Chapter 319 The third turn begins! (two in one)

  But as a space lord, and a space lord who has entered the third stage, it is not possible to cause harm to him through conventional means.

  Most of the attacks against him would be diverted to other places due to spatial turbulence, which means that they would not cause any substantial damage to Clarks at all.

  The correct way is to attack other places, and transfer the attack power to Clarks through the space transfer of space turbulence in other places.

  That is to say, you can't aim at the BOSS body as the attack target, you need to output it in the void.

  It takes a lot of time for ordinary people to play here, just figuring out this style of play.

  Chen Mo, who has his own Mola brain cheating device, naturally has no such troubles. He knows exactly where to output the output so that he can transfer the attack to Clarks.

Moreover, Clarks' special killing achievement is also very simple to trigger, that is, killing him when he can't move a spatial displacement, in fact, it is equivalent to killing him while he is still asleep .

  Otherwise, he would immediately activate the displacement as soon as he woke up, and this achievement would be impossible to complete.

  For other challengers, the difficulty of completing this special achievement is probably impossible, especially when facing the third stage of Clarks, who is blood-thick and dying.

  But for Chen Mo, this achievement is very simple. He has hundreds of millions of skeleton monsters attacking together, and can damage and explode in a single round of combined attack.

I saw a group of skeleton monsters attacking a certain turbulent point in the void in unison, and saw a vast number of arrows and various magic bullets flying towards that point, and the space at that point in the next instant There was a weird tremor.

  Looking at Clarks again, these arrows and magic missiles have actually been directly transferred to him.

   It exploded with a crackling sound!

  Clarks' incarnation was directly defeated by Chen Mo while he was still asleep.

  The Heavenly Dao prompt sounded immediately afterwards.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on killing Clarks without using a single space displacement. You have achieved the special achievement "Beyond Space", and you have obtained an SSS-level gift package! 】

  【Tiandao reminder: Congratulations to you for successfully defeating the three bosses of time, space, and reality, and completing the main task of this dungeon, and the dungeon will be settled for you soon! 】

  Yanagi Hanyu, who was still outside, looked dazed at this moment. Before, he saw Chen Mo running back and forth in various cracks in time and space like a headless chicken, and thought he couldn't find it.

   In the end, why did you kill three bosses in a row in one fell swoop, and you were so precise in finding them?

   This is more perverted than my own SS-level positioning compass, I don't know how many times!

  An SS-level thing is naturally incomparable with Chen Mo's Super SSS-level Mo Luo brain without side effects.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Your dungeon has ended. If you pass the evaluation as perfect, you can get a 100-level SSS-level experience dungeon. The basic reward is 89.1 million experience points. 】

  【Prompt from heaven: Since you have completed three special killing achievements this time, the income you get has increased by 3000% rewards, and the experience value income of this copy has increased to 2.67389 billion. 】

[Tiandao Tip: Because the effect of your super SSS-level title Limit Transcendor has taken effect, your dungeon experience value gain has been increased. Since the level difference between you and the dungeon is 40 levels, you have gained an additional 40 times the normal experience value of the dungeon. , you get an additional 3.564 billion.

  Because the effect of your Super SSS Title Limit Transcendor has taken effect, the final income of your dungeon has increased by 100%, and the final experience value gain you have gained in this dungeon is 12.47578 billion experience points! 】

   Following the end of the Heavenly Dao reminder, Chen Mo and Hanyu Liuyin have returned to the dungeon room.

  Hanyu Liuyin looked at Chen Mo in shock and said, "What are the three special kill achievements? It actually directly increased the income of the instance by 30 times!"

   "It's just a special kill condition for the three bosses. Unfortunately, it's not a team reward. It's only a personal special kill reward."

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, Hanyu Liuyin didn't care about the rewards. She was even more curious about why Chen Mo knew all about the special kill conditions.

  She is not a new professional. Before she was taken away by Chen Mo, she was also one of the main players in the dungeon with others. She knew that the bosses she met had special killing conditions and so on.

   But the difficulty lies in the fact that the special killing conditions are so strange that it is impossible to guess easily.

  If Chen Mo triggers this situation once, it is understandable that he is lucky.

   But Chen Mo triggered three special kills in a row, which is obviously not luck.

  『Could it be that he can directly see what the special killing conditions are? This ability is too strong! 』

When Hanyu Liuyin was thinking in his heart, Chen Mo had already read his mind, and Chen Mo didn't explain much about it. He smiled and said: "Thank you senior sister for the treat this time, I have enough experience, I will go back first, this time I don’t know how long it will last with so many experience points at one time, senior sister will come to me next time if you need it.”

Hearing what Chen Mo said, Hanyu Liuyin said with a smile: "I don't have much, but I have accumulated a lot of credits. If you lack experience, you can also come to me directly. Anyway, experience is worth nothing. It will be too much, even if it reaches rank five, this thing is still useful."

   Indeed, experience points are still useful even after five ranks.

   can be transformed into divine power.

  However, the chances of converting experience points into divine power are limited, and they cannot be transferred randomly, otherwise divine power would be too easy to earn.

   But regardless of whether this opportunity is rare or not, you must be prepared in advance, otherwise you will not have a chance to catch it when it comes.

  Even if she used the experience book before, she basically just took the basic experience of the dungeon in a regular manner, and some bonuses.

   It was only these two dungeons I played with Chen Mo that I experienced what is called a direct emptying of the dungeon.

  The income of this experience point is really too explosive.

  Backing to the room, Chen Mo found that the two people outside were actually still shooting towards him with a camera. He shook his head with a smile, and returned to his room with a flash of a god.

   At this time, Remembrance has returned to the room.

  Chen Mo just came back, and synchronized his memory with Zhui Yi.

  It turned out that after Chen Mo entered the dungeon, Recalling soon began to carry out the operation of catching the alien Anzi.

  Possessing the super-wide-range detection ability of the Eye of Origin and the mind-reading ability of the mind-reading technique, he directly flashes a few areas on the earth, which is enough to investigate the whole world clearly.

  Relying on the certificate issued to him by the Headquarters of the Academy Alliance, he took a **** shot and killed all the aliens.

  Many of the people who were killed had established friendships with many people on Earth, and some even fell in love or even got married.

  Of course, most of them are using this behavior to hide their identities.

  But there are two people who have been spies for a long time, and the people of the Yongxing system and the people on the earth have no reproductive isolation at all, so they can get married and have children. After having children, they are a little lost in themselves.

For this special member, although Remembrance is just an incarnation outside the body, his behavior and logic are the same as Chen Mo's. He didn't act rashly, but reported the matter to the three members of the academy alliance headquarters The lord, handed over to the three lords to deal with.

  The three alliance leaders did not have any soft-heartedness or embarrassment. After receiving the return of reminiscence, they immediately sent someone to secretly arrest the two aliens.

   Then through their close people, they told their wives and children that they went down the copy.

  In the end, just reply to them directly and say that the two died in the copy.

   This kind of thing is too common, and there is nothing surprising about it.

  People die in the dungeon every day, without a five-star level, no one can guarantee that it is absolutely safe to enter the dungeon.

   In this way, everything can be handled easily. As for the two cheated women and their children, they can naturally make up for it a little bit.

   Anyway, just keep them from knowing what they have to do with aliens.

  After learning the information, Chen Mo felt that the way the three leaders of the Academy Alliance dealt with it was quite acceptable.

   Kill what should be killed, and at the same time do not implicate the innocent.

  Even if the two people’s positions were shaken because their child was born in the solar system and entered the star registration of the solar system, it still can’t prevent them from being the dark children of the Eternal Star System.

  Currently they can lean towards the solar system side, and the solar system side can give them the solar system star card to directly convert people in this galaxy, but they can still contact the eternal star system side.

  As long as they are brainwashed a few words, they are still very likely to come back. This kind of unstable thing obviously cannot exist.

   It should be killed.

  Chen Mo ignored this matter, anyway, he just wanted to wipe out the cancer on the earth.

   During the search for aliens, Remembrance did not miss the exploration of the natives of the earth.

   As for the people who are currently on the earth, I searched the memory and found nothing unusual.

   As for whether there are similar rapes among those who have already acted in the Tower of Eternity, I don't know.

   I didn't care about this anymore. After having enough experience points, Chen Mo started to prepare for the third career change.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You are about to receive the 20-star professional reincarnation task. Whether you succeed or fail to receive this task, it will consume 1,056.52 million experience points. Are you sure? 】

   "The demand for experience points behind this is really abnormal, and the experience points added by more than 10 billion brushes still feel not enough!"

   A reincarnation task will cost more than 1 billion in an instant, which is still very fierce.

  Of course, this is also related to Chen Mo's challenging challenges.

  He directly chose OK.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The experience value has been deducted successfully. The twenty-star hidden reincarnation mission is officially released. You need to enter a special challenge space to challenge the twenty-star hidden reincarnation mission. Do you want to go now? 】

  【Heavenly reminder: You are about to start the 20-star hidden reincarnation mission. The time consumed during the mission is not synchronized with the outside world. No matter how long the mission time passes, it is equivalent to six hours outside. Please be prepared. 】

   For things like reincarnation missions, Chen Mo naturally has to bring his memories along with him, so that he can complete the collection missions faster if he encounters some troubles.

  The key is that the dungeon time is not very long, only six hours, and there is no need to leave a person outside to study or something.

  As Chen Mo put away his reminiscences and confirmed to enter the dungeon, the Heavenly Dao prompt also sounded.

  【Heavenly reminder: I will send you to the copy of this mission soon...】

  【Heavenly reminder: The third mission of the master of the undead is officially launched. After you successfully enter the forgotten tomb of the land of the dead, you will feel a stronger breath of death and mysterious energy.

  Here is the real test of the undead master. Your next task is to explore and conquer the "death abyss".

  In order to obtain the awakening power of the undead ruler, you need to complete a series of tasks and challenges in the abyss of death.

  『Death Crisis』: Facing the powerful death threat from the abyss of death, you need to protect the residents of the abyss of death and rescue the trapped souls. Through the struggle against the power of death, gradually comprehend the true power of the undead master, and obtain the "undead master's will"!

  『Mysterious Ritual』: Find the ancient undead ritual place, perform the awakening ceremony there, establish contact with the ancestors of the abyss of death, accept their wisdom and power inheritance, and obtain the "Undead Dominion Meaning"!

"Dark Challenge": To face the dark forces in the abyss of death, you need to challenge three powerful undead lords. Each undead lord has unique power and skills. Only by defeating them can you obtain their core of power and synthesize " The power to rule the undead!"

  『Spiritual Test』: Enter the core area of ​​the abyss of death and face the endless illusion of death and the test of the soul. Only with a firm heart of **** can the power of awakening be triggered, unlock the true potential of the dominator of the undead, and obtain the "Heart of the dominator of the undead"!

   After completing all these tasks, you will completely obtain the inheritance of power left by the former master of the undead in the abyss of death, gaining more powerful death power and the ability to control the undead.

  As the master of the undead, you still have the opportunity to obtain professional-specific artifact components in this instance. This requires you to complete a special side task. Please explore the specific task by yourself. 】

  As the hint from the Dao of Heaven ended, Chen Mo's Mo Luo brain was already running at high speed.

   Soon, the detailed content of side missions was analyzed by Mo Luo's brain.

  【Sub-task-Professional Exclusive Artifact】

  As the master of the undead, you will face a unique side task to obtain a professional-specific artifact.

   This quest will take you deep into a mysterious area of ​​the Abyss of Death to find the lost artifact and restore its mighty power.

  〖Task Requirement〗:

You need to find a mysterious necromancer, he will provide you with clues and guidance about professional artifacts, communicate with the instructor, you will learn that the artifact components have been scattered into multiple fragments, and scattered in various dangers in the abyss of death Place.

  You need to explore these locations to find and collect artifact fragments.

  In the process of searching for artifact fragments, you will encounter powerful undead guardians who guard these fragments.

  They have a greedy desire for the power of artifacts, even if it is just a fragment, they will never give it to you easily. Get ready for a fierce battle with them. Only by defeating them can you obtain the fragments of the artifact they guard.

  Once you collect all the pieces of artifact components, you will get the chance to reforge the artifact components.

   Go to a specific altar to interact and perform rituals with the spirit of the altar.

   Combine the fragments into one and recast a complete job-specific artifact component.

   "This time the mission of the third job is really complicated!"

  Chen Mo glanced at all the missions and felt that bringing memories is the right one!

  (end of this chapter)

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