Chapter 317 Deified Hero Suit! (two in one)

   After finishing all the skills, only the glory of the brave suit is left.

   This top-quality armor automatically grows in level with the level, and it is still very powerful.

  Besides, the dark gold level was synthesized from the beginning, and now it only needs to be combined with one hand to reach the artifact level.

  Chen Mo immediately learned about the crack in time and space corresponding to the material through Mo Luo's brain, and when he entered it, he frantically swiped.

   Soon he gathered the corresponding materials.

  Following the three pieces of glory brave suits that had been prepared long ago were thrown into the synthesis bar, a brand new brave suit soon appeared in front of Chen Mo.

  【Apotheosis of the Hero Suit Artifact Level】

  【Special Restrictions】: Only those who have the title of God of Bravery can equip it

  【Equipment Level】: Same level as the character

  [Equipment Attributes]:

  Health value: (professional star rating + equipment level) * 15000 * (3 + number of reincarnations)

  Energy value: (professional star rating + equipment level) * 15000 * (3 + number of reincarnations)

  Physical defense: (professional star rating + equipment level) * 1500 * (3 + number of reincarnations)

   Magic defense: (professional star + equipment level) * 1500 * (3 + number of reincarnations)

  All attributes: (professional star + equipment level) * 150 * (3 + number of reincarnations)

  【Suit Special Effects】: Immune to all abnormal and control effects imposed by monsters

  【Special effects】: Assimilation, illusion, isolation, protection, glory, barrier, deification

  〖Assimilation〗: You can absorb the special effects of other armors, but the total number of special effects you have cannot exceed the number of equipment levels.

  〖Transformation〗: Can be transformed into any type of clothing (cannot be seen through).

  〖Isolation〗: Isolate all detection capabilities not higher than this equipment (currently SSS level)

  〖Divine Guardian〗: Except for real injuries, all other injuries received will be reduced by 50%!

  〖Glory〗: Increase all attributes by professional star + equipment level)%"

〖Barrier〗: Any control effect and abnormal effect will be automatically resisted, and the corresponding abnormality can also be actively removed for others. The number of times of resistance/removal is the same as the equipment level, and 1 point of resistance/removal times is recovered every 5 seconds. The current number of times is 『60/60 ".

  〖Knowledge〗: Experience gain rate increased by 100%

  〖Harvest〗: Item drop rate increased by 100%

  〖Harvest〗: Item drop rate is doubled by 50%

  〖Deification〗: You can ignore the divine power requirements when using abilities!

  [Equipment Introduction]: Only the brave with peak glory can equip the extraordinary suit, and ordinary people will not be able to exert any effect when wearing it.

  After the Glory Brave suit was synthesized by Chen Mo, Chen Mo selected a very strong characteristic.

  Deified feature, which allows him to ignore any request for divine power!

   This feature seems useless now, but Chen Mo is preparing for the subsequent entry into the Tower of Eternity.

   There are very special types of objects in the Tower of Eternity, namely: eternal artifacts, eternal artifacts, eternal magical skills and other methods.

  These means are not counted in the same sequence as regular grades.

  How powerful they are is only related to their limited divine power requirements.

  If there is no requirement for divine power, the general effect is the weakest of the same type.

  Chen Mo had received gifts from some god-level units when he climbed the Super God Trial Tower before, and obtained several eternal artifacts.

   But they are all the most **** ones that do not require divine power.

   It's not that they don't have better ones, it's just that Chen Mo's divine power is low, and he can't use the ones that are given to him.

But now with the apotheosis feature, it is different. After wearing the apotheosis hero suit, Chen Mo can use it directly no matter how high the divine power requirements of the eternal series items are, which avoids the embarrassment of not being able to enter the treasure mountain .

  It's like many powerful people on the earth today carry some eternal series treasures that their divine power is not inspired enough to use.

   Only wait for your divine power to rise to a sufficient level before acting.

  Finally got all the equipment, Chen Mo ran Mo Luo's brain at high speed again and went through what else he needed.

   "I almost forgot that I was short of a bottle of holy water."

  I got the turbid heart of God a long time ago, but I haven't filled up the holy water until today, and this last bottle is still missing. Now that I can directly enter any time and space, I can naturally get the holy water I need directly.

  Chen Mo immediately flew to the space-time rift where the last bottle of holy water could be obtained.

   "I have to kill the BOSS to squeeze the last holy water, so I took it."

  Chen Mo directly killed the immortal fire phoenix in the space, and cut out its heart.

   In terms of touch, the heart of the undead fire phoenix is ​​very different from the hearts of other monsters.

   This is mainly because the heart of other creatures is solid, but the heart of the immortal fire phoenix is ​​completely liquid except for the skin inside.

   It contains extremely strong undead energy.

  The outside world claims that the liquid blood in his heart is the holy water of immortality.

   Finally got all ten kinds of holy water together, Chen Mo immediately took out the turbid heart of God, and poured all ten kinds of holy water on it.

  The purification began instantly, and drastic changes began to take place in the turbid heart of God.

   With the pouring of ten kinds of holy water, the originally turbid heart began to be gradually purified, exuding a pure and holy light.

   The turbid appearance gradually faded away, replaced by a shining jewel-like heart.

  The light is getting brighter and brighter, and strong divine energy is filling the surroundings.

  Chen Mo felt an incomparably solemn and lofty atmosphere, as if standing in front of a god.

  The surface texture of the Heart of God is delicate and gorgeous, shining with light of different colors, like stars in the universe.

  It exudes an unrivaled divine power.

  As the purification progressed, the energy of the Heart of God continued to increase, and the surrounding air seemed to become pure and fresh.

   During the purification process, streams of holy light emanated from the Heart of God, illuminating the entire lair of the undead fire phoenix.

  After a few breaths, the purification was finally complete, and the turbid heart of God had completely transformed into a flawless jewel-like heart.

  Its light is dazzling, as if it contains endless power.

   At this time, the reminder of the way of heaven also sounded.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have successfully purified the "turbid heart of God", and you have obtained the "brilliant heart of God"! 】

  【Brilliant Heart of God · Mythical Grade】

  [Item Effect]: After taking it, a piece of divinity is randomly obtained.

  Simple and simple effect, Chen Mo picked up the Heart of God and prepared to take it.

  But suddenly he thought of another possibility, that is, if the Heart of God continues to be synthesized, can a stronger Heart of God be obtained? Or finally get the Heart of Chaos?

   When the time comes to awaken some chaos-level divinity, isn't that strength against the sky?

   Compared with any equipment and items, only attributes, skills, talents and characteristics can make Chen Mo feel the most real.

   And Chen Mo has also heard that when deification begins, all abilities will be fused into one's own fundamental power, but foreign objects such as equipment items will not.

   That is to say, the most essential power of a person and the least loss is talents, characteristics, attributes, skills and so on.

  Chen Mo thought about it. With his current strength, he is not in a hurry to obtain another divinity to strengthen himself. It is better to save it and find a chance to get a few more God's Hearts to synthesize.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo frantically swiped a lot of holy water and came back to ensure that he can directly purify the turbid heart of God in the future.

  After he finished all this, several hours had passed for the dungeon.

   Seeing that Chen Mo was still coming in and out and didn't seem to find the correct area, Hanyu Liuyin said: "Chen Mo, if I can't find it, I can conduct a small-scale investigation."

   "No need, I've found it."

  Chen Mo smiled and fell from the air: "Just took the time to collect some materials, and now we will start to deal with the final boss."

  Under normal circumstances, if others don't have a Mara brain, they can only get clues by hard clearance.

  Every time you clear a space-time rift world, you can get a clue.

  With the gathering of clues, we can find out which time-space rift is the time-space rift corresponding to the three behind-the-scenes bosses.

  Chen Mo has scanned so many space-time rifts, so he has already grasped the detailed clues, but Hanyu Liuyin outside is completely blind.

  Of course, even if Chen Mo didn't need these clues, Mo Luo's brain had locked the target space for him immediately.

   After getting all the materials, Chen Mo directly rushed to one of the spaces.

  In this space is the real boss "Florida, the controller of the real dimension" among the three bosses of time, space and reality.

  As Chen Mo entered the correct space-time rift space, the Heavenly Dao reminder immediately rang in his ears.

  This is an introduction about Florida.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have found one of the three behind-the-scenes bosses, "Florida, the Controller of the Real Dimension". 】

  Here is the chaotic core of reality. This realm is like an endless abyss, full of unknowns and mysteries.

  A boundless void with no clear boundaries and no predictable laws. This is the origin of all reality and the end of all nothingness.

   In the center of the void, there is a chaotic core floating, which absorbs all the energy around it, but continuously emits powerful light.

  It is surrounded by a vortex composed of countless reality and nothingness particles, and those particles are constantly colliding, merging, and splitting, creating an aura like the prehistoric universe.

   This floating core is one of the three major bosses, "Florida, the Controller of the Real Dimension".

   At this time, Tiandao Tips are still introducing this BOSS.

  【Tiandao reminder: Florida is the truth itself, he has no specific shape, no appearance that can be defined, he is the symbol of this field, and the source of reality and nothingness.

  His appearance is a vast core of reality, smooth as a mirror, reflecting a twisted reality.

   And his interior is an endless microcosm filled with countless planets, nebulae, and galaxies, as if it contains the vitality of the entire universe.

  His existence itself is a kind of contradiction, he is the combination of endless creativity and destruction, the interweaving of chaos and order.

  He has the power of reality, can turn any attack into ineffective, and can even bounce back the attacker's power.

  He is the controller of the real dimension, the foundation of all existence, and the source of all possible and impossible.

  Facing him, adventurers, you will face the greatest challenge.

Of course, he is not completely without weaknesses. He will be lost in the world of nothingness at a certain moment. At that time, he will bear all the impacts. Florida in the world of nothingness is the most vulnerable time. You should try to grasp this Only chance can defeat him.

   If you want to defeat him in the present world, it is absolutely impossible. The universe in his body is endless, the life force is endless, and he is immortal!

  Finally, I will quietly tell you that Florida here is actually just a clone of it, but it is enough to defeat most adventurers. 】

  After reading Tiandao's introduction, Chen Mo immediately checked Florida's attributes.

   After watching Chen Mo, he fell silent.

   This guy is really perverted, Florida in the real world is basically immortal.

  There is no limit to the blood volume, the number of lives is not limited, and it does not eat any attacks. Once attacked, it will bounce all the attacks back to the attacker.

   It can be described as truly invincible in reality.

  This is just a clone, and it is hard to imagine how abnormal the main body will be.

  Chen Mo didn't worry about these things, since he can deal with him in the void world, everything will be easy to handle.

  Being dealt with by others, he needs to endure his attacks until he enters the realm of nothingness, but he doesn't have to.

  My super SSS-level treasure, the Void Source Crystal, is not taken for nothing.

   With this object in hand, you can pull any target into the void at will.

   Pulling Florida is not easy.

With a flash of spirit, Chen Mo came to the side of the core of truth representing Florida, and before the core of reality launched an attack on him, he had already activated the void source crystal with a thought to destroy the core of reality, himself and the number of people around him. Hundreds of millions of skeleton monsters were pulled into the void space together.

   But this Florida is very dishonest, just came in, then slipped out again.

   It can be seen that if he hadn't taken the initiative to fall into the void space, he could still return to reality in an instant.

But Chen Mo is not worried about this. This time, he prepared the skeleton monsters in the void world to attack in advance, and then with a thought, he pulled Florida, who had just returned to the real world, back to the void world again. .

  Of course the other party will definitely not give in, as soon as they come in, they are ready to leave.

   It will take time to leave, and before he leaves, the skeleton monsters have already erupted in a terrifying besiege of him.

  No matter how fierce Florida is, it’s just a 4-turn 100-level SSS difficulty dungeon boss.

  Where can it withstand the attack of Chen Mo, a powerhouse with a combat power above Rank 5?

   After a face-to-face meeting, he was directly killed in the realm of nothingness.

  However, he could still be resurrected. Chen Mo was already prepared for this. As the skeleton monsters continued to bombard wildly, after killing Florida ten times, he was completely dead.

   Don't look at Chen Mo's easy killing, if other 4-rank 100-level powerhouses come in and face Florida, I'm afraid it will be a headache.

   Chen Mo relied on the void source crystal to quickly kill Florida and even triggered an additional hidden achievement. After all, it is really difficult to achieve Chen Mo's level in this instance.

  Heavenly reminder rang in his ears in time.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you killed Florida ahead of time before it fell into the void of its own accord. You have achieved the special achievement "Beyond Reality", and you have won an SSS-level gift package! 】

  (end of this chapter)

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