Chapter 315 Unlimited withdrawals!

  In the conference hall of the headquarters of the Academy Alliance.

  Chen Mo sat quietly in front of the three leaders.

  The former Chen Mo was just a child with a promising future in front of them.

  But now Chen Mo is definitely a strong man who can stand alone in the eyes of the three.

  Invincible at rank four, this label used to belong to rank five.

   And Chen Mo did it at the second rank, it is true that he is the first person under the fifth rank.

  Nature is a strong man worthy of respect.

   "Chen Mo, I came to you this time because I had some doubts and wanted to ask, how did you manage to ignore the rules and kill the characters in the dungeon from a distance?"

   Talking about it, Jiang Yun also told about Chen Mo going to class at the same time after entering the dungeon.

   They were obviously puzzled by this.

  Chen Mo said with a smile: "This secret is a bit expensive."

   "You kid, how much do you want, our Academy Alliance allows you to get unlimited direct access, and you can pay us double after you turn five." Jiang Yun said with a sly smile.

   "The leader is really a good deal." Chen Mo said with a smile, "That's fine."

  It is indeed a good business to be able to get unlimited direct access, even if it will be doubled in the future, so what, if I really wait for my fifth rank, I am afraid that my ability to make money will be quite abnormal, so there is nothing wrong with feeding back my mother star.

  While speaking, his thoughts moved, and a **** flickered and appeared in the conference hall of the academy alliance headquarters immediately after recalling the memory.

   "Who is this child?"

  The academy alliance headquarters has a barrier that prohibits teleportation from entering.

  Chen Mo can ignore the barrier and flash in, but the children around Chen Mo can do it, which is outrageous.

   "The memory changes back to the original."

With the flash of light on Zhuan Yi's body, the three of Jiang Yun were surprised to find that there were two Chen Mo standing in front of them, and they were exactly the same Chen Mo. They were covered by a mysterious chaotic atmosphere, and it was impossible to detect any of them. Information.

   "This is the secret of you being able to ignore the rules and kill people from a distance?"

   "Well, Remembrance has exactly the same ability as me, which is equivalent to another me, and I can act on my own."

   "Do you mean that he can fully match your combat power?"

   "Yes, it can be said that I am exactly the same as me, and even under certain circumstances, he may be stronger than me, because he is not afraid of death."

  As soon as these words came out, Jiang Yun and the three were completely dumbfounded.

  Good guy, Chen Mo in the entire solar system is already against the sky, but now Chen Mo said that there is another person with exactly the same ability as him beside him.

   It's impossible to deal with the three lords all at once.

  Jiang Yun tried to ask: "Is he human?"

   "Although he was a prop at the beginning, he can now be regarded as an individual with his own thoughts and thinking abilities."

  Chen Mo really didn’t treat remembrance as an item, he still likes remembrance.

   "What an eye-opener!"

  The three of them have been leaders for so long, and they haven't seen any weird abilities.

  But such a perverted ability to fully replicate themselves is really unheard of for them.

"Please ask the three lords to find out for themselves. Don't pass it on. I have recently mastered an ability to detect spies from alien planets. When I let the memory dispatch these guys out these days, we will be on Earth in the future." You can feel at ease when discussing matters, and please ask the leaders to send a privilege card to Zhuan Yi, allowing him to act around the world."

"Oh? It's interesting, there is such an ability? Our planet's top powerhouses have always had no way to deal with this situation. The privilege card is naturally no problem. We immediately ordered someone to make it. If you can really do it, it can be called It's a great achievement."

   "What about the reward?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

   "Stinky boy, you are allowed to withdraw resources at will, so why are you talking about rewards?" Jiang Yun said with a helpless smile.

  Chen Mo smiled but didn't say anything more. It is indeed the highest treatment to be able to withdraw at will.

  Through mind reading skills, I can know that the three lords are praising themselves in their hearts, and Chen Mo is a little embarrassed to hear it.

   "Then I will leave first, and I still need to earn experience points."

   "Well, if you need any resources in the future, go directly to the Merit Bureau to withdraw, and we will greet you there." Jiang Yun said with a smile.

   "Okay, Recalling, you stay here and wait for the privilege card. Once you get it, you can start the investigation."

   "Yes." Reminiscing originally wanted to say that it was the deity, but seeing that there was an outsider there, and Chen Mo didn't fully disclose his information, so he didn't take the initiative to disclose the information.

   After Chen Mo finished speaking, he cast a flash of the gods and left the headquarters of the Academy Alliance and returned to the dormitory.

  After returning, Chen Mo sent a message to Hanyu Liuyin.

   Before the event started, the two made an appointment to continue downloading new dungeons, because the Tiandao event delayed so much time.

  【Chen Mo】: Sister, you are free now, do you want to go to the dungeon?

  【Senior Sister】: Alright, I'll wait for you. This time I made a lot of money through you, so I'll treat you to dinner later.

   Seeing Hanyu Liuyin's reply, Chen Mo smiled. It seems that many people have made money through themselves this time.

  When he was at the headquarters of the Academy Alliance, his mind reading skills also heard that the three leaders relied on him to make money.

   When Chen Mo talked about the remuneration, they originally wanted to share half of the income with Chen Mo, but after thinking about it, it would be more straightforward to give Chen Mo unlimited withdrawal rights, so that he will only feed back more in the future.

  【Chen Mo】: No need, just ask me to download a copy and I will be satisfied.

  【Sister】: You don’t want to have dinner with me?

  【Chen Mo】: Where, whoring you so much credits for nothing, it’s embarrassing to treat you.

  【Senior Sister】: It’s okay, anyway, I will pay for the dungeon and you will work hard to get even.

   Soon Hanyu Yanaone arrived at the copy office.

  Chen Mo immediately came to the dungeon office with a flickering spirit.

  Today, Hanyu Yanaone changed into a different set of clothes. It was no longer the red and white maiden outfit before, but black and white, which seemed a bit glamorous.

   It turned out that she changed a set of equipment.

  Chen Mo didn't ask any more questions, smiled at her and said, "Let's go."

  As the two of them entered the copy office, Chen Mo instantly felt the voices of a large number of people around him coming from his mind.

  In the past, he would definitely feel that his head was going to explode, but now with the high-speed processing performance of Mara's brain, he can handle it with ease even if he listens to the voices of hundreds of millions of people at the same time.

   "This mind-reading technique has such horrible side effects after entering a crowded environment."

  Chen Mo was also quite surprised.

  However, the mind-reading secret technique does not have to be turned on. When this skill is not activated, it will not listen to the voices of others.

   Chen Mo, who has Mo Luo's brain, will not be tormented by a lot of inner voices, so he doesn't turn it off and keeps on.

   It can be seen that many abilities complement each other.

   "Senior sister, what dungeon are you entering this time?"

   "It's all up to you, I don't care."

  While speaking, Chen Mo heard the words in Hanyu Liuyin's heart, as long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter what dungeon.

  Regarding Hanyu Liuyin's voice, Chen Mo only said that she didn't care what dungeon she entered because she was a thug like herself.

  Since there is still a huge shortage of experience points, Chen Mo naturally chose to enter the 100-level SSS difficulty experience dungeon for the fourth turn.

However, this is more than a hundred times more credits than the three-turn 80-level SS difficulty experience dungeon they entered together before. Fortunately, Hanyu Liu Yin's family is powerful and has a lot of credits. Even if it is such a waste, she still pays easily up.

   "Four turn 100-level SSS difficulty dungeon?" The dungeon registrar on the second floor was a little confused when he saw the entry request submitted by the two of them.

  A person who turned to level 60 for the second turn and a person who just turned to level 80 for the fourth turn wants to challenge the copy of SSS difficulty level 100 for the fourth turn. This is too exaggerated!

   Unless the second rank among the two is the perverted second rank who just participated in the Milky Way event and killed indiscriminately in the fourth rank competition area, otherwise he would simply go in and die.

  Being responsible for her position, she still emphatically reminded Chen Mo how dangerous their choice was.

   "Both of you, the difficulty of this dungeon is no small matter. Even if it is a group of fully armed 4-turn 100-level powerhouses entering it, it may be dangerous. You two should think about it again."

   "Thank you very much for your reminder, but no need, just register this copy for us." Chen Mo said with a smile.

  The registrar glanced at Chen Mo and said, "So confident? Could it be that you are the second-ranker who just participated in the Milky Way event and killed in the fourth-rank competition area."

  She was just surprised by the unexpected attachment between the two, and she said it casually, but she never thought that the other party would really admit it.

  Yanagi Hanyu smiled and said, "That's him."

  As soon as these words came out, it was the registrar's turn to be stunned. She stared blankly at Chen Mo.

  Although it was unbelievable that the legendary figure could really appear in front of her, but seeing Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin being so persistent, she did not persuade them anymore, but registered them.

   Only then did the two pass the card to open the dungeon room.

   "Two people swipe their cards to enter the room to open the copy. The card is only valid for half an hour. After the time limit expires, the right to use will be revoked. Please use it as soon as possible."

  Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin nodded, and they walked together to the room of the 100-level SSS difficulty experience copy of the fourth turn.

   "Hey, what's the background? Two people dare to challenge the 100-level SSS difficulty experience dungeon for four turns?"

  At this time, a registrar who took over just happened to come over and saw Chen Mo and the two enter the room of the copy of the 100-level SSS difficulty experience value of the fourth turn, and said quite unexpectedly.

  Even if two four-turn 100-level powerhouses enter this dungeon, it is enough to arouse the amazement of others.

  The registrar who came to take over at this time just thought that the two of them were both four-turn 100-level powerhouses, and they were the best among them.

  The registrar just now shook his head and smiled: "I don't know why, one turned to level 60 for the second time, and the other just turned to level 80 for the fourth time. They insisted on getting them into that dungeon, and they couldn't be persuaded."

"Pfft!" The succession registrar who had just taken a sip of water looked in amazement at the closed door of the 4-turn 100-level SSS difficulty experience dungeon room and exclaimed, "Are these two crazy? Do you want to die? How can you let them in?"

   "I can't persuade you."

   "That can't be let go, this kind of obvious death situation, we will be held accountable for letting them in."

   "They said that the second among them was the one who just participated in the fourth round of the galaxy event."

   "Pfft!" The succeeding registrar finally took another sip of water, and was shocked by her colleague's words again. She widened her eyes and said, "Is it really that legendary character? Did you take a picture of it?"

   "What are you filming? When they first started talking about this, I was completely dumbfounded."

"It's such a pity. Now people are looking for news about this person everywhere on the Internet, and there are people who offer a reward of hundreds of millions for his video. They all want to see his face. However, there are rumors that he is a classmate of our school named Chen Mo. know if it's true."

  As soon as these words came out, the registrar immediately found out the name Chen Mo just registered.

   "Look at this!" She excitedly pointed at Chen Mo's name.

   "Pfft!" The water was undrinkable today, and the registrar who took over just took his third sip of water when he was surprised by Chen Mo's name and spewed it out.

   "Really...really Chen Mo!? It seems that the rumors are true!"

  The succession registrar said excitedly: "I want to set up a video camera to keep facing the door of the dungeon, and I must record this classmate's face!"

   "Don't shoot it, maybe it's a reward offered by aliens?"

   "No, I heard that the aliens have been shrunk by the suppression, how dare they make a high-profile offer of rewards, and classmate Chen Mo is so powerful, invincible below Rank 5, what storms can the aliens cause?"

   "It seems reasonable, so I'll take one too."

After entering the dungeon room, Chen Mo could hear the voices of people outside even through the door of the room. Regarding the thoughts in the minds of the two registrars, he just smiled and didn't care. Impossible to catch him.

   But knowing that he is so valuable, Chen Mo is quite amazed.

  I seem to be able to make money crazily as long as I keep selling my information. The celebrity effect is really scary.

   "Chen Mo, it's all up to you for such a difficult dungeon. I guess it won't be of any use." Walking to the center of the dungeon teleportation array, Hanyu Liuyin said with a smile.

   "Although I have never done this kind of dungeon, I dare not say anything else. I am absolutely sure of the dungeon below five ranks, just leave it to me."

  After Chen Mo finished speaking, the dungeon teleportation array had also been activated. With a flash of light, the two had already entered the most difficult experience book below rank five.

  (end of this chapter)

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