Chapter 318 Stronger stage! (two in one)

  As Chen Mo quickly finished off Florida's avatar, Hanyu Yanaone who was outside also received the relevant hints from Heaven at the same time.

  However, SSS-level rewards are basically one each time, and they are all given according to the degree of contribution.

  Chen Mo contributed the most, naturally he was the only one who got the SSS reward, and Hanyu Liuyin only got the news that one of the three bosses was killed.

"What a fast speed! This is a dungeon with level 100 SSS difficulty in the fourth turn, and one of the behind-the-scenes bosses can be killed so quickly. This killing speed is too fast, and it was killed randomly in the fourth turn competition area. strength?"

   At this time, Chen Mo had already walked out of the time-space rift that killed Florida. After coming out, before Hanyu Liuyin could speak, he got into another time-space rift.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have entered the "Broken Temple of Time"! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: In a hidden corner of the universe, there is a barren planet hidden deep, here is the domain known as the Broken Temple of Time.

  It stands in an endless universe, like a gem abandoned by time, quietly telling its own story.

  The surface of this field seems to be torn apart by a huge force, exposing countless time and space cracks, as if they are scars of time.

  They opened their huge mouths in the air, gushing out wisps of brilliance from time to time, which are the traces of time that have accumulated countless years, and each brilliance contains a profound history.

In this dilapidated space, thousands of broken pendulums and hourglasses of time float, like dancers who have lost their masters, spinning endlessly in the air, sometimes standing still, sometimes reversing, and sometimes accelerating, each of them The movements seem to be telling the mystery and lament of time.

   In the center of the planet is a huge clock tower with a mottled appearance, as if it has experienced countless years of vicissitudes.

  The huge pendulum in the tower swings slowly in silence, and every time it swings, it will draw a deep track in the air, as if it is affecting the pulse of the entire universe.

  Around the tower, there are scattered pieces of abandoned machinery. They are the product of time and the traces of time. They lie there quietly, like sleeping guardians.

  When you walk into this field, you will feel the pressure of time, as if you have experienced countless years in a flash.

  You can hear the sound of time, it is a deep and distant sound, it echoes in the wind, like the echo of history.

  You will see the color of time, a deep and ancient color that shimmers in the light like the light of a star.

   This is a unique field, a field ruled by time.

  It is silent and solemn, like a lonely temple, waiting for those brave enough adventurers to arrive.

   But be careful not to get lost in the turbulence of time, or you will be in big trouble! 】

  The three bosses in this dungeon belong to the type that kills one and the rest will become stronger and stronger.

The reason why Chen Mo kills the real boss first is because according to Mo Luo's brain, it will be very troublesome if this guy is killed last. At that time, he will resist any means of dragging into the void, and even if he falls into the void, he will Retain most of the power in the real world.

   It can be said that it is the most abnormal one among the three bosses.

   Now that Florida is dead, the remaining two will be enhanced accordingly, but they are all within Chen Mo's known range.

  For example, the current BOSS—"Kronos, Guardian of Time".

If you want to deal with him, you have to go through this area full of turbulent time flow, carefully move forward in the strange space full of all kinds of strange pendulums and hourglasses, until you walk into the huge clock tower and find the "time" Guardian Cronus" body.

  Originally, this part of the road ahead is a great difficulty.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo has Mo Luo's brain, which completely avoids the trouble of triggering the time trap and being tricked.

  He directly and quickly passed through various time traps, and directly drilled into the huge space-time tower.

  However, even if you enter the Time-Space Tower, it does not mean that you can see the time guardian Kronos immediately. You still need to solve three puzzles about time in the tower.

  Of course, this is naturally difficult for Chen Mo who has Mo Luo's brain.

  After Chen Mo solved the three major time problems, the whole clock tower started to vibrate strangely.

  Chen Mo could clearly feel that the flow of time in this space-time tower became extremely fast.

   It can be seen that the tower body has begun to decay at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  As the tower continued to decay and collapse, an old man with a strange light gradually appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes.

   It is Cronus, one of the three major bosses.

The invisible hand of time once carved deep marks on Cronus's face. His skin seemed to be polished exquisitely by the years. Those wrinkles were deep and shallow, like the most complicated totem in the world, telling endless The mystery of time.

   Above his head, there is a circle of golden sands of time, each of which is emitting brilliant light. They are spinning and jumping, sometimes gathering into spots of light, and sometimes scattering into halos.

  His eyes are as deep as the long river of history, and the depths of his pupils glow with blue light, as if he can see the flow of time, and see all the past and future.

  His gaze seems to focus on the time of the entire universe, powerful enough to penetrate the secrets of any time, making people have nowhere to escape.

  His eyes are like a mirror, allowing you to see your past and future.

  He was wearing an ancient robe, which was covered with the marks of time, and the color was mottled, as if it had been ravaged by hundreds of millions of years.

  His robe fluttered, as if floating in the long river of time, every movement of his was like a mysterious ceremony, full of majesty and solemnity.

  In his hand, he holds a huge pendulum, which is his tool for controlling time and also his weapon.

  The pendulum swings in his hand, as if it affects the rhythm of the entire universe.

  Every time the pendulum swings, the entire space-time will tremble, as if in his hands, time becomes touchable and shapeable.

  Every light track he draws with the pendulum is like a time code, which makes people feel endlessly shocked.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Warning, "Kronos, Guardian of Time" appeared in front of you!

  Cronus, he is the incarnation of time, and his existence is the proof of time.

  He seems silent, but every look, every movement, and even every breath of his is telling the story of time.

  He is the long river of history, the present moment, and the harbinger of the future. He is the guardian of the past, present, and future.

  He used his whole life to become the messenger of time and the guardian of all life in the world.

  Although he is a guardian, his temper is not very good. You have broken into the forbidden area of ​​time. This is not a place where humans can set foot. Obviously, you have offended him!

Although he here is just his avatar, but he also has the pure ability to control time, it will be very difficult to defeat him, please be sure to think of a strategy, otherwise in the face of the power of time, all means It's all in vain! 】

  At this time, the guardian of time, Cronus, is still quite perverted, possessing a great deal of time control ability.

  Time stop, time reverse, time acceleration and other abilities can be said to be all at your fingertips.

  However, like the previous Florida, he will have a weak point, and his weak point is the huge pendulum in his hand.

  The huge pendulum can trace back everything, but it cannot trace itself back.

   This thing is the key to his control of time. As long as he keeps attacking this huge pendulum and weakens the function of the huge pendulum, he will be able to deal with Cronus in the future.

  So the difficulty of killing this guy is second only to Florida.

  Chen Mo put him in the second kill.

  Because Chen Mo owns the Orb of Time and Space, he will not be stopped by Cronus at all. He only needs to organize his hands to destroy Cronus' time artifact.

Of course, Cronus's artifact cannot be completely destroyed, but after being attacked to a certain extent, it will enter the invincible self-repair stage. At this stage, Cronus's ability is relatively greatly reduced. Naturally, it is extremely easy.

  Chen Mo immediately gave an order, and hundreds of millions of skeleton monsters around him immediately attacked the huge pendulum time artifact in Cronus's hand.

   And Cronus is still trying to attack Chen Mo while stopping to attack him.

   As a result, the time stop did not take effect, but the pendulum artifact in his hand suddenly exploded with a bang, leaving only a pendulum-like phantom glowing with hazy golden light.

   "Bold human, what did you do? Why did my time artifact suddenly explode?"

  Cronus was obviously very surprised.

  Because he didn't even see Chen Mo make a move, the artifact of time in his hand exploded directly.

   Who wouldn't be confused by this?

   As the boss of the fourth-rank dungeon, it is obvious that the level of divine power is not high enough, and the skeleton monster in the invisible state cannot be seen at all.

  If Chen Mo hadn't forced the boss to see the triggering plot, the boss wouldn't even have seen Chen Mo's hidden place.

  As the time artifact shattered, Cronus's power was also weakened suddenly. Although he still had a lot of time ability, the effect was greatly reduced.

   Under several rounds of salvos from Chen Mo's skeleton monster, he was about to die directly.

  But Chen Mo didn't choose to kill him directly.

   Instead, he let the boss go for a while, he was waiting for a condition.

  After a few breaths, it can be seen that the artifact of time that has entered the virtual state in Kronos's hand has begun to be gradually repaired.

   Just when the artifact of time in Cronus's hand was repaired, and he was about to happily use the artifact of time to activate the super power of time to teach Chen Mo a lesson, he unexpectedly exploded and died without knowing what happened.

   Naturally, Chen Mo got an extremely precise time.

   At the moment when the time artifact was about to be repaired, the skeleton monsters were made to attack in advance.

  In the end, the attack of the skeleton monsters fell on Kronos at exactly the same time as the time artifact was repaired. Before Kronos had time to activate the ability of the time artifact, he was successfully killed in seconds.

   Following the death of Cronus, Chen Mo also immediately received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on killing the Kronos Time Artifact in a state where it can be used. You have achieved the special achievement "Beyond Time", and you have obtained an SSS-level gift package! 】

  Thanks to Mo Luo's brain, Chen Mo was able to know the conditions to trigger this hidden achievement so clearly.

  In fact, this hidden condition is better triggered in the first stage, that is, when challenging the three bosses, the priority is to kill Cronus to trigger it.

   Now we are dealing with the second-stage Cronus, which is actually very difficult to trigger.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo's methods are more fierce, and the information he has is accurate enough to be able to handle it easily.

  With the death of the second BOSS, only the space BOSS of the third stage is left.

   As for this boss, Chen Mo can handle it easily.

  In terms of spatial ability, he is not afraid at all.

  The flickering of the gods can flicker freely in the space regardless of the distance. The existence of the body protection orb can make him ignore any terrain damage, which naturally includes the cutting of space cracks. The space boss has almost no effective means for Chen Mo.

   Soon, Chen Mo came out of the time-space rift of Cronus, and got into the time-space rift where the space boss "Space Lord Clarks" was located.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have entered the "Blue Sea of ​​Cracks"! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: This is a mysterious area composed of countless planet fragments and blue space cracks.

  Here, you can see numerous planetary debris floating around, as if a violent space collision had occurred.

   Space rifts flow among the debris of the planet, like water currents in the ocean, forming a vast blue ocean.

  The light from the crack reminds people of the bright galaxy.

  In the center of this area, there is a huge distorted space structure, which is the territory of the space lord Clarks.

   From time to time, a strong space vibration erupts here, as if it can tear any approaching creature.

  The blue space cracks gather here to form a rotating space vortex, containing endless power of space.

   Please be careful, you may encounter chaotic space cracks and space turbulence at any time, no matter how high your defense is, they may directly kill you! 】

Ignoring the warning from Tiandao, Chen Mo flew in it directly, and a **** flickered and entered a huge distorted space structure area in the center, the most chaotic and fragmented space. This is the territory of the space lord Clarks mentioned by Tiandao's reminder .

But at first glance, he didn't see where the space lord was. In fact, it was just a simple trick. This guy hid himself in the triple space crack. Needing to attack the central area three times makes people feel the most strange, and it contains violent Clarks can be awakened by the circular space crack of energy.

  He is in a deep sleep right now.

  As a third-stage boss, he has extremely terrifying means of killing space. If it is a normal challenger, it is best to save the time boss for the end. At least the time boss is good at dealing with single players, and it is almost impossible for group attacks.

  And this BOSS does not discriminate group damage.

  The average team is hard to bear.

  Chen Mo naturally didn't care about this, he directly ordered the skeleton monster to launch three attacks on the circular space crack in the center of the distorted space structure area!

  As the attack of the skeleton monsters landed on the circular space crack, the surrounding situation changed instantly, and the entire circular crack turned into a black hole due to the attack!

  This black hole has an extremely terrifying suction.

   Even Chen Mo was instantly attracted towards the center of the black hole.

   But this is because Chen Mo deliberately did not resist being sucked away, otherwise he could escape with a flash of the gods.

  The last space lord Clarks is going to enter the space behind the black hole to deal with him.

   And compared to the other two bosses, this guy loves to sleep.

  Even though there was such a big commotion, he was still sleeping at this moment.

  As Chen Mo was drawn into the black hole space and was transported to a dark and bright space by the wormhole, the space lord Clarks also appeared in front of him.

  【Heavenly reminder: Warning, "Space Lord Clarks" appeared in front of you! 】

  The image of Clarks is a huge three-dimensional structure, which looks like an entity distorted by stars and black holes.

  His body often flashes various strange space symbols. These symbols are all ancient space languages ​​and have the power to manipulate space.

  He is surrounded by a blue space halo, which seems to be able to span any distance in an instant.

  His existence itself is a spatial singularity, and he can freely travel through and manipulate space.

  His eyes, if you get close enough, look like deep stars that hide endless secrets of space.

Clarks, as a space lord, possesses the supreme space authority. Every movement he makes will cause space to vibrate. Even if he is sleeping at this time, every movement he makes will still cause space ripples and terrible space cracks .

  Chen Mo himself is not afraid of space cracks, but his skeleton monsters don't have this immunity. When the space cracks around him appear strangely, they are instantly cut and instantly killed.

   No amount of defense, HP and shields will work!

   And resurrecting in place is useless, the crack is still there, and if you come alive, you will continue to die.

  These skeleton monsters are like this at this time. After doing sit-ups on the spot, they are all wiped out by the space-time rift.

  But Chen Mo himself will not be injured, so it will not have any impact.

  He directly re-summoned a large number of skeleton monsters on the spot, and prepared to attack the sleeping Clarks.

  (end of this chapter)

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