Chapter 316 A perfect level-up dungeon! (two in one)

  Follow Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin to enter the dungeon world.

   What came into view was a wonderful scene.

   They find themselves in an abandoned ancient ruin on a desolate planet.

  In this ruins, a huge altar hangs high in the air, with countless flickering space-time cracks floating on it.

  The distant starry sky stretches overhead, giving people a mysterious and silent feeling.

  The surrounding land is barren and sparse, scattered with ancient stone pillars and broken statues, as if silently telling the past splendor and glory of this place.

  The eyes of Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin wandered around in the surrounding environment.

  They saw that on the barren land, ancient stone pillars fell or were fragmented, some of which had been corroded by time, but still retained traces of ancient civilization.

  The stars in the starry sky are shining brightly, like diamonds dotted on the black curtain, exuding charming brilliance.

  Cracks in time and space float above the altar. They are shining with light of various colors, sometimes bright and sometimes dim. Their light shines from high places, casting strange shadows, adding a mysterious atmosphere.

  The air in the ruins is filled with an ancient atmosphere, and the entire entrance area presents a desolate and dilapidated scene.

  While Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin were quietly checking everything around them, the reminder from Heaven had already rang in their ears.

  [Heavenly Reminder]: The 100-level SSS difficulty experience dungeon "Mystery of Time and Space Rift" has been opened.

  [Introduction to the copy]:

   "The Mystery of the Rift in Time and Space" is a mysterious realm hidden in the sea of ​​nothingness. There is a powerful energy beyond reality here, and the power of time and space flows far away. This field is full of many challenges beyond common sense, and it is said that it was jointly shaped by three peerless powerhouses with their strength.

   For the fearless and courageous adventurers, this is an excellent place to explore the unknown and pursue power. However, in addition to opportunities, it is also full of extreme crises. Many adventurers have perished here, and their fates have piled up into a tear-jerking monument to the martyrs.

  『Main Quest』: Unlock the Mystery of Time and Space

  『Main Quest Requirements』: Adventurers need to track and challenge the incarnations of three powerful men in the space-time rift: Kronos, the guardian of time, Clarks, the space lord, and Florida, the master of the real dimension. Every strong man has power beyond imagination, and it is rumored that they can control time, space and reality.

  In this time-chaotic world, in this time-space where reality and fantasy intersect, can you not lose yourself and find the three behind the scenes!

  The copy is available for 72 hours, please arrange the time reasonably.

  After reading the introduction of the main mission, it immediately makes people feel in the fog.

  Yanagi Hanyu did not quite understand how to do this dungeon, only knew that there were three big bosses.

   But Chen Mo's Mo Luo brain was running at high speed and analyzed a lot of things.

   After learning the information analyzed by Mo Luo's brain, Chen Mo's face was full of ecstasy.

   Unexpectedly, this dungeon of time and space and reality is illusory and disordered, and can deliberately fall into the disordered time and space to challenge BOSS of various difficulties.

Although killing more bosses in the wrong situation will not help the final dungeon settlement reward, but this dungeon is definitely the best quality dungeon for brushing materials, and you can go to various time and space to kill all kinds of bosses. Kind of monsters, collect all kinds of materials.

  Chen Mo has not yet upgraded a lot of skills, he just needs this dungeon, it is simply a perfect dungeon for leveling abilities.

  Looking at the countless space-time cracks above the head, these space-time cracks all lead to various unknown spaces.

   Of course, to Chen Mo, who has Mo Luo's brain, it is known where these spaces lead.

  Chen Mo glanced at his low-level abilities.

  Among them [Glory Brave Suit Dark Gold], [Balanced Wand Purple Gold], Retrospective Shield Black, Shield Worship Black, and Return Healing Wave Black] all need to be improved.

  The materials needed for so many things still require a lot of materials to come back.

   Fortunately, this copy space corresponds to countless time and space, and you can brush any material you want.

  Chen Mo turned to look at Hanyu Liuyin and said, "There are so many space-time cracks in the sky, corresponding to various spaces. Only when we get to the last three bosses can we have complete rewards. You should stay here for now, and I will go find out."

   "There are so many time and space, can you explore all by yourself?" Hanyu Liuyin looked at the vast number of time and space, and his scalp felt a little numb.

Although her compass can accurately locate the location, the cost is not small. The previous SS-level dungeon had only a few nests in total, and the cost of finding the correct target was very low. It was to kill her directly.

   "It's okay, I have my own way, you can wait here with peace of mind."

   After Chen Mo finished speaking, he flew directly into a crack in time and space.

   This is the monster world where you can collect the materials needed to upgrade the balance wand to the dark gold level.

  With Chen Mo's current strength, with the dual ability of Mo Luo's brain's perfect positioning function and the god's flickering instant position, finding the corresponding monster and killing it is simply as easy as pie.

   From entering a space-time rift to coming out, Chen Mo only spent less than 30 seconds to collect the materials he wanted.

He synthesized it without looking at the attributes, so he immediately made two more wands with tokens, preparing to synthesize the wand to the level of an artifact in one step. After learning the materials needed for the next step, he drilled into another Inside the space-time crack.

  Although the monsters in this time-space rift are stronger than the one just now, to Chen Mo there is no difference at all, it is still an instant kill.

   It was even faster this time, and it only took more than 20 seconds for him to collect all the materials he needed.

  He immediately started to synthesize.

   Following the continuous synthesis from the purple-gold level to the artifact level, the balance magic wand has directly transformed into the death scepter!

At this time, the death scepter has added two major features compared to the balance wand, and the attributes have also been greatly improved. However, Chen Mo used the reset feature function in the synthesis function to directly use the useless abilities in the death scepter. It was reset.

   Energy missiles, common life, and thousands of miles are all outdated.

   Except for the balance feature, Chen Mo has refreshed all the other features, and the new death scepter has many new features.

  Chen Mo also synthesized a lot of equipment upgrade stones, directly raising the level of the death scepter to level 60.

  The attributes of the Death Scepter at this time...

  【Death Scepter · Artifact Grade】

  [Equipment Requirements]: Level 60

  [Equipment Attributes]:

  Ability Attack: (Professional Star + Equipment Level)*600*(3+Number of Reincarnations)

  Attack speed: (professional star + equipment level)*300*(3+number of reincarnations)

  Energy recovery speed: (professional star + equipment level) * 300 * (3 + number of reincarnations) / 10 seconds

  Intelligence: (Professional Star + Equipment Level)*120*(3+Number of Reincarnations)

  Spirit: (professional star + equipment level) * 120 * (3 + number of reincarnations)

  【Equipment Special Effects】: Balance, Calamity, Reaper, Authority, Giant, Global

  〖Calamity〗: Any attack effect of yours will infuse the target with the curse of disaster, making every attack and skill use have a 50% chance of failure.

  〖Reaper〗: Any attack effect of yours has a 10% chance to directly kill the target (not valid for units with higher divine power than yours). If you fail to kill the opponent, the opponent will be cursed by the **** of death, and all attributes will be reduced by 50%!

  〖Authority〗: For every 1 point of divine power you have, all attributes of this weapon will increase by 1%.

  〖Giant Transformation〗: All your summoning skills have a 10% chance to summon summoned objects whose attributes and size are increased by 10 times.

  〖Global Area〗: The minimum effective range of all your abilities has been increased to the perceivable range.

  The death scepter after the special effect replacement is now extremely powerful. It can instantly kill, restrict, and greatly improve the attributes of the entire weapon according to the divine power. It even has a great bonus to the range of summons and skills.

  The practicability has been greatly improved compared to the original one.

  Chen Mo is still very satisfied with this brand new artifact-level weapon.

  He immediately looked at the next target.

   Next is the material for the retroactive shield.

   Watching Chen Mo go into a time-space rift and come out of another time-space rift within a few tens of seconds, Hanyu Liuyin thought that he was relying on this fast speed of entering and exiting to find the whereabouts of the final boss.

   Soon Chen Mo collected all the materials for the shield from a crack in time and space, enough to upgrade the shield skill to golden.

  As he threw the materials into the synthesis interface, a brand new shield skill reappeared in front of Chen Mo.

  【Universal Shield·Gold】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  [Level Requirement]: Level 10

  【Cooldown】: 30 seconds

[Effect]: Consume at least 100 energy points, and put a layer of armor on all friendly units within the range of "professional star × 500 meters" with "5*(100+ professional star) times the consumed energy value" A shield of shield value, which can take effect against any damage and lasts forever.

When any unit deals damage to the units with these shields, these units will get "Rage" to increase the attack speed by 100%, and trigger "Lightning Chain Counterattack". Shielded units deal fixed damage equal to "the shield's original maximum shield value".

   When the shield is broken or dispelled, a shield can be regained. (Only takes effect once)

And the shield value can be used as a universal consumable, whether it is used for blood loss or energy loss, all your losses can be replaced by the shield value first (this feature cannot take effect for this skill ).

  Select special effects: Shock, Reality, Same Return, Massive, Frenzied, Renewal, Universal

  This universal special effect Chen Mo is not only chosen for himself, he is mainly chosen for his summons and others.

  Although the skeleton monsters already have various skills after being summoned, their energy value is fixed, only a pitiful 100 points, which makes many low-level skills even unusable.

  And some skills consume things like fighting spirit and anger, which need to be accumulated slowly.

   Now that you have a universal shield, there is no need for so many twists and turns. It can be cast by directly deducting the shield value, which is extremely convenient.

Especially for some forbidden spells and forbidden moves, there is a great need for consumption. Chen Mo's universal shield can consume it instead, so that many units with these moves can use forbidden spells and forbidden moves without loss, which improves the combat effectiveness. Still very huge.

   At the same time, the effects of some skills are related to the energy consumed. The more energy consumed, the more abnormal the effect will be.

  If there is a forbidden spell with this effect that works together with Chen Mo's universal shield, then the power is really at the level of destroying the planet.

  Based on these reasons, Chen Mo chose this universal feature.

   After completing the shield skill, Chen Mo continued to work overtime to catch up with the next skill.

  The next one is worship skills. It only took a few tens of seconds for Chen Mo to collect the materials to upgrade it to gold.

  【Death Cult·Gold】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  [Level Requirement]: Level 5

  【Cooldown】: 60 seconds

[Effect]: Consume 100 points of energy to launch Death Cult to all summoned objects within the range of "Professional Star × 500 meters", increasing their attack speed and attack power by 300%, and causing them to add inaction and despair to the target when they attack , can be superimposed.

  If they have a shield on them, their movement speed and attack speed will be increased by 100%, and an additional damage equal to 1% of their current shield value will be added when attacking.

   And gain the ability of "immortality" and "flying" within the duration.

   If you die within the duration, the killer will be cursed with death, increasing all damage received by the killer by 5%, which can be superimposed

  Death Cult lasts forever, but the effect does not stack when applied repeatedly to the same unit.

  During the duration of Death Worship, each summoned object will be equipped with the "Reaper Suit" of the corresponding profession, and the level of the Death Suit is the same as the caster's level!

  Select special effects: death, despair, flying, inaction, immortality, shield, death

  Chen Mo checked the Grim Reaper suit. The effect is very powerful. It can directly increase the power of the wearer's skills by a factor of one's own level. It can also simultaneously apply various random dark-type god-level curses, which are extremely powerful.

  If it weren't for the fact that worship skills can only be used on summoned objects, he would have wanted to get one for himself.

   Now only the healing skills and the Glory Brave suit are left.

  Chen Mo didn't delay, and immediately started improving his healing skills.

  He had already considered the improvement item of healing skills before. After quickly filling up the materials, Chen Mo pulled the healing wave skills to the golden level.

  【Endless Healing Wave Gold】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  [Level Requirement]: Level 15

  【Cooldown】: 10 seconds

[Effect]: Consume 500 points of energy to apply an infinite healing wave to all units within the range of "professional star x 5000 meters" around you (jump to unaffected units first, if there are enemies around, they must be Jump back and forth between the enemy and the enemy.) The healing wave jumps every 0.005, and every time it touches a unit during the jump, it will cause a healing/damage to the jumping target unit.

   Causes a healing amount equal to your 『Own Law Attack×Professional Star×500 Points』to friendly targets, and the healing effect will also expand and affect all friendly units within 500 meters around the unit.

  If the HP of the target being healed is full, it will cause a fixed range damage equal to the maximum HP of the target being healed, and the range of the range of damage is 500 meters around the target unit.

   Deal damage to the enemy target equal to your "law attack × professional star rating × 500 points", and the damage effect will also expand and affect all enemy units within 500 meters around the unit.

   If the HP of the damaged target is emptied, it will cause a fixed range of damage equal to the maximum HP of the damaged target, and the range of the range of damage is 500 meters around the target unit.

  If the target is lost, it will turn back to the previous target to take effect again. If it continues to lose the target, it will continue to turn back until all previous targets are lost.

   Every time the healing wave jumps, the healing amount and damage of the healing wave will increase by 1%. The effect can be increased indefinitely!

  Select special effects: wide, haste, spread, overflow damage, infinite, return, endless

The endless effect, Chen Mo already wanted to get it before, but after thinking about the importance of the return is higher than the endless, he chose the return first. After all, without the return effect, the endless effect is easy to break, so the meaning is not so high. .

   Now it’s different, the reentry coordination is endless, and the healing wave is not easy to lose, the accumulation of multiplier is very fast!

  [PS]: Kawenka's head exploded, that's all for today.

  (end of this chapter)

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