately left the memory in the room, and he appeared in the headquarters building of the Academy Alliance with a flash of a god.

  (end of this chapter)

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